A Summary of the Traits of the "Kingdom of
) (Updated 02/24/2013)
Dedicate To THEE ELECT and
THOSE wanting to become OF
How To Pattern YOUR "Shiloh" After The
"Kingdom of HEAVEN"
Please understand, each ONE of these "POINTS
" probably should be
expanded upon enough to fill a small Library. However, "Time" is
presently, not on OUR side, this late in the GAME, for any number of US to
get together and "Brainstorm" each of these "POINTS
". Therefore, keep in mind, this is but a "Summary Version [As
noted by ("*") reminding US "more could be
written upon this Topic".]" of these different
"POINTS", for now. Having said that ... "Let US
Where's This Place Again?
I AM referring to "Shiloh" simply as a
"Physical Place" in YOUR own surroundings of which
" PEACE and
TRANQUILITY", are the NORM. The Secret to having this "PEACE and TRANQUILITY", is the
more WE PHYSICALLY and "SPIRITUALLY" reflect the
"Kingdom of HEAVEN [Meaning, the less "claims" the
Demonic Angels have against US.("*")]", the
more "Protection" WE are Provided JESUS and
HOLY Angels("*").
This "Place"
called "Shiloh" can exist on any "Property" YOU have
"Authority Over"("*").
Whether it be YOUR "Home", "Business", "Church", the "Vehicle" WE may live
in, the "BODY" YOU are "Dwelling within", or as bad as things are today, it
might just be OUR toothbrush, WE have "authority over". What every YOU
have YOU can "Write-up (download) Paperwork On", defining the very CHARACTERISTICS of that "Non-Human Property" within YOUR
posession. These
just happen to be the "CHARACTERISTIC'S of the Kingdom of
HEAVEN("*")", never before, defined,
in so many WORDS, that apply across the board.
WE are going to start with a "Broad Overview" and "Narror Down"
and become more precise as WE go along. Needless to say, the closer each
of these "Points" are to the "Top of the List", the more important each of
those "Traits" are.
Now granted, there are some things WE can do feel WE have any
"Control" over what-so-ever. Simply put, that is not OUR "Shiloh" presently.
The "NAME of the GAME" here is to
"Be RIGHTEOUS", or just plain (Point # 1) REPENT of which, if WE "ALL" REPENTED,
"HEAVEN'S PURPOSE (For this "Set"
of Ages.)" would be accomplished. Down comes the "Gavel", "Bang"
screams out the loud sound. "Case Closed, LET US ALL GO
HOME." Oh! If it were only that simple. (More
later on What WE are supposed to "Repent" of?)
The next point (Point # 2) being,
YOU must be "Born again". This is done a couple of ways, but each of
these ways, still revolve around JESUS. Now I hate
to tell YOU "THIS", and the sooner YOU
figure "THIS" out, the better off YOU are
going to "like" the "Kingdom of HEAVEN",
but IT is "ALL" about
The first way to be come "Born again", is simply to "Ask JESUS (using JESUS' NAME)
to come and LIVE in YOUR heart. It is just that
Now just because YOU become "Born of the SPIRIT
" does in any way shape or form, mean YOU can skip this next "STEP
(Point # 3)"
if YOU are "Physically" able to do so. That next step (and another way to
become "Born Again") is to be "Baptized in JESUS'
JESUS' NAME ONLY. With this YOU also get the
"Baptism of the HOLY GHOST" which is different from
being "Born Again". Being "Born Again" makes YOU a "SON or DAUGHTER"
of GOD while the "Baptism of the
HOLY GHOST bestows a "Talent (Gift of the HOLY
SPIRIT.)" upon YOU.
(More later concerning the SPIRITUAL Realm.)
On The Physical Side
After Completing the "SPIRITUAL
Aspects of YOUR Entrance" into the "Kingdom of
HEAVEN", here are the "Physical Aspects" that "Set US Apart" from
other Kingdoms (ie. Rev. 11:15 Kingdom's of Earth.) which are of just as
equal importance. (See Rev. 12:17, and 14:12) :
: The 6th and 7th Days of the Week (Kingdom's of
Earth's Friday
and Saturday.) are the "OFFICIAL Weekend" of the MELCHIZEDEK
ORDER. In the "Kingdom's of
HEAVEN" the 6th
Day is "Preparation Day" for Sabbath Worship. "Preparation Work" consist
of the "Buying and Preparing of Food for Sabbath Worship", the Tiding
Up of the House, Mowing the Lawn, Bathing, and various other "Recreational
Activities" to be completed before Sundown the night of the 6th
: The "Names of the Week Days" have been shifted left one day, at the
stroke of Midnight April 06th, 2001
(According to Earth's Gregorian Calendar.), with the Numbers staying the
same, so as to reflect Monday (Presently Kingdoms of Earth's Sunday.)
being the
1st Day of the Weekly Cycle, with Sunday now being the TRUE 7th Day
Sabbath. Under no circumstance will Sunday simply be cut and
pasted on at the end of the Weekly Cycle rendering the 1st Day to be
attached at the end of the Weekly Cycle. See
and www.kingofpeace.net/kohdays/ for details regarding these changes if
any questions arise.
: If the Proper Names of the Physical Days are used, (For example
Monday, 07-23-2001), instead of just the Month, Day, and Year
(Month-Day-Year), then (M.T.) must also be used [For example; Monday,
07-25-2001 (M.T.)] to denote WE are operating upon the "Kingdom's of HEAVEN'S MELCHIZEDEK TIME". WE will
only have to use M.T. for but a short while, during the "Transition
Phase" of the "Setting Up the Physical Pre-Advent
Kingdom of HEAVEN" (See
Daniel 2:44 -45, 7:18, & 27, Revelation 11:15,and 12:10) that shall never
end. If WE just
use Month, Day and Year, (M.T.) is not required since
the numerical Number of the day, never changed.
: Due to the longevity of the "Kingdom's of
HEAVEN", the full year should be used instead of the
abbreviated short version. (2004 used instead of 04.)
: In the "Kingdom's of HEAVEN",
"New Moons" of the Bible are Celebrated with equal status to the 7th Day
Sabbath, except, without a "Preparation Day" to prepare for the New Moon.
The Celebration will commence at sundown the 1st 24 hour period after the
"New MOON" is physically noted according to the various reputable
"Almanac's" available to US at any given time.
: The "Kingdom
of HEAVEN'S", "New Moon" observance involves the "absence from
work", and "secular activities". "Sacred Activities", the freely helping
to see to the "Needs of OTHERS", "Sacred Music", "Prayer and Meditation",
and "Worship with OTHERS" are encouraged.
: Another significant difference between the "Kingdom's of Earth"
and the "Kingdom's of HEAVEN" is the Earth's
"Holidays (Christmas, New Years, Easter, President's Day)" and the "Kingdom's of HEAVEN HOLY Days [They are "Spring
and Fall New Years (Which fall on New Moons)", the "8 Day Week of
Pass-Over (Where bread with leavening, or yeast is not to be eaten.)", the
"Wave Sheaf Offering Day (Which is the lsat day of the Pass-Over Week.)",
Pentecost, the "Day of Atonement (Which is a Sun down to Sundown "fast"
Day.) and the 7 Day "Feast of Tabernacles (See Leviticus 23:39.)".
Earth's Holidays will be replaced by the "Kingdom's of HEAVEN HOLY Days" and everything that
goes along with the keeping of each of the individual HOLY Day
: Again, in the "Kingdom's of HEAVEN", the "HOLY Feast Days"
observance start at sundown and involves the "absence from work", and
from "secular activities". "Sacred Activities", the freely helping to
see to the "Needs of OTHERS", "Sacred Music", "Prayer and Meditation",
and "Worship with OTHERS" are encouraged.
:For "Clarification Purposes Only", this entry is included with
the above Entries. There are 4 "Sets of Laws"
recognized in the Bible, Old and New Testiment. They are the (1) Ten
Commandments, The (2) Civil Laws, The (3) Dietary Laws, and lastly,
The (4) Sacrificial Laws. Of those "Four (4) Sets of Laws" only ONE set
fulfilled with the "Sacrifice of JESUS
CHRIST". That ONLY "Set of Laws" that was
done away with, and "Nailed To The CROSS" was the "Sacrificial Laws" which
pointed to (and were
ultimately "FULFILLED" by) the "Death, Burial, and Resurrection of
JESUS CHRIST". In the same breath, having
are "Circumcised" of the Heart, of which that "Law" too, has been
fulfilled. [I will address Acts 15:19 concerning the "Age of Grace (ie.
"Age of
the Church") at a later "Time".]
There is other encouraging NEWS concerning the "Kingdom's of HEAVEN" that I will not bring up at
this point in "Time". The main thing being, these "ITEMS" already
mentioned, are the "Big Issues" concerning the "differences" between
the "Kingdom's of Earth" and the "Kingdom's of
HEAVEN". (More real soon.)