Something WE can all do FREELY
This is another CHARACTERISTIC of the "Kingdom of HEAVEN"
"Everything is FREE, but it is not cheap."
(Revised: February 02, 2004)

Wish # 1

There is more to this Ministry beside "Crackers and Grape Juice". Some PEOPLE go to church all their lives never hearing this Information, and are still lost (non-repentant) despite all the time and money THEY gave to their particular Organization. It does not have to be that way from here on out. Therefore, in hopes of preventing this from happening to YOU, as Priest of the MOST HIGH GOD, King Melchizedek respectfully requests the honor of YOUR presence in YOUR own Church (or Home) Sanctuary on the 7th Day Sabbath, which is presently Saturday (Earth's Time.). I would be glad to join YOU there, if the means were provided for, to make ME being there personally with you, happen. This request is even more-so important as this "Age of GRACE" winds down. No body changed the "Times (WHO ever heard of a "Week ending in middle of the weekend?)" or the "Laws (Sanctity of Sabbath was never changed to the 1st day of the week, idolatry was never done away with, and the 10th Commandment is not broken in half.)". (P.S. It is impossible to break GOD'S LAWS. THEY break YOU.) An invitation with MY needs and MY FAMILIES needs provided for is all it takes, to learn "Oh so much more". This being done in order to preach the "Gospel of the Kingdom of HEAVEN", and so much more, to "ALL" that would enjoy hearing about this blessed soon coming SACRED event.

I realize this is a tall order to fill in these troubling times (Luke 16:31, & 2 Tim 4:3-4) but rest assured, YOUR Sanctuary would have to be free from rent for ME and free from any "Offerings of any type" from YOU for there will be no "Exchange of Monies" in the "House of GOD" on that "Blessed SACRED Day" (Decide what YOU are going to give a head of the Sabbath and not on the Sabbath. 1 Cor 16:2) from sundown Friday to sundown Saturday. Free will offerings and TRUE tithes can be mailed, certified mail, if need be, to the below address, if interested parties so desire to help dry up the River Euphrates (Money) flowing through Babylon (pseudo religions).

If interested please E-mail ME or call the phone number below and leave a message concerning the time and place YOU can best be reached for arrangements to possibly be made. Thank YOU ahead of time for YOUR interest in YOUR own personal salvation and of THOSE in YOUR Congregation. This is pretty serious stuff. (The order of business is to 1st repent of transgressing "ALL" the 10 Commandments including the Sabbath, and then, 2ndly, and only then, get baptized in the "Name of JESUS". P.S. No body has been baptized in the Trinitarian Formula, nor has any body received the "gift of the HOLY GHOST through the Trinitarian Formula" in any of the Bibles I have read.) For without repentance, the "BLOOD of JESUS" will only cause YOU to survive the "FIRE". MY intension is to do everything in MY POWER to keep YOU out of that "Lake of FIRE" in the first place. That involves one of two options. They are (A) "Cancel the Mark of the Beast" (Read and heed "Solution # 1 To The LATTER RAINS"), or (B-1) Get the ONES that accepted JESUS, as their SAVIOUR, to repent of breaking "ALL" 10 Commandments, thereby making HIM their LORD also, (B-2) get the ONES that "Keep the Commandments" to also accept JESUS, as their SAVIOUR as well, (B-3) and for THOSE that do neither, I have to get THEM to do both. That is, Repent of breaking the "LAW of LOVE", and accept JESUS as THEIR Saviour, in that order, as well.

Think about it. The only "Set of Laws (Moral, Civil, Dietary or Health, and Sacrifical Laws.)" nailed to the cross MY beloved human BEINGS, was the "Animal Sacrificial Laws" of which JESUS became the ultimate SACRIFICE. Is it worth the gamble. What are MY chances of any of the above options happening? Pray for ME and Option "A" which is by far, the easiest way to go.

Wish # 2.

CALENDARS!!! I could use help in the area of having "Calendar Sponsorship" for the "Printing and Distribution" of the "MELCHIZEDEK Time" Calendars to the specifications of the "MELCHIZEDEK ORDER" as always having been established by the "Courts of HEAVEN" and the "Kingdom of HEAVEN". This is in regards to the "Concepts of Time" especially since this past October 9th, 2000 concerning the "Planet Earth". These "CALENDARS" are presently up and on this Site to be "downloaded and printed" freely at Calendars to be handed out. Please use continuous feed paper, and feel free to personalize them YOURSELF by putting YOUR own pictures with them.

This could be done as a "LOVING Act of Kindness" on however as big of a scope the as INDIVIDUALS, Churches, Businesses, or Governments feels they can handle, to accommodate all their MEMBERS.

Wish # 3.

I wish I could tell more PEOPLE faster and more efficiently then I already AM. I need help with the "Spreading of This Message" by "Word of Mouth", the "Internet", "E-mail", and possibly with "Advertising Costs". This is the "7th (Holy) Angels (Powerful Message) beginning to Sound" that started on Planet Earths Sabbatical Millennium, which is the year 2000, YOUR time. (That is equal to the Year "6000" in Melchizedek Time.). It is also Daniel 2:44-45, Matthew 24:14, and The Revelations of JESUS CHRIST 10:1-7 (Mystery of GOD ... finished ...)-11 and 11:15-17 to name but a few Bible verses. The more PEOPLE that know about this "Web Site", the better prepared WE all will be for the "2nd Coming of (1st) 'CHRISTHOOD (for MANKIND)' and (2ndly) the possibility of a PEACEFUL (Minus the MANMADE Nuclear Intervention.) 'Return of JESUS'."

Pass this "Web Site" on to Media Personnel to Study and Report on this "STORY". This is GLORIOUS NEWS. It does get better then this, much better then this by far. WE are in a "Time Dispensation PERIOD", for "HEAVENS" sake (literally). WE are NOT in "ETERNITY". They are two totally different "ENTITIES" entirely. "Time" can exist within the boundaries of "ETERNITY" but "ETERNITY" can not exist within the confines of "Time" for "Time" has a beginning and an end. To existence in "Time" is an unbelievably crude form of existence, for "Temporal Purposes" only. Eventually, "Time" shall be no more (Rev.10:6b). WE are supposed to be shouting this "MESSAGE" from the roof tops. Any help I can get in doing this is "Greatly Appreciated" from the bottom of MY heart.

The Angelic Realm, knowing especially "How To Stiffle 'THY GREAT POWER (Rev. 11:17b)' of the 'SPIRIT of LOVE'." predestined to have the Calendars set up to "MANKIND'S Disadvantage [Kingdoms of this World (Rev. 11:15)]" and WE have been paying dearly for it, with OUR own LIVES, every since.

Wish # 4.

Be a part of "Fulfilling Bible Prophecy". See Mark 13:10 (Reference note: An the Gospel [of the Kingdom] must first be published among all nations.). I wish more PEOPLE would use their computers to help spread this "MESSAGE" freely. YOU can each have an "Active Role" in bringing JESUS back "PEACEFULLY" and canceling all those "Curses (Plagues)" WE do not need.

Print and hand out "Solution # 1 To The LATTER RAINS" to YOUR FRIENDS, NEIGHBORS, Church MEMBERS, and RELATIVES, and those that do not have Internet access. Otherwise, if YOU have access to a Publishing House and want to publish many books at a time to be freely handed out, by all means, get in contact with ME and lets make it happen as well. Take an "Active Role" in bringing JESUS back "PEACEFULLY" and canceling all those "Curses" WE do not need. Give these writings out as presents.

Pass this "FREE" site around. E-mail YOUR public OFFICIALS to permanently (and it shall stand forever Daniel 2:44b) CHANGE THOSE CALENDARS where Sunday is the Seventh-day Sabbath (By instantaneously dropping the "Name of a Day out, keeping the number the same, of the weekly cycle.) and not by tacking the (WARNING in RED.) "first day on at the end of the Week". To do the former, YOU have the SEAL OF GOD. To do the latter is the (WARNING in RED.) "Mark of the Beast". Then e-mail "Heads of State" of the rest of the "Nations" as well. Do not forget the United Nations DIGNITARY'S as well. Write YOURSELF into the Holy Bible by helping to fulfill Bible Prophecy. Mark 13:10 says, "And the gospel (of the "Kingdom of HEAVEN") shall be published [Via the Internet (Printing Press is a relatively new invention.) among all NATIONS. [Notice it does not say "to all PEOPLE" in either place (Matthew 24:14, 28:19-20).]

Wish # 5.

Sponsorship for OUR "Various Expenses" is "Always Welcome". The money received goes towards the prevention of Revelations 15:2 from happening to OUR "5 Foolish VIRGIN" FRIENDS. THE "5 Foolish VIRGINS [LAMPS (BODIES) do not have the "Extra OIL" with THEM.]" are a "Group of PEOPLE" that have JESUS either as THEIR "SAVIOUR ("Forgive US of OUR Transgressing the LAW".)" but not THEIR LORD ["WE however, refuse to Keep YOUR 'HOLY DAYS (Seventh Day Sabbaths, New Moons, and Feast Days which "ALL" point out something JESUS did for US, or is going to do for US.)' JESUS"]", or visa-versa, but THEY do not have JESUS as both THEIR "LORD and SAVIOUR".

I AM trying to prevent this from happening to this "Group of PEOPLE" ahead of "Time". Thus the "MAIN" purpose I AM presently here, presently now. That is, to get "ALL" of MANKIND to "SAFETY" for now, which is accomplished by simply permanently buring forever, the (Warning in Red.) "Mark of the Beast", which will suffice for now.

Revelations 15:2 is where THEY (5 Foolish VIRGINS) "Finally Emerge", from THEIR intense "FIERY GRAVE (Multible Nuclear Warhead.)", after many "Days Without Rest". This is after the (Gaseous, then Molten) "Lake of Fire" eventually solidifies enough for THEM to walk upon [While still burning (Rev. 15:2a)], suddenly "Singing the 'Song of Moses (WE sure wish WE had kept those 10 Commandments now.)' while 'Praising "JESUS NAME" (Rev. 15:3-4)'." Mission accomplished (Rev. 14:2).

Unfortunately, Revelations, especially here, it not in "Chronological Order" because this is after, this "GROUP" had already gone through the "PLAGUES". This being done (administered by the Satanic Realm), in hopes from HEAVEN (once again), THEY (5 Foolish VIRGINS) would "Repent of 'Transgressing the LAW'", in "Keeping this 'Lake of Fire Incident" from having to transpire this way, especially upon deceived MANKIND, once again. The "Egyptian Idols" where "Brought to Bear" in like manner as well. WE have a different "Set of Idols" addresssed by a different "Set of Plagues" to contend with.

For YOUR information, there is the "General Fund", "Advertising Expenditures", "Computer and Web Site Expenses", "Various Publishing Costs", but to name a few. WE are "Not-For-Profit (Priesthood by HEAVENLY Standards)" but not Tax-exempt, because of OUR "Political Activities (Kingship) Worldwide". Make checks payable to "Melchizedek's Ministry". Checks not earmarked for certain expenditures will go into the "General Fund" to be "Used as Needed". WE hope to expand into Television and Radio programs and advertisement as well. Thanks to "Each of YOU" for YOUR "Various Types of Support" YOU can render.

In a closing note on this point, "Should JESUS come again, PEACEABLY?", MANKIND will have a greater say, "Through Negotiations", across a table with JESUS, "In What Stays, and What Goes (401K's, Investments, Property, Television and the various Programs, Telephones, Computers, Various Types of Businesses, Vehicles, OUR Oceans that can not handle 10,000 degrees F., but to name a few)", verses a "Nuclear Holocaust" where WE lose everything and start at "Ground Zero From Scratch" with "Nothing On The Negotiations Table From OUR Standpoint". In otherwords, THOSE of US that have the most to loose (and the least to gain), have the most to loose (Matthew 19:23-26). "ETERNAL LIFE" is the "Penny" (Matthew 20:1-16) WE all are paid. What WE "Only Think" WE have to go through "To Get That 'Penny'", is where the "Problem Lies". YOU all are TRULY "SOMEBODIES That Accomplished All These Great Acheivements" that are all TRULY worth saving from the "Baptism by Fire" caused by MANKIND.

Wish # 6.

Most importantly, if this can not be accomplished upon a World Wide basis, a "Nation" is needed to grant suitable "Real Estate" free of "Government Intrusions", of any type, to put these GOD given "RIGHTS of MY Freedom of R.E.L.I.G.I.O.N." into Practice. It would be a "Kingship and a Priesthood" with a direct line of "Communications" to the "Courts of HEAVEN" void of any "Demonic Intervention (Spiritual Wickedness In High Places)" set up on the "Kingdom of HEAVEN'S Calendar System", based upon the "10 Commandments", with a "HEAVENLY Constitution (Theocracy, which includes the teaching "GOD Does Not Kill, Main, Murder, or Destroy, In Any Way Shape or Form.")" in place. This being done, would be looked upon as a "MAJOR" joint "PEACE OFFERING" initiated from "Planet Earth" to the "COURTS of HEAVEN". However, this "Land Grant Option" needs to be accomplished rather quickly, before Daniel 2:44 & 45, 7:14, 18, 27, is otherwise accomplished, via the "GOD of HEAVEN" ... "Without Hands".

Of course, any "Nation" wanting to adopt these "HEAVENLY Policies", "Nation Wide", thereby keeping their "Political System" in place, without the "Land Grant Option", being exercised, is encouraged to do so, by all means. In "Doing So" that "Nation" is thereby PEACEFULLY fulfilling Revelations 11:15-17 which started at Revelations 10:1-(7)-11, throughout the World (Sea & Earth) in the late 1700's, with the "Opening of the Book of Daniel's (Little Book)" prophetic "Time Lines". When I AM informed "Two or More Nations (Rev. 11:15)" are doing this (Changing Their Calendars), the "Official Revised Versions" of Solution # 2 To The LATTER RAINS, and Solution # 3 To The LATTER RAINS will be freely released, "Rapid Fire", via the Internet, thereby fulfilling the "Rest of Revelations 10:7" concerning the "Mystery of GOD (Isaiah 25:7)" being revealed.

Wish # 7.

I wish YOU would E-mail ME if YOU find so much as a spelling error, and see how long it takes ME to correct it. Any voluntary help in better understanding how the different aspects of the "Web Works", and how I can better use this avenue is greatly appreciated as well. Thank each of YOU for YOUR TIME and UNDERSTANDING as YOU grasp the concepts of what is going on HERE and NOW.

The "Courts of HEAVEN", THANKS each and every one of YOU for YOUR HELP and UNDERSTANDING as well. JESUS is coming again whether WE are ready for HIS speedy return or not. Knock YOURSELVES out demonstrating LOVE for ONE ANOTHER.

King and Priest Melchizedek

[meaning Politically Active (Not Tax Deductible)]
and a PRIESTHOOD [meaning Ability to Intercede
(I Corin. 9:9-14, I Timothy 5:18) and "Not for Profit".] of the
"Courts of HEAVEN".
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