(updated 11/09/2003)

Dedicated To MY beautiful "NIECES" Jordyn & Jamie.

All Summary Points With Warnings (DANGERS) In Red Introduced 1st With
Explainations Following Complete Summary

If YOU do not (1st) repent (Keep ALL 10 Commandments of GOD.) and (2nd) Receive JESUS as YOUR SAVIOUR (Have Testimony of JESUS.) YOU will otherwise perish (2nd Death after 1st physical death.) in the MANMADE (Thanks in no small part to OUR massive build up of Nuclear Weapons.) "Lake of the Fire" with Satan and His Host of Demonic Angels. This is all Satan want of YOU. To join Him in His "Lake of the Fire" reserved for Him. He accomplishes this simply by only having to deceive each of US in just one little area (or more) of OUR thought process. Here is how He is simply keeping US from 1st REPENTING.

P.S. The GOOD news is, there is no tarnish to be purged from the translated BODIES of the RIGHTEOUS (Those that KEEP the Commandments of GOD and are covered by HIS BLOOD for past mistakes.) WHO already shine brightly (no shame) as the Stars of HEAVEN. This is known as being "Weaned of the MILK PAUL fed YOU with" or the process of getting YOU to RIGHTEOUSNESS. The "MEAT in due season" supplied by King and Priest Melchizedek is intended to simply keep US out of that "Lake of the Fire". Nothing more, nothing less.

Presently the "Snares (DANGER DANGER DANGER)" I AM working on are:

I. False Theories That Depend Upon "Daniel's 70th Week" as Their Foundation. These include but are not limited to:

: Secret Rapture Theory

: 7 Years Tribulation Theory

: Time Charts Featuring 7 Year Space of Time Split at 3 & 1/2 Year Intervals.

The danger of this lie leads US to believe WE each have a second chance "to REPENT" just as the PEOPLE that missed Noah's Ark, and Sodom and Gomorrah had a second chance "to REPENT".

II. Terribly Mistranslated Bible(s) in Key Areas Crucial To OUR Overal Development. This includes but is not limited to the King James Version and "ALL" its sister Bibles where the TRANSLATORS opted for mankind's tradition and / or the TRANSLATOR'S bias over the TRUE TRANSLATION. These areas include but not limited to:

: False Eternal Damnation Texts.

: Elimination of Otherwise, Crystal Clear Road Map Containing The "Age of the Ages" So Easily Defined In Original Greek Bibles.

: Various Then Deceived Translators Twisted Bias Written Into Context Not Otherwise There In Original Hebrew or Greek Bibles. This Requires Insider Information and Is Much Harder To Prove. These areas include but not limited to:

: Whole Paragraphs Edited Out.

: Chapters Divided In Wrong Spots To Break Continuation of Train of Thought.

: Comma's Placed In Wrong Place To Give Totally Different Meaning.

: Whole Sentances Edited In, Not Otherwise Found In Any Greek Manuscript, At Translator(s) Discretion.

: Totally Unrelated Words Used In Translation To Convey False and Even Ridicules or Nonsense Meanings.

The danger of this lie leads US to shy away from (distrust) OUR only SALVATION. "And this is LIFE ETERNAL, that YOU may know THEE, the only TRUE GOD." JESUS claims total and complete responsibilty, but HE "DOES not KILL. Never has! Never will! Any BEING that Believes GOD does kill and acts accordingly, will be purged with many Nuclear blasts (many stripes) in THEIR filthy but none the less translated BODY, if THEY do not 1st REPENT. JESUS is harmless and those that think otherwise, simply do not know HIM. HE is only trying to protect US from OURSELVES. As YOU will soon see (1000 Years ahead of schedule), the destruction of this Planet Earth is totally and completely MANMADE (Oklahoma City Bombing, World Trade Center, and Pentagon but to name a few.) and Nuclear. I assure YOU, WE do not have to try and attempt to shoot JESUS' otherwise PEACEFUL RETURN out of the sky when HE comes again.

III. False 1000 YEAR Millennium Vacation In Heaven. (See Graphics 1st Illistration.)

This Lie is especially dangerous because the "Lake of the FIRE" (Which is MANMADE and Nuclear.) finally burns out at the beginning of the "Age of The AGES". We [Non-repentant Christians (SAVIOUR only), Non-Christian JEWS (LORD only), and the ???? (Neither LORD nor SAVIOUR)] not only missed the rapture (WICKED taken to HOT SPOTS) but now instantly find OURSELVE with smug Satan and His Angels in the "Purification (Sulfur/Brimstone) Baptism" by fire each placed according to THEIR works as to the length of Time (Number of Warheads in OUR proximity.) THEY each spend exposed to 10,000 degrees Fahrenheit. The "Lake of Fire" eventually cools down to the "Sea of Glass" and WE have Revelation 15:2-5 emerging before US. Then comes another type of Millennium (AGE of AGES) with JESUS were HE actually reins as "Lord of Lords" and "King of Kings" here on Planet Earth.

IV. Various Comments Concerning the Various Issues Going Around.


Danial's 70th Week, of Probation for Israel, started right on Schedual with the "Baptism of JESUS (27 A.D.)" and ended 7 Years later with the "Stoning of Stephen (34 A.D.)", after which, WE (the Christian Gentiles) are LIVING proof the Gospel "Went to the Gentiles". In the midst of the Week, 3 & 1/2 Years after JESUS' Baptism, HE (JESUS) was briefly cut-off when HE died on the Cross, thus fulfilling "ALL" the requirements of "Danial's 70th Week". Thus YOU have the TRUE interpretation of "Danial's 70th Week".

The False "Secret Rapture Theory" originating from "Council of Trent" which was organized to counter Martin Luther's "Reformation Movement". So YOU know, the BEINGS taken away, by the Demonic Angelic Realm, are the wicked taken to be feasted upon by the Vultures and Eagles with a "River of Blood" 5 feet deep 200 miles long. (Luke 17:37) Are YOU sure YOU want to be in that group? considering WE each only have 5 quarts of blood to contribute to that cause?


Terribly Mistranslated Bible in key area's. No Eternal Damnation. Hell means simply hidden. The "Ages" (more then 2) which give US a "Road Map" to follow, which are so clear in the Greek, are all but obliviated from the KJV and Sister Bibles.


Cancel the 1000 Year Vacation in "Courts of HEAVEN". (See Graphics 1st Illistration.) The Millennium of Revelations 20:1-7 started in 30 & 1/2 A.D. with "First Resurrection of Old Testiment Martyrs" when JESUS also was RESURRECTED. THEY, the 24 ELDERS, are presently reigning with HIM now going on 2 Days (2 Peter 3:8). The Millenium ends at the "LATTER RAINS" when Satan, Who has been held at bay (NO unexplained destructive lying wonders from the sky.) by the "HOLY GHOST, gets His Destructive Powers back [Fire from 1st Heaven (sky)] with the celebration of the departure of the "HOLY GHOST (LATTER RAINS)". Thus ends the "Church Age", the "Time of the Gentiles", the "Age of GRACE", or whatever the "TIME" between the "Former RAINS" and the "LATTER RAINS" may be referred to as.

This also moves everything up, a 1000 Years ahead of schedule. How many production SUPERVISORS do YOU know of that can do that? WE still however have the "AGE of the AGES" to contend with where JESUS actually reins and rules the NATIONS with a "Rod of IRON" as KING of KINGS, and LORD of LORDS, in the Physical Realm, here on Planet Earth, give or take, a 1000 Years. It is not so bad. Angels (NATIONS) do not counter CHRIST' and WE CHRIST' (US) are that "Rod of IRON".


For ME to be able to say anything, concerning whatever may, at any given time, be going on, is impossible without the RECIPIENT of what I have to say, having an "Open Mind". I can not paint the picture black enough, as to the way it really is without US really already having that vast degree of "Open-Mindedness".

The bottom line is WE are terribly deceived. Terribly terribly deceived. No fault of OUR own. That is just how utterly successful Satan, in His Twisted Lies of deception, truly is. Do YOU want to see this from the Bible? Revelations 12:9 in the middle of the verse. Isaiah 28:1, 3, 7, 8 but to name a few. In Isaiah, the Wine WE are drunk with is simply the "Doctrine of MEN" being Preached from the Pulpits. I challenge YOU to be able to handle the TRUTH each of YOU, that dwell in Nations totally and completely devoted to Satan on the brink of World War III. Something of which I AM trying despritly to save US all from that starts with the filling of the petitions to get it on the ballet so WE can vote for the "Changing of the Satanic Calendars all to the GLORY of the "Kingdoms of HEAVEN". It is that simple.

To all this I say, "Is it dark enough yet? Have WE had OUR fill of SIN yet? The SIN that utterly and completely destroys everything it touches?" All I AM doing is simply countering with MY writtings, the "Doctrine of MEN" of which WE "ALL" for the most part, are drunk with vomiting all over the place. (Isaiah 28) To think some PASTORS want to know why I do not come to THEIR church to have THEIR version of vomit spewed all over ME?

Be it know, even for that, OUR LOVING CREATOR claims total and complete responsibility for. HE goes as far as to say I killed those INDIVIDUALS when WE all know HE clearly had nothing to do with any of the above incidents. (1 Sam 31:4, 1 Chron 10:4 & 14 Look them up before YOU miss quote ME.) Would YOU rather HE never lifted a finger in HIS abiliy to CREATE? I think not. That in and of itself is an awesome responsibility. Just remember, standing in line behind YOUR worst ENEMY, whom YOU can see, is JESUS, whom YOU can not see.


King and Priest Melchizedek, who is here in OUR greatest time of need, thanks in no small part, to the GOODNESS of GOD, OUR CREATOR, JESUS the FIRST CHRIST, at YOUR Service. Change those Calendars so WE can resurrect those PEOPLE and put this terrible wickedness behind US "ALL". In JESUS NAME, AMEN.

[meaning Politically Active (Not Tax Deductible)]
and a PRIESTHOOD [meaning Ability to Intercede
(I Corin. 9:9-14, I Timothy 5:18) and "Not for Profit".] of the
"Courts of HEAVEN".
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