Welcome to King and Priest (of the
) Melchizedek's Web Site

Paul fed YOU with the "Milk (1 Cor 3:2, Heb 5:12-13) of Repentance".
This is the promised "MEAT in due SEASON" that will save YOU from Damnation.
(Ps 104:27, 145:15, Matt 24:45, Luke 12:42)

This web site fulfills the Prophecy of the Bible concerning

The 7th (= Holy, Perfect, Complete) Angel (= Powerful Message)
when HE "should begin to sound…" (Fulfilled …. August 1999)

of Revelation 10:7 and on, found throught the rest of the
"Book of the REVELATION'S of JESUS (the first) CHRIST".

(updated 04-12-2008 / 1-5-6008 M.T.)

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Other Menu Items as well.

GOD (The "SPIRIT of LOVE") delivers " CHRISTHOOD" (PROMISE) for MANKIND. It is so simple. [(Rev 10:7 … the "Mystery of GOD" will be accomplished … NIV )", "7th Angel" simply means "Holy (7th) Powerful Message (Angel)". Telling US "How to be CHRIST' (as in more then ONE)", should fulfill those two requirements.] The "Books" have already been written to be FREELY downloaded off the Internet. It is just a matter of instantaneously, painlessly, putting the " Priciples into Practice" and nothing more. It is that easy and happens as quickly as YOU can snap YOUR fingers at the "Stroke of Midnight". JESUS is "Coming again Peacefully" just as HE departed. How we (deceived mankind) greet HIM is where OUR problems "with HIS RETURN", lay.

The "End Goal" here is to save everything WE (MANKIND) worked so hard to attain, along with MANKIND. This is accomplished by PEACEFULLY, once and for "ALL", establishing the "Seal of GOD (Kingdoms of HEAVEN Rev 11:15 Notice it is written in "past tense".)" at the "Stroke of Midnight" on a "World Wide Basis" for "ALL" parties involved. (It is that simple, but more importantly, it is that painless.) This in turn, having been done on a "World Wide Basis", premanently buries the "Mark of the Beast", and saves (Because the "Plagues" too are canceled.) what WE (MANKIND) otherwise worked so hard to achieve, that can all be destroyed in but an instant, at the turn of a key or a push of a button. The added bonus for PEACEFULLY establishing the "Seal of GOD" is "CHRISTHOOD (Rev 11:15-17) [Mystery of GOD should be finished (Rev 10:7) Solutions To The LATTER RAINS]" for MANKIND.

In other words, to PEACEFULLY physically bring the "Kingdoms of Earth" inline with the "Kingdom of HEAVEN" in the "Physical Realm". This being done in such a manner as to prevent "These Events" WE do not Need, from possibly ever having to happen to any BEING (HUMAN and Angelic). After that, it is just a matter of US forgiving OUR Angelic Friends, for what They put US through in order for US to be able to attain this level of understanding. Seems like a pretty fair trade-off. WE get CHRISTHOOD and They get OUR forgiveness.

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BLESSINGS [Secrets To CHRISTHOOD (Rev 10:7 ... Mystery of GOD will be accomplished ... NIV)] for "ALL" of MANKIND.
This information is coming from the "Courts of HEAVEN"
directed towards the "Kingdoms of Earth"
(Rev 11:15, & 12:10) soon to be transformed
into the physical likeness of the "Kingdoms of HEAVEN".
(Joel 2:32, Acts 2:21, Romans 10:13, I Timothy 4:10b)

Please Note This Very Important Point:

WE have to FIRST physically Transform the "Kingdoms (as in "more then One" but not necessarily "All") of Earth" into the "Kingdoms of HEAVEN" of which then WE automatically have CHRISTHOOD (John 14:12) for MANKIND. Again, see Rev 11:15 for this sequence of events.

1/3 of the Angels Commandeered GOD'S Future Home, Planet Earth, and thereby knowingly deliberately, caused it to be nonconducive to Heavenly Activities by Their lies and Deception. A problem easily ratified by the steadily increasing "Introduction of TRUTH" in HIS own perfect timing (John 16:13). MANKIND and Planet Earth have always been GOD'S Answer in Reserve for when disenchantment finally occurred within the boundries of the "Kingdom of HEAVEN".

WE (MANKIND) have got some minimal work ahead of US to do in order to PEACEFULLY take OUR Planet back thereby causing CHRISTHOOD for MANKIND to become a REALITY. [Mainly, WE PEACEFULLY cast OUR vote, at YOUR place of Voting, for JESUS and HIS "Kingdom" of which HE (JESUS) is still MY "KING of KINGS", "SAVIOUR", and "LORD of LORDS".] This Information is now being released through various Speaking Engagements, short, easy to understand Illistrated Seminars, and with the free (via the Internet) Introduction of this Web Site and these writings, especially found in

JESUS' Greatest Joy
and the
Solution # 1, # 2, and # 3

Click on, download and make a Printout of these
"LATTER RAIN" manuscripts
(Dark Blue, Underlined, Bold listed above)
which especially Unlock the

Whereby, WE are no Longer
"Denying the POWERS thereof"
(2 Timothy 3:5)

Check this Site often. More is added often for it is

Things, only recently, have been done in the "SPIRITUAL REALM (OUR Thought Processing Center)" towards the actual establishment of the "Physical Likeness" of the "Kingdom of HEAVEN" in this "Material World" otherwise known as the physical "Planet Earth". This is but "ONE" of many micro (and not so micro) steps in the establishing of a fully functional yet to be realized, Colossal "Kingdom of HEAVEN" on Planet Earth. (See * below.) WE are "ALL" MEMBERS of the "Kingdom of HEAVEN" otherwise known as the MELCHIZEDEK ORDER. Therefore, it is just a matter of transforming the "Kingdoms of Earth" (See also Revelations 11:15 & 12:10.) into (first) the "Physical Likeness" of the "Kingdom of HEAVEN" upon this, OUR "Physical Realm", otherwise known as "Planet Earth". Then and only then can the "SPIRITUAL LIKENESS" of the REST (Literally as in Relaxation.) of the "Kingdom of HEAVEN" follow suit.

Then it is just a matter for the CATERPILlAR (MANKIND) in HIS cocoon (Non-CHRIST "State of Being".) to emerge as the BUTTERFLY (CHRISTHOOD) the "SPIRIT of LOVE" has always meant for US to be. The problem being, WE will never know [As WE presently are experiencing in OUR dormant (non-CHRIST) "State of BEING".] this GREATNESS until WE apply these principles, as a whole, in at least ONE, if not more, NATIONS of this great PLANET. (See Matthew 13:31-33, 44-46, 24:14, Mark 4:30-32, Luke 13:18-21.)

Now that WE (MANKIND) know the way (See "SOLUTIONS To The LATTER RAINS)", it is just a matter of US (MANKIND) making it so, PEACEFULLY, on each of OUR National Levels, by MANKIND'S voting process. This is the 7th (HOLY) Trumpet announcing the establishment of the "Kingdom of HEAVEN" in the "Physical Realm" at MANKIND'S urging (votes). This is a long overdue JOYOUS CELEBRATION of the "Maturation of MANKIND".

See Revelation 11:15-17 which actually started in the late 1700's at Revelation 10:1-11. (See also Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel Workers page 300.) "... the Angel who Joins the 3rd Angel in the message to be given to the World...." That message being, the "Announcing of the establishment of the "Kingdom of HEAVEN" in the "Physical Realm". In this instance, the word "Angel" is used to represent as in past times, a "Powerful Message Being PROCLAIMED" rather then an actual Angel.

Unfortunately, these same "Solutions To The LATTER RAINS" proceed to sound the Alarms for what the author (WATCHMAN of Ezekiel 3 and 33) has seen and experienced (past tense) "Coming upon the Horizon". That being the "Plagues" with the last being the "MANMADE Nuclear Baptism by Fire" which YOUR Bible likes to refer to as the "Wrath of GOD", "Baptism by Fire" and/or "Brightness of HIS Coming". JESUS is harmless (Hebrews 7:26) and is COMING PEACEFULLY to better help US straighten things out [Acts 1:11 (See Also FAQ.)]. It is not HIS fault WE (deceived MANKIND) feel WE have to launch everything WE have at HIM when HE finally does "Come AGAIN". These "WRITINGS, 3 of THEM" are YOUR "MEAT [Solid Foods (1 Cor. 3:2)]", from the "Courts of HEAVEN" for YOUR benefit beforehand hoping to save YOU from these "CURSES (Plagues Isa 28:19b)", in the first place, to eat. PAUL fed YOU with "Milk" but I, King and Priest Melchizedek (Matthew 24:45 KJV), of the MELCHIZEDEK ORDER, feeds YOU with "MEAT"! This "MEAT" is capable, if followed without deviation Worldwide, of cancelling "ALL" the "Curses of Revelations" for the whole of this WORLD. If WE "ALL" have the "SEAL of GOD", then there is no "MARK of the Beast" which is what starts the negative "Ball" rolling. It is that simple.

After all, it is "This Gospel of (how to establish) the Kingdom (of HEAVEN) that shall be preached [Published (via the Internet) Mark 13:10 KJV] to all the World (Not Necessarily "All the PEOPLE") for a Witness unto all Nations (Demonic Angelic Realm)"; and then the End (of a this particularly demanding "Age") shall come." (Matthew 24:14 paraphrased)

* {Retroactive back to the 1st "Day of Atonement" of Earth's Sabbatical Millennium [09th October 2000 (6000 MELCHIZEDEK TIME) 16 Months 05 Days and counting as January 14, 2002.] (See also Calendars, and DECREES.)

Understandibly, for the ultimate protection of "ALL of MANKIND", WE were still yet deceived (Isaiah 25:7, Matthew 13:52, Revelations 10:7), as of this "Important Above PAST Date (09th October 2000)", before the "Fullness of TRUTH" was yet to be known, of which otherwise, WE would be held even more accountable for OUR "nonrepentant blood". There is yet to be committed "Acts of Ungodliness", against OUR fellow human BEINGS, which will be, then done, for the first time, in OUR full "Knowledge of the TRUTH". All other "Crimes Against HUMANITIES", before now, were committed while the "MYSTRY of GODLINESS (Rev. 10:7)" was still relatively unknown. WE were then, in times past, still very much deceived, unknowingly, going about OUR business, in all the aspects that entails.

Be it known, this "Behind the Scenes" ACT in its present form might just get YOU "Fewer Stripes", on JUDGMENT Day, but nothing more. That is, until it is fully implemented within the confines of "ALL" the "Nations (Kingdoms of Earth)" of the "Physical Realm" as well. This simply requires a physical vote (Lip Service) of the majority of those of US that exercise OUR right to vote, in each of the Nations WE reside within. WE are presently talking "Lip Service" only at this point and time, because by Voting, WE do not actually have to BE "RIGHTEOUS". If WE (MANKIND) bury the "Mark of the Beast" by this simple act of "Lip Service" first, via a majority vote, the rest of Revelations, including the Plagues, are stopped dead in their Tracks, and JESUS can return PEACEFULLY . WE will have sent a clear message to the "Courts of HEAVEN" (Not to mention the Satanic Realm.) WE are willing to negotiate across the PEACE Table (verses a Nuclear battlefield) concerning the items WE do not want to loose (TV, Telephones, Internet, Stock Assets, Houses, CHILDREN, Oceans, but to name a few.) to Nuclear Holocaust. A simple Vote, is all it takes, that presently, may or may not be there.

If on the other hand, WE delay this physical majority vote, WE will then have to cast OUR vote by OUR "Actions (Being RIGHTEOUS)" in order to get into the "Kingdom of HEAVEN" that is otherwise going to be set up "without hands (Daniel 2:45)", on a much smaller scale at first, should the "Counted Votes" not be there, the first, second or the 490th time around (2 Peter 3:9) in the voting booth. There, MY FRIENDS, is the reason for these WRITINGS, the "SOLUTIONS To The LATTER RAINS". For the (TRUE) "LATTER RAINS" only fall upon the RIGHTEOUS, after the "LAST BEING" that is going to "REPENT" has "REPENTED", of which the "HOLY SPIRIT" WHO leads "ALL" MEN to REPENTENCE (but can not force THEM to DRINK) is no longer needed. Something of which [Knowing when the LAST BEING (Angels included) is going to "REPENT" that is.], I, beleive it or not, have no control over. After that, BEING RIGHTEOUS is but only a prerequisite for achieving "CHRISTHOOD". (See Isaiah 24:14-23, Jeremiah 4:10, & 14, and Revelations 15:2-4 for a description of this GROUP in and emerging from the MANMADE "Baptism By Fire". More later.)

For those that still have a blatant disregard for RIGHTEOUSNESS, and attempt to prepetuate WICKEDNESS against the RIGHTEOUS, there is still MALACHI 4:1-3 of which a "Heart as Hard as a Diamond" dissolves as but a snowball, one snowflake at a time. YOU can repent, or YOU play dumb and stay neutral, but do not even attempt to do "wickedness" upon YOUR fellow human BEINGS. After all this, JESUS might just have to resurrect YOU once again for JUDGEMENT DAY. I AM here to prevent this, and the rest of the "Curses" from happening. Just follow the "ROAD MAP" especially "Solution # 1 To The LATTER RAINS" without deviation, and the rest is but a "Cake Walk".

Opening Statement

I AM here for one thing and one thing only. That is to make a "NAME" for MY CREATOR, the "SPIRIT OF LOVE" in which the fullness of this "LOVE" dwells within JESUS (the 1st) CHRIST. The "SPIRIT of LOVE" thought, and therefore, eventually, "WE" came into existence as a part of the "GRAND SCHEME" of things, in HIS own perfect "Timing". In and of myself, I am nobody and I (in and of myself) will have done "Not One Thing" towards the establishment of the "Kingdom of HEAVEN" in the "Physical Realm". It is in and of the "Physical Realm" that things take on their meaning of their existence. Without GOD, not one thing exists. However, "with GOD", everything finds "Total and Complete" meaning in its existence, including the "Devil" and His jealous rage of OUR, soon to be established, unmerited position.

YOU see, WE are ALL KINGS & QUEENS of GOD (Rev.1:6, 5:10). WE surpass the "Devil and His Angels" and WE can not go any HIGHER. The "SPIRIT of LOVE (Still but ONE GOD)" will be LIVING in each of US, in HIS full blown GLORY functioning through each of US as "KINGS and QUEENS". This is despite OURSELVES for what WE [Not yet, for WE are still quite deceived (Acting without benefit of the TRUTH.).] may have done somewhere back in a little old "Time Dispensation Period" WE would (probably) much rather forget ever happened. WE already have all the "AUTHORITY" WE need to get HIS perfect WILL done for this LIFE HE bestowed upon each and everyone of US.

That is not the half of it. WE are also "PRIEST & PRIESTESS" of this same MELCHIZEDEK ORDER. There is therefore, "NOTHING" in "ALL the UNIVERSE" that will not be subject to OUR "AUTHORITY" in all aspects of its existence, with US being "As CHRIST'". The problem is, the "PRINCIPLES" that make these "POWERS" so, WE are presently unknowingly "Violating", no fault of OUR own, which in turn, keep these "POWERS", from transpiring. Satan is very intelligent in this area when it comes to playing this game of keeping MANKIND in the dark concerning OUR GLORIOUS DESTINY. A Problem these WRITINGS hope to remedy here and now.

However, WE are still "PRIESTS and PRIESTESS" in that WE have the ability to forgive and forget with possibly, the ability to intercede [even if only in PRAYER, at first, (Prov. 15:8b)] on the behalf of any and all created BEINGS. WE can also draw upon the experience of "What WE know" having dabbled in the "World of Sin (Knowing what it was like not being a CHRIST.)", and having been rescued from it, thanks to the "BLOOD" of "ONE RIGHTEOUS LIFESTYLE". Because of this, WE too, can intercede if WE find a BEING (OUR crying Little BABY) WHO is unsure as to why THEY are in any particular situation they may find themselves confronted with, not knowing what their proper response should be, no questions asked.

(MOMMY/DADDY) PEOPLE, if it can get any better then this, YOU will have to tell ME how. WE are the "PHYSICAL EMBODIMENT" of the fully functional LIVING "MOST HIGH GOD" in ALL "HIS" full blown GLORY. TRANSLATED....WE are CHRIST' in the flesh. Do not get ME wrong here, there is still only ONE GOD simply recreating HIMSELF in the "Physical Realm" through a vehicle otherwise known as MANKIND, on a Grand Scale I might add.

What might I ask did WE do to deserve ALL this? Nothing, not one thing. This is but a "Series of Steps" along the way in the "CREATION PROCESS" of "LIVING TEMPLES" of the "MOST HIGH GOD". A process MANKIND can not derail, whatsoever, due to the various "Fail/Safe Systems" built into the Design Super Structure (Luke 14:26-33). [See especially the Introduction to Solution # 1 To The LATTER RAINS" for but a few of these OVERSIGHTS (I refer to as "Trump Cards".) WE, before now, were not told about.]

Getting to CHRISTHOOD, from here, is the problem. Presently, there are simply some "ever so slight" MISUNDERSTANDINGS (and that is all it is that causes US so much pain and suffering.), that need to be cleared up from MANKIND'S perspective. This being done in order that the way may be paved for the smooth, PEACEFUL [AM I or AM I not the "KING of PEACE (Salem)" as well?] return of JESUS CHRIST. I AM talking about the "Total and Complete" cancellation and elimination of the "Mark of the Beast", "the Plagues", and the (MANMADE) "Lake of Fire". The "Lake of Fire" is simply the "Pooling of Elements" after they return from their gaseous "State of Existence (blocking Sun and Moon)" to their molten liquid "State of Existence" caused by the repeated "Release of Massive amounts of Heat (mutlible warhead H-Bombs)." This same "Lake of Fire" eventually becomes, after still many hot torturous days, as it cools still further, the "Sea of GLASS of Revelations 15:2-4". Low and behold, there emerges "Singing the Song of MOSES (10 Commandments) (Verse 3)" and having the "Testimony of JESUS CHRIST (Verse 4)", OUR "5 Foolish Virgins".

Think about it! The "World Wide Acceptance" of the "SEAL of GOD (Solutioin # 1)" STOPS the rest of the "Curses (of Satan)", dead in their tracks before they even "Beginning to Develope". I will even throw in, for GOOD measure, since WE have all been such GOOD little BOYS and GIRLS (After having learned of the TRUTH and acting accordingly.), the sting of "JUDGMENT DAY". WE will still have to "Bow the Knee" but that is all YOU will have to do, and that, in and of itself, is relatively painless, compared to the "Alternatives" WE otherwise, are faced with.

I AM not saying I have a little AUTHORITY "under MY belt" to accomplish this endeavor, but, this objective alone, is, in and of itself, accomplished, painlessly, at the "Stroke of Midnight", just in "Solution # 1 To The LATTER RAINS" all by itself. Turn around, look all YOU want, MRS. LOT. The "Curse" is gone. "Totally and Completely" done away with and WE are only to "Solution # 1 To The LATTER RAINS". I [The "SPIRIT of LOVE (GOD)" LIVING within ME] will gladly show YOU the way, but YOU, GUYS and GALS, have to make it happen, painlessly at the "Stroke of Midnight" (and it is that simple). Having followed this "Solution # 1 To The LATTER RAINS" To The Letter, YOU will still go to YOUR same Churches on Sunday, and YOU still still start YOUR "Work Weeks" on Monday, the first day of the week.

Again, one of MY many goals is to bring about the PEACEFUL return of JESUS CHRIST. As it presently is, when JESUS comes again, mankind is going to launch everything (especially Nuclear) we have at HIM. This is not OUR CREATORS PERFECT WILL for OUR lives which HE gave US. WE, thereby force OUR CREATOR, because HE (REPENTED not that HE did create US) created US, to claim "Total and Complete" responsibility {Through HIS permissive WILL [Which simply put, is OUR "freewill (snicker, snicker, snicker)" in a "Time Dispensation Period"] where nothing is REAL [REAL being, "WITHOUT CHANGE (corruption)", as in ETERNITY.] snicker, snicker, snicker.} for this most unholy atrocity. This ultimate "Form of Defiance" of launching OUR Nuclear Arsonal at JESUS, in HIS TRANSLATED BODY, of all BEINGS, is totally and completely, the improper response. The "Brightness of Jesus' 2nd Coming" (and our total annihilation of everything WE worked so hard to attain) is nothing more then this manmade "Nuclear Holocaust" created solely by a few Beings (Demonic Angels) acting upon their own (pseudo) authority with deceived mankind as Their pawns.

Having said that, the most logical way, by far, to deal with this problem is to eliminate all "Weapons of Mass Destruction" from mankind's "Bag of Tricks". This includes but is not limited to "Chemical and Biological Weapons" as well. Then it is just a matter of rewriting the Bible, leaving the prophecies dealing with the destructive nature of the "End Times", out completely. [This, believe it or not, I too, have the AUTHORITY to do. That is, rewrite the terribly mistranslated (in key areas) Bible.] Getting rid of OUR "Weapons of Mass Destruction" (Which is not a part of any of MY "Solutions To The LATTER RAINS" in any way, shape, or form.) is a completely different "Ball Game" of which, in the short amount of "Time" remaining, I do not see happening (via the "Disassembling Process").

That, therefore, brings us to the only other alternative I, King and Priest of the MELCHIZEDEK ORDER, have at MY disposal concerning JESUS' PEACEFUL return to this great planet. That is, simply put, to get as many PEOPLE, as possible, out of harms way in the short amount of Time WE do have yet remaining, in this particular "Age". Are YOU game for quickly getting out of the way of a "Nuclear Holocaust"?

To accomplish this, WE have before US, freely (via the Internet, to be copied and freely handed out), "Solution # 1", "Solution # 2", and "Solution # 3 To the LATTER RAINS". JESUS showed US how an activated and especially, a "TRANSLATED RIGHTEOUS CHRIST" is immune to the "Laws of Physics". To activate that same source of POWER, that richly dwells within each and every MAN, WOMAN, and CHILD, is precisely the intent of this division of Melchizedek's Ministry. However, presently, only "Solution # 1 To the LATTER RAINS" is being release in that, each of the additional steps (As WE are presently demonstrating on a daily basis.) are totally useless, without the first step being firmly locked in place. Just be it known, there is alot more here WE are dealing with then just what appears to be on the surface that I can not possibly go into right now, without having a little more faith in the MAN behind the MESSAGE. Therefore, YOU have before YOU, "Solution # 1 To the LATTER RAINS" and "JESUS' Greatest JOY" via which, YOU can better get to know ME as well. By the way, if YOU have not guessed it by now, MY favorite color is blue, and I AM HUMAN with feelings, just like the rest of YOU.

PURPLE stands for ROYALTY of which I have reserved for each one of YOU (MANKIND) in MY WRITINGS for when YOU reach status of "CHRISTHOOD" where each of YOU are truly KINGS and QUEENS, PRIESTS and PRIESTESS of the MELCHIZEDEK ORDER (Rev. 1:6 and 5:10).

First things first (Getting MANKIND to safety) but MY primary Goal, for being here, again, is to clear up MY CREATOR'S quite tarnished REPUTATION [Isaiah 25:7, (Mystery of GOD should be finished.) Rev.10:7].


[meaning Politically Active (Not Tax Deductible)]
and a PRIESTHOOD [meaning Ability to Intercede
(I Corin. 9:9-14, I Timothy 5:18) and "Not for Profit".] of the
"Courts of HEAVEN".
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