LOVES so very much.WE soon learn, if WE are going to do
something for JESUS' SAKE, "There is
no middle ground."
Please keep in Mind, JESUS has YOUR BEST Interest at HEART
[P.S. Other FLOCKS (Nations Included), are
encouraged to quietly follow suit.]
With that in Mind, this is Simply an Assertion of How WE can
Surreptitiously be "OF
ONE ACCORD" With The "Very
ELECT" as told by ONE who
should know. King & Priest Melchizedek
of the MELCHIZEDEK ORDER. This is "Being
of the GROUP" that Can Not be
Deceived, of which
this is but "The Tip of the Iceburg" of the other GLORIES to follow suit Once WE make sure WE
TRUELY know THE TRUE GOD And WORSHIP HIM Accordingly. ***(Updated
As I look out over the horizon of the "Sea of Beliefs" that are
floating around in the "Physical Realm", I see WE are but pulling
OURSELVES in a multitude of different direction with no real purpose
being accomplished. I AM not saying that
one BELIEF is better then another belief by any means but rather, in order
for a magnet to work, the individual cells of the magnet are aligned
together with each other to acheive a common purpose. Why there is still
opposing views with each other but each of those opposing views are
on opposite ends, but still acheiving the desired results. If YOU spin
it, YOU have Alternating Current. Which ever end you put against another piece
of metal, that other piece of metal will still be encouraged to come along
with that magnet where ever it goes.
JESUS, the problem is rather simple
in it nature to identify but
rather complex in its resolution to solve. JESUS, THEY are not "ALL
OF ONE ACCORD". THEY are but a normal piece of Iron with all its
cells pulling in any given direction as each cell sees fit. This
pulling in various directions is not limited to the various denominations
but is
prevelent in each individual denomination down to each individual BEING.
This problem is not limited to the just the CHRISTIAN Realm as well. It
is prevelent in all of the "Major Systems of Beliefs" throughout the
world. This PROBLEM is prevelent pretty much in all aspects of human
existance. The various groups might have a common goal but a multitude of
different ways to acheive that goal. Some of which are good and some of
which are not so good.
JESUS, I respectfully request, in
accordance with YOUR "PERFECT
WILL", that YOU teach US what WE need to know so WE can "ALL" be in harmony
with this same "PERFECT WILL" of YOURS. This in turn thereby renders
each of US to be "OF ONE ACCORD" in establishing YOUR "PERFECT WILL" in
both the "SPIRITUAL" and the "Physical" Realms of YOUR CREATION, that WE
may all be ONE with YOU. In the NAME of JESUS, I make this request
known. Amen King and Priest Melchizedek
Key To Color Code and More
Just a few quick footnotes:
: Red coloring is for the
Blue is for things associated with TRUTH. : This is being
written LIVE on the Internet with "Creation Copyrights Right Status"
in place. Chances are if YOU freely print this out, before it is
completed, YOU may only get half the story. I tend to simply introduce
a "Subject Matter" and then come
back later to expand upon that "Particular Topic" either as a paragraph,
or possibly a whole chapter, if not eventually, another manuscript.
: YOU will know when this manuscript is finished when the
***'s are deleted on both sides of the ***(Updated Month-Date-Year)***
at begining of Introduction.
: The English translations, and all its sister (anything but) Holy
(until YOU figure it out) Bibles have been terribly mistranslated with
human bias scattered throughout each of them. Many of these erroneous
beliefs, WE hold dear to OUR heart, are a direct result of these
terribly mistranslated Bibles of which I AM going to attach head on. I
insist YOU continue to demand a correctly translated Holy Bible, but until
then, just keep this in mind, as I attempt to set straight, the very
foundation most of OUR beliefs are based upon.
: So YOU know, all is not lost. I do highly recommend "The
Companion Bible" as long as YOU use the footnotes both along the side
and in the back of that particular KJV of the Bible. A lot of work was put
into that Bible by Ethelbert William Bullinger, of which HE should have
a commendation for, but that is not to say, it too, is without errors.
With any luck (Which is not a factor; from the movie "The Abyss.)
YOU too will shortly be able to readily identify the errors in that Bible
as well, after YOU get through "Of One Accord".
: For the time being, in referring to GOD as "HE or HIM", not
wanting to think I left OUR female COUNTERPARTS out of the equation, I AM
gender neutral unless I state otherwise. The purpose this Mnauscript is
to bring US into "ONE ACCORD" with JESUS CHRIST of which the "Kingdom of HEAVEN"
is in HIS hands until HE turns it back over to the "SPIRIT OF LOVE"
and WE become "ALL IN ALL". To acheive that
purpose in these writtings, gender is not an issue.
: I ask YOU to just plow through these writings
"Of One Accord". MY intent is to keep each and everyone of YOU
out of that 10,000 degree jacuzzi, of which,
the Devil simply wants each of US, to join Him in. WE only get there
because WE are still deceived in key areas of OUR thought process. That
could possibly mean these TRUTHS were not
presented in a clear enough fashion to overcome YOUR "Level of
Deception", and therefore,
WE remain deceived. A Commission from GOD,
THE SPIRIT OF LOVE, I take very seriously. Hopefully WE
can tie up any loose ends, on the other side. How can I make it any
plainer to THEM, JESUS? Now let US forge
Does This Elevator Ever Go Down?
The purpose here is to elevate each of YOU to the
Status of "BEING of the
simply a group of INDIVIDUALS that can not
be deceived. YOU are of
that "ELECT GROUP" simply by knowing the
TRUTH in crucial areas of YOUR overal
developement. It is in the "Knowing of these
TRUTHS (Most of
which, has, to this day, never been revealed, as demonstrated by the
number of "ELECT MEMBERS" running
around.)", WE establish OUR freedoms.
The problem here is, YOU might have to drop a few of YOUR past
beliefs as YOU incorporate a few new beliefs into YOUR "System of
Beliefs". I AM living proof, that can be done. There is a joke floating
around that comes to mind. How many
phychiatrist does it take to change a light bulb. Just one but the light
bulb really has to want to change. It is not hard to become a MEMBER in
GO(O)D standing, of the
"ELECT GROUP" but it will probably take YOU
having to unlearn some things YOU may have been taught.
This is no fault
of any BEING. WE are all just doing OUR best with what WE have to work
with. It is just that now, thanks in no small part to the
hanging around here these past two thousand years, WE have greater TRUTHS to work with. Something that was not
afforded US in Times past. As long as YOU are able to integrate new
material (Much of which is but a history lesson as to where many of
these not so true beliefs came from in the first place.), into YOUR
thought process, WE will get along just fine.
OUR "actions" and the "Societies WE Establish" are based
upon OUR "Series of Beliefs" in more ways then WE care to count. If OUR
"Series of Beliefs" are false, then the "Societies WE Establish" based
upon these false "Beliefs" are also flawed. Majority might rule, in a purely
Democratic Society, but
that does not mean majority is always right, if they are ever right. That
does not have to be if the majority are now of the ELECT GROUP of BEINGS". If WE, being deceived
(Not knowuing the TRUTH.), have made it
thus far, just imagine how far WE, knowing the TRUTH, could push this
"Envelope of Developement" in "SPIRITUAL" and "Physical" advancements
for the GO(O)Dof "ALL" of Society.
Oh, But To Be A Nation "OF ONE ACCORD" In Harmony With JESUS'
There are two ways to address this Problem. There is a shallow
rather "Simple Solution" to this otherwise rather
complex problem and then there is the deep much more involved approach to this
rather complex problem. I plan to attach this problem from both Angles.
The "Simple Solution" will get US up and running rather quickly "IN ONE
ACCORD" with OUR fellow BELIEVERS. The problem is, the "Simple Solution",
(If that is all the further WE, individually, choose to progress.) is a
rather "Shallow Boat" for trying to make it across the "Ocean of these
Various Beliefs" that are out there and would result in a rather bumpy
ride, if WE decide to stay in
the boat at all. WE jump ship when WE, once again, freely decide, "Enough
of These Series of TRUTHS (WE were never taught.)" and choose "TO GO OUR
OWN WAY", by OURSELVES, once again.
The other more "Deeply Involved
Approach" takes a long look at the "Various Different Beliefs" WE each
hold so dear to OUR HEART. It logically allows US to decide on an INDIVIDUAL
Basis as to whether WE want to keep A "Charished Belief", or possibly
scrap it for a more stable, possibly more superior "BELIEF" that is along
the same lines as the one WE just scraped.
Therefore, without further delay: Oh but to be apart
"A Nation OF ONE ACCORD" by king and priest
(ONE who is but transposing "SPIRITUAL
".) Please pray for HIS
enlightment and guildance before YOU
partake of this "SPIRITUAL Banquet.
Summary of
TRUTH Based "Points of Doctrine"
(Expanded Version of Each "Point of Doctrine" to Follow.)
Part 1
(This Is ETERNAL LIFE. John 17:3)
1-1: There is a GOD.
HE (gender neutral) is a BRIGHT WHITE SPIRIT OF LOVE. JESUS is simply the FULLNESS of this SPIRIT OF
LOVE, BODILY. YOU can tell if
the SPIRIT OF LOVE dwells within YOU if YOU
are conscious anywhere and are ALIVE.
1-2: GOD is 100% "GOOD" of which HE imparts that GOODNESS to US.
1-3: GOD wants only the BEST
US and HE will spare nothing from US.
Everything HE HAS, and HE
IS (LOVE) will be bestowed upon
each of US as WE maturate INDIVIDUALLY to the FULLNESSS of HIS
1-4: GOD claims "Total and
Complete Responsibility" for anything and everything that is ever done,
whether HE had a hand in the "atrocity"
or not. That is, whether it
be GOOD, bad, or indifferent.
1-5: GOD has two (2)
"WILLS (Wills)".
WILL (all CAPS)" and
because WE (and the Angelic Realm) are created "Free Moral AGENTS", HE therefore has a "Permissive Will (Always
lowercase when referred to.)" as well which simply allows US to be WHO WE
are. The only other possibilities are Robotics or Instinct.
1-6: JESUS is the CREATOR (Ex. 20:11), ABBA, FATHER (Isa.
9:6), the REDEEMER (Deut. 5:15),
SON, and the HOLY
SPIRIT (John 20:22, Col 1:19, 2:9.) working ahead of US in
the "Future part of a Time Dispensation Period". (Zec 14:9, Eph. 4:4-6)
There is no trinity except as "TIME warps OUR perception" of what "REALLY IS". The NAME (not titles) of the father, son, and holy
ghost is simply a Bible study waiting to happen in "ALL" the Trinitarian
churches. This concept alone gives US (activates) the "TESTIMONY of JESUS CHRIST (Rev. 12:17b, 15:12b, 19:10b)"
which is (more then just) the "SPIRIT of
Prophecy" to the very INDIVIDUAL.
1-7: It is the "LORD JESUS"
verses the "Lord Satan" throughout the Bible. The trick is to
which "Lord" is Satan and which "LORD" is
included) first come into play.
1-8: It is called the "Tree of
Knowledge". That
is "Knowledge of GOOD and Evil" that
is, of which, the
FRUITS of each "Side Of This Tree" is still available for US to
pick yet today. If OUR CONFIDENCE (FAITH, BELIEVE) is in GOOD, the FRUIT is JOY and all
that entails. If OUR Confidence (FAITH, BELIEVE) is in Evil, the FRUIT is
"Fear" and all that goes along with that side.
1-9: Knowing this, the more intuitive EVE was right.
(See Gen. 1:29b) JESUS, not the "Author of
Confusion", could not come back in the "Form of a MAN", Whom Satan had
already Impersonated, to refute Satan’s
claim that there is a bad tree (Created by GOD
, how absurd.) in the "Garden (entrapment) of Eden". [Gee, I hope
that (Some BEING claiming to be GOD, but is not.) does not happen again.
See Revelations Chapter 13 to about Chapter 18 or even Chapter 19?]
Try the "Spirits" (1 John 4:1). See Who (lower case) really
built the "Detention Center of Eden".
1-10: GOD, JESUS, does not kill, murder, maim, or destroy.
HE never has, and HE never will. HE keeps HIS own
COMMANDMENTS which are simply attributes of HIS OWN
Part 2
Time Verses ETERNITY
2-1: ETERNITY is the "Absense
of Time" where EVERYTHING is
REAL or "As It Appears
To Be". ETERNITY can
support "Time", but "Time
(Which has a Beginning and an End.)" can in no way, support
There is no such thing as "Endless Time".
2-2: "Time" is the Kingdom of
HEAVEN’S "Work Shop (playground)" where "What-ever" is
needed, can be Manufactured to be later Transposed, if need be, up
into ETERNITY where, then, coruption (Change) can not touch it.
2-3: Planet Earth is presently in a "Time, Space, and Change
Continuum" called an "Age". In fact, WE are in a "Series of Ages
Dispensation Periods")" where "Nothing Is Real" or "As It Appears To
(1 Corin. 13:12). In other words, WE are (presently) not in
(directly). Each "Age" has an "End Goal" that was predetermined
beforehand concerning any particular "Age" or "Series of AGES".
*2-4: The "Age of AGES" is implemented after the manmade
(GOD’S permissive Will.) purification
"Baptism By Fire" has burnt itself out where HIGH
PRIEST JESUS then rules as "KING of
KINGS" and "LORD of LORDS" in the
"Physical Realm", as well.
2-5: "ALL IN ALL" occurrs,
after the "AGE of AGES", when ETERNITY is Transposed upon the "Physical
Realm" that is presently under the "Experience of Time".
Part 3
The Kingdom of HEAVEN
3-1: There is the "Kingdom of
HEAVEN" and there is everything else. Everything else (pseudo
authorities) is simply there (presently) to impede the functioning of the
"Kingdom of HEAVEN (POWER
of CHRISTHOOD)" for MANKIND, to the "Nth" degree, on planet
Earth. (1 Corinth. 15:24-28)
3-2: The "Kingdom of HEAVEN" is a
"Theocracy" with JESUS at the
3-3: The "Kingdom of HEAVEN" is
free, but it is not cheap.
3-4: The (imperfect pseudo) Calendars (Simply another major
ploy in place to keep US not functioning as CHRIST’.) have already been replaced (They went
from Silver to Gold on April 7th of 2001.) by the "Perfect Weekly
Calendar". This can only be achieved by dropping a day out of the week,
while keeping the numbers the same, and not by simply putting Sunday on
at the end of the weekly cycle as it has already been falsely done with
many other pseudo calendars.
3-5: The "2nd Coming of CHRIST"
and the "2nd Coming of JESUS" are two totally different events. The
first is the installation of "CHRISTHOOD"
upon MANKIND (Which is not the "Latter Rains" either.), and the other is
a later physical "Return of JESUS". WE must have the
REAL to compare to before that which is false, can be
adequately judged. Presently there are but a measly 144,000 slated for
"Courts of HEAVEN" were hoping for about 8
teaching THEIR
resurrected comrades the "ROPES" of being a
3-6: In the "Kingdom of HEAVEN"
(of which is at hand), JESUS has only HOLY DAYS. They are the 52 Sabbaths observed from Sundown the 6th Day to
Sundown the 7th Day. Then there are the 12 or 13 (Alternating Years)
"New Moons" celebrated the first 24 hour
period after the actual "NEW MOON Occurred",
again from Sundown to Sundown. These commemoreate the 1st CREATION Month, just as Sabbath commemorates the 1st
CREATION Week. Lastly there are the 7 solemn "FEAST DAYS", two (2) of which are 8 days long,
celebrating what JESUS, with no prompting
what-so-ever from US, did, all by HIMSELF,
to assure each of OUR own Salvation. The LOVINGLY keeping of each of these HOLY DAYS, which is less burdensome then keeping
many of mankinds holidays, is the "EXTRA
proclaiming the "Traditions of Man" no longer have any part in these
SACRED (verses secular) LIVES".
( For greater details click on Extra Oil or see
Menu Item Extra Oil at end of these writings. )
3-7: WE are (ALL) humble 1st Class Citizens of the "Kingdom of HEAVEN" (Phil. 3:20) in good standing
and rule as Kings (Queens) and Priests (Priestess’) subject to the only
LORD of LORDS and OUR KING of KINGS in the (presently) non-physically
established "Kingdom of HEAVEN".
(Re-read just the underlined parts.)
Part 4
Concerning OUR Salvation
4-1: The most important question WE can ask OUR fellow MANKIND
is found in Acts 19:2. Have YOU received the HOLY
SPIRIT? If the answer is "no", there is a procedure that is to
be followed as defined in Acts 19:2-6. This is not a "spectator sport"
but rather it is a Celebration and should be treated as a "Community
Affair" for "ALL" parties involved until the "Manifestation of the HOLY SPIRIT brings the PARTY to a fitting close"
(Luke 15:7). IF the BEING does not receive the HOLY
SPIRIT, as usually manifested in the demonstration of "Some
GIFT" of the HOLY SPIRIT, it is just a
matter of exhausting all other possible avenues, before this DOCTOR gives
up on this PATIENT which presently, is not at all being done,
what-so-ever. There are a multitude of different "GIFTS" manifested by
the HOLY SPIRIT that might not at first be
so evident.
4-2: Because of OUR LOVE WE
now have for JESUS, WE, in a humble (poor)
SPIRIT, are to "Keep the 10 Commandments
(Beatitudes) of JESUS". Pride has no
place in the "Kingdom of HEAVEN". Without
this LOVE for JESUS, this
"Keeping of the LAW" becomes "legalism".
4-3: Total Reconciliation. (1 Cor. 3:15, 1 Tim 4:10b, Heb
8:11b-12) Those that do not believe will be plucked out of the fire (Matt
13:42), and given a "Harp and a Crown" (Rev. 15:2-4). All verses dealing
with "hell" can be explained.
Part 5
5-1: JESUS (the FIRST)
WORD of this same said SPIRIT OF
LOVE that never changes" WHO
speaks to US directly, via the HOLY
SPIRIT, which is still JESUS simply working ahead of US in the
"Future Part of this Stuff Called Time". The Original Greek, Hebrew
and some Aramaic (In parts of Daniel.) manuscripts, is simply the
"Recorded History" of what was then this same "Living WORD", but now, because of the fact, "it is
recorded", is no longer the "Living WORD", but rather the "Recorded WORD".
5-2: Knowing this, WE must "Try the Spirits to see whether THEY
be of the SPIRIT OF LOVE" that never
changes. Every "Spirit" recorded in the "Recorded Word (Note not COLORED and not all capitolized.)" is therefore
NOT JESUS nor is it of the SPIRIT OF LOVE that never changes. The "Angel of
the LORD", the "Destroyer (Ex. 12:23)",
"Satan", the "Devil" are not JESUS and is
not even of the "Heavenly Group of Angels", but rather of the "Demonic
Group of Angels" bringing with Them the lightining (fireworks) and causing
any death or destruction that was to occurr. (Refer back to Part 1 # 4.)
5-3: On top of that, to compound the problem even further, the
translated English Bibles, (And all its Sister Bibles.) from the Original
Greek, Hebrew and some Aramaic (In parts of Daniel.), are terribly
mistranslated to further promote Demonic Angelic bias of an "eternal
non-forgiving demonic killer god" that is in no way a part of JESUS or the SPIRIT OF
LOVE, WHO are ONE in the same and never change. I, King and
Priest Melchizedek, from time to time, refer to these terribly
mistranslated Bibles, for what they are, as the "Dead Word".
5-4: Along those same lines, the Bible, manuscripts, or
otherwise, does not tell US everything. WE also need the COMFORTER, WHO will guild US unto "ALL" TRUTH. This is, once again, JESUS simply working ahead of US in the "Future
Part of this Stuff Called Time" for THEY can
not both be seen in the same place together at the same "Time". YOU are
either talking to JESUS "face to face", or
it is "SOMETHING JESUS DID" in the "Future
of TIME" which eventually became the present (Here and Now.) of which WE
are now dealing with the COMFORTER of which
is Blasephemy (Not accepting what JESUS
already did for YOU.) to go against HIS WILL
as well.
Part 6
6-1: It all happens here. The "1000 Year Millennium" is all
but finished. Those that are raptured (Taken away by Demonic Angels.) are
the WICKED taken to a feeding frenzy of Eagles. This all is in line with
the setting up of the Pre-advent "Kingdom of
HEAVEN" which never ends, here on Earth, in the Physical Realm.
6-2: GOD’S strange act is to
"break OUR covenant WE (mankind) have with death" at a most inopportune
time for US. When the Nukes (Luke 12:49b) are in bound. (Isa. 28:18)
*6-3: If WE relieve enough pressure from the thin layer of
crust, via OUR Nuclear firepower, the pressure from the center of the
Earth will thrust itself out which in turn, could cause the rest of this
world to implode in on itself. There is the world "without form and
6-4: The "Sea of Glass" is this hardened "Lake of the Fire"
caused by MANKIND’S Nuclear Holocaust.
6-5: The I AM is trying to
prevent this from happening. If WE all receive the "SEAL of GOD" by dropping a day out of the "pseudo
calendars", the "Mark of the Beast" would be buried, which would prevented
this from ever having to happen.
Part 7
Additional Nice To Know Information
7-1: WE co-exist in two plains. WE function in the "Physical
Realm" and "Experience Everything (Process Information from OUR Senses)"
in the SPIRITUAL Realm. This Concludes The Summary of TRUTH Based "Points of Doctrine". The
expanded explaination of each follows, but not in the Order Given in the
Summary. Each one will be note by its number in the Summary of
Doctrine. More Doctrines of Summary will be added as "Time" permits
Sunny Side UP
I quickly have to get the sail up in hopes of catching as much
of the
"SPIRITUAL BREEZE" as WE possibly can
so WE are at least moving along "In ONE ACCORD" with the "HOLY SPIRIT (Greek=pneuma=breeze)". To do
this I have to first take YOU back to that "Tree of Knowledge" in the
"Garden of Eden" and see if WE can not shake some more fruit out of
that tree. 1-8
YES PEOPLE, it is still there and WE are still partaking of
its "forbidden" fruit on a daily basis. If YOU will permit ME, let US
take a closer look at that "Tree of Knowledge" but from a distance. As
YOU can see, it is not just any old "Tree of Knowledge" but rather it is
the "TREE of KNOWLEDGE of GOOD and evil".
Do OUR eyes deceive US? Are there not two (2) "Types of Fruit" to be had
on this "Tree of Knowledge". Could it be, WE have been partaking of the
"Forbidden Fruit" from the "Evil" side of the "Tree of
Just look at the "fruit" on the "evil" side of the "Tree of
Knowldge". To name but a few of the "Characteristics Experienced from
having OUR FAITH based in evil". Why
there is "fear",
"hatred", "envy", "lying",
"anxiety", "jealousy", "terror", "distrust", "panic", "racism", with "death
looming in the shadows". See how the branches are at "war with each
other", with "pride" way up there on top, and look, covered by leaves,
there is "shame". Notice how it looks "sick", "stressed out" and
"famished" as well with "depression" and the "shackles of enslavement"
to be seen everywhere. It is so "confusing" with "gloom" and "sadness"
as the order of the day. Why any BEING would choose to put THEIR
"FAITH" in "evil" for even but a moment of Time, with the above mentioned
"items" as the end results, is beyond ME.
On the other hand, WE have the FRUIT
from the GOOD side of the "Tree of
Knowledge". Let US begin again by naming but a few of the
"Characteristics Experienced" from
having OUR FAITH based in GOOD. The first and foremost is JOY....
Hold everything!
JUBILANT, "Sunny Side UP", but to name a few, in YOUR emotional
"State of BEING" that means YOUR
FAITH is based in the
"Knowledge of GOOD" from the "Tree of
Knowledge" of GOOD and "evil". That bit of
information, concludes the "SIMPLE SOLUTION" to this rather complex problem.
More Importantly, JOY is YOUR ticket to free
passage on this, presently, rather shallow BOAT, of BEING OF ONE ACCORD in harmony with JESUS' PERFECT
WILL. It is rather shallow because YOUR "emotions" simply tell YOU
whether YOUR FAITH is
based in "Knowledge of GOOD" as
by a JOYFUL SPIRIT, or whether YOUR FAITH is based in the "Knowledge of evil" as
demonstrated by the "Emotion of fear" as the biproduct. Trying to stay on
board this ship by simply trying to regulate YOUR emotions is the
equivalent of trying to back YOUR car down the Interstate, at breakneck
speeds, just by using the rear view mirrors. I AM sure it could be done
but WE were not meant to function that way, and neither was a car designed
to do that either.
At this point, with JOY as the biproduct of having YOUR confidence based
in the Knowledge of GOOD, if OUR society
were a magnet, YOUR cell would be located towards the middle of the
magnet, where not much work is accomplished, but still on the positive
side. In contrast, "Confidence based in fear" is the negative side of the
magnet. However, presently that social magnet does not exist because each
individual cell it pulling in its own direction with no real sense of
direction thereby still causing society to be just a plain piece of
steel, and there is no crime in that.
Scrap One Full Body Armor Suit
The Real Problem is "Keeping each of YOU of a JOYFUL SPIRIT". OUR confidence oscillates back
and forth like the pendelum on a clock. If somebody sticks a gun in OUR
face, WE instantaneously go from JOY to
being scared and WE are back in Satan's Kingdom of which HE once again,
has a claim upon OUR life. Again, JOY
or fear, is but the biproduct of what OUR faith, belief, or
confidence is based upon. The more OUR "System of Beliefs" are tried,
tested, and proven to be TRUE the easier it
is to "weld (Which is the whole object of this particular endeavor.)" YOUR
"Confidence in the Knowledge of GOOD. The
acid test is YOUR particular Beliefs have to be TRUE. To say OUR beliefs have passed the
"test of Time", is a lie straight from Satan's mouth to YOUR ears. If
YOUR beliefs have passed the "test of Time", that usually means YOUR
beliefs have neither been tried, tested, or proven
over the "Course of Time", by a BEING qualified to make such a
determination. A problem I AM here to rectify here
and now with these writings, so YOU will know whether YOUR beliefs are
TRUE or not.
YOUR confidence is welded into the Knowledge of GOOD where JOY
is a continuous biproduct, beleive
it or not, "evil", or Satan's World, can not touch YOU. "Resist the
Devil, and He will flee from YOU. (James 4:7) It is the oscillating
back and
forth between the two Kingdoms that keeps US in trouble. With YOUR
faith welded in GOOD YOU will be
squirted out of trouble as when YOU squeeze a wet bar of soap.
GOOD and evil are two totally
different frequencies. As different as oil is to water. The purpose of
this particular manuscript is to teach each of YOU how to Safeguard (Make
YOU totally untouchable from the demonic realm.) YOURSELVES on an
Summation Of The Products Divided By Number Of
Before I go another step further, I have to tell YOU about
the only normal GUY I know. HIS NAME is
HE is the standard by which everything else
is judged. HE showed each of
US (WE look like OUR CREATOR, WE sound like OUR CREATOR, and WE are
filled with the same SPIRIT OF LOVE.) how WE
are supposed to act. Accessing the POWER of
the SPIRIT OF LOVE is what being normal, is
all about. Until WE do that, WE are just average.
Having said that, JESUS set the standard. If I take MY cue off
any other BEING, I AM probably not going to end up like JESUS. WE
therefore probably will not be normal, by which the standard is judged,
but WE certainly will fall within the law of averages. What I AM trying
to say here, is that if JESUS set the standard for what a Normal human
BEING should act like, then there must be a standard by which normal
BELIEFS are determined as well.
That "SYSTEM of Normal Beliefs" is none other then the
KINGDOM of HEAVEN. It is from that
SOURCE, OUR different "Series of BELIEFS",
will sink or swim. By the way, have I introduced MYSELF to YOU before
now? If not, I AM Melchizedek .... KING and PRIEST MELCHIZEDEK of the
MELCHIZEDEK ORDER. Secondly, if there is
any BEING that knows how the KINGDOM of HEAVEN
functions, it would probably be ME. Oh JESUS is
and pretty much occupied (Like telling ME
what to do.) with the duties that entails. HE is also MY (OUR) KING of
KINGS, and MY (OUR) LORD of LORDS, of which, again, pretty much occupies
HIM with the details those responsibilities bring with them. Then HE has
all those Prayers to respond to any of a multitude of different ways. I
mean, if YOU want to know how the KINGDOM of
HEAVEN functions, the humble JANITOR (Easiest job I ever had.
How do YOU clean something that is already ETERNALLY spotless? and in the
SPIRITUAL realm, which is but icing on the cake, as well.) is about as
much on top of things as any BEING can be. The bottom line here is
"GO for the GOOD, that is how YOU stay on
top in JUDGEMENT and Jacobs Trouble. (Source: My beloved FRIEND whom I
miss so dearly. JMS. WE owe so much to each of YOU of HDF.)
Loose Beliefs Sink Ships
The purpose here is to replace YOUR shaky "System of Beliefs" with
a Series of Beleifs built on a firm
foundation otherwise known as the ROCK of AGES. I assure YOU, a large
precentage will pass the "Acid Test" of being found to beTRUTH. It is not as bad as it looks. Many of
these TRUTHS are core issues whole
Denominations are founded upon. Still other concepts are irrelevant
to OUR Salvation, whether WE believe them or not, and are further down
the list, and maybe just mentioned in passing, if they are mentioned at
MY dearly much beloved BROTHERS and SISTERS. I have a slight
delema here. If I could direct YOU to the Introduction to Solution # 1
To The LATTER RAINS (, YOU will see, there
are a multitude of safeguards in place, Behind the Scenes, unknown
to US before now, with reguards for OUR ultimate protection. The problem
being, the less I tell YOU, the less YOU reject, and the fewer stripes YOU
get. That provision is pretty much still in place. (See ) The only thing I AM stiving to do here, with
out volating the above mentioned stipulation, is to simply straighten
out the beliefs, already in place, that each of YOU only think to be
YOU know, it is pretty much a prerequisite, of BEING
LOVE is the only source of any GOODNESS
, of which there is a bountyful supply, to be dispursed out, of
which none of US, including JESUS (Matt 19:17), can manufacture one iota
of.] standing,
of the KINGDOM of HEAVEN, to have the "Best
Interest of OTHERS" at heart, first and foremost, ahead of YOUR own. With
that in mind, each and everyone of YOUR best interest, at heart, is
for each of YOU to be bright shining as the SON (As in JESUS.), for all
ETERNITY. Now how YOU "refuse" to get to that purified State of BEING causes ME, and every other
BEING associated with the KINGDOM of HEAVEN
, much heart ache and pain.
What's That NAME
I assure YOU, that all of HEAVEN rejoices
greatly over just
one more SINNER that repents of Transgression ALL of the 10 Commandments.
See Luke 15:7 & 10. The order of the day is Repent and then be baptized
in the NAME of JESUS CHRIST for the remission of sins, and YOU
shall receive the gift of the HOLY
So YOU know, the NAME of the
EVERLASTING FATHER (Isa. 9:6) is JESUS, and the
of the only begotten SON (John 3:16) is
JESUS, and the NAME
of the HOLY
SPIRIT (Which is JESUS working
ahead of US in the "Future of Time". John
14:18-21) is, YOU guessed it, JESUS again.
Father and son are but titles with
the holy ghost being a discriptive title. Matthew 28:19 does
not say to
baptize YOU in the title [Greek = titlos (Singular)] father, son or
holy ghost. Now again, I ask, "What is the NAME [Greek = Onoma
(Singular)] of the FATHER, SON, and HOLY GHOST? which WE are ALL to be
baptized by immersion in? I will give YOU a hint. See Acts 2:38."
It Is Best If YOU Take YOUR Shoes Off
The GO(O)D NEWS is, from here on
out, since I AM not really dispursing hard core TRUTH
, YOU do not have to take YOUR shoes off, yet.
However, I highly suggest YOU still do so, so YOU are in the habit of
doing so when it is required of YOU to do so. The purpose here is to
highly exalt the Churches in hopes of unlocking the Book of Acts
except amplified billions of times over, to a degree never before deemed
possible. Just be foretold, WE do not take OUR shoes off because YOU ARE
here, or even because I AM here, but rather simply because the HOLY GHOST is here, and it is simply a form of
mutual respect for HIS HOLINESS and nothing
I AM just telling YOU, step lightly, when dealing with the
HOLY GHOST from here on out. WE are [As far
as WE can be in a "Time Dispensation Period (snicker, snicker,
snicker.)".] free moral AGENTS. WE are free to, pretty much, do as WE
please (As "free" as a Bird in a "Bird Cage" is "free" to do as it
pleases. That is, as long as the Bird just wants to Eat, Sit, Swing,
Sing, and Sleep.) in this stuff, otherwise known a "Time". [Now this
place called ETERNITY (
ALL IN ALL, when "Time" shall be no more, or the "Absence
of Time".), is the PLACE to be. ]
Do YOU want to know these soft TRUTHS
, or not. I AM just a scribe (Matthew 13:52) dispursing TRUTH reguarding the
Kingdom of HEAVEN. Of which, as of these
writings, none of US (Refering to only MANKIND), in the
Physical Realm, have yet attained that STATUS
OF. Just be it known, if YOU want Wisdom, YOU need to see King
Solomon's writings. Need I remind YOU, HE did not ask to receive TRUTH. I will tell YOU this "insider secret" to
give YOU an idea of where I AM LOVINGLY
coming from (Literally ! ! !), that I may be able to LOVINGLY bring
this INFORMATION to YOU. In order to
understand (and appreciate) the Knowledge of TRUTH
, it first requires YOU to "Believe a Lie". More importantly,
the more lies YOU believe,
the better able YOU are to know (and appreciate) more of this stuff
called TRUTH.
WHO is
presently holding Satan at bay, will be drawing closer to those of US WHO
choose to follow what HE would have each
of US to do
(Repent) while still allowing the others of US to continue to push the
envelope of the SPIRIT OF LOVE'S permissive
will. Do
not needlessly give Satan any more "Claims upon YOUR LIFE". Remember the
magnet scenario. How opposing "POWERS" are concentrated upon opposite
ends of the same piece of bar metal. WE are simply going to slowly start
unravel "Claims Satan might already have upon YOUR LIVES" YOU were
previously unaware of, before now. In LOVINGLY
doing this, MY plan is to not allow Satan (See Exodus 23:20-23) to
give any of YOU an opportunity, in the first place, to even
begin to think about tempting the HOLY GHOST
(See Acts 5:3.) beyond this "Point in Time". Being transformed into a
"Pillars of Salt" is not an option,
and is strickly forbidden HERE in this, the
soon to become, the pre-advent Kingdom of
HEAVEN (See Daniel 2:44-45, & 7:14, 18, 27.)
The most important thing, by far, I should be teaching YOU first
and foremost, is
the TRUTH concerning what
Getting to know what the CHARACTER OF THE SPIRIT OF
LOVE is like and following suit after what the CHARACTERR OF THE SPIRIT OF LOVE is like is what
OUR SALVATION is all about. And this is eternal LIFE, that WE may know THEE, the only TRUE
GOD....(John 17:3)
In other words, there is a GOD
. HE inhabits ETERNITY. HE is the GOD of the
LIVING but HE can more then reconcile the
dead, any number of times, if need be. As best I can describe HIM, HE is a BRIGHT WHITE SPIRIT of LOVE manifested in the form of a BRIGHT WHITE LIGHT. HE is harmless (Heb 7:26) but HE is best to be viewed by OUR SPIRITUAL eyes in OUR pure SPIRITUAL body.
I refer to HIM as the "SPIRIT OF LOVE".
JESUS is the FULLNESS of this same "SPIRIT OF LOVE"
bodily. (Colossians 1:19, 2:9) 1-4 & 1-1
HE claims total and complete
responsibility in all areas (Some WE know little if anything about.) of
OUR existence, through the "MELCHIZEDEK
"Orders of Authority" are under the "MELCHIZEDEK
HE has left nothing (within reason)
to chance and has thought everything (within reason) out in HIS "infinite wisdom and knowledge". (For YOUR
information, I include "within reason" only to keep this statement from
becoming false "automatically" because it deals with words like
"nothing", "all", and "everything". Other then that,
HE has been that thorough in HIS
"All Knowing" planning and preparation of this "Series of
To elaborate on all the details that went into the "Behind the
Scenes" activities would have been feasibly impossible for MAN to
comprehend in OUR but short 70 (+ / -) years of mortal existence.
Let it
just be said, GOD (In HIS infinite "Wisdom and Knowledge".) has
something to proclaim to US that WE otherwise might not ever realize
sometime, in OUR "State of EXISTENCE", being brought up through this
diversely backwards society.
More of 1-6
The FATHER FIGURE, which is JESUS (Isaiah
9:6), OUR CREATOR in the Physical Realm, was simply
bringing honor to none other then the
is a SPIRIT, albeit, the SPIRIT OF LOVE, but none the less HE is still but a SPIRIT
The title father, when used in refering to GOD
is but an analogy, and nothing more. Granted, had the SPIRIT OF LOVE not been around, nothing else would
be around either. JESUS created all things through that same said SPIRIT OF LOVE where by the SPIRIT OF LOVE has the right to be called FATHER, because the same said SPIRIT OF LOVE working in the Physical Form
throught JESUS, created US, and nobody else created, or born of woman has
the right to be called "father" afforded to them.
Before I continue, I have a story to pass on to each
of YOU, thanks again to JMS of Human Destiny Foundation.
A family consisting of a dad, a mother, and an attractive teenage
girl went to Minnesota on a fishing trip in honor of their daughter's
high school graduation. They took their pickup with a boat strapped to
the top and
pulled a trailer. A couple days into the trip dad asked his daughter if
she was ready to go fishing again, early in the morning. She replied "I
want to take a shower and catch up on some reading, but I will give you
and mom a ride and help you with the boat." which was turned upside
down by the lake about 1/4 to 1/2 mile away, with the motor locked away
in the pickup topper. They took her up on the
offer and back she came to the trailer.
She got home where the parking for this particular trailer site
was away from the road on the back side of the trailer hidden from view
for people driving by. She then laid some clean clothes out on the bed
at the other end of the trailer, which is where she slept while her
parents had the more private bedroom closer to the shower. Then she
put her dirty clothes in the laundry sack which was in a cupboard by the
front door, which made it easy to just grab the sack and head out the door
to the laundromat. She then proceeded to take
her shower. About half way through the process she heard the door open
and she realized immediately she forgot to lock the only door to their
trailer. So she could not be heard, she immediately shut the shower off
hoping they did not hear her do so. Then she heard the rustling of
papers as drawers were
being opened and shut. Terror immediately seized her whole body as she
realized they were being robbed and all she had was a towel to cover
herself and they stood between her and here only exit. Suddemnly a voice
rang out throught the air and just a quickly
as the terror seized her body, it was over. It was her dad of which he
told her, "It's just me honey, I forgot to take some plyers with me
and I will lock the door on my way out."
Why did the terror, so sudddeenly come over her, and just as
suddenly leave her? It is because she did not know, for a brief "Period of
Time", the CHARACTER of the person in the kitchen riffling through the
drawers. Sound familiar? That is the way it is between US and the SPIRIT OF LOVE. As soon as We learn of HIS TRUE CHARACTER, that never changes, and that HE only LOVES
US, all fear of HIM will suddenly leave US,
and it will be as if OUR fear never existed in the first place.
By the way, HIS LOVING US is
pretty much all
HE is capable of doing. (There is much more
later on this topic. See Topic # 1-10.) WE are talking
about the non-lethal, non-vaporizing,
pretty much harmless BRIGHT WHITE SPIRITUAL
LIGHT OF LOVE here, and not the physical form of GOD otherwise
known as JESUS CHRIST WHO created ALL
things through HIM, the SPIRIT OF LOVE. The problem here is JESUS has the
same CHARACTER of which HE too, is pretty
much harmless. But oh how
US. Everything YOU see in the physical realm CREATED of GOD is pretty much
HIS LOVE PERSONIFIED. What happens after
things are created, especially "Free Moral Thought Processing AGENTS",
gets really deep really fast, of which, after WE know a
few of these principles, outlined here, WE might understand a whole lot
There Is Ground Rules To This Mayhem?
Introduction to 5-3
There are certain things JESUS or any other part of the DIETY, can not do, such as "Tell a Lie". However,
WE are not interested in what THEY cannot
do so much as WE are interested in what THEY
can do. YOU really have got to get to know this BRIGHT WHITE SPIRIT OF LOVE CHARACTER so much
better then WE already do. YOUR salvation depends upon it (Matt
7:23, Luke 13:27). Before I get to involve with this topic of
discussion, I must reiterate MY qualifications, as KING and Priest of the
MOST HIGH GOD. YOU do not have to believe
everything I say here, but YOU will be hard pressed to prove anything I
say as "Wrong", on the shallow plain of dealing with the (anything but)
HOLY (until YOU figure it out) Bible, and in the deeper level of
understanding. 5-4
Having said that, I must make a few other qualifying statements.
John HIMSELF tells US this world itself is not big enough to hold all the
books that probably should be written about what JESUS did the short 3 &
1/2 years HE was here. (John 21:25) Neither AM I, right here and now, going
to try and tell YOU that this "One More Book" about the GREAT LOVE JESUS
has for each of YOU, is going to be able to fill that void, any better.
What I AM going to tell YOU is the "limitations" books have of filling
much of any void. A book is not warm, it can not hold YOUR hand, and it is
not by any stretch of the imagination a "diety" in any way shape or form.
At best, it might have but a few words of OUR CREATOR preserved in a
different language most likely, then the Aramaic JESUS spoke.
I will tell YOU the impossibility of JESUS, the LIVING WORD being able to tell US "everything"
there is to know, through a Book, or even 66 short Books, or even 66 short
Books plus the Apocrapha, or even 66 short Books plus the Apocrapha, and
dozens of commentaries explaining each of those books to the "Nth Power".
Even then, most of what is written, in a book referred to, in Satan's
world, as the Holy Bible, is a history lesson concerning how the
LIVING WORD (THEY perceived to be JESUS.),
had talked to various other INDIVIDUALS through the course of their lives. I
AM not saying it is not good to read a book. What I AM saying is that LIFE
is etched out in the "LIVING" of this LIFE WE each INDIVIDUALLY, have been
Secondly, WE have this thing out there called "bias". Bias is the
equivalent of some BEING, unbeknownst to YOU, putting a magnet next to
YOUR internal compass in order to purposely altar YOUR course
of direction, for life, to their way of thinking. If that is not bad
enough, WE next have to deal with "Tradition" that has no more of a
biblical basis, then the bright white full moon being made of "Green
Cheese". On top of that We are
surrounded by these "Out Right Lies" passed off as "truth", of which WE
are supposed to be able to magically tell apart from a "Real Lie". Like
there is a difference between a false "lie" and a true "lie"? Can YOU
see what WE are up against here? 5-3 (cont.)
There was a time where I refused to get involved in a battle that
could not be won. YOU want ME to do what JESUS? Are YOU kidding JESUS?
The deck is stacked so lopsidedly against MANKIND, THEY do not have a
chance. Jesus, their Bible(s) alone is (are) (still) so terribly
mistranslated. YOU see what deceived MANKIND did to YOU JESUS. What makes
YOU think DECEIVED MANKIND would do any less damage to YOUR "Holy" Word
JESUS? Okay JESUS, on one condition. I do not have to
play by the Demonic Angelic Realms "Rules and Regulations".
Rule # 1.
YOU will therefore, please forgive ME if I do not restrict MYSELF,
to having to prove anything right, wrong, or indifferent, by what THE
(anything but) HOLY (until YOU figure it out) Bible has to say. [From here
on The (anything but) HOLY (until YOU figure it out) Bible, as YOU will
very shortly learn, will be referred to as the "Dead WORD" as opposed to
the "VOICE of JESUS" talking
to US today as "The LIVING WORD of JESUS."]
Granted, I will use the "Dead WORD" where I can
TRUTHFULLY do so if I need to, and explain it where it is in
error if need be, but that is about as far as I AM going to go with
having to use the "Dead WORD" to explain MY position.
Have YOU Ever Thought About Translating ONE Correctly?
By the way, for the record, I (As ALL of US should.) STILL
a properly translated Bible to be printed in the English language, FREE
the original Greek and Hebrew, and TRADITION.
When I see this take place, then, and only then, will I change MY
discription of THE (anything but) HOLY (until YOU figure it out) Bible
from the "Dead WORD" back to "The HOLY BIBLE", once again. Until then, be
it known. the "King James Bible" and all its "Sister" Bibles are "Lying"
to each of US in a multitude of different areas leading each of US, with
no hope, [Especially if YOU find YOURSELF, all of the suddenly, in that
"eternal" purification (Sulfur and Brimstone) "Lake of
the Fire".] to continously war against OUR very BROTHERS (Act as WE
preceive OUR god to be.) right to the gates of OUR own MANMADE Nuclear
Hell. It is just a matter of WHO is jumping into the MANMADE Nuclear
purification "Lake of the Fire" [Which is not GOD'S
Perfect WILL but it is HIS
Permissive (If YOU insist, have it YOUR way mankind.) will.] with Satan
and His demonic Angels, and WHO is not.
WHO Is Responsible For This Party Anyway?
There are a few common misconceptions floating around that need to be
cleared up here and now. These misconceptions just do not do the
of GOD, any good, what so ever. 1-4
First and foremost, the SPIRIT OF
LOVE takes total and complete responsibility for all of HIS CREATION. The day
HE ceaces to do that, which will never
happen, is
the day "ALL" of creation vaporizes into a poof of smoke, as if it never
existed in the first place. It YOU thought
there was a "Big Bang" rocketing everything outward at a hurrendous speed,
imagine what it would be like if "ALL" this CREATION suddenly decided to
snap back together. It will not happen. HE
CREATES things out of nothing. HE is not
of the destructive nature. HE does not
explode things. YOU are totally of the wrong camp if YOU have been lied to
about the "Destructive Nature of YOUR CREATOR" which does not exist. HE takes it
a step further by claiming responcibility (because HE Created the situation.) for what ever happened,
even though HE did not commit the dastardly
deed. (I will chuck Bible verses in as time permits, on the flip side, but
for now I AM just trying to get information processed.)
Granted, as it is best YOU do not look at a welding arc, or the
Sun, with the naked eye. The SPIRIT OF LOVE
is best looked upon with OUR SPIRITUAL eyes, because HE too,
is that bright and that white. WE will be blinded to view HIM with OUR physical eyes. (Notice how "Scales"
had been CREATED and put on Saul's / Paul's eyes to keep HIM from being
physically blinded. Acts 9:18.) HE will,
however, never harm or hurt US, and OUR fear of HIM will instantaneously disappear when WE learn
CHARACTER, that never Changes. It will be
like WE never feared HIM ever, as far as the
East is from the west.
Secondly, in OUR Translated BODIES, WE soak this BRIGHT
up like a sponge. Even though the SPIRIT OF
LOVE dwells within each
of US, the closer WE get to the "SOURCE",
that is any
"SOURCE" brighter then
OUTSELVES, the more of that "LOVE" WE
absorb. There might be a limit to how much LIGHT WE can absorb (Radiate out.),
but there in not a limit to "How much LOVE
(Which is Infinate.) WE can absorb, form each OTHER. Now imagine a group
hug, in YOUR LIGHT emitting, translated
BODIES, where YOU "ALL" become ONE. This type of LIGHT in OUR translated BODIES is harmless, and
the posibilities are endless.
Partial 3-5
In contrast, , the brightness of JESUS' "2nd
Coming" is manmade and nuclear. WE now have the capability of turning
this Planet inside out, with a long cooling process in between that
eventually forms the "Sea of Glass".
That is the Mission of
these Particular Writings", and that information alone is enough to see
YOU through, but there will be so much more to teach each and every one
of YOU, that will only further shore up YOUR respect for YOUR CREATOR so that WE will never fear HIM ever again. Oh JESUS WE are so sorry WE ever
doubted YOU, WHO also has OUR best interest at heart, as well.
Expanded TRUTH Based Points of Doctrine
(TRUTH Emphasized in blue)
This is by no means an "Exhaustive List" of major, or minor,
"Points of Doctrine" with regards to "Melchizedek’s
(TRUTH Based) Ministry (Rev. 10:7 "when the Seventh (Holy)
Angel (Powerful Message) shall begin to sound ...")" or of the "Kingdom of HEAVEN (Rev. 11:15)". To do that in
this format, would be feasibly imposible to do so. It would be like
comparing the first manual printing press to todays Fiber Optics. OUR
brain can handle that "Amount of Information". WE just do not
presently have the "Delivery System" in place, on planet Earth, to make it
so. If that were the case, WE would go from "Kindergartner to a full blown
College Degree" in a few nanoseconds.
Having said that, the "End Goal" here is to establish a "Support
Structure" (Completed) if not a fully functional
PEACEFULLY established "Land Based Theocracy" (Not
Completed) of the "Kingdom of HEAVEN"
in the physical Realm here on planet Earth. (PEACEFULLY is not as prescribed
in Dan. 2:44 & 45). Any Government
wanting to "Step Up to the Plate" and donate a "Parcel of Land" totally
free of its own, or any other's "Government Adhesions" where the
"Kingdom of HEAVEN " can thrive, is
certainly welcome to do so. (See Wish List #
From what They see, other Nations are then encouraged to follow
suite and imitate what the Kingdom of
HEAVEN doing. In doing so They would be following
Matthew 13:31-32; Mark 4:30-32; Luke 13:18-19; after the Mustard
Seed, or Matthew 13:33; or Luke 13:20-21 after the "Little
Leaven" that "Leavens the whole lot" to the "Principles of the
Kingdom of HEAVEN". This is the better PEACEFULL WAY of
setting up the Kingdom of HEAVEN the King of PEACE is referring to instead. To bad
those two examples are just "parables".
Secondly, these Doctrines are "Complex Facts" not taken from
verbatim issues ascertained from surface values. They are rather deep based
"Theological Issues", from various sources, simply listed without proofs,
in a easily understood "Nut Shell Type of Fashion". Several books could
be and should be written on each of these
"Individual Points of Doctrine", to better more fully explain each of
these "Point of Doctrine". However, Time presently, does not allow that to
transpire presently, but possibly as the Future permits, this may come to
Therefore, having said these "Items of Importance", without
further delay, the "Expanded Version of the Summary of Doctrine"
concerning the "Kingdom of HEAVEN".
Part 1
(This Is ETERNAL LIFE. John 17:3)
There is a GOD.
HE inhabits ETERNITY. HE is the GOD of the
LIVING but HE can more then reconcile the
dead, any number of times, if need be. As best I can describe HIM, HE is a BRIGHT WHITE SPIRIT of LOVE manifested in the form of a BRIGHT WHITE LIGHT. HE is harmless (Heb 7:26) but HE is best to be viewed by OUR SPIRITUAL eyes in OUR pure SPIRITUAL body.
I refer to HIM as the "SPIRIT OF LOVE".
JESUS is the FULLNESS of this same "SPIRIT OF LOVE"
HE claims total and complete
responsibility in all areas (Some WE know little if anything about.) of
OUR existence, through the "MELCHIZEDEK
"Orders of Authority" are under the "MELCHIZEDEK
HE has left nothing (within reason)
to chance and has thought everything (within reason) out in HIS "infinite wisdom and knowledge". (For YOUR
information, I include "within reason" only to keep this statement from
becoming false "automatically" because it deals with words like
"nothing", "all", and "everything". Other then that,
HE has been that thorough in HIS
"All Knowing" planning and preparation of this "Series of Ages".)
To elaborate on all the details that went into the "Behind the
Scenes" activities would have been feasibly impossible for MAN to
comprehend in OUR but short 70 (+ / -) years of mortal existence.
Let it
just be said, GOD (In HIS infinite "Wisdom and Knowledge".) has
something to proclaim to US that WE otherwise might not ever realize without,
sometime, in OUR "State of EXISTENCE", being brought up through this
"Diversely Backwards Society".
P.S. The "Diversely Backwards Society" has nothing to do with
anything WE may have invented, or discovered, or may have even established
somewhere along the "Road of Time". It is rather a "Diversely Backwards
Society" because WE were placed here in "Time", unknowing (blind) to how
things "Really Are" in ETERNITY, no fault of OUR own. From this "Vantage
Point of Time", WE see "Out, more like a keyhole, through a mirror rather
vaguely". Therefore, WE have simply Created, as WE have thus far
preceived things to be, from OUR limited mvantage Point, again, "No Fault
of OUR own". That however, is about to change and is the "HOPE" of these
writtings, that it changes for the Better at MANKIND'S "Gentle Urgings",
rather then with the use of drastic "Signs and Wonders" with the sole
intent of acheiving the opposite effect with disastorous results.
GOD is 100% "GOOD" of which HE
imparts that GOODNESS to each and everyone
of US. None of this GOODNESS can WE
fabricate whatsoever, upon OUR own. If WE lock OUR confidence (Faith,
Believe) in "GOOD" WE experience the fruit
of the "SPIRIT of GOOD" which is "JOY"
and are untouchable. WE get in trouble when WE oscillate OUR confidence
back and forth between "GOOD" and "Evil".
WE experience "Fear", the fruit of the "Spirit of Evil" when OUR
confidence is in "Evil" and are then exposed to the assaults of the
Demonic Angelic Realm. There is no middle ground. WE are either
experiencing "JOY" or "fear" at any given
time in OUR lives.
GOD wants only the BEST for
US and HE will spare nothing, from US, to
make it so. Everything HE HAS, and HE IS (LOVE), will
be bestowed upon each of US as WE mature INDIVIDUALLY into the FULLNESS of HIS
KNOWLEDGE. The fact WE were not CREATED firsthand, as CHRIST', is all the proof WE need emphasising this
statement. If YOU need more, because of the inverted way WE were CREATED,
WE now have first hand knowledge, knowing what it is like not to be a
GOD claims "Total and
Complete Responsibility" for anything and everything that is ever done,
whether HE had a hand in the "atrocity"
or not GOOD, bad, or indifferent.
GOD has two (2) "WILLS".
WILL (all CAPS)" and because WE
(and the Angelic Realm) are created "Free Moral AGENTS", HE therefore has a (#2) "Permissive Will (Always
lowercase when referred to.)" as well, which simply allows US to be WHO WE
are. The proof of these Two WILLS of GOD
is in the fact, (a) It is GOD'S PERFECT WILL
WE are praying for to happen here "on Earth, as in Heaven
when WE say the LORD'S PRAYER, and (b) the only other possibilities are
being Created Robotic, being Created with built in Instinct, or not being
created (activated) presently.
JESUS is the CREATOR (Ex. 20:11), ABBA, Everlasting FATHER
(Isa. 9:6), the REDEEMER (Deut. 5:15), SON, and the HOLY
SPIRIT (John 20:22, Col 1:19, 2:9.), working ahead of US in the
"Future part of a Time Dispensation Period". The fact that Isaiah used the
word "Everlasting" means there was never not a time JESUS was not the FATHER
(CREATOR) FIGURE. Everlasting means forever both ways
present, and future.) in "Time" with no break in between for so much
as even a moment. The before and after verses of Isaiaih 9:6 gives no
doubt, what so ever, that Isaiah was talking about JESUS. There
is ONE GOD, One hope, One Faith, only ONE BAPTISM, ect. ect. ect. (Zec 14:9,
Eph. 4:4-6) There is no "trinity" except as "TIME warps OUR perception"
what "really is". The NAME (not titles) of
the father, son, and holy ghost is simply a Bible study waiting to happen
in "ALL" Trinitarian Churches. This concept alone, gives US (activates)
the "TESTIMONY of JESUS CHRIST (Rev. 12:17b,
15:12b, 19:10b)".
Now when JESUS talks about the
"FATHER", it is simply in a simile,
of two totally different ENTITIES, WE can relate too. It is like
comparing a "dish of ice cream with marshmellow topping" to being as sweet
as a "Kiss on a honeymoon". The two are totally unrelated but they
conjure up a thought process WE can relate to in an understanding way.
Comparing the SPIRIT OF LOVE to the
qualities a loving Father may have
for his children is a quality of the SPIRIT OF
LOVE WE can better relate too.
Now there is this BRIGHT WHITE SPIRIT OF
LOVE LIGHT of which JESUS is the FULLNESS THEREOF, but that does not constitute a
"trinity" what so ever. (See 1-1 again.) The manifestation of the SPIRIT OF LOVE decending upon JESUS in the form of
a Dove, was simply that. A manifestation of the SPIRIT OF LOVE. A WOMAN sitting upon YOUR lap is
also a manifestation of the same SPIRIT OF
LOVE in physical form.
If anything, WE have a "Duality" with the BRIGHT WHITE SPIRIT OF LOVE LIGHT in the
and JESUS as the manifestation in the physical Realm, but JESUS is still
the fullness of that ONE BRIGHT WHITE SPIRIT
OF LOVE LIGHT in the Physical Realm of which HE is still but
ONE in the flesh, anyway YOU look at it. In JESUS' transfigured BODY,
HE is still radiating out with that ONE BRIGHT
WHITE SPIRIT OF LOVE LIGHT, of which without, nothing would
have ever been CREATED.
It is "Time" which warps OUR precetion of god with a Past
(father), present (son) and future (Holy Spirit). (See all of Part 2.)
It is the "LORD JESUS"
verses the "Lord Satan" throughout the Old Testament of the Bible. The
trick is to determine which "Lord" is Satan and which "LORD" is JESUS and
where EACH (JESUS included.) first come into play. Then it is
just a matter of determining which "MAN of God (Working for Satan.)" or
"MAN of GOD (Working for JESUS.)" is
possibly unknowingly playing the "double agent" and how much for each
It is called the "Tree of
Knowledge". That is "Knowledge of GOOD and Evil" that is, of which, the FRUITS of
each "Side of the Tree" is still available for US to pick
yet today. If OUR CONFIDENCE (FAITH, BELIEF) is in GOOD, the FRUIT is JOY and all that entails. If OUR Confidence
(FAITH, BELIEF) is in Evil, the FRUIT is FEAR and all that goes along with
that side.
Knowing that, more intuitive EVE was right. (See Gen.
1:29b) JESUS, not being the author of
confusion, could not come back in the form of a man again, to refute
Satan’s claim that there is a bad tree (Created by GOD, how absurd.) in the "Garden (entrapment) of
Eden". Try the Spirits. See Who really built the "Detention Center of
GOD does not kill. HE never has, and HE never will. That, again, is simply Satan
masquerading around as JESUS claiming
CHARACTER as His own while thrusting His own destructive
character upon JESUS. This is nothing new
and this is going to happen again on a more grand scale in these "End
Times". (More Later, especially upon this Topic.)
Part 2
Time Verses ETERNITY
ETERNITY is the "Absense of Time" where EVERYTHING is REAL
or "As It Appears To Be". ETERNITY can support "TIME", but "TIME" (Which
has a Beginning and an End.) can in no way, support ETERNITY. There is no
such thing as "Endless Time".
"Time" is the Kingdom of
HEAVEN'S "Work Shop (playground)" where "What-ever" is needed,
can be Manufactured to be later Transposed, if need be, up into ETERNITY
where, then, coruption (Change) cannot touch it.
WE (Planet Earth) are presently in a "Series of Ages"
(a.k.a. "TIME") where "nothing is real" or "as it appears to be" (1 Corin.
13:12). "Time" (as well as each "Age") has a "Beginning (past)",
"Present", and an "End (future)". "ETERNITY" on the other hand, has no
"Beginning" and has no "End" and, more importantly, is the "Absence of
Time" where "Everything is REAL" or "As IT Appears To Be".
OUR CREATOR, named JESUS, dwells in "ETERNITY" and has total and
complete access to any nanosecond in an "AGE" so long as that "AGE" is
active, or that "AGE" (i.e. "Age of AGES")
is still being completed (built) yet to be activated, or a particular
"AGE" has just yet to be activated (completely built awaiting activation).
Once an "Age" is completed (as in after being activated and has run its
course), it is either "closed up" with whatever was, now in "ETERNITY" or
"continued with a different agenda to be completed" towards the "End
The "End Goal" is predetermined beforehand, concerning any
particular "Series of Ages". This "Predetermining" of why any "Period of
Time" is to be activated, is no small trivial thing. Even after getting
approval to open another "Age" for various reasons, which is no small
task, vast resources then must be committed to the project. Needless to
say, much preparation and planning must be accomplished before any
construction begins on any "Time Dispensation Period".
The "Age of AGES" is implemented after the manmade Nuclear
purification "Baptism By Fire". This is not GOD’S "perfect will" but HE none the less, uses this opportunity to HIS advantage. HE
would much rather THEY all would have "ALL" repented instead of having
"Sin" purged out of THEM in the sulfur and brimstone purification "Baptism
By Fire", which brings US to.....
"ALL IN ALL" occurs, after
the "AGE of AGES", when ETERNITY is Transposed upon the "Physical Realm"
that is presently under the "Experience of Time".
Part 3
The Kingdom of HEAVEN
There is the “Kingdom of
HEAVEN” of which WE (Planet Earth) presently are not, and there
is everything else. Everything else (Pseudo Authorities) is simply there
to impede the functioning of “Kingdom of
the “Nth” degree, on planet Earth. (1 Corinth. 15:24-28)
The “Kingdom of HEAVEN” is a
“Theocracy”, and the only “THEOCRACY”, I
might add, with JESUS at the helm. It is
not a democracy, or a republic at any level, where “deceived” BEINGS vote
by THEIR actions. At best, “Kingdom’s of Earth” are a “dictatorship with
Satan at the helm” posing to be a pseudo “type of God”. At worst, they
are a tyranny beyond definition deploying every deceiveable means
possible, at their disposal. Nothing is beyond Satan’s grasp on Planet
Earth, and beyond (to some degree), to corrupt.
The “Kingdom of HEAVEN” is
free, but it is not cheap. Everything GOD
has for US is totally and completely free. That does not mean it does not
cost anything.
The (imperfect pseudo) Calendars have already been
replaced by the “Perfect Weekly Calendar”. (This was simply another ploy
in place to keep US not functioning as CHRIST’.) The Calendars went from illuminated
Silver to bright shining translucent Gold in a dream on April 7th of 2001.
It was like a dark cloudy moonless night all around ME except for
this small silver light off in a distance. I walked slowly toward that
silvery light trying to make it out. It was round, for the most part,
except for the emphasized wording, forming part of a circle at the top of
the otherwise perfectly rounded circle all shining of an internal silvery
light. I soon saw it was OUR weekly cycle in a circle within a circle.
The center was cocked to the right and was crooked. The outer
circle had the “7th Day” on top square with the world. The “1st Day” was
off to the right, of which Sunday was directly under the “1st Day”.
Saturday was directly under the “7th Day” as I realized that is how WE are
set up. The emphasized wording in larger letters at the top read in
silver, “Kingdoms of” with “Earth” printed in a circle still in silver
under “Kingdoms of”. I realized “yes”, and agreed, these are the
“Kingdoms of Earth”.
As soon as I realized that, Sunday slid from under the “1st Day”
of the week to instantly being under the “7th Day” of the week, pulling
the rest of the days of the Week around with it, and it “ALL” changed just
as fast to bright shining GOLD. Bright shining polished translucent GOLD.
Now the wording at the top in BIG GOLD letters said “Kingdoms of HEAVEN”
and “Sunday was under the 7th Day Sabbath”. “Monday was now under the 1st
Day of the week”, where it should be.
Two of the same posters (One I made and one I had commercially
made.) were created to depict this same dream of how it instantly,
painlessly (I might add.), happened, as I lay in bed early that Sabbath
morning praying to GOD on April 7, 2001.
YOU see, this was also the “1st Day of the 6001 Sacred New Year” otherwise
known as 1st day of the month of Nisan, 6001.
In August of 2000, JESUS told ME
HE had already picked the day HE would change the Calendars. I, in the process
of making MY “Change the Calendars” poster, quickly grabbed a calendar and
skimmed ahead to “Yon Kipper” of 2000 pointing to that day thinking that
would be the day. What could be a “better day” then the “Day of
Atonement” of the year 6000 from Adam and Eve, when HEAVEN and Earth become one. However, I got no
confirmation form JESUS, concerning that
date, but I choose it anyway.
Oh how much better it would be for MANKIND, on a step of FAITH, to
change their own calendars, without any prompting from the “Courts of HEAVEN”. It can still happen, for WE,
other then MY WORD, have not been severely
prompted, as of yet, from the Demonic Angelic Realm. The prompting goes
to those who do not change their calendars courtesy of the Demonic Angelic
Realm, who more then ever, have at least one known claim against their
When this is accepted, WE will go to work on the “First Day of the
Week” and Church, any Church. on the “7th Day Sabbath”. This is but one
of many earmarks of the “Kingdoms of
HEAVEN”. The weekly cycle ends at the end of the 7th Day
Sabbath and the begins on Monday, the first day of the week, as it should
be. This can only be achieved by dropping a day out of the week and not
by simply putting Sunday on at the end of the weekly cycle, as it has
already been falsely done with many calendars.
The acceptance or denial of this will draw the battle-lines
between the CREATIVE POWERS of JESUS (CHRISTHOOD) verses the destructive miracles
of Satan. ETERNAL life is getting to know the TRUE GOD (John
17:3) that does not kill instead of the false God who likes bringing the
fireworks with Him.
The "2nd Coming of CHRIST"
and the "2nd Coming of JESUS" are two
totally different events. The first is the installation of "CHRISTHOOD" upon MANKIND (Which is not the "Latter
Rains" either.), and the other is a later physical "Return of JESUS". WE must have the REAL to compare to before that which is false,
can be adequately judged. Presently there are but a measly 144,000 slated
for "CHRISTHOOD", before the "Close of
Probation". The "Courts of HEAVEN" were hoping for about 8 billion (The GRAPE
Harvest.) teaching
THEIR resurrected comrades the "ROPES" of
being a "CHRIST".
As an added note, the further apart these two major events are
(CHRISTHOOOD for MANKIND and the 2nd Coming
of JESUS) in Time (A thousand Years would
nice.), the more beneficial it will be
for all PARTIES (MANKIND and Demonic Angelic Realm) involved. The
closer these two events are to each other, the less prepared MANKIND
and the greater the loss to MANKIND, the destruction, will be.
The longer WE have to try out the ROPES of
Being a CHRIST and teach OTHERS
to do the same, WE may actually have a PEACEFUL 2nd Coming of OUR LORD and
In the "Kingdom of HEAVEN"
(of which is at hand), JESUS has only HOLY DAYS. They are the 52 Sabbaths observed from Sundown the sixth Day to
Sundown the seventh Day. Then there are the 12 or 13 (Alternating Years)
"New Moons" celebrated the first 24 hour
period after the actual "NEW MOON occurred",
again from Sundown to Sundown. These commemorate the 1st CREATION Month, just as Sabbath commemorates the 1st
CREATION Week. Lastly, there are the seven soemn "FEAST DAYS", two (2) of which are 8 days long,
celebrating what JESUS, with no prompting
what-so-ever from US, did, all by HIMSELF,
to assure each of OUR own Salvation. The LOVINGLY keeping of each of these HOLY DAYS, which is less burdensome then keeping
many of mankinds holidays, is the "EXTRA
OIL" the wise VIRGINS had
proclaiming the "Traditions of Man" no longer have any part in these
SACRED (versus secular) LIVES".
(For greater details click on Extra Oil
or see Menu Item Extra Oil at end of these
writings.) #####
WE are (ALL) 1st Class Citizens of the Kingdom of HEAVEN (Phil. 3:20) in good standing
and rule as Kings (Queens) and Priests (Priestess’) subject only to the
KINGS in the (presently, non-physically) established “Kingdom of HEAVEN”.
Part 4
Concerning OUR Salvation
The most important question WE can ask OUR fellow MANKIND
is found in Acts 19:2. Have YOU received the HOLY
SPIRIT,? If the answer is “no”, there is a procedure that
is to be followed as defined in Acts 19:3-8. “Neither is there salvation
in any other (NAME): for there is none other
NAME under heaven given among men, whereby
WE must be saved. (Acts 4:12)” If the “Baptism in JESUS’ NAME” does not produce the desired effects,
there is still the “Laying on of Hands”. This is not a “spectator sport”
but rather is a Celebration and should be treated as a “Community Affair”
for “ALL” parties involved until the “Manifestation of the HOLY SPIRIT” brings the “PARTY” to a fitting close
(Luke 15:7). Some are “Baptizing”, some are “Praying”, some are “Laying
on of Hands”, some are “Speaking in Tongues”, some are “Interpreting”,
some are “Prophesying”, some are “Playing Musical Instruments”, some are
“Singing”, some are “Dancing”, some are “Clapping THEIR Hands”. It is a
JOYOUS occasion not to be treated as a funeral proceeding.
Many a PEOPLE have gone to church all their (wasted) lives without
being “Born Again”. (Many saved GRANDPARENTS will testify to this.)
Multitudes, waiting to be saved, are in the various Churchs alone. If the
answer is “I’ve always been a Christian.”, then the TRUE answer, in other words, is, “I’ve never been
a Christian.”
The tens of thousands of (wasted) baptisms, at astronomical costs,
that fail to produce the desired result that are for many of those “third
world countries” a once in a (short) life time experience. Where are WE
at in “Time”, when a MAN of GOD has to pray
for the deceived MINISTERS performing the pseudo baptism, “JESUS forgive THEM, THEY know not what THEY do.”
This is so disheartening, to see the depth of Satan’s grasp, to the vary
core of most denominations fundamental beliefs. (Isa. 28:8-12) If
THEY have not become “Born Again” by this experience, then the Experience
is, for some reason (unrepentant, unconfessed sin) or another (Lack of
Brotherly Support.), not complete. It is just a matter of exhausting all
other possible avenues, before this DOCTOR gives up on this PATIENT which
presently is not at all being done what-so-ever. As it is, WE are putting
the sheet over the PERSONS head, (not giving THEM a chance) while THEY are
yet still breathing.
By OUR LOVE (Bestowed upon
US by the “SPIRIT of LOVE” that fully
engulfs JESUS and richly dwell within each
of US.) WE have for JESUS, WE are to “Keep
the Commandments (including the TRUE “7th
Sabbath”) of JESUS”. Without that “LOVE”, WE have “Legalism”. Without the “Law”, WE
have “Lawlessness”.
So YOU know, there are Four (4) Distinct Groups of "LAW" spoken of
in the Bible. They were known as the (1) "TEN COMMMANDMENTS" the (2)
"Civil Law", the (3) "Dietary Law" or "Health Laws", and the (4)
"Sacrificial Law" or the "Laws dealing with the Animal Sacrificial
System". Of these "Four Groups of LAWS", the death, burial, and
resurrection of JESUS only did away with the
"Group of Laws ( # 4 above)" dealing the the "Animal Sacrificial System".
The other "Three Groups of LAWS", The "TEN COMMANDMENTS", the "Civil Law",
and the "Health Laws", were never "Nailed to the Cross" and are still
firmly welded in place. Now the "Keeping of these 3 Sets of LAWS" is not
required as a part of OUR Salvation, simply because OUR SALVATION is
totally dependent upon what JESUS does, but
rather, WE only easily "Keep these additional sets of LAWS" because WE
"LOVE JESUS". Without that "LOVE for JESUS", the
doing of anything, is again, simply "Legalism", or a vain attempt to try
and "Save OURSELVES".
Total Reconciliation. (1 Cor. 3:15, 1 Tim 4:10b, Heb
8:11b-12) Those that do not believe will be plucked out of the fire (Matt
13:42), and given a “Harp and a Crown” and probably about as much
responsibility as a part in the “Choir Section” has (Rev. 15:2-4). All
verses dealing with “hell” can be explained.
Part 5
WORD" of this same said SPIRIT OF
LOVE that never changes" WHO
speaks to US directly, via the HOLY SPIRIT,
which is still JESUS simply working ahead of
US in the "Future Part of this Stuff Called Time". The Original Greek,
Hebrew, and some Aramaic (In parts of Daniel." manuscripts, is simply the
"Recorded History" of what was then this same "Living
WORD", but now, because of the fact, "it is recorded", is no
longer the "Living WORD", but rather the "Recorded WORD".
Knowing this, WE must "Try the Spirits to see whether
THEY be of the SPIRIT OF LOVE" that never
changes, or of the "Father of Lies", Satan. Every "Spirit" recorded
in the "Recorded Word (Note not COLORED and
not all capitalized.)" is therefore NOT JESUS nor is it of the SPIRIT
OF LOVE that never changes. The "Angel of the LORD", the "Destroyer (Ex. 12:23)", "Satan", the
"Devil" are not JESUS and is not even of the
"Heavenly Group of Angels", but rather of the "Demonic Group of Angels"
bringing with Them the lightining (fireworks) and causing death or
destruction that was to occur. (Refer back to Part 1 #4.)
The (anything but) HOLY (until YOU figure it
out) Bible , and all its sister Bibles are terribly mistranslated.
The Churches, of all groups, should be first in line to head up the cause
(if not doing it themselves with their knowledge and printing presses), of
getting a correctly translated Bible.
Along those same lines, the Bible, manuscripts, or
otherwise, does not tell US everything. In fact it tells very
little except to believe in JESUS and HIS righteousness. HE is the GOD of the
LIVING and HE takes every opportunity HE can to use the LIVING to proclaim HIS message via HIS
SPIRIT. That fact that message might accidentally happen to
get recorded in some form of a permanent record for the rest of US to
behold, is just icing on the cake. HIS will
is still going to be accomplished.
Part 6
It all happens here. The “1000 Year Millennium” is about
finished. There is no “Secret Rapture” and those that are raptured (taken
away) are the wicked to a feeding frenzy of Eagles and or Vultures. This
all in line with the setting up of the Pre-advent “Kingdom of HEAVEN” here on Earth in the Physical
Realm. This is still but only this groups “first death”. (See Malachi
4:2 “with healing in its wings.”)
A major part of this endeavor is to move that which is “SPIRITUAL” into the “PHYSICAL State of BEING”, and
to eventually encompass it all under the protection of “ETERNITY (ALL IN ALL)” all in due time. To take a
massive group of PEOPLE to the “Courts of
HEAVEN” for even a few years (possibly 7) would be so counter
productive in this endeavor. I just do not see it in the cards. The
“ELECT”, possibly for 6 hours, as JESUS was,
is the most a COLLEAGUE of OURS sees happening.
GOD’S strange act is to
“break OUR covenant WE (mankind) have with death” at a most inopportune
time for US. When the Nukes are in bound. (Isa. 28:18) That leads right
into OUR next point.
If WE relieve enough pressure from the thin layer of
crust, via OUR Nuclear firepower, (159+ aimed at the Kremlin which is
still less then 2% of what the U.S. has.) the pressure from the center of
the Earth will thrust itself out which in turn could cause the rest of
this world to implode in on itself. The weight of the water, which is
easily vaporizes with enough heat, is over a crust that is only 2 miles
thick. The weight of that water keeps the internal outward pressure of
Earth’s mantle in check as well. There is the world “without form and
void”. The core of this planet is at 10,000 degrees when that reaches the
surface (Isa. 28:19). It may take weeks for that to cool down enough for a
crust (Sea of Glass) to materialize.
The "Sea of Glass" is this hardened "Lake of the Fire"
caused by MANKIND'S Nuclear Holocaust.
The I AM, speaking through
each and every one of US, including MYSELF, is trying to prevent this from
happening. If WE all would receive the “SEAL of
GOD” by changing the pseudo calendars, the right way, thereby
burying the “Mark of the Beast”, this could all so easily be
Part 7
Additional Nice To Know Information
WE co-exist in two planes. WE function in the "Physical
Realm" and "Experience Everything (Process Information from OUR Senses)"
in the SPIRITUAL Realm.
For the most part, except in areas pointed out, WE pretty
much follow the rest of the Adventist Doctrine and beyond. However,
except where the Shepherds Rods parallel the Adventist Church in false
doctrine concerning being a Trinitarian Church, and the Millennium still
waiting to happen, WE parallel the Rods in their teachings WE presently
know about. They deal more so with the “Pre-advent Kingdom” and the
144,000 then does the Adventist Church. Some of those teachings WE do not
like any better then the rest of US, but that still has no bearing upon
whether or not they take place.
Much of this doctrine was still hidden due to OUR still close
association with the “Dark Ages” as more light is still being uncovered.
E.G. White had HER hands full with the “LIGHT” SHE was given and the voting power of the
General Conference by deceived MEMBERS.
King and Priest (of the MOST HIGHGOD)
More To Follow As Time Permits