This "Menu Item" is LOVINGLY dedicated to Natasha WHO
wants to travel the Universe to Behold all its vast WONDERS.
(Updated 07/28/2005)

Points To Ponder

For Everything True ... There Is a False

Destination: Elevate every INDIVIDUAL to the
"Status of the VERY ELECT"
that "Can NOT be Deceived".

Please note: This is ONE of the MANY Expanded Renditions of Menu Item "OF ONE ACCORD". This is just "Point # 3-6" of which WE need them all to "Be Of One Accord" on the "SPIRITUAL LEVEL of the "Kingdom of HEAVEN". Please feel free to Click on "OF ONE ACCORD" and Skroll Down until YOU come to "Summary of TRUTH Based Points of Doctrine", for the "Rest of These Other Major Points of Doctrine".

(See Matthew 25:1-13) All 10 of the Sleeping VIRGINS had some OIL (vs 8). Only the 5 Wise VIRGINS had the much needed "EXTRA OIL" for the long awaited return of the BRIDEGROOM. THEY were "ALL" pure and clean as implied by the use of the term "VIRGIN".

So just what is that all Important
"Extra Oil"
WE all so desperately need?

Oh how I would have gathered Israel under MY umbrella of protection as a hen gathers it chicks under their wings (Matt 23:37, Luke 13:34). That YOU abstain from meats offered to Idols, and that YOU abstain from fornication. (Acts 15:29)

The short end of the deal is to stay away from the many "Traditions of Man" that stand in place of the "Precepts (WORD / MEAT) of JESUS". Satan has His "Holidays". JESUS has HIS "HOLY DAYS". They are known as the "FEAST Days", the "New MOONS", and HIS "Sabbaths". Many of which are "Double High Days", because THEY are both a "New MOON and FEAST Day" with a few "FEAST Days" having the chance, if they falls on a "New MOON and Sabbath" of being a "Triple High Sabbath". The "EXTRA OIL" is being pure of "ALL" Satan's enticing counterfeit tradition (SPIRITUAL fornication) that stand in place of the TRUE mode of worship for OUR LORD JESUS.

The only thing any of the "FEAST Days", "New Moons", and "Sabbaths" do is to Commemorate, Celebrate, and to even Memorialize what JESUS has "Already Done for US", or to Commemorate, Celebrate, and even Memorialize what JESUS is "Going To Do" for US. According to the "Lord of this World (Which is not JESUS.)", WE can not forget what JESUS "Has Already Done For US" fast enough. Now I hate to be the old nag that keeps coming back to this point time and time again, but "It Is ALL About JESUS".

How do YOU suppose Abraham knew that I was WHOM the Bible says I AM? King and Priest of Salem (That is King of Peace between HEAVEN and Earth.). It was by what fruit (Information) I was putting out, and I AM not talking about the "Crackers and Grape Juice" either. I was broadcasting what the "Kingdom of HEAVEN" was like.

Secondly, there is not a ONE of YOU I would not gladly trade jobs with, in a heart beat. The job (KINGDOM) is YOURS, and YOU do not know just how TRUE that statement is. JESUS is holding nothing back from any of YOU. YOU are ALL meant to be CHRIST', here and now, (Yesterday Even.) just like HE demonstrated how it was supposed to be done for each of US. However, it takes a bit more then a "Crown, a Priestly Rob, and some Grape Juice and Crackers", to assume this position. Just be it known, I will never lead any of YOU astray for but even a moment of YOUR precious Time here.

The Celestial Celebrations

These Commemorate the Creation of not only Time but the Time Keepers as well. WE first off have the Celebration of the SPIRITUAL NEW Year, which involve the Sun rotating back around each year to its spring equinox. It happens on the first Spring New Moon and is celebrated Once every year.

Then WE have the monthly "New Moons" which "celebrate" the anniversary of the Creation of the Monthly Time Keeper otherwise known as OUR Melchizedek Moon, which determines the monthly cycle of the YOOUR Planet Earth of the Melchizedek Order. This is celebrated upon the first 24 hour period afer a "New Moon" actually occurred. If the actual Time of the New Moon occurred after sundown, but still in the evening of the previous day, it is still celebrated starting at sundown the following evening. It goes as does Sabbath, from Sundown to Sundown.

Then WE have OUR weekly Sabbaths which Celebrate the Creation of "Time Itself" which has no heavenly body to tell US when Sabbath is.

Spring Feast Days


Passover This is an 8 day Period from the 1st Day of the Week to the 1st Day of the Week, where WE do not eat bread with yeast in it, those 8 days. IT (usually) starts 10 days after the first "New Moon" of the "Spring Equinox", depending where the 1st Day of the Week falls with respect to the previous "New MOON".

Wave Sheaf / Heave Offering This is usually not YOUR Easter (East Star) Sun day. This is where JESUS was accepted (first fruits) as OUR Sacrificial LAMB in the "Courts of HEAVEN" after HE assended, that 1st Day of the Week after HIS ressurection, for about six hours. HE then spent 40 more days with US before HE ascended once again to HEAVEN.

Pentecost Also known as the "FEAST of WEEKS". This was the receiving of the "Former Rains" and the beginning of the "Church Age". IT is the DAY after 7 Completed Sabbaths after the "Wave Sheaf Offering Day".

Fall Feast Days

(Not yet Fulfilled)

Feast of Trumpets Always a Double High Feast Day because it is the 1st Day of Seventh month (New Moon) and a Feast Day except when it also occurrs upon a Sabbath which is then one of the few "Triple High Sabbath's" that can be had. With this day, as with each HOLY DAY, no work is to be completed, from Sundown to Sundown.

Day of Atonement This occurs 10 Days after the "(Civil) Fall New Year (Feast of Trumpets) and is like each of the rest of the HOLY DAYS", from "Sundown to Sundown". This is "Serious (Solemn) FEAST DAY", of which no food is to be eaten upon this 24 hour Period. Just be it known, JESUS was the "Sacrificial LAMB" WHO took away the "Sins of the World", of WHOSE "Death, Burial, and Resurrection" WE are to accept as OUR own.

Feast of Tabernacles Also known as the "FEAST of BOOTHS", this is an other 8 day FEAST that begins 15 days after the "Feast of Trumpets" or 5 days after the "Day of Atonement". (See Leviticus 23:33-36, 39-43 minus the "Sacrificial Services" of which JESUS fulfilled with HIS "Death, Burial, and Resurrection.) This would be the proper Time for the "Camp Meeting" to take place.

"And (He shall) Think To Change Times ...." (Daniel 7:25)

WE might know how HE "thought to change the Laws [Dropped the 2nd Commandment and divided the 10th Commandment in to two commandments (of Man.)]", but have WE considered how he also thought to change the "TIMES" as determined by the "COURTS of Heaven"? Is there anything not touched by the deathly finger of "Sin"? Let US count the ways he "Thought" to change the "TIMES" as well.

1.) The Days were "thought" to be changed. Biblically speaking, the "Day" goes from "Sundown to Sundown". In the "Kingdoms of Earth" the day begins at "Midnight" and supposedly goes to "Midnight" which is 12 hours after high noon.

2.) The Months were "thought" to be changed. Biblically speaking, the "Months" go from "New Moon" to the next "New Moon". In the manmade "Kingdoms of Earth" there are 12 months in a year with varying lengths of days, totally independent of the "Lunar Cycle".

3.) The Years were "thought" to be changed. Biblically speaking, the first "New Moon" in the Spring was the beginning of the Sacred Yearly Cycle. In the "Kingdoms of Earth", they start at various times throughout the World depending upon what Country YOU might find YOURSELF associated with.

4.) The Weekly Cycle were "thought" to be changed. Biblically speaking, the 6th (Friday) and 7th Days (Saturday) of the Weekly Cycle were the days of the "Weeks Ending". In the soon to be replaced "Kingdoms of Earth" (Rev. 11:15) the "Weekend" is the 7th (Saturday) and 1st (Sunday) days of the "Week".

5.) The SABBATH (Written in Stone) was "thought" to be changed. In the Kingdoms of HEAVEN, were CHRISTHOOD Reigns for MANKIND, from the 6th Day (Friday) at Sundown till Saturday (The 7th Day) at Sundown, is the SABBATH. In the terribly decieved "Kingdoms of Earth", would YOU believe they use the 7th Day Sabbath as preparation Day for 1st (Sun) day Worship.

6.) The Work Week were "thought" to be changed. In the Kingdom of HEAVEN" the "Work Week" is the 1st (Sunday) Day to the 5th (Thursday) Day. In the "Kingdoms of Earth", the (pseudo) Work Week is from the 2nd (Monday) day to the 6th (Friday) day with SABBATH used as "OverTime" work.

7.) Lest WE forget the changing of the Biblical HOLY Feast Days to the manmade "Holidays". The Demonic Angelic Realm really has quite a simple task. Counterfeit everything that is "TRUE. There is no Christ Mass on December 25th, but it was the day choosen to worship the day the Sun started coming back with the days getting longer. There is a Feast Day called the Wave Sheaf Offering Day, but it does not involve getting up early to, once again, worship the East Star (Easter) at a Sunrise Service Gathering with breakfast following shortly there after.

: Just to name a few of the more prominate changes.

The object here (On Planet Earth) is to keep OUR Minds upon JESUS. Each "Feast Day" brings to MIND something JESUS did for US, whether it be an act of Creation, or an ACT of GOD to secure OUR Salvation. Can YOU see why the De-evil would not want US thinking about eternal things such as those "Acts of JESUS"?

Now MY fellow BEINGS. JESUS TRUSTS ME. I could take each of YOUR places in the "Baptism by Fire", and do not for a minute, think I would not do that. The problem is, it does not work that way. It does not work that way at all. The "Baptism By Fire" has no effect upon JESUS' RIGHTEOUSNESSS, of which I too, claim as MY own (HIS) RIGHTEOUSNESS. It does not burn out the "Tarnish of RIGHTEOUSNESS (Of which there is none.)", but rather, it painfully burns out the "Tarnish of Wickedness", and it does a rather fair job of burning out that "Tarnish of Wickedness" that otherwise blocks the GLORIOUS INTERNAL LIGHT OF HIS LOVE that RADIATES OUT from within each of US.

To be apart of that "Baptism By Fire" totally negates everything JESUS has done for US which is Blasphmy of the Holy Ghost (JESUS working ahead of US in this thing called "Time".) to the highest degree.

JESUS TRUSTS ME. I would not be here, if HE did not have a little "FAITH" in ME. This is King and Priest Melchizedek of the MELCHIZEDEK ORDER speaking "Here and Now" simply trying to keep each of US out of the "Baptism by Fire" that none of US (Angelic or HUMAN) need. WE are going to be in that "Baptism By FIRE", brought on by MANKIND, "ONLY" because WE refuse to climb out of OUR "Level of Deception" WE find OURSELVES within. It really does not get much HIGHER than this. WE have this "SPIRIT of LOVE" WHO can communicate directly with any number of US, and then WE have HIGH PRIEST JESUS WHOM I have to answer to. What I have to say, to each of YOU is IMPORTANT. It will save each of YOU needless "Heart Ache and Pain". Especially the "Pain" part.

More Real soon.

King and Priest Melchizedek

[meaning Politically Active (Not Tax Deductible)]
and a PRIESTHOOD [meaning Ability to Intercede
(I Corin. 9:9-14, I Timothy 5:18) and "Not for Profit".] of the
"Courts of HEAVEN".
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