GRAPHIC'S Following Short Introduction (Updated 09/16/2003)

Before I begin, I, King of PEACE (That is "King of PEACE between HEAVEN and Earth") can not make this any plainer. I AM doing the best I can to keep each of YOU from experiencing the first of these "2 Choices" (coming up shortly). Simply trying to save everything MANKIND has worked so hard to attain. Nothing more, nothing less. If WE "ALL" receive the "SEAL of GOD" (GOLD), then NOBODY gets the "Mark of the Beast" and the rest of Revelations comes to a grinding halt.

In case YOU did not know, this is "Meat in Due Season (Matt. 24:45, Luke 12:42)" weaning MANKIND from the "Milk of PAUL (1 Cor 3:2)". PAUL's Milk, the "Gospel of Repentence", can not save YOU from the "Brightness of JESUS' 2nd Coming" if YOU have not 1st moved on [Repented of Transgressing "ALL" the LAW. Sin is the Transgression of the LAW. (1 John 3:4)] beyond HIS teachings. This again, comes from King and Priest (of PEACE and RIGHTEOUSNESS) Melchizedek of which the HIGHEST ORDER of AUTHORITY bears the "SAME NAME (The MELCHIZEDEK ORDER of AUTHORITY)".

That is "King of PEACE between HEAVEN and Planet Earth". So YOU know, JESUS is "ONLY" known as the "Prince of Peace (Isa 9:6)" and HE, as I, can not stop what (deceived) MANKIND freely chooses to do with THEIR (Nuclear) arsenal when HE chooses to "COME AGAIN". This is also known as the "Brightness of HIS COMING", of which there is NO "3rd Coming" a 1000 Years later.

So YOU know, the "Millennium (Rev 20:1-10)" {headed up by Jesus and the "24 ELDERS [1st Resurrection (Rev 20:5b & Matt 27:51-53)]" in the "Courts of HEAVEN"} has been running parallel to the "Time of the Gentiles" (headed up by the "HOLY SPIRIT" and MANKIND) here on "Planet Earth". I assure YOU, the "HOLY SPIRIT" had more then enough "POWER in RESERVE" to keep Satan bound up these past 2,000 years or these past 2 days according to Hosea 6:2 and 2 Peter 3:8. (I say fellow SOJOURNER, our Time is about up.) Sorry FOLKS, it was just been (deceived) MANKIND lying to (deceived) MANKIND [Human Dung being force feed to US from the Pulpet, no less, that WE are paying for with OUR Tithe Money (Eze 4:12-17).], and doing a pretty good job of it, I might add, just as PAUL said it would happen in Acts 20:30.

I AM also known as "The 'Voice of GOD'" according to the writings of E.G. White, for those of YOU that might be following that "Flair of Theology". (SDA Comm. Vol 1 Pg 1092 Parg 8, SM Bk 1 Pg 409 Parg 3, The E.G. White 1888 Materials pg 533 parg 10 without beginning to touch upon what SHE says about the Tithe question concerning Melchizedek) I prefer what the Bible alludes to ME as; "HIS most unprofitable servant (Luke 17:7-10)", Melchizedek. (Please forgive ME, LORD JESUS. YOU (JESUS) came in PEACE. THEY (MANKIND) supplied the (Nuclear) fireworks. I did not mean for THEM to destroy any part of YOUR most wonderful future home, otherwise known as "Planet Earth".)

Can I make it any more obvious to YOU? YOU can not get much HIGHER to the TOP when YOU are dealing with King and Priest Melchizedek of the MOST HIGH GOD of the MELCHIZEDEK ORDER of SUPREME AUTHORITY. Without further ado, here is how YOU receive the "SEAL of GOD" (GOLD) worldwide.



before US. are:

# 1 : Get Rid of (As in dismantle.) OUR (The whole World's) Nuclear Arsenal. These Nuclear Warheads are what produce the so called "Wrath of GOD (I refer to it as the "Insanity of MAN")", the "Lake of the Fire", the "Baptism by Fire", the "Gnawing of the Teeth" and after the "Lake of the Fire" eventually cools from 10,000 degrees and hardens, WE have the "Sea of Glass (Rev 15:2, 21:21b)". What are the chances of US dismantling "ALL or Any Part" of OUR Nuclear Stockpile?


# 2 : Become RIGHTEOUS.

ie. REPENT of TRANSGRESSING "ALL" of the LAW hopefully before the "Age of Grace (Time of the Gentiles)" comes to an end.

P.S. FYI The "Age of Grace" ends at the coming of the "LATTER RAINS" of which the "SOLUTIONS To The LATTER RAINS" can be down loaded and Published [Fulfilling Bible Prophecy (Matthew 24:14 & Mark 13:10 KJV)] to "ALL" Nations and the END shall come.

Sorry PEOPLE, the "BLOOD of JESUS" keeps YOU out of the "Baptism of Fire" only if YOU first REPENT of "Transgressing the LAW" before the "LATTER RAINS (Celebration of the "HOLY SPIRITS" victories.)" come. JESUS has to be "LORD" and "SAVIOUR" and not "LORD" or "SAVIOUR" to keep US out of the otherwise manmade "Baptism by Fire".

By the way, the "LATTER RAINS" come not because of something I, or anybody else for that matter, wrote, said, or did, but rather because the "Last PERSON" who is going to repent, has repented, and the work of the "HOLY SPIRIT" is no longer needed here on Planet Earth. Again, the "LATTER RAINS" are a "Celebration of the Departure" of the "HOLY SPIRIT" enacted upon the then known "RIGHTEOUS PEOPLE".

Kingdoms of EARTH


Isaiah 60:12 For the Nation and kingdom that will not serve thee
(Zion ie. Kingdoms of HEAVEN) shall perish; yea, those nations shall be utterly wasted.
See also Jeremiah 4:20 - 29.

Do not allow YOURSELVES to be deceived any more then WE already are. WE are not being "BLESSED" in anyway shape or form in comparison to how WE "Could BE BLESSED" form the vantange point of actually being within the confines of the "Kingdom of HEAVEN". The fact of the matter is, WE are really quite cursed from the standpoint of OUR existence in these "Kingdoms of Earth". It is just that, before now, WE have not had anything to even compare (Mark 4:30, Luke 13:20) OUR pathetic "Form of Existence" with, much less experience how TRULY GRAND LIFE was meant to be, from GOD'S Vantage Point! WE are only hurting OURSELVES by delaying this "CHANGE" any longer.

These are "Imperfect" Kingdoms. For starters, who ever heard of a Week ending in the middle of the Weekend? (Notice how the Center does not line up with the rest of the diagram.) This in and of itself warrants change without even taking into consideration the more benificial connotations to OUR society as a whole. JESUS presently only knows what WE could do with a few CHRIST running around this place.

P.S. These "Kingdoms" are stymied of Satan. This is not by accident either. He (Satan) knows what it takes to be a CHRIST and is bound and determined to keep it from happening any sooner then need be. Therefore, there is no "CHRISTHOOD for MANKIND (GOLD)" with the Earth set up in the above ("Kingdoms of Earth") configuration.

All this comes into play instantaneously at the "Stroke of Midnight" when WE vote to strike the "Name (Only) of One Day [Preferrably the "Day of ATONEMENT" when HEAVEN and EARTH become ONE with "Each Other (At-ONE-MENT)".]" from the "Calendar" so that the rest of the "Days of the Week" move over and fill in the void. Here is what it looks like. Pay special attention to "Parts in GOLD".

Kingdoms of HEAVEN

These are "Prefect" Kingdoms. (Center lines up with rest of diagram.) Now JESUS can PEACEFULLY transpose HIS "Kingdom of HEAVEN" upon planet Earth and WE can negotiate OUR other differences out PEACEFULLY across the table instead of across a Nuclear Battlefeild. Having done this "World Wide", thus having saved the Planet from another more drastic MANMADE disaster, WE would have a greater influence on the side of MANKIND to bargain with. For one thing, WE would still have all of OUR possessions (MANMADE Creations) to bargain with. The alternative is having just OUR SOULS (Thanks to the MIGHTY hand of GOD plucking US from the "FIRE" and this "Sea of Glass" to bargain with. It is kind of hard to Plow a "Sea of Glass" with an Ox especially if all OUR iron now makes up that "Sea of Glass" composite.

Check it out. In Revelation 15:11 WE first become (Past tense.) "Kingdoms of OUR LORD JESUS" and then WE get CHRISTHOOD. See also Revelation 12:10.

[meaning Politically Active (Not Tax Deductible)]
and a PRIESTHOOD [meaning Ability to Intercede
(I Corin. 9:9-14, I Timothy 5:18) and "Not for Profit".] of the
"Courts of HEAVEN".
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