JESUS' Greatest Joy

Table of Contents






Chapter One: Let's Put Ourselves...(gulp)...In GOD'S Shoes?........................1

Chapter Two: Mountain of LOVE.................................................................5

Chapter Three: The Thrust of the Whole Matter............................................11

Chapter Four: The Answer to Life's Question.........................................15

Chapter Five: Some of GOD'S Standard Operating Procedures.....................23

Chapter Six: Trade Secrets for Creating GODs Filled with LOVE..............29

Chapter Seven: One Small, Insignificant, Problem.........................................41

Chapter Eight: LOVE'S R.E.L.I.G.I.O.N....................................................49

Chapter Nine: Life Goes On and On and On.................................................59

A Look Ahead and Summary

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A Supplemental Handbook to:


Written and illustrated by:


Working through and with

King and Priest

Nick E. Melchizedek

(One of many, of HIS beloved SONS and DAUGHTERS.)

Copyright 1993

Material may be freely used to the GLORY of the LIBERATING, LIFE giving, CREATOR GOD so long as it is properly used in the liberal, liberating context it was purposely written in. This is to bringing GLORY to the LOVING CREATOR GOD "OUR FATHER", the "SPIRIT of LOVE".

King and Priest Nick E. Melchizedek

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This Book is Lovingly Dedicated to the following BEINGS:

The "SPIRIT of LOVE" WHO makes all things Possible.

MY Predecessors WHO went before this WATCHMAN.

I AM presently standing on THEIR shoulders. This in turn, enables ME to see the coming of the "KINGDOM of HEAVEN" from MY vantage point with MY SPIRITUAL eye salve, which I bought from JESUS, like NOBODY has seen it before.

All the "Living" (whether THEY are Living on LOVE or not) in the Last Generation, for WE All Pave the Way for the 2nd Coming of JESUS. MY hat is off especially to each of YOU who have the toughest row to hoe.

What is a few labor pains WE may have to go through, compared to the GLORY the "SPIRIT of LOVE" has prepared for US, when WE all get there. These writings are for YOU, the LIVING, at the time of JESUS' 2nd COMING, from the "SPIRIT of LOVE", YOUR CREATOR. HE sends ME, MELCHIZEDEK, in hopes of helping YOU to soften and even eliminate those pesky labor pains, all together, that HIS adversary, Old Nick, has waiting in the wings for ALL who do not take to heart, these teachings.

However, what Old Nick has waiting in the wings is nothing compared to this new fanged baptism JESUS has waiting in the wings to answer with. It completely cures rejected LOVE so WE can LIVE and LOVE again. With the "SPIRIT of LOVE", "All things are possible" and if HE wants YOU to live in HEAVEN with HIM for all ETERNITY, then YOU will be with HIM in HEAVEN for all ETERNITY in HIS full blown GLORY HE has reserved for YOU. There are not any 2nd class citizens to be found in HIS long awaited, "COLOSSAL HEAVEN" which is still under construction.

P.S. HE does want YOU in HEAVEN with HIM for all ETERNITY.

All of OUR angelic Friends

They, too, really do have all of OUR best interests at heart. Primarily, Their best interest which secondarily, includes US all. This is demonstrated by the tenacity They show in the way They carry out Their role. They have an awesome responsibility to preform in all of OUR overall, otherwise, prefect development.

Last but not least, To: MY BROTHER (thereby, making US both fellow SON'S of the "SPIRIT of LOVE"), JESUS, who, thanks to the LIFE HE LIVED, showed US all, how LIFE is supposed to be LIVED.

MY hat's off to all of YOU!

King and Priest Nick E. Melchizedek

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Genesis 1:1 In the beginning before the creation of the Angelic Realm, the "SPIRIT of LOVE" first took the initiative in HIS own LOVING way and thought. HE then continued HIS thinking, jotted down a few notes, discussed it with HIS colleague. The project was given a name and slowly moved ahead. Rough drafts were purposed and even drawn up once or twice. Proposals were studied, ideas were discussed, and many were advanced and still more were scraped.

Long relaxing vacations were scheduled and taken to various parts of the, yet to be created, UNIVERSE. This was in order to give the project a rest and let the material settle and sort itself out. New ideas were then introduced and the project began once again, to slowly move forward. Still more concepts were introduced and rejected, side lined for later consideration, or advanced.

Eventually, a separate sub-directory was set up to test the feasibility of THEIR ideas and to make the necessary adjustments and improvements which were programmed into the computerized imagery prototype and tested again as THEY went along. The computerized illusions were then rotated and analyzed from every conceivable angle imaginable and data was recorded, printed and studied.

A formula was beginning to take shape which netted the desired finished product. Variables were then introduced and data was again recorded and studied to determine which set of circumstances worked the best to attain the much coveted, finished product with all factors being what they may.

After all the extensive research was completed and analyzed with all the possible problems ironed out so as to produce the desired end results, then, and only then, HE (GOD), created the heavens and the earth.

Genesis 1:2 Many active Era's have passed and the once flourishing, but now dormant Angelic laboratory, Planet Earth, due to the completion and outcome of Their many successful scientific experiments was without form and void. The Angelic Realm returned to classrooms of Heaven studying, analyzing, and recording the results of Their many successful research projects in hopes of better understanding the universe around Them.

Therefore, as a result of Their excitement for Their long awaited results to be tabulated in Their classroom type situation (HEAVEN), the laboratory, Planet Earth, was shut down for another short period of time. It presently, no longer being used, and in an effort to conserve electricity, the lights were turned out and darkness was upon the face of the deep.

And the "SPIRIT of LOVE" (GOD) moved upon the face of the waters, as HE set out to set the stage for the next series of Angelic experiments. However, in this next series of experiments HE was going to direct Their attention away from the carnal nature and destructive powers of the laws of nature They had been studying, and contrast what They had learned in those experiments with HIS own underlying character traits of LOVE.

The Angels have become quite mature since the day They were created and have been asking questions concerning HIS CHARACTER because of Their maturation. This the "SPIRIT of LOVE " knew would happen as the natural chain of events unfolded and it was planned for in the overall master plan HE went over time and time again before any BEING was ever created. This was all included in the perfect order HE had envisioned happening. Of course, the Angels are going to be able to use the valuable insight They learned from Their past experiments which was needed, in order to make this series of experiments all the much more successful.

Genesis 1:3 And GOD said let there be light: [and all the flood lights were turned on (once again)] and there was light.

Genesis 1:4 And GOD saw the light and it was GOOD. (There were not any burned out light bulbs that needed replacing.) And HE divided the light from the darkness, much the same way WE shut the lights off over the audience and leave the spot lights and flood lights on directed towards center stage (Planet Earth).

Genesis 1:4 And GOD called the...... YOU know the rest of the story.....or, "Do YOU?"

Needless to say, much time and effort went into the planning of this particular ongoing project currently taking place on "PLANET EARTH". For the AUTHOR'S (GOD and Angels) of the Bible to stop and elaborate on all the details that went into the "Behind the Scenes" activities would have been feasibly impossible to do so. I will assure YOU however, that these plans were completed and with the most ultra modern facilities available. These facilities, which WE have available to US, are beyond anything OUR technology can even dream about having. The closest thing WE have "physically" to this technology is computer imagery, or electronic allusions. That is where everything is done within the confines of a computer monitor's screen or with the use of special effects and television and/or a mixture of both.

None the less, WE today, have at OUR disposal, access to these same ultra modern facilities (Psalms 139:14) in the same unlimited way the "SPIRIT of LOVE" has these facilities at HIS command. The Angels do not have access to these ultra modern facilities as WE have access to them for WE are made so much better then the Angels. (Hebrews 1:4) Also the Angels are quite thankful for the fact They have been able to keep US oblivious about the reality of what is going on as long as They have.

WE are not only the generation that will not see death due to the closeness of the "2nd coming of JESUS", but WE are also the same generation that is going to take the destructive toys away from OUR angelic Friends, one way or another. They have no business playing with these toys in the first place, to OUR own dimise. This in order to bring about the "2nd coming of JESUS". WE are not waiting upon the "SPIRIT of LOVE" but rather the "SPIRIT of LOVE" is waiting upon US to reach OUR proper level of maturation. In other words, WE set the stage, for "HIS 2nd Coming" with the help of OUR new understanding of the "SPIRIT of LOVE".

In the past, WE have all felt that there has always been a HIGHER POWER controlling OUR eternal destiny but WE have not been able to put OUR finger on exactly what HE was doing and/or why HE was going about it the way HE was going about it. Therefore, WE were forced to have a blind trust in HIM without really knowing why. Therefore, most of US did what WE thought was expected of US without, again, really knowing why. These writing are here to give US the "Method to OUR Madness" in hopes of turning OUR madness around for the ultimate benefit of all of CREATION as GOD will eventually, LOVINGLY, have US all to be.

I will start off on this endeavor with one question. "Is it possible that maybe, “HE”, in “HIS” infinite wisdom, has something to proclaim to US, that WE, otherwise, might not ever realize, without first, being brought up through this diversely backwards society?"

These writings may or may not solve all of the universe's problems and that is not the intent of these writings. However, if these writing has caused the great minds of MANKIND to focus on the real problems that lie before US and to begin charting THEIR course in THEIR thinking towards solving these problems, then indeed I have achieved, to a small degree, MY objective. For I (Melchizedek) too, AM E PLURIBUS UNUM and WE all need to pull together to achieve these goals that “GOD” has set for OUR LIVES.

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In JESUS dwells the "FATHER". The fullness of the GODHEAD, bodily. This "FATHER" is LOVE in the form of a "SPIRIT and LIGHT". I refer to "ABBA" as the "SPIRIT of LOVE (and LIGHT)". "HE" is the "INVISIBLE GOD (To the Carnal Eye)". "HE" is the "MOST HIGH GOD". "HE" is the "SPIRIT of LOVE" of which WE will not be able to look upon with the naked eye (Acts 9:3-9), for this "GOD is a BRIGHT WHITE LIGHT" of which is crystal clear with YOUR "SPIRITUAL" eyesight. With OUR physical eyes it is best to look upon the works WE manifest for this "SPIRIT" lives within each and everyone of US as WE will see with OUR new BODIES.

This "MOST HIGH GOD" has called me. "HE" revealed "HIMSELF" to me in the form of A "BRIGHT WHITE SPIRITUAL LIGHT of LOVE", of which I beheld with MY "SPIRITUAL EYES" in MY translated BODY after being transported to the "Courts of HEAVEN" no less (Spring 1979 Chicago Illinois). Since then, "HE" has trained and equipped me in more ways then I care to count. On top of that, "HE" then bestowed upon ME the "POWER" and "AUTHORITY" that goes along with the "ORDER of MELCHIZEDEK". Therefore, (because and only because, "HE" dwells within ME, and ME, not wanting to bring any dishonor to "HIM") I AM. Melchizedek is the NAME the "MOST HIGH GOD", JESUS, and the "HOLY SPIRIT" (THEY are ALL "ONE") have bestowed upon ME and the NAME by which THEY refer to ME as. By the way, as I AM, each of YOU ARE, in the same like manner.

I AM of the Highest ORDER known to man, and the highest ORDER known to all of Creation. It is known as the "MELCHIZEDEK ORDER". Therefore, I AM a MELCHIZEDEKIAN of the "MELCHIZEDEK ORDER" of which JESUS is the KING of KINGS, LORD of LORDS, and the HIGH PRIEST of all, equal with all. It has been revealed to ME that from out of the "MELCHIZEDEK ORDER", all of Heaven and Earth operate upon the "AUTHORITY of this "ORDER". Be it directly or indirectly, by a lesser order that is still under the "MELCHIZEDEK ORDER". In other words, not a thing, and I do mean, not one thing happens, that is not totally controlled, to the smallest, most insignificant detail, unless it has first been AUTHORIZED to happen from out of the POWER and AUTHORITY of, the "MELCHIZEDEK ORDER". I come to you through the "SPIRIT of LOVE", in the POWER and AUTHORITY of JESUS' NAME and CHARACTER through the "MELCHIZEDEK ORDER".

MY goal is to make the "SPIRIT of LOVE", totally successful. After all, "HE" created US and not WE OURSELVES. It is only natural, WE should be asking "HIM" what “HE” would have US to do for “HIM” instead of being the other way around. “HE” is the ONE who gave JESUS, the “CHRIST”, the "SON" of the LIVING LOVING “GOD”, the POWER to do what JESUS was able to do. “HE” has not changed and that same “POWER” is still available today to who-so-ever will get in line behind JESUS and re-claim THEIR “GOD” given dominion over sin and suffering all to the GLORY of the "SPIRIT of LOVE". MY goal is accomplished when EVERYBODY has attained the highest position possible for THEMSELVES, in the Kingdom of Heaven. Trust ME on this one, for JESUS' sake, when I say, "To know and be EMPOWERED by the 'SPIRIT of LOVE (GOD)', THAT IS LIFE, ETERNAL."

LIFE is living to the fullest possible potential, that LIFESTYLE, “GOD” meant for all of US to have, in “HIS” kingdom, called Heaven. As YOU read on, YOU will see just how Great, beyond YOUR wildest dreams, that potential really is. (“GOD’S” will is that none should perish but all should come to repentance. (II Pet.3:9) More important however, is the fact that “HE” is SOVEREIGN and “HE” gets what “HE” wants without using force or coercion, in “HIS” own LOVING WAY, and in “HIS” own LOVING TIME. Sooner or later, preferably sooner (at the 2nd coming of JESUS CHRIST), YOU will be LIVING ETERNALLY, in the GLORIOUS "Kingdom of HEAVEN".

For most PEOPLE, I hope this Handbook called "JESUS' GREATEST JOY", is just a new way of looking at this old "sin" problem of the Devil's (Old Nick) with greater understanding, and even greater words of encouragement for THEIR fellow BEINGS.

For OTHERS, it may be a whole new concept THEY have never heard before about the LOVE the “FATHER” ("SPIRIT of LOVE") with JESUS have for each and EVERYONE of US and what OUR correct response to “HIS” LOVE for US should be.

I guarantee who-so-ever takes to heart and practices what I teach them, (which is coming to them from the "Courts of HEAVEN"); will never perish but will have everlasting life. Moreover, I do not take this task I have before ME lightly. I claim complete and total responsibility for MY actions in dealing with others to the fullest extent JESUS will allow ME to accept.

To put it another way, if YOU go through the "Baptism by Fire", in YOUR mortal body, because YOU listened to my teachings; If YOU followed these teachings, as best YOU could, with what little light YOU had available to YOU, and still passed through the "Baptism by Fire", be assured; I will be there too, with YOU, pleading with the “SPIRIT of LOVE” and JESUS because I misunderstood something, or couldn't make it plain enough in MY teachings, which caused YOU to go astray. (Please look up Jeremiah 23:1-2, 11-12.)

Thus, if YOU are not "in the air", with JESUS, at the "2nd coming", because of MY teachings, I will plead (and already have pleaded), to take YOUR place in that "Baptism by Fire", if that is at all possible. I have promised this before the “SPIRIT of LOVE”, along with JESUS, as YOU can see, in writing, for all the UNIVERSE to witness. MY life is continuously and constantly on the line for YOUR sake and I AM accountable to the “SPIRIT of LOVE” and abide by “HIS” ways because “HE” LOVES US all so and “HE” is MY LORD and SAVIOR. “HE” is also MY reason for living and serving others for the only way WE can show our LOVE for “HIM” is by LOVING others.

Secondly, YOU will learn by these writings (the future is MY proof if YOU must wait and see in order to believe), the “SPIRIT of LOVE” has many primary and secondary safety nets in place both visible and invisible that Old Nick can not remove dealing with OUR ultimate eternal destiny with “HIM” in Heaven. Not one of “HIS” created beings has ever been at any risk, at any time, of loosing eternal life in Heaven with “HIM” for so much as even one moment of time.

One of those safety nets is for the few that do know the TRUTH, to plead forgiveness for the multitude's lack of knowledge, which covers a multitude of wrongs and already has been done by JESUS at the cross (Luke 23:34). This appeal covers all of MANKIND who have not had enough of the TRUTH presented to THEM to attained the status of CHRIST-hood in their lifetime. That also leaves only those of US who have been a CHRIST and have rejected that lifestyle to be subject to the "Fires" reserved for our immortal "Angelic Friends". Lack of intelligence, which is 100% curable, simply prevents US from attaining the status of CHRIST-hood. To date, every BEING who has attained the status of CHRIST-hood has chosen to remain a CHRIST. This safety net alone leaves a grand total of "ZERO" pre-CHRIST human beings subject to the "Fires" reserved for our immortal "Angelic Friends". I AM talking about the "Fires" of "JUDGMENT DAY" here. The "Second Death".

Also, this lack of information will be, and is now presently being addressed and dealt with by the "SPIRIT of LOVE" both for the sake of living and the dead. Again, MY life and JESUS' life, among others are, on the line if Old Nick tries to convict any of us on a trumped up ignorance charge while he (Satan) deliberately kept the TRUTH from us in the first place.

However, intelligence is not required for knowing the difference between "GOOD and evil" and inadvertently choosing "evil". The safety net for that problem is becoming a CHRIST or pleading the blood of a CHRIST that died or dies, mainly JESUS, for, in the past (repent), choosing evil. By the way, that is all that is being decided by US today, now and forever. Our "courtrooms" are overflowing with erroneous questions trying to decide everything but "What is GOOD and What is evil". How simple life would be if we would cut to the chase and rationally decide if this is GOOD or if this is evil and act accordingly as Eve did. (More later concerning Eve.)

I will let JESUS judge ME in any such matter that comes before HIS "Court" on any such matter that has not already been confessed and forsaken. In other words JESUS is doing everything in HIS power, that YOU allow HIM to do for YOU, to keep the "Baptism by Fire" strictly reserved for Old Nick (Satan) and His host of fallen Angels.

(P.S. The "Baptism by Fire" is not cracked up to be what YOU have been taught it is to be. However, it is still the worst possible way to take care of this old "sin" problem and there is still, no excuse for it having to happen to US that way. If YOU know the TRUTH, the TRUTH will make YOU free and YOU will be free indeed. The name of the game is: "Do not be deceived." Much more, later.)

Combat Briefing for Human Beings

“GOD” is engaged in a LOVING "Game of War" with the “Prince of Darkness”. The only formula for everlasting, universal, peace and harmony is being tried, tested, and proven to be just that, the ONLY FORMULA, here on this great laboratory otherwise known as "Planet Earth", for all of the Universe to see.

In this LOVING War, the “Prince of Darkness”, has no rules He must abide by. (His weapons are opposite “GOD’S” and include lies, death, destruction, fear, hate, anger, coercion, and materialism to site but a few.) Anything given to this "Planet Earth", as a gift from “GOD”, is at the Prince of Darkness' disposal to do with it as He will. Once “GOD” gives US something “HE” will not take it back nor can “HE” nor will “HE” protect it to the degree “HE” has to reveal “HIMSELF” in doing so. For HIM to do so would cause a "win" by default, for Satan. {These gifts, to name but a few, include “HIS” son JESUS, the [anything but] HOLY [until YOU figure it out] Bible, and “HIS” mortal prophets, just to name a few things. [more later]}.

He, the Prince of Darkness, will stop at nothing to use everything, including traits attributed strictly to JESUS and HIS KINGDOM, to His advantage, to deceive anyone and everyone He can. To the point YOU are deceived, to that point, He's got YOU.

On the other hand, in JESUS' corner, “GOD” will use every means, allowed by the "Courts of Heaven" (Which is mainly TRUTH, LOVE, righteousness, humility, LIFE, and other CREATIVE, LOVING fruits of the SPIRIT) to get “HIS” message out. “HIS” message is, "KNOW THE TRUTH AND THE TRUTH WILL MAKE YOU FREE AND YOU WILL BE FREE INDEED. That includes freedom from death which JESUS clearly demonstrated. (HE laid HIS life down and HE took it up again.)

In short (and I do mean in a very small microscopic nut shell), the LOVING "Game of War" is over when the allotted time is up. In the end, either the Prince of Darkness' claims against the LOVING CHARACTER of GOD and the CONSTITUTION of HEAVEN are proved to be totally true or absolutely false. The decision will be rendered by the actions of the unbiased group called MANKIND beyond a shadow of a doubt. At which time, there will be a small mop up operation and ALL of CREATION will be restored to their proper places and it will all be written off as a silly LOVING "Game of War", but not forgotten and certainly never to happen again.

[Just for your information, before I go on, the vote has already been taken, and “GOD” has already been totally vindicated of any and all wrong doing. (Every knee shall bow.) The victory was achieved at the cross when JESUS showed Mankind that the “Prince of Darkness” did not have the "Power of Death" in His bag of tricks as He claimed He did. Oh, it took about 2,000 years for MANKIND to realize this TRUTH, but once THEY did realize THEY too had access to the “POWER” as JESUS showed THEM it was possible, it spread like wild fire and there was no stopping it. Had not the “Prince of Darkness” called the "Game" off just when it was getting good, there's no telling how much LOVE “GOD” could have poured out on all of mankind.]

My HOLY BIBLE is the “SPIRIT of LOVE”, JESUS, and the “HOLY SPIRIT” and where-so-ever THEY lead, I will follow. I consider, as a source of information, anybody and anything upholding the "Law and Testimonies" of the TRUE PROPHETS of “GOD” and will not hesitate to use THEM to exalt JESUS and the “SPIRIT of LOVE” whether YOU have access to that source or not.

As “GOD” gave, “HIS” only begotten SON, JESUS, to US, as a gift; [which again (it bears repeating), once “HE” gives, “HE” will not take back] to do we please, so also, “HE” gave to US, “HIS” WORD, to do we please. (If you think what WE did with “HIS” SON was bad, just wait till you see what WE did with “HIS” WORD.)

In other words, the (anything but) Holy (until YOU figure it out) Bible is not MY only source and I AM not going to subject MYSELF to having to prove everything, if anything, by the Holy (and I use that term, very, loosely) Bible. I will help YOU out, as best I can, but that is it. I AM not going to re-invent the wheel, as the saying goes, but I will point YOU in the right direction if YOU want to go into a deeper understanding of how I came to these conclusions.

Time is MY proof and WE may have to wait till "ETERNITY" is ushered in (A few of JESUS teachings deal with "ETERNITY".) to prove some of these things that will come to pass. A little faith (Which I assure, won't be hard to manifest because of the testimony of the “SPIRIT of LOVE”.), that JESUS is working through Me, would help out greatly, in this area.

Therefore, I will not be side lined, due to an insignificant technicality, that does not jive with YOUR theology. If I do not know the answer, YOU can be sure, that I AM not going to ask the question. "Thus Says the LORD, JESUS" and the gift of the "SPIRIT of PROPHECY" will suffice for Me.

Now please, if I may direct your attention toward center stage. The “SPIRIT of LOVE”, “GOD”, has faith in each of YOU, that YOU are going to pull through for “HIM”. In our hour of greatest need, “GOD” sent JESUS and HE did not disappoint US. Let's not disappoint “HIM”. This is “HIS” hour of Greatest need. “HE” NEEDS YOU! Please come on down off your lofty throne of pride and self adoration and join the Humble ranks on JESUS side who walk humbly and love mercy. “HE” will provide for all YOUR needs and take very good care of YOU here and into the here after.

Once YOU make YOUR final decision, I just ask that YOU stand back and BEHOLD THE POWER AND THE GLORY OF THE LORD JESUS. St. Nick finally meets up with Old Nick in the final, decisive, battle of this War of LOVE. What is at stake as always, is the allegiance of all of creation, with special emphasis this time, on the Human Race concerning THEIR understanding of, and relationship with, the true “CHARACTER of GOD”.

Just as the death of JESUS, on the cross, drove the final nail in the coffin of lies and deception, for all of creation to behold; (By unmasked the heart of the perpetrator, thus winning back the allegiance of the unfallen Angels.) so shall the final assault of Old Nick against the whole Human Race as a whole, unmask, once again, the true heart of Old Nick, in stark contrast, to the LOVING HEART of THE “SPIRIT of LOVE”, whom WE call “GOD”. This is the greatest time to be alive. Let's make the most of it for “GOD’S” Name sake.

King and Priest Nick E. Melchizedek

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The "SPIRIT of LOVE" is "ALL" GOODNESS and nothing more and nothing less (Mark 10:18). Any Love, Devotion, Admiration, Adoration, Goodness, Power, Praise, Glory, Honor, Kindness, Peace, Joy, Tenderness, Happiness, Sweetness, and/or any other trait of beauty, or traits of the "SPIRIT of LOVE" are just that. Traits of the "SPIRIT of LOVE". These teachings may bring out any and all of these traits and these traits are straight from the “SPIRIT of LOVE”, “HIMSELF”. These traits are not just a part of “HIM”, but rather, “HE” is 100% of these beautiful traits which “HE” parts out to each of US in undiminished amounts to the degree WE allow “HIM” to do so.

Therefore, I can not and will not claim any part of these traits for MYSELF. I AM only reflecting, or passing on these traits generated by “HIM”, to YOU of which again, are ALL, totally (100%) “HIM”, and are entirely from “HIM”. The "SPIRIT of LOVE" knowing this, has given ME a new name by which I can channel all “HIS” GLORY from “HIM” through ME, to YOU. Any of the traits “HE” bestows upon ME are again, just that. Traits “HE” bestows upon ME. I reflect “HIS” GLORY and none of MY own. GIVE THE GLORY TO “HIM” FOR NOW AND FOREVER MORE. THE "SPIRIT OF LOVE" .....ABBA......”FATHER”.

Having said that, I will take this time to explain how YOU can differentiate between who I AM referring to as YOU read from the second chapter on to the end of what I have written. This system is not yet perfected and I may miss one, time and time again. How-ever, in places where it does matter, I do specifically make note, for YOUR benefit, that it is supposed to be in the lower case lettering. Here is the key to understanding MY system:

:Because the "SPIRIT of LOVE" lives in all of US, YOU and ME, the human population and I, not wanting to miss an opportunity to bring honor to “HIM” whenever I can, therefore, will use all UPPER CASE LETTERS when referring to MANKIND. MANKIND includes MALES and FEMALES, alike except where otherwise specified.

:If I AM talking about all of US, MANKIND and Angels together, then I again, will use all UPPER CASE LETTERS, so I again, do not miss an pportunity to bring GLORY to the "SPIRIT of LOVE".

:If I AM talking about the Angelic Realm, then just the First Letter Will Be Capitalized. It is not that the “SPIRIT of LOVE” does not live in OUR Angelic Friends, but rather it is just to differentiate between US and OUR Angelic Friends.

:If I AM referring to a god WE created, then it will be all lower case lettering and it will usually be note that it is purposely meant to be all lower case letters. Of course, the real “GOD”, or “SPIRIT of LOVE” is set apart by quotation marks and all CAPITAL LETTERS. Bold print, and underlined, combined may be used as well if emphasis is needed.

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Chapter One: Let's Put Ourselves...(gulp)...In GOD'S Shoes?

The real question is not so much, “Why are we here?” but rather, “What divine purpose does GOD have in store for mankind?” Another way to ask that question might be, “Why did GOD create the human race the way HE did?” Just asking the Question, “Why we are here?” makes it sound like:

(1) We had a choice in this matter, and that:

(2) it is all up to us.

Neither of which is (entirely) true. (Try and figure that one out! Just not now.)

An even deeper, thought provoking, way to ask this same question may be, “What possible motive could "(the so called ‘All Knowing, All Powerful, Ever Present’) GOD" have had, when "HE" set out and created mankind, in ‘HIS OWN IMAGE’ on this "sin" sick planet Earth?” This shifts the burden of proof away from mankind and places it squarely on "GOD’s" shoulders where it should be, as if, when "HE" created us, "HE" had a purpose for us to accomplish. Now we are bringing into question the wisdom of "GOD", “Whom we are supposed to have an inward adoration for?”

The solution to this complex problem (Why are we here?) could be as simple as examining the facts just a little bit closer, as presented by Jesus, and what we know about the way the CREATOR, created us (mankind).

Let’s throw in a couple more characteristic’s about "GOD" and the way "HE" created a us into the picture and ask the question this way, "Why does the 'SPIRIT of LOVE (i.e. ‘GOD’)' need direct access (through the spirit or heart of mankind) to a group of individuals that look like 'HIM' and hear 'HIS' voice?"

Now we are getting somewhere, but let’s look at that question from still another angle. "What limitation(s) does a SPIRITUAL 'GOD' have in LOVING 'HIS' created beings, that man (created in 'HIS' IMAGE and empowered buy 'HIS SPIRIT', THEE 'SPIRIT of LOVE') could possibly help 'HIM' out with?” [This point is very important. (Re-read this paragraph again skipping over the ( )’s to make sure you understand the thrust of this question as I ask it again in a more simplified version.)]

Does the god “we created (in our mind)" have limitations or weaknesses? NO! Of coarse not! Are you crazy? Who would create a god with problems? However, in the real world (PS. Reality does not exist for us, while we are in a “Time Dispensation Period”.), does "GOD" have problems and limitations? Yes "HE" does. We would not be in a “Time Dispensation Period” if "HE" did not have problems that need correcting in "HIS" own perfect timing, in "HIS" own perfect way through the passage of "Time". There are many discrepancies at that, where mankind's help would be greatly appreciated, but none we need to worry about concerning our salvation.

(Please...give "HIM" a break, this “Colossal HEAVEN” yet to be established, was not created in a day and is still under construction. Mankind has not assumed their rightful positions as of the writing of this material. More later.) However, at this point, we are only interested in focusing in on one major limitation "HE" has and is presently addressing.

Jesus was in ONE spot, doing ONE miracle, to ONE person for ONE group of people to see all at ONE time. They had to stand in line to get to the ONE named Jesus. John 16:7 (NSR) says, “Nevertheless I tell you the truth: it is to “your advantage” that I go away, for if I do not go away, the Advocate (margin HELPER) will not come to you.” Now I will ask the question again.

In other words, “Is there a more individualized, personal way for 'GOD' to share 'HIS' INEXHAUSTIBLE LOVE with all 'HIS' created beings, that man (created in 'HIS' image and energized with 'HIS' LOVE), could help 'HIM' out with?" We all know the answer to that question, and the answer is “YES”, but now we are going to turn the tables and put ourselves in GOD’s Shoes and address the issue form "HIS" point of view.

GOD has a question which HE frequently ponders, “How can I better share MY LOVE for MY created beings, with My created beings, whom I LOVE so much?”

HIS answer, HE reasons, is just as simple. “I ‘GOD’, will just have to create more gods that I can dwell in so I can BETTER show MY LOVE for all MY created beings in a more personal, individualized bases.” So that’s it! WE are "CLONES of GOD" in the physical realm who only before this time existed in the SPIRITUAL REALM and “ALL in ALL” through Jesus.

GOD continues HIS thinking, “I will write MY laws upon their hearts and dwell within them and they shall be MY people and I will be their GOD.” Doesn’t this sound familiar? Here are just a few of the many proof texts to support this concept. (John 17:20-23, and 26, Romans 8:9, II Corinth. 6:16 & 17 , Epheshians 3:14-19, I John 4:13-17.)

Enter, Mankind. The physical extension of "GOD’S SPIRITUAL LOVE". We are the vehicle of "GOD’S LOVE" for all of "HIS" creation. [How is "HE" going to accomplish this endeavor (of mass producing "HIMSELF" in the Physical Realm)? The way "HE" has done in the past with everything else. Through a series of “TIME DISPENSATION PERIODS” otherwise referred to as “Age’s”. Each AGE having a beginning and an end when the appointed task for each AGE is accomplished. (Much more on this subject later on.)]

More important is the emphasis this revelation sheds upon the LIFESTYLE Jesus portrayed to us in the brief time "HE" was here with us, while we were yet sinners, as the second "ADAM". Could it be, Jesus being of the human nature, was the first to show us what "GOD" really intended for all of mankind to be like..."Right Now and Forever More?" Why that is not happening, and what we can do to make it happen is the whole focus of this handbook, “JESUS’ GREATEST JOY”. For Jesus’ greatest joy is seeing mankind bringing GLORY to the “SPIRIT OF LOVE”, “GOD the FATHER”. Let’s not disappoint HIM any longer.

At this point, I could sum up why we are here, on this seemingly god forsaken Planet Earth during this “Series of the Ages” or “Time Dispensation Periods” in one short little sentence, and you would tell me, “Say no more, you understand.” However, this sentence has many negative connotations associated with its meaning which is why I did not use this phrase as a chapter title. There is nothing, and I mean, not a thing negative, what-so-ever, associated with the “CHARACTER OF GOD”. If you are in anyway unsure about the “CHARACTER OF GOD” and have negative feelings concerning HIM, I assure you, it is a case of mistaken identity caused by the Adversary Satan, doing His job well. If that is the case, then this knowledge about the true “CHARACTER OF GOD” is here to help to more then offset those strongholds that may or may not have been erected in your mind. These strongholds also concern your feelings toward your fellow human beings as well. The “SPIRIT OF LOVE” in right in line behind our worst enemy.

If there are any negative feelings lodged in our inner beings, concerning your fellow mankind, they must be dealt with and gotten rid of as soon as possible if we want to walk that much closer in SPIRIT with "GOD". It does not matter who did what to whom (period) Take steps to get rid of any negative feelings and I do mean now. (This handbook is one major step toward discerning false doctrine and strongholds.) It will all be made up to each of you beyond our greatest expectations.

If all I told you about this Planet Earth was that it is a "Boot Camp Training Ground For Gods", then, this handbook would lose the upbeat, positive, yes-yes, attitude of the “SPIRIT OF LOVE” which I AM trying to convey to you as the way it is, and that is that. However, it is not a "Boot Camp Training Ground For Gods" because GOD made it that way, but because mankind made it that way and mankind refuses to graduate. If I told you no more then that, you would be missing out upon a lot of valuable truths that really help you to understand the "CHARACTER of this LOVING, AFFECTIONATE, TENDER, KIND, PASSIONATE, CONCERNED, GENTLE, MERCIFUL, SYMPATHETIC, GENEROUS, FORGIVING, WARM, CARING, NURTURING, UNDERSTANDING, SENSITIVE, PATIENT, DISTINGUISHED, COMPASSIONATE, FRIENDLY, SUPPORTIVE, COMPOSED, RESERVED, and ("No, I AM not overdoing it and I can’t begin to list all the OUTSTANDING traits of the CHARACTER of GOD.) GLORIOUS SPIRIT of LOVE" we are supposed to have an inward adoration for.

So I ask you, “Does your inward adoration for GOD need a little up lifting?” (Who’s doesn’t) Then sit right down upon this nuclear arsenal storage facility, called Planet Earth, and let me proceed to elevate your SPIRIT to (first) the presently established “Kingdom of Heaven”. One way or another, you will get to this yet to be established (second) “Colossal Heaven”. It is your choice of how you get there. Either way, it is the ride of your life and seat belts are recommended which ever route we embark on.

[By the way, for your information, our translators (who may be anything but inspired), mistranslated the Greek word for “Age” (eon) to “world (kosmos)”, on more then one occasion. This Planet Earth does not end, only one of its many Ages ends, which has already happened numerous times without US even knowing it. (Cut! It's a wrap. Nice work Jesus, YOU were great. Ready with scene 5,456,157,548,698,894,351,965,542,887,..... Lights! Camera! Action!) The various Ages (TIME DISPENSATION PERIODS) are needed to complete GOD’s greatest accomplishment yet. It is a big difference. Really big difference between an AGE ending (which can and has gone unnoticed) to a World ending which takes a whole bunch of living Creatures with it. According to what is really written, the world does not end, just an AGE or two.]

For that reason alone, I have set out to drive these gold plated steel shafts into the rock solid foundation Jesus has already laid that can withstand a direct hit from any number of a multitude of nuclear warheads. To which, will be secured, the underlying support beams of TRUTH, concerning GOD’s GLORIOUS ATTRIBUTES which are to be brought out in MANKIND, especially with Planet Earth the way it is today. Therefore, without any further ado, I humbly present, all to the GLORY of our LORD and SAVIOR JESUS, the CHRIST, the SON of the LIVING, LOVING GOD, these self evident TRUTHS.

A Look Ahead

The next chapter will be a parable which I will refer back to many times, either directly or indirectly, throughout this Handbook about becoming “JESUS’ GREATEST JOY”. There will be a brief introduction to set up the parable before I tell you the parable.

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Chapter Two: Mountain of LOVE

We can not coexist without rules and regulations because life would be impossible, without the provisions of mighty powers which, in and of themselves, have the potential for destruction. The food we eat utilizes the same formula for energy as do the nuclear bombs. (Thanks to Albert Einstein) This fact alone, makes it necessary for a form of "Divine Law", to be in place, be it in the "Laws of Nature (physic's)", the "Chemical Realm", or in, whatever, aspect of life it exists in.

It is not a matter of whether a "Law" is in place, or not, but rather, what "Laws" are in place, governing OUR existence in "ALL" the various aspects of OUR existence in any given particular situation. It is to our advantage, to discover what "Laws" are in place, and incorporate them into our thinking, to further advance the society, as a whole, working within the framework of those "Laws". In the knowing of these "Laws", it is the difference between accelerated advancement verses no advancement, and even reverse progress. (Jeremiah 7:21-28) (Possibly known as "Con-gress".)

It is that simple. Where would the airline industry be today without the knowledge of "Aerodynamics"? There would not be any airline industry, even though, the material would be in place waiting for the knowledge to catch up. The "Transistor" sat around a few years as WE tried to figure out what to do with this small silicone diode.

That is where we are at today. Our standard of living has greatly out paced our primitive code of civil conduct. It is, to the point, that any further developments, which continues to happen, becomes more detrimental, to society as a whole, which depends upon society, as a whole, to make the whole thing work, anyway. The supply has outstripped the demand, not because the demand is not out there, but because the supply is way overpriced for the people they are making the product for, in the first place. This is by no means, totally, industries fault. It is rather the fault of society, as a whole, not being in sync with the underlying current, of the divine social "Laws", that are in place. We are swimming against the current rather then with the current.

Take for example, the computer industry. Every house could benefit from one being in their house, in one way or another. The problem is, in the computer field, you get what you pay for and there is a such thing as a cheap computers which makes a very expensive paper weight. But, owning a computer, helps out the rest of the country, as well, because of all the support teams that go along with making sure the computer does what you want it to. There is the classes you might take. The software you would have to invest in, which also includes the computer programmers; who also went to school.

There is the extra hardware that goes along with the basic computer. Not to mention the technicians who go to school to learn how to troubleshoot the electronic equipment. The list is endless without even touching upon the income generating possibilities that are out there for the individual. This would certainly benefit the country as a whole.

Something has got to drastically change or the whole ship is sunk. The Corporations need H.Q. Public and H.Q. Public needs corporation, in this day and age. That is, unless of coarse, we are all gods and can create, our own little worlds in which we live in, which is where this world is headed simply because we are to proud to be humble. [The look at what I did (worship the gift), instead of the look at how GOD has blessed me, (Worship the "GIFT GIVER"). WE are looking at the gift instead of the LOVE behind the gift.}

Later on you will learn, part of our reason for being here (though a very small part) is to prove which forms of government work and which forms don't work. It is pretty obvious that we are becoming experts on what forms of governments don't work. The fact is, as the world gets smaller, every day, the more we become dependent upon each others economy for survival. As the world shrinks, the more important it becomes to find the right form of government that does work. The need, of this world, is not so much as to have a world wide economy as it is to have a world wide revival.

Here is that parable I promised you, which Jesus has given me to pass along to you, concerning the "CHARACTER of GOD" and HIS "Law of LOVE".

The "CHARACTER of GOD" and HIS "LAW of LOVE" are the same. Picture yourself, looking at a mountain in front of a large reflecting pond on a very calm day. The physical mountain, as it rises up in the air, is impossible to ignore because of its beauty and splendor. However, usually, you can't see the reflected mountain, in the water. This is because there are very few calm days in your life, for you to reminisce about the more beautiful image in the water.

The physical, majestic, height you look up to, and can touch, is your dealings with your fellow mankind whom you associate with everyday. The mysterious, breath taking image you look down upon, but can not touch, for as soon as you do, you cause a ripple in the water, and the image is gone, is your dealings with "GOD".

The more you ponder the mountain (LAW of LOVE), the more you want to climb to its summit, to see what you can see, thereby conquering it, or so you think. Thus you set out upon this expedition to prove if the mountain (LAW) is to big for you to conquer, or if you are bigger then the mountain and can live within the mountains boundaries, for awhile.

When you get to the base of the mountain, you find (and think), it would be best, if you leave many, if not all, of your wants, at the base of the mountain, if you want to continue on. (Yes! The 10th Commandment comes first. "Thou shall not covet.") Take heart, this is impossible to do, though we don't know it (Come as YOU are.) and because of OUR lack of this vital bit of knowledge, many of US are scared away, before we even start to climb. You don't have to be righteous, first, before you come to GOD. Many consider this to high a price to pay, at this point in time, and return home possibly, someday, to return again. Many do but there are still many more who don't.

Others try and carry their wants with them, up the steep side of the mountain, for a while. Then they decide the mountain is to big for them and return home, or, they leave them scattered along the way, the higher they get. This is what the "Professional Exposition Teams" do when they set out to conquer a mountain and this is the proper way to go about tackling the "LAW of LOVE", to a certain degree. But that is not the secret needed to make it to the top and they are missing the whole point of why they are on this expedition in the first place.

Once (you think) you realize, you are alone, against the mountain, leaving all your wants, at the various spots along the way, and begin "Thanking the Mountain" for providing for your needs along the way, then you can travel lighter and cover more ground, more efficiently. (You have just stripped yourself of all the burdens that go along with the covetousness desires, such as adultery, theft, fornication, etc., etc., etc.. that go along with covetousness.)

However, most people think they did this when in fact, they did not do this. They have become stopped, dead in there tracks, not knowing what they didn't do causing them to be unable to go any further ahead. Secondly, they are afraid to go back down the mountain because of there pride. Therefore, they are content to stay where they are at and are proud of how far they did get. Beside, I at least tried to conquer this "Mountain of Love". That is more then I can say for alot of people. Secondly, there are a lot of others in close proximity to me (believe as I do), stuck on the side of the mountain whom I can fellowship with.

The correct response to do in this situation is to examine yourself, and go back down to where you made that wrong turn in your thinking and correct the problem. You might even have to go back to a relationship in your youth, that gave you negative feeling toward the "CHARACTER of GOD" which is why you are on the mountain in the first place.

Meanwhile, back on the level ground beyond the reflection pond, there are others contemplating climbing the "Mountain of LOVE", as they look up at you, climbing the mountain. They can also see you in the reflection pond, if they are there on a calm day in their life, reaching that imaginary summit, too. As you deal with the "10th Commandment with mankind", you are also dealing with the "1st Commandment" with "GOD" (Thou shall have no other gods before me.). When you conquer the peak of "Lying to mankind", you have conquered the peak of "Swearing with GOD". As you climb the mountain concerning mankind, you are climbing the mountain dealing with GOD, in the reflecting pond. However, is is IMPOSSIBLE to climb the mountain dealing with GOD without climbing the mountain dealing with mankind.

Now getting back to conquering the "LAW of LOVE", you will notice, there are groups of professional mountain climbers, with their spiked shoes and ice picks who streamlined everything and raced to the top and indeed they too, have their reward. In doing so, they lost sight of why they set out to tackle the "CHARACTER of GOD" in the first place. They have their reward for coming in first and have reached their pseudo rest. However, behind them, in the wake of their assent, lies the bodies of battered and hurting beings they trampled over (used), in their haste to get to the top.

There is really only one thing you can do, stalled dead in your tracks. In your humble decent, to see where you made your wrong turn, you also notice quite a few others still stopped in there tracks, but not as high as you were, laughing at you as you pass them by, going down. This prompts you to tell GOD about your enemies, as you consider the humiliating thought of having to leave "The Mountain, the LAW of LOVE" to go back to your youth. This is to take the upper hand away form the authority figure who has been misleading you all along about the TRUE "CHARACTER of GOD", in your sub-conscience.

As you near the bottom of the mountain, you scoop up a handful of dirt and put it in your pocket so you can take the "LAW of LOVE" with you where ever you go. Little do you realize that, because you swallowed your pride, and made your descent, you took a piece of the "LAW of LOVE", with you, in your mind, that you can never give back, that will always be with you.

When you return to the "CHARACTER of GOD" and start your assent the second time, up the "LAW of LOVE", you realize, with an increased awareness, of how endless GOD'S LOVE truly is. Before, as you passed your brothers up, on your assent, you were afraid that your own personal supplies would run out long before you ever reached the top. Therefore, you felt you could not share what you had with those who didn't have for fear, you would become one that didn't have. As you thought about it, you realized that the original thinking caused what you had, to be a god before you and that is part of the reason why you didn't get as far up as you would have liked to the first time.

Now with your renewed awareness, as you come across a fallen comrade, you at least stop, give him a few words of encouragement, offer a helping hand, and prod them along form behind. Pretty soon, the gods you are prodding along, are they themselves, encouraging the other people dead in there tracks to reevaluate there motives. As they do this, their motives carry them to higher ground while they contemplate there short comings and setting their thinking straight. Before you know it, everybody is singing, praising GOD, uplifting there fellow man, and at the top of the mountain with you coming in last. You don't even notice this because you had the heart to help everybody get moving toward a greater reward Jesus had for each of them.

Here is the paradox of the whole scenario. Once we choose to explore the "Mountain of GOD’S CHARACTER", once we choose to look into the makeup of "GOD’S CHARACTER", once we choose to know the TRUE "CHARACTER of GOD", HE does all the work to get the "barriers of sin", out of our way so we can know more about "HIM". "Sin" impedes our ability to know more about "GOD". In other word, the closer we choose to get to "GOD", the further "sin" gets from us. It is not us, but rather, "GOD" working within us.

Once you get to the top of the summit, you find a REST, a PEACE, a TRANQUILLITY, beyond the description of the words of mortal man. The "7th Day Sabbath" brings this out, as a "CHARACTER TRAIT of GOD", reminding us that time, truly does, belong to "HIM, WHO IS AT REST", throughout all ETERNITY. After the AGES have completed their task, and ETERNITY, which is the "Absence of Time", is ushered in("ALL IN ALL"), then the Sabbath, as with the rest of the "Law", will be no more, for the "Time Keeper (sun, moon, and stars)" will have been done away with, but the REST, PEACE, and TRANQUILLITY that comes with TRUE Sabbath Keeping, will still remain, for "Those Laws of Love" are permanently embedded deeply within our hearts.

As you stand upon the top of the "Mountain of LOVE’S Plateau", and look around, you can no longer see the "Mountain (LAW) of LOVE". The people on the ground can no longer see you, either. You have become a part of the "SPIRIT and TRUTH" of the "LAW of LOVE" and the "SPIRIT and TRUTH" of the "LAW of LOVE" has become a part of you. They, instead, see the glorious "CHARACTER OF GOD" in you, which you are radiating with. You did not conquer the "Mountain", but rather, the "Mountain" conquer you.

There is still, yet, another pleasant surprise awaiting all who keep in "SPIRIT and in TRUTH", the "LAW of GOD" that will be shared, with you, later on, in another chapter. I must first show YOU a road map of OUR priorities and further develop other points of interest, along the way, as we ascend up the side of this "Mountain".

Please, talk to JESUS at this point remembering they thought they were doing god a favor by killing HIM. (Isaiah 52:13-53:12) Could it be WE still don't understand? I will try to make it as plain as possible for each of you to waddle through and understand. To help you understand the difficulty of what I AM trying to present to you from the human angle, I will get some help from I CORINTHIANS 13: 8-13 known as the LOVE Chapter. The translation might be a cross between the Living and Phillips bible. (Melchizedek style.)

"All the special gifts and powers from GOD will someday come to an end, but LOVE goes on FOREVER. For if there are prophecies, they will be fulfilled and done with, if there are "tongues", the need for them will disappear, if there is knowledge, it will be swallowed up in truth. Now we know so little, even with our special gifts, and the preaching of those most gifted, is still so poor. For our knowledge is always incomplete and our prophesy is always incomplete, and when we are made perfect and complete, then the need for these inadequate special gifts will come to an end, and they will disappear. When I was a child, I talked, thought, and reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put childish ways behind me. In the same way, we can see and understand only a little about GOD now, as if we are peering at HIS reflection in a poor mirror, and not getting all the details, but someday we are going to see HIM in HIS completeness, face to face. Now, all I know is a fraction of the truth which is hazy and blurred, but then I will see everything clearly, just as clearly as GOD sees into my heart right now.

Of the three lasting qualities we have in this life, faith, hope, and LOVE. LOVE is the greatest.

(Please take this time to ask for "Wisdom and Understanding" from the "SPIRIT of LOVE" that lives within each of US before YOU continue on, in JESUS' NAME. Thank YOU.)

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Chapter Three: The Thrust of the Whole Matter

Song of Solomon, 8:8 says, "We have a little sister, and she hath no breasts: what shall we do for our sister in the day she shall be spoken for?"

I AM the "FATHER" in the "Parable of the Prodigal Son" (Luke 15:11-32). WE all are because of the "SPIRIT of LOVE" that lives within US. This is the same "FATHER WHO" (did YOU notice) is unhappy at the younger BROTHERS celebration. Notice "WHO" leaves the party and goes back out into the field (Angelic Realms Hell) to invite the Older Brother (Demonic Angelic Realm that deceived US) to come in and enjoy the festivities for all ETERNITY with the much wiser younger BROTHER (MANKIND) because WE were deceived. Notice it ends without resolution? The GOOD news is, WE (MANKIND) have all the time in the world to make as many trips out to those fields as WE need to.

Here is how it is done. WE will personally let OUR demonic Friends know They are forgiven and then will escort each and every one of Them into the party as WE make sure They are royally welcomed back into the celebration and everybody knows Their name. The only tears will be tears of joy as WE amaze OUR new found Friends with how loving, forgiving, and understanding WE can truly be. Then WE will return to the field again to escort still more wonderfully created Beings into the celebration through the river of living water that flows out of that HOLY CITY.

After being scorched on the prairie, by the LOVE which WE all have rejected at one time or another and now have embraced, a dip in the river of LIVING WATER feels mighty good about this time. (WE call it baptism, in physical water, in OUR day and age with futuristic implications applied.) It takes SPIRITUAL WATER to quench a SPIRITUAL FIRE of which there is no shortage of either since both come from the same SPIRIT of LOVE. (This is in reference to the 2nd Fire of "JUDGMENT DAY".)

The icing on the cake is that the ones WE escorted in earlier, are now following US out as one of US, urging Their Friends, still out in the field, to come on in and enjoy the celebration that They once rejected. The JOY, that is already unspeakable, is only being multiplied that much more again as WE truly see, "With GOD all things are POSSIBLE." AMEN TO THAT and say it again. AMEN

That is all fine and well but that is not the most important issue pressing US at this time. The above situation mainly has to deal with OUR already departed fellow BEINGS.

To illuminate;

THEY have the advantage of death which is really no advantage at all if YOU can over come death. Don't get me wrong, it is all right to die, if YOU really must, but there is a far superior way to graduate out of this school. The superior way is to figure out what is going on, and take charge of the situation. I believe the phase is "seize the moment", "take the horse by the reins", or "control YOUR own destiny." Then YOU do not have to go through death. WE are all resurrected, where YOU will have explained to US, in a loving manner, just what is really going on.

Please, let me explain it this way;

WE are already forgiven because WE are ignorant. "Father forgive THEM, THEY know not what THEY are doing." Therefore WE die and are given the answers as WE take the test which, make us feel, well, less then perfect, anyway, but alright none-the-less. The other way is to know the answers to the questions before YOU take the test and therefore, by-pass death all together.

Either way, it is the same end. "And this is life eternal, that THEY may know THEE, THEE only true GOD (or GOOD)." This is GOD'S Will, "That none should perish, but ALL shall come to repentance [or that ALL shall come to having compassion upon each other. (I will be explaining, as I go along, in greater detail, what repent really means, in more ways then can be counted. Please watch for them. For now, let ME explain it still another way.)]

YOU see, before now, WE were all being led blindly by the hand, down the road to destruction, by OUR older brothers, the fallen Angels. Now They are not really fallen as WE think of the word fallen, but rather They are a group of Angels that are unsure about "GOD'S TRUE CHARACTER". What They are really trying to do is to make sure that this "CREATOR TYPE GOD" will never hurt or destroy Them, no matter what They do, in Their pursuit of happiness. Fear and happiness are totally incompatible and what is Heaven without happiness or the TOTAL absent of fear.

This makes perfectly good sense to ME because if They did not try "GOD" to see if HE truly was the GOD of LOVE HE says HE is then I, MYSELF, would have to put GOD to the test some where down the road. (Not a pretty sight. They are letting HIM off easy if YOU ask me. More Later.) In other words, They are doing MY dirty work for ME so I can get on with some of the more important things in life like taking care of the needs of MY brothers and sisters.

I hope I can speak collectively for all of YOU when I say, "I want a tried, tested, and proven "GOD" with no surprises that I will have to deal with at a later date. Thank You Angels of this world. You are all doing a great job of test driving this "GOD". Carry on smartly, break a leg, knock Yourselves out, and above all, leave no stone unturned. If there is a problem with this "GOD" I want to know about it and I want to know about it, NOW. If it can be fixed, then fix it. Otherwise, scrap HIM and WE will try another model. Trust ME on this one when I say, there is nothing worse then......a lemon......GOD.

(I AM still explaining. This is only the appetizer. The main course is yet to follow.)

However, the time has come where WE now have to stand up and take charge of the situation before WE all self-destruct, or so it appears. (Death is highly over rated as far as its level of fear goes. More later.). Before now, the Angels of this world have been calling all the shots. That is the equivalent of a 13 year old boy at the helm trying to do a mans job without the training or the expertise to do the job. GOD created Them to be of service to HIM, but not to run the ship. HE, on the other hand created MAN to run the ship, with HIM being OUR COMMANDER and CHIEF, through the SPIRIT that dwells within each of US. HE even gave US dominion over everything, which Jesus clearly showed US WE had, to do just that.

All the problems WE are dealing with today are the same problems Angels are dealing with as well. The difference is that WE are created to deal with these problems whereas, the Angels were never meant to have to deal with them. The trade off is that it gives Them a better understanding of what WE have to deal with. The more understandings WE have between each other, the more WE will appreciate how each are created and the more all of US will appreciate the CREATOR. The Angels will gladly trade US the house work for the intuitive thinking that goes along with the days activities of LOVING each other and all the stress that goes along with it, as well.

Here are a few of their dilemmas. They have know all along about US being between the SPIRIT of LOVE and Them which has caused some animosity, on Their part, to say the least. They have also been fearful of having to put Their trust in US to be able to take care of Them, the day when WE do show the leadership abilities GOD has always meant for US to have. Yet, in the same sense, They are anxious for the day, also, because it will relieve Them of a great burden They were never meant to carry, in the first place. That is, the taking care of us (lower case, non-Christ) through the limited physical means They have at their disposal. (The SPIRIT of LOVE is patiently waiting in the wings, to take care of each and every one of US more efficiently SPIRITUALLY as Jesus demonstrated, then the way it is currently not being done, physically.)

Also, the SPIRIT of LOVE, (being in one place at one time, through JESUS) could not possible deal with the multitudes of problems each of the Angels were experiencing on an individualized bases that the problems needed, to be dealt with. Henceforth, MANKIND, again, was created for GOD to have a more personal individualized relationship with each and every one of HIS created beings, all in HIS own perfect timing.

The Main Course

The more pressing issue is OUR little sister or those of US still living at the so called "2nd Coming of Jesus." (More later on this subject, I hope, as time permits, in later chapters.) Moses delivered Israel from bondage satanic style and gave THEM a law that only promised death whether THEY kept it or not. Melchizedek will deliver all of creation from bondage, CHRIST style, and will give THEM total freedom from everything, including death, simply by knowing the TRUTH.

I share the same ideologies as Moses in that it is not right that any man should be in bondage to another man. The only difference is that I carry it a little bit further by saying that it is not right that any being should be in bondage to anything, ever. As Moses thought HE set the Hebrews free to a limited degree, I have been called to set all of creation free to a degree never before realized, experienced, or even dreamed possible by such individuals.

To give YOU and idea of the scope of this task, the church of the Laodiceans, (US, here and now), don't even know that WE are not free. [How is that for success on Old Nick's part. Slave trade for money is not freedom, no matter how much money it is. It is not GOD'S way and there is freedom form this prison, too. PS It is not more money. Definitely more on this subject all throughout these writings.]

In other words, what OUR fore-fathers learn through death, WE have to learn while WE are still living. WE, the living, at the time of the vindication of "GOD'S CHARACTER" have to be told what is going on ahead of time and prepare OURSELVES accordingly or it could get pretty uncomfortable for US being directly exposed to all the LOVE from point blank range. YOU only feel guilty if YOU are breaking the speed limit when YOUR radar detector lights up. Otherwise, if YOU are loving YOUR fellow MANKIND, the beam passes right through YOU harmlessly.

Top Priority: (for the SPIRIT of LOVES perspective.)

Prepare the Little Sister (all the Living) for the soon coming Glorious DAY of the LORD. Teach THEM how the automatic LOVE of the LORD GOD can be activated simply by applying the principles, in the formula, as they relate to each and everybody's individual lifestyle. In other words, (just for starters) activate the 144,000 CHRIST' to SPIRITUALLY provide for the needs of the people during the time of Jacob's trouble. 144,000 CHRIST' strategically located would easily be able to SPIRITUALLY provide for the needs of this world should everything else collapse.

Jesus' greatest JOY is to see others of US discover and unleash the secrets to the "SPIRIT of LOVE'S CREATIVE POWERS" as WE LOVINGLY take care of each others needs.

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Chapter Four: The Answer to Life's Question



Okay, that is it. Class is over. YOU can all go home now.


There is really nothing more to say. The “SPIRIT of LOVE'S” LOVE is ENDLESS. There are no boundaries to it and YOU will be wasting YOUR precious time trying to find a limit to HIS LOVE. Okay, that is it. Class is over. YOU can all go home now.


OOHH-kaaaayyyy, if YOU insist, by all means, do what ever YOU feel YOU must do to prove HIS LOVE is endless here on planet EARTH. Knock YOURSELVES out doing it, too.....that is.....unless.....of course, YOU want to listen to what I'VE got to say first. It might just save YOU a lot of time, trouble, and heart ache. Especially heart ache. I cannot emphasis the heart ache enough. A rejected LOVE type heart ache can really burn a person up.....literally, from the inside out.....if YOU know what I mean.

First and Foremost

WE have to live with OURSELVES. WE have to answer to OURSELVES for what WE are doing. To the degree WE discriminate, (buy and sell LOVE based upon physical differences) and determine that OUR fellow MAN should not be in Heaven, to that degree WE are in Hell. In the simplest terms, hell is GOD showing US, by the most direct means possible, that WE have nothing to be proud (pride) of. Everything WE are or ever hope to be is because GOD created US and not WE, OURSELVES. The amount of Hell WE experience is "What WE actually are" compared to "What WE should be." It is the difference of "What WE were CREATED to be" compared to "What WE, by OUR own account, ended up as." YOU do have to live with YOURSELF.

In one sense of thinking, HEAVEN and Hell are the same. If WE actually are what WE were CREATED to be when WE meet the person WE don't really know, that is....OURSELVES.....then WE are in HEAVEN. In other words, if WE are reflecting the GLORY of GOD by letting the SPIRIT of LOVE that lives within US work through US, WE are in Heaven. If, on the other hand, WE are not everything WE were created to be when the cloak is removed, to the degree WE are short of the mark, to that degree WE need to re-evaluate OURSELVES and climb out of the Hell WE created to the KIND, CARING, HUMBLE, COMPASSIONATE, CONFIDENT BEING WE were CREATED to be.

Here's how it is done

RULE # 1.........YOU'VE got to be True to YOURSELF.

I do what I do so I can be true to the SELF I want, and everybody wants, to be. The SUPREME BEING that is everything WE expect HIM to be, and more, is none other then the total self WE OURSELVES, want to be. HE lives within US and is a complete total part of where everything takes place from OUR prospective. In OUR minds. In other words, OUR mind operates totally in the SPIRITUAL realm.

Knowing this, I can not be true to MYSELF if I can not live up to the expectations I demand MY CREATOR to be. How can I be less then the standard I expect GOD ALMIGHTY to be.

Also, with this kind of understanding, LOVE thy neighbor as thy SELF takes on a whole new significance. WE have to LOVE thy neighbor as THYSELF no matter what THEY have or have not done in accordance with OUR pseudo standards. WE cannot judge anybody on anything no matter how right WE may or may not feel WE are. WE are constantly looking for a justifiable reason to be perpetually angry. There is absolutely no reason what so ever to be angry (period) (More on this very shortly.)

If YOU find YOURSELF wanting to judging others, or if YOU feel YOURSELF getting angry, in any particular area of YOUR life over any particular thing, then know YOU are hot on the trail to a particular area of YOUR life that is not quick in accordance with GOD'S master plan for YOUR life. It might take counseling and a lot of other various helps to bring YOU in line with GOD'S CHARACTER IMPRESSION stamped in OUR very BEING but the end result is greater then any and all hardships YOU went through to get there.

The only battle that matters in OUR lives are the ones being fought right within OUR own minds until WE have victory over them. YOU will graduate from this lower nature having compassion and fully confident somewhere down the line. (This is not always assured in this life, however, but it is assured in GOD'S Phase II of this operation.) Once YOU are fully confident, or (as JESUS said so often in the gospel of John) believe, or have faith, YOU will attain the status of a full fledged CHRIST which WE all will some day attain. WE attain the status of CHRIST when WE are everything WE were created to be and reclaim OUR divinity which has always been within OUR grasp.

The reason there is no justifiable reason, what so ever, to be angry is because GOD knows everything and everything has been calculated and pondered by HIM to fit into the universal equation. HE has not over looked anything and everything works in total accordance with HIS overall plan. YOU can not surprise GOD. The GLORY of HIS CHARACTER shining through is not dependent upon any outside physical evidence but rather upon the inside SPIRITUAL LOVE WE feel for HIM which is the proper motivation for US. In fact, the more angry WE get, the more WE prove just how boundless GOD'S LOVE is.

Now WE can gain all this knowledge on a personal first hand basis but there is a much easier way to attain this valuable information. That is to sit back and let the Angelic realm do, in a sense, what they were created to do in the first place for YOU. They were created to serve YOU and They love to do research on any number of different subjects including their study on "The CHARACTER of GOD".

YOU see, the whole purpose, and I do mean the whole purpose of the D'evil's overall plan is simply to prove there is a limit to GOD'S LOVE. All they are trying to do is to get US to cross a threshold that does not exist. In fact, the further WE think WE have to make GOD come to retrieve US, in OUR sin and suffering, the more boundless WE find GOD'S LOVE to be.

The turning point is when WE realize just how boundless WE find GOD'S LOVE to be. That is when WE come to the realization of the total, and I do mean total freedom WE have to be OURSELVES without fear of retaliation on HIS part.

The more knowledge WE have about the CHARACTER of GOD, the less WE have to fear. The less WE have to fear, the more freedom WE have at OUR disposal to be OUR true SELVES. As WE exercise OUR freedom to be OUR true SELVES, the more OUR knowledge increases about the limitless LOVE of the true "CHARACTER of LOVE" which only causes US to fear HIM even less and to exercise still yet even more freedom of the GLORY of GOD that is pent up inside each and every one of US just waiting to be expressed. The result is an ever increasing spiral circle of the knowledge of GOD'S CHARACTER verses OUR own personal freedom to do as WE please.

When WE realize WE are free to do as WE please, WE find that what WE please to do is to LOVE others. Who does not know that WE get OUR greatest JOY from LOVING others. When WE lose the fear of what others will think about US LOVING THEM, WE are indeed free. John 17:3 tell US that this is eternal Life, that THEY may know THEE, THEE only TRUE GOD. John 8:32 should really read, "When YOU know the TRUTH about the CHARACTER of GOD and that there is nothing to fear in HIS CHARACTER, the real TRUTH about the CHARACTER of GOD will set YOU free to be YOURSELF." Apply this verse to the previous paragraph and see if it doesn't make sense.

This leads into Rule # 2. Rule # 2 is not quite as easy to explain a Rule # 1 because it introduces the Angelic Realm and deals more with "speculation" concerning the Angelic Realms role in OUR creative development. However, if WE would just reason it through, it makes perfectly good sense so LET'S give it a try.

Rule # 2.........Know the Truth and don't be deceived.

Before WE can pry open this can of worms, WE must look at what is at stake from OUR "fallen" Angelic Friends point of view. They think they have everything riding upon the outcome of this ORDEAL. This includes, what They consider to be, Their whole existence which, as far as They are concerned, will end in a prolonged terribly painful fiery death. To say the least, the outcome of this ORDEAL means everything to Them.

Second off, should this thing come out the way GOD intended for it to come out, then HEAVEN, as far as the Angelic Realm is concerned, will never be the same again because of the introduction of MANKIND into the heavenly ORDER of AUTHORITY. This statement is both true and false from Their perspective. YOU'VE heard the saying, "The more things change, the more they stay the same." Sure it is going to change but it is only going to change to be more efficient in running Heaven the way it has always ran before. This does mean that the Angels are going to have to put up with some major changes from the status quo of doing things but the changes are a major, and I do mean "major" improvement.

Now WE can ask, "What are the Angels looking for in MANKIND?" "What do They want from US?" What possible motive could They have that makes all this of that type of importance to Them. May I suggest that the very essence that makes LIFE worth living to Them (and to all of US), in the first place, is the very thing that is at stake for all of US. That is OUR total personal FREEDOM. After all, what GOOD (GOD 100%) is life if WE are not free to live it? Their and OUR total personal freedom is at stake and They are being asked by GOD to trust MANKIND with Their freedom.

{Can YOU hear Them laughing. [YOU want (HA! HA! HA! HA!) YOU want US (HA! HA! HA! HA!) YOU want US to trust MANKIND (HA! HA! HA! HA!) YOU want US to trust MANKIND with (HA! HA! HA! HA!) OUR personal freedom. (HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HO! HO! HEE! HEE! HA! HA! HA! HA!)] YOU'VE got to be (HA! HA! HA! HA!) kidding! GOD! Just look at THEM. THEY will kill US all off if THEY don't kill THEMSELVES off first. Gulp!!! Holy #$&*@! HE's not kidding.}

Get the picture? It is not funny and never has been to Them. They are dead serious about the whole ORDEAL and I do mean DEAD serious. It is that important to Them and They are not going to drop the ball or so much as even blink an eye because of the seriousness of the situation. As far as They are concerned, it is US or Them.

It is really quite simple for US. WE just have to let Them know that They can completely trust US and WE will totally take care of Them and all Their needs. After all, just look at how WE are totally and completely taking care of OUR very own fellow HUMAN BEINGS needs. Trust ME, it is that simple especially with the way WE were created.

YOU see, WE have the CREATOR, whom They all know, LOVE, and trust, living within US. They are merely asking US to prove to Them that WE are as GOOD as the SPIRIT of LOVE, whom They cannot see, says WE are. In other words, when WE reflect perfectly, the GLORY, of the GOD whom LIVES within US whom They know, LOVE, and trust, then and only then will They trust US, not because WE are HUMAN but rather because WE are GOD in the flesh whom They can see in everyone of US. It is that simple.

So, what does "knowing the truth" have to do with the Angelic Realm trusting US? After all, what is truth, anyway?

Before I get into that aspect I must emphasis that Angels are Angels and Human Beings are Human Beings. If HE wanted more Angels, GOD would have created more Angels but instead, HE created HUMAN BEINGS which are the extension of HIS LOVE, in physical form.

Before the multitude of HUMANS were around, there was only the SPIRIT of LOVE and JESUS. IT was tough going for JESUS a time or two, with HIM being the only physical evidence capable of returning Their LOVE for GOD. Sure GOD'S beauty was visible all around Them as a reminder of HIS great LOVE for Them. However, that is of little comfort to Their ever increasing hunger for a more personalized individual relationship with Their creator GOD. MANKIND was created to fill the void but not as a stop-gap method or as a Johnny come lately. WE (MANKIND) were planned for from before the foundation of any CREATION. Before any Angel was ever even thought of, let alone, created. WE are GOD'S crowning creation and always have been and always will be. WE are the superstructure of which all of GOD'S Colossal HEAVEN is built around. Without US, there is no Heaven. All of creation has been on hold from the foundation of creation waiting for MANKIND to rightfully assume HIS position in GOD'S supreme creation. Nothing has transpired yet, in this Heaven, because this Heaven is still being built, even at the time of these writings.

With this in mind, OUR first priority (MANKIND as a whole), is to take care of OUR Angelic friends. GOD created US to do just that in order for HIM to get closer to Them, through US. As the suns rays are invisible until they strike the moon, so is the SPIRIT of LOVE until it can manifest ITSELF in its created BEINGS.

Now, what is TRUTH? TRUTH is the prize. TRUTH is the difference between just existing as a mortal man and being a CHRIST who is able to lay down HIS life and take it up again. YOU see, WE have it easy. WE just have to look at what GOD is doing and assign reason to it. HE, on the other hand, had to sit down many a late night and figure out just how HE was going to bring US up to par, HIS physical REPRESENTATIVES for all of creation to be able to trust. NO easy task as WE can all see from OUR perspective.

("Ah! Pardon ME GOD, Excuse ME! Far be for ME to tell YOU what to do, or how to run YOUR universe, but, I think YOU are losing the war here! I mean, just look at how loving MANKIND is being toward each other. Are YOU sure YOU did not grossly miscalculate something. Is YOUR crystal ball cracked or maybe it just needs a good cleaning? Now let ME see if I got this straight, GOD. YOU still want the Angels to trust US, MANKIND?" Please, talk to ME "SPIRIT of LOVE". I need help in this area.")

"Not without the TRUTH I don't. Without the TRUTH, I don't expect anybody to trust anybody. The TRUTH is that important. TRUTH is TRUTH and everything else is everything else. YOU can have TRUTH along with everything else and YOU can even have everything else without TRUTH. The key is what YOU do with that TRUTH. That is where the POWER lies in TRUTH. If YOU can not use it, then it is of no value to YOU."

"Know the TRUTH and the TRUTH will make YOU free. Free from what? How do YOU know what YOU want to be free from if YOU do not know what bondage is in the first place? TRUTH is a continent that YOU have to swim through an ocean of muck and mire to find and appreciate. Had I created YOU on the continent of TRUTH in the first place, (Which I did anyway, but that is another story.) there would never be MY "COLOSSAL HEAVEN" YOU talked about earlier but rather a "Colossal Nightmare" of a multitude of god's fighting it out with each other. This way (the way YOU think YOU perceive I AM doing it), I can keep death and destruction on a limited mortal level of understanding.

Please don't even try and imagine that scenario. YOUR movies do enough to bring out mass destruction from HUMAN'S way of thinking without trying to imagine it on a much grander scale. Rather think in terms of how much of MY LOVE can be dispersed from a multitude of MY CHRIST' LOVING each other. Make a movie about that, why don't YOU of which there is no limit. After all YOU can only destroy something once before I have to re-create it again should I choose to. However, if YOU knew the TRUTH, then YOU could save ME the trouble of having to create it in the first place. Does that answer YOUR question? MELCHIZEDEK."

Most assuredly and thank YOU, "SPIRIT of LOVE" for YOUR time and contributions. I think I can take it from here once again with YOU looking over MY shoulder as usual.

Okay, as YOU can see, there are some benefits to being born in a condition, WE perceive to think of as "Being Deceived".

For one thing, WE are not held accountable for that which WE do not understand.

Second off, some things have to be learned to be appreciated and one of those things is TRUTH.

Third off, OUR Angelic friends also know where WE are coming from and just might be a bit more forgiving of US on Their part due to OUR lack of understanding. That is, until WE come into the "Knowledge of TRUTH" after which, WE are then, without excuse.

{However, keep in mind, that it will be mainly up to US to do all of the forgiving of OUR Angelic Friends. ["As WE forgive, WE shall be forgiven." (Matthew 6:12 and Luke 6:37) It is along the lines of "Don't worry about it MY Angelic Friend. I forgive You. Forget it. It is over. Trust ME, You are forgiven! Now come on in and ENJOY the party. Let ME introduce You to....] Rest assured, this will be very easy to do on OUR part, once WE behold the GLORIFIED end result which probably would not have been possible without Them playing Their part in this whole ordeal, so well.}

Before I go on, YOU have got to understand that there has been an awful lot of planning that has gone into this operation. I will call this the "Keep the Humans Deceived Plan". It mainly stems from the Angelic Realm of thinking perspective. This is Their World, for the Time Being, after all. This phenomenon I can not even begin to explain in one short paragraph, or one short chapter, much less one good sized book, or even in one short extended life time. At best this is a nut shell in side several nut shells so please bear with ME as I attempt to tie it all together.

The TRUTH is that no matter what else YOU may have believed, no matter what YOU may or may not have done in YOUR short life time, for the GOOD, the bad, or for nothing at all; YOU can still eventually, "Come to Know the TRUTH". TRUTH does not discriminate against any BEING in any way. TRUTH is simply a matter of FIRST fulfilling two conditions of which neither is in short supply within any of US. The one condition is compassion which WE have an unlimited supply of because the "SPIRIT of LOVE" lives within US.

The other is what WE call "Faith" or "To Believe in something." of which I simply refer to as having "CONFIDENCE IN" or the "Absence of Doubt Concerning". WE all have tons of "CONFIDENCE" too. Where the problem comes into play, is what WE have OUR "CONFIDENCE" rooted in. What WE have OUR "CONFIDENCE IN" or "Absence of Doubt Concerning" is what determines if what WE assume to be truth is actually the TRUTH or just a elaborate prefabricated "lie". In other words, just because WE "Believe a Lie", does not make it the TRUTH. It is the foundation WE have OUR truth based upon that first determines if what WE know to be truth is TRUTH or not. Again, it is not enough to just be CONFIDENT about a certain subject matter that determines whether it is the TRUTH or not WE are "CONFIDENT" about. The importance of this statement, concerning what WE believe in, can mean the difference between being "mortal" or actually having IMMORTALITY.

For most of US, WE think it is alright to have a "fearful trust" in god and WE continue to die. That means OUR "CONFIDENCE" is in the "Fruit of the Tree of Evil" with "fear" as a byproduct, and WE simply, "Do not trust god". What WE are actually saying is that WE are "afraid (fear) of dying" so WE will do what ever it takes to delay the inevitable and WE die anyway. This is where OUR "COMPASSION (MERCIFUL NATURE)" comes into the equation. It is as simple as changing OUR "CONFIDENCE" default setting from being founded in "Evil" to being established in "GOOD" of that same tree. This time it is "Fruit of the Tree of GOOD" where the natural byproducts are PEACE, LOVE, JOY, HAPPINESS, but to name a few.(More Later.)

The GOOD news still is, whether WE live or WE die, WE are the LORD'S and WE can do nothing to change that. That is especially true to those of US who never had access to the real TRUTH, of which without the real TRUTH, WE never has a chance. HE LOVES US to no end and HIS LOVE is BOUNDLESS. Fear nothing, and don't be afraid.

JOY and Fear are totally incompatible. In fact, the more WE know the true "GOD", the less WE fear "HIM". Know "GOD" and YOU will not be afraid. Lack of fear produces more freedoms. As YOU exercise those new found freedoms YOU realize YOU are closing the gap between "GOD" and YOU, which again, causes YOU to fear HIM that much less and YOU discover even greater freedom to be YOURSELF. Pretty soon, the other killers such as pride, shame and guilt are on the run and YOU reclaim YOUR lost dominions of which one lost dominion happens to be.....ETERNAL LIFE.

Summary: If YOU are being TRUE to YOURSELF, then YOU can know all the TRUTH in the world and YOU can apply the principles to the piece of Heaven YOU have control of and receive the PRAISES of GOD. If on the other hand, YOU are not answering to YOURSELF in YOUR dealings with other BEINGS, then all the truth in the world is of no value to YOU and YOU will receive the praises of men. Today is the first day of the rest of YOUR ETERNITY and so isn't tomorrow. Go ahead and prove, for as long as YOU need to, that GOD'S LOVE is boundless. HE will still be there waiting for YOU because HIS LOVE is ENDLESS.

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LOVE note to the LIVING at the time of JESUS' "2nd Coming"

These next few chapters are simply some nice to know background information. It is mainly written to re-establish the "SPIRIT of LOVE'S" total and complete competence in this whole ORDEAL. WE must feel completely CONFIDENT about "HIM" in order to be able to trust in the LOVE that "HE" has for all of US. Also, this information will help ME establish MY credential as a liable source as I take YOU through the other chapters that lie ahead of these. This Behind the Scenes look of what has transpired in the past, will aid in YOUR better understanding of what the future holds which only makes MY job {Isa. 25:7 [Unmask Who (lower case) is doing what.], Dan. 11:44 [I AM out of the NORTH = HEAVEN (Let ME see? DO I bear its NAME or does it bear MY name? F.Y.I. I DO bear its NAME and I AM ecstatically expendable for that cause.) and these are MY "Tidings (Quite Modern Information)".], Rev. 10:7b What Mystery?} that much easier. This is a respite so please, sit back, relax, and enjoy YOURSELVES.

Chapter Five: Some of GOD'S Standard Operating Procedures

Point #1

"GOD" isn't telling US everything of how "HE" operates, just yet. Many things are kept secret about "GOD" until they can be explained and demonstrated. Other things are explained but not fully understood until they can be demonstrated. There are many things the can only be explained with a demonstration. There are still other things, that would never come into question until after the fact, and then, the question of who, what, why, where, and how would come into play. Still other concepts cannot, in any way, be understood, unless much study has gone into the principles leading up to this added concept in thinking. This knowledge is not divvied out so much on a need to know bases, but rather upon an ability to understand, bases.

Thus, as YOU can see, "GOD" does not, cannot, and is not going to tell US everything all at once, nor in a Book made up of 66 other Books. Needless to say, "GOD" is a strong advocate of "Continuing Education" and that is a strong operating procedure concerning all of "HIS" created BEINGS, here, and in HEAVEN. [God (lower case) even allows US to understand false truths, so WE can better appreciate the real TRUTH, when IT presents ITSELF. This is so WE can then be a stronger witness for "HIS CAUSE and GLORY" when called upon, by "HIM", to do so.] WE are learning more about "HIM", daily, and thus the reason for the name, Supplemental Handbook To SPIRITUALLY Succeed.

Point # 2

These next three chapters begin in the "Courts of HEAVEN", during the ETERNITY before time. Everything is still in the planning stages with no BEINGS yet created. The Angels were not even created at this point in ETERNITY, before time, and They have been around for quite awhile longer then MANKIND. MANKIND had not even made it to the drafting board yet, but, neither have the Angels, and WE are somewhat more complex, in many aspects, then the Angels. Everything is still in the planning stages, in the period called ETERNITY, long before time was even created.

However, even after the "CREATION of the Angels", the "CREATION of MANKIND", was kept in the strictest confidence until up and to the point, almost after, the first Adam was CREATED. What I AM saying is: WE are talking about the period of ETERNITY before the "CREATION of Time", as WE know Time to be, today. Comparing how long the Angels existed, in ETERNITY, without knowing about "GOD’S" plans for MANKIND, to how long They did exist, in ETERNITY, knowing of "GOD’S" plans for MANKIND to supersede Them (the Angels), brings it almost right down to the wire, of the "CREATION of MANKIND". In other words, WE are comparing a very long period of ETERNITY, to an almost, non-existent, very short, "Period of ETERNITY". (Be it know, in ETERNITY, I will have recant this last statement because, "Time" does not exist in ETERNITY, and I can only explain it this way, in "Time". "Time" is so confusing!)

Point # 3

The key phrase in the previous paragraph is: GOD’S plans for MANKIND to Supersede the Angels. This important key point opens the door to OUR ability to understanding, many, if not all mysteries in OUR past, present, and future relationship, with "GOD", and with the Angels. It is also, a small key to unlocking major POWERS held in check by "GOD", and the Angels, that are at OUR disposal, anytime WE want to claim them, just as JESUS had access to THEM. This is also the primary reason for the undertaking of this Supplemental Handbook.

[More on this later in the Handbook as WE better understand and eliminate the deceptions that are standing between US and the necessary TRUTHS needed to know, in order to access these POWERS. (John 17:3 says, "And this is LIFE eternal, that they may know THEE, the only true GOD, and Jesus Christ, whom THOU has sent.) YOU are all GOD’S. JESUS himself, quoting from Psalm 82, say, "Is it not written in your law? I said, Ye are god's?" (John 10:34-38) It is simply a matter of standing up and claiming the POWER "GOD" has given YOU dominion over. Like I said before, more as WE go along.)

When WE understand the fact that MANKIND has always been predestined to rule over the Angels, then WE can better understand the god like character building work the Angels are charged with in the development of MANKIND'S CHARACTER. Now, to show YOU a glimpse of the infinite "Wisdom of GOD", many of the Angels don't even know, or don't want to know, They are charged with that awesome responsibility, but then, neither did WE, up until a little before this point in time.

Instead, some of the Angels think They are out to prove "GOD", totally, wrong by showing "GOD" how, absolutely, unworthy MANKIND is to be placed in any position of Authority whatsoever. (Romans 3:23 and 5:12 All have Sinned and come short of the glory of GOD.) Especially LORDING over Them, the Angels, whom were created more for a service type role in HEAVEN, in the first place.

How would YOU feel, if YOU knew YOU were going to be dethroned, by YOUR kid brother, still wet back behind the ears, and YOU would still have to serve HIM, besides? What the Angels don't believe, and WE still have to prove to them, is that practically nothing has changed. They have been used to taking orders from "ONE GOD", looking like a man, all along, and now there are thousands, millions, billions of "GODS", running around, filled with the same LOVING SPIRIT, and POWER as before. The only difference is the fact that "GOD" is now, much more easily accessible, to Them, and Their needs, then They ever dreamed possible. "HE", the "SPIRIT of LOVE", abiding in "HIS" victorious HUMAN BEINGS, is able to grant Their every wish more instantaneously then ever before. "HE" is the POWER, also. If They want fireworks every night, then fireworks They shall have every night, except, there won't be any nights there. (That's all right though. I'll make sure They do have various day assortments of fireworks They can choose from, since I was born on the 4th of July, this time around.)

Point # 4

YOU see, it is mainly for the Angel’s benefit, whom WE are going to have "LAWFUL AUTHORITY" over, that have to know whether or not They can trust US. The Angels, and especially a smaller group of Them (1/3 to be exact) aren't quite so sure They can even trust "GOD", much less MANKIND, whom will be "HIS LOVING REPRESENTATIVES". Therefore, at this point in "Time", Planet Earth is going to be, once again, "GOD’S LABORATORY" for the Angels; to put into practice all the theories They have conjured up in the classroom of life. MANKIND is just Their guinea PIGS.

With that in mind, there are, at least, three, primary studies (Primary because they are sanctioned by "GOD".) in process that Angels are looking for answers to. They are:

#1) Find out, all They can, about the TRUE "CHARACTER of GOD". What "HE" will, and will not do, in any given situation, under any given set of circumstances. Is "HE" true to life under the severest pressures, as "HE" claims "HE" is. This vital bit of information, They need to find out, for Themselves, and for the sake of all of CREATION, as to whether or not "HE (GOD)" will ever retaliate against Them and US, with the use of force and destroy Them and/or US as it has been rumored about "HIM", in the "Courts of HEAVEN". To be more specific, will "GOD" ever break "HIS" own "so called" LAW and destroy Them and/or US?

(JESUS says,:

: "HE will never go against anyone's free will, even if it destroys HIM;

:HE will stop at nothing to show US just how deadly sin is to an individual;

:HE will do everything, in HIS power, (short of forcing HIMSELF upon US) to help all of US (Angels and MANKIND), to choose to have the "SPIRIT of LOVE (GOD)" dwelling within US ("GOD’S" perfect WILL) for Their lives.)

To summarize this point:

WE all have to know WE are totally free to be OURSELVES without the threat of death (from "GOD" and/or JESUS) hanging over OUR heads if WE make a mistake.

Also, going right along with this point, is the fact, the Angels have been keeping MANKIND in the dark, about "GOD’S TRUE CHARACTER", for as long as They could. (Their time is now up, however, and the results, of Their studies, are being made known to all of "GOD’S" created BEINGS, at this time, just in time, for "JESUS' 2nd Coming".) This is all part of the scheme to get the maximum return for Their investment, and is covered under JESUS' prayer,


Forgive US (MANKIND), WE know not what WE do." WE act as WE perceive our god (lower case) to be (no thanks to the Father of Lies), due to OUR lack of knowledge, on OUR part. [This falls under major secondary experiments (Not sanctioned by GOD) under careful study on Planet Earth. They follow the third primary reason.]

#2) Is there any other form of government, that works, for the GOOD of all involved, besides "GOD’S PERFECT WILL" that rules Heaven? This in particular, They are desperately searching for an alternative answer to, if for no other reason, then to prove "MR. KNOW IT ALL", wrong. However, there are other reasons for a 1/3 of the Angels involved. They want to put out the burning fire of guilt, deep within Their heart, before it consumes Them because of Their rejection of GOD’S great LOVE for Them.

(A progress report on that study concludes thus far; only the "MELCHIZEDEK ORDER", which is the "ORDER of ALL of HEAVEN" which Jesus is presently King and Priest or LORD and SAVIOR of, works for the "GOOD" of all parties involved.)

#3) A Boot Camp training ground for GOD’S or for MANKIND to learn the ropes of becoming a full fledged CHRIST. WE are to become active instruments in the conveying and the manifestation of the wishes of both the "SPIRIT of LOVE" known as "GOD", and all "HIS" created BEINGS.

There are a multitude of secondary studies (requested by Angels, and approved by GOD) being conducted, in the laboratory, as well. A few, of the more important of them, are as follows (They are numbered but, in no particular order of importance):

#1) As touched upon, earlier, in point #1, is the observation of how terrible "sin" is to all parties involved. However, when "sin' is compared, side by side, to the LOVE "GOD" has for each of US, "sin" is but a drop, in an Ocean of Grace. There is no comparison. (But where "sin" abounded, grace did much more abounded. Romans 5:20)

#2) Keep accurate records of MANKIND’S accusations against MANKIND as evidence against "GOD", in the trial Vindicating "GOD’S TRUE, unchanging CHARACTER".

#3) Prove God's LAW is impossible to keep in "SPIRIT and in TRUTH" from the Angels and MAN’S perspective. This, of course, is only true if the "keepers of the law", are to proud to be humble. There really is only one LAW in the "Kingdom of HEAVEN" and it goes something like this:

Be YE HUMBLE (Poor in SPIRIT. Matt 5:3)

. That is it. That is also the only "LAW" that guarantees lasting results such as Eternal LIVE. YOU have to be HUMBLE in order to be of service to any BEING. Humble yourself before the "LORD GOD", YOUR "FATHER (SABBAth)", and take care of YOUR fellow BEING'S needs as YOU would like THEM to take care of YOUR needs.

Now, what does pride do to that whole picture? It destroys it all, because, pride causes ONE to exert THEMSELVES above OTHERS, including GOD, in the political arena. It causes THEM to look, just, as far as their OWN needs go. It incites THEM, to feel uncomfortable, when SOMEONE is kind to THEM, demanding absolutely no payment (money), of any kind, in return. (Jude 6 says, "They were LOVED out of HEAVEN." Melchizedek's personalized translation.) It causes THEM to adore (worship) the created rather then the CREATOR (Have no other gods before ME). It makes THEM demand OTHERS to serve THEM rather to be of service to OTHERS.

I can not say enough about the dangers that go along with pride nor the blessing that go along with the service of humility, but that is not the thrust of this chapter and there are many subject headings that deal directly and indirectly with these two attitudes. Needless to say, "There will be much more information about these two subjects, throughout this Handbook."

This chapter never really ends. New principles are always being discovered and new studies are always being started. These may or may not be sanctioned with "GOD" by the Angels but They know They can not keep anything from "HIM" so why tell "HIM" everything. After all, "HE" doesn't tell Them everything. Sometimes, "HE" just lets Them find things out on Their own. Maybe WE can learn something from that working relationship "HE" has with "HIS" Angel Friends and US.


"GOD", is not able to tell everybody, everything, all at once for various obvious reasons.

All this was planned out, in ETERNITY, before one BEING was ever created (Luke 14:26-30), right down to the minutest detail, so all created BEINGS would live eternally in HEAVEN with "GOD" as HIS (MANKIND'S) equal. That is pretty POWERFUL stuff here. MANKIND equal with "GOD" and no it is not to "GOOD" to be TRUE. Even greater things are WE to do then JESUS did.

MANKIND will rule over the Angels in HEAVEN in a LOVING way as a living physical REPRESENTATIVES of "GOD’S LOVING SPIRIT". This will fulfill GOD’S goal of having a personal individualized relationship with all of "HIS" created BEINGS whom "HE" LOVES so much.

A WORD about the next chapter

The next chapter is a continuation of this chapter applying the principles learned in this chapter but with a slight twist to it. YOU should really enjoy its relaxed nature and eye opening thoughts.

Page 28

Prelude for Little Sister,

WE are already created and filled to overflowing with the SPIRIT of LOVE. That is not the problem confronting GOD the FATHER at this time. The problem before the SPIRIT of LOVE, is how do YOU go about actuating these christs already filled with HIS LOVE? After all, Jesus did not want a few billion spoiled GODS on HIS hands. On the other hand, HE did not want to rule over a bunch of robots, or scared stiff slaves, either. This means that all HIS created BEINGS have to be and are totally free moral agents. Free to choose at any given moment, whom THEY will serve, (GOD or SELF) out of LOVE.

[WE know and the Bible says that WE can not serve two masters for WE will LOVE the ONE and despise the other. (Matthew 6:24 and Luke 16:13) This is precisely the conflict that is going on in the Angelic Realm and in OUR own LIVES as well, here and now. The SPIRIT of LOVE has to show US, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that there is absolutely no comparison, none what so ever, to US serving HIM out of LOVE verses US serving OURSELVES out of LOVE.] As YOU can see, WE have some very major obstacles that have to be overcome. WE are not finished yet. These characteristics are but minor details compared to the real impasse that lies ahead.

It is in the solving of this impasse that causes GOD to truly pull away for the crowd by an undefinable distance which is to great to measure even "In Terms of LOVE", if that is at all possible. In this "HE" proves "HIMSELF" to be the "GOD" worthy of OUR LOVE and adoration. This challenge before "GOD" brings out the substance of what "GOD" really is totally made of which is pure, undefiled "LOVE". When "HE" does what "HE" does the way "HE" does what "HE" does, WE will realize WE are eternally safe in the HANDS of this ONE great "GOD of LOVE". It tells US and sets a precedence of what it truly takes to be the "GOD of LOVE" what the "SPIRIT of LOVE" has planned for each and all of US to be.

Chapter Six: Trade Secrets for Creating GODS Filled with LOVE

Part of OUR reason for being here, though a very small part, is to prove which forms of government work and which forms do not work. It is pretty obvious that WE are becoming experts on the forms of governments that do not work. When in reality, as the world shrinks, the more important it becomes to find the right form of government that does work. The need of this world is not so much as to have a one "World Wide Economy" as it is to have a "World Wide Revival".

For answers to these perplexing problems, why not look to the only "Form of Government" that has existed for all of ETERNITY in the past and will continue to exist for all of ETERNITY in the future. Not to mention, it is alive and well even today. It is the only "Form of Government" that has all the answers to all of life's problems built right into its super structure.

GOD's (SPIRITUAL SOCIAL) "Law", as WE shall better learn, is a LOVE gift from "HIM" to "HIS" creatures, perfectly designed to save all of US from destruction. The "LAW" is perfect as it is written: (Psalms 19:7-11, Rom. 7:12.) Let US take a look at a few of "The Laws" CHARACTERISTICS:

1.) : The "LAW of GOD" being, as it is, the very foundation of "HIS THRONE" a very important aspect of the study both of the "CHARACTER and the GOVERNMENT of GOD".

2.) : It is impossible to separate one from the other and still remain in the TRUTH. "HE" keeps "HIS" own "LAW", continuously, as JESUS clearly demonstrated for all the "World" to see. JESUS would not have been resurrected had JESUS broken one of "HIS GOVERNMENTS LAWS" in SPIRIT or in TRUTH. For the "SPIRIT of LOVE" to even think in terms of simply finding a "Justifiable Reason" to ever "kill, main, murder, in any way shape or form," gives credibility to Satan's claim, and would ultimately declair Satan "The Winner", hands down.

3.) : Lev. 11:44, 1 Pet. 1:15,16, Matt. 5:48. These verses tell US that "GOD" is not above "HIS own LAW". In fact, "GOD" calls upon US to be and do the same. The same "LAW", is for "GOD", as for "HIS PEOPLE". (Lev. 11:44, 1 Peter 1:15-16, & Matt. 5:48)

4.) : "GOD" does not change (Malachi 3:6, Heb. 13:8, & James 1:17). Before I go any further, I need to explain what "LAW" I AM talking about. It is not the imperfect "law" written upon stone and given to MOSES. That "law" is but the skeleton with the "SPIRITUAL SOCIAL LAW of LOVE" being the "FLESH and Blood". Each one of those "laws" tell US of but a "Characteristic about GOD", and that is all they do! Just telling US about a "Character Trait of GOD" does not keep US out of the grave. That is but throwing US a rather small piece of cheese and expecting US to live ETERNALLy upon it. No MY FRINDS. JESUS expanded upon that skeleton in the "Sermon on the Mount" bringing out the "Beatitudes and more" in the book of Matthew chapters 5-7. Here HE was trying to coax US into letting the "LAW of LOVE" develop inside OUR hearts.

It is the keeping of this "LAW of LOVE", in "SPIRIT and in TRUTH" towards OUR fellow MANKIND, that dwells within OUR hearts, that I AM talking about. JESUS made this principle much easier to understand when HE said, "A new command I give YOU: LOVE one another. As I have LOVED YOU, so YOU must LOVE one another. By this all MEN will know that YOU are MY disciples, if YOU LOVE one another." (John 13:34-35) WE are examining just what it takes to "LOVE one another." This is the "LAW" I AM referring to, that is to written upon OUR hearts.

So how do YOU teach other gods to keep "GOD's LAW of LOVE" in "Spirit and in Truth". How do YOU teach OTHERS; to "LOVE the LORD THEIR GOD, with all THEIR heart, with all THEIR mind, with all THEIR strength, with all THEIR soul, and to Love THEIR NEIGHBORS as THEMSELVES?" (Sound familiar? It is found in Deut. 6:5, Josh. 22:5, 1 Kings 2:4, Matt. 22:37-40, Mark 12:29-31) Does this sound impossible to do?

Let me ask YOU this; Is it possible to:

:a)...... Humble OURSELVES? (YES)

:b)...... Consider "GOD (thee 'SPIRIT of LOVE')" more honorable then OURSELVES? (YES)

Let ME put this in perspective for YOU. I mean, after all, "HE" did CREATE US and not WE OURSELVES nor did WE create "HIM". It only seems natural that WE should be asking "HIM" what "HE" would have US to do for "HIM".........rather then US telling "HIM" what "HE" should be doing for US.

:c)...... Honor all of OUR fellow MANKIND, as an equal, to OURSELVES? (YES)

A thousand times "YES", it is possible, and it is just that simple, too. It is even possible to do all three of these points at the same time in "Spirit and in Truth".

Does this really sound impossible to do? To consider "GOD" more honorable then OURSELVES and to consider OTHERS equal to OURSELVES. No, it is not impossible. But, again I ask YOU, how do YOU teach OTHERS to look out for the needs of OTHERS, first, while trusting OTHERS to be looking out for and providing for YOUR own needs ahead of THEIR own? How do YOU teach EVERYBODY that any other form of government, other then humble service first to "GOD", and second to fellow BEINGS, leads to total and complete "self" destruction. That is "GOD'S" biggest problem, and I hope, the way "HE" chooses to solve this problem, is becoming more obvious, the further WE go along.

[Let ME see. I don't believe I've given YOU the slightest hint of "ONE" clue yet. Just keep reading while WE linger here on this (1) "Nuclear Arsenal Storage Facility", (2) away form "HEAVEN" (WE can not destroy anything crucial.) in a (3) "Time Dispensation Period" (Where nothing is real.) in OUR (4) non-TRANSLATED (Mortal, lack of SPIRITUAL TRUTH) BODIES, under the most (5) Evil (selfish) Empire known throughout the "HEAVENS. Just as I thought, I had not given YOU "ONE" clue to unravel this "MYSTERY of GODLINESS".]

Before I convey this concept to YOU, I need to shore it up with a few more supportive "CHARACTERISTICS of LOVE", and other schools of thought.

#1).....WE have to understand that "LOVE", "Pure LOVE", in it's truest "State of Being", is "ALWAYS" looking out for others best interest (PERIOD). Not first, not second, but ALWAYS and continuously which is precisely why WE are here today, in OUR "pre-" CHRIST condition.

(I set "pre" off in quotations because the reason WE are not "CHRIST" right "Here and Now" is strictly because of OUR own ignorance and not because of the way WE are "CREATED". WE are "CREATED" to have those "CHRISTLIKE POWERS" to flow through US like the Mississippi River with no shut off switch in place. It is automatic and WE can access the automatic "POWER of LOVE" anytime and every time the "CONDITIONS" are met. It is just, as a whole, WE have not met those "CONDITIONS" as of yet. More on this point as WE go along in a later chapter. This is also a clue but not a prerequisite. If WE had access to those "POWERS", "At Will", the last thing WE would be worried about would be OUR own selfish needs.)

#2)....."Pure LOVE" will never hurt or retaliate against US no matter what WE do to "LOVE". The "SPIRIT of LOVE'S CHARACTER" has been, and is being (as WE speak), tried, tested, and proven to be flawless under the most adverse conditions, and "HE" still, lives within each and every one of US. Any retaliation upon OUR fellow human BEINGS, is from a source outside each of OUR "PHYSICAL BODIES". (Gee! I wonder "WHO (MANKIND)" has that type of "Destructive Capabilities", located outside OUR physical BODIES (in the "Missile Silos") if it is not from "GOD", the "SPIRIT of LOVE", "WHO" dwells within each of US?) It has never been in "HIS CHARACTER" nor indeed can it ever be found in "HIS CHARACTER", for "GOD CHANGES NOT". (I AM here, first and foremost, here to save MANKIND from THEMSELVES and from suffering from a fate worse then death.) This is another clue giving YOU an idea of how far off WE are "Missing the Mark", in this area of OUR thinking. WE are caught by the "Trap WE Set", if WE retaliate, what so ever.

#3)....."LOVE" discriminates against NOBODY. In a society, where money is involved, in order to be on equal footing with HEAVENLY standards, WE can never ask OURSELVES, "How much is this relationship going to cost ME?" In doing so, WE thereby avoid the more costly relationships where WE would be "Picking up the tab". In HEAVEN where money does not come into play, WE are free to develope a relationship with all BEINGS, with out worrying about who "Is footing the bill"? HEAVEN is a THEOCRACY where WE all, overwhelmingly (100%), are RULING as KINGS and PRIEST (Rev. 1:6), on equal grounds with JESUS, at JESUS' side.

JESUS said to the WOMAN (who wanted HER two SONS to be on the left and right side of JESUS), "YOU know not what YOU ask." As I (Melchizedek) live, it is MY job to see, WE are ALL on the left and the right side of JESUS ruling with JESUS in the "Kingdom of HEAVEN". So I may have had to initially "prod" YOU up the side of that "Mountain of LOVE" from behind. The fact still remains, "HE" did count the cost, all the costs, before "HE" started this "ENDEAVOR". (Luke 14:26-30 especially applies to "GOD"!)

Here is a little secret. Once YOU (ALL) get to this place (Still under Construction.) called the COLOSSAL "Kingdom of HEAVEN", I will have accomplished this (one of but many) task. ("YAH, THEY are ALL present and accounted for, JESUS!") What "RESPONSIBILITY" YOU are given, once YOU get there, due to some (if not all of) of YOUR actions, in a little old "Time Dispensation Period", is a whole different story. YOU might only be given a "Harp and a "Crown". YOU may only be told YOUR "Level of Responsibility" is limited to playing in the "HEAVENLY Choir". This rather minor "Level of Responsibility" would be due to the lifestyle YOU demonstrated while in these "Time Dispensation Periods" (Check out Daniel 12: 2-3, Matt. 5:17-19, Rev. 15:2-4). I AM hoping WE have the "AGE of the AGES" ahead of US to correct this rather embarrassing {LIGHT ["SPIRIT of LOVE" ("GOD")] that emanates out from within YOU, is YOUR "GLORY" [hides YOUR nakedness (shame)] throughout ETERNITY.} discrepancy, for each of YOU. After all, there are no clothes, to be washed in ETERNITY. [This information is from "Melchizedek's Own" translation of the "LIVING (Literally "SPIRIT of LOVE" LIVING within.) BIBLE.]

#4).....When WE are in "HEAVEN" looking back, WE are predicted to be telling "GOD" in ONE accord, "Perfect and flawless are YOUR ways and WE are glad for the way YOU chose to create US. YOU are perfect and just in all YOUR ways, and please, do not change a thing, if YOU should have to do this over again." (By the way, "HE" won't ever have to do this again. Especially, keep this in mind as WE plow ahead. This is a one shot deal never having to take place again.)

Getting back to "GOD'S Problem"; the actuating of these "christs (already filled with LOVE)" to better represent "HIS LOVE' for all of creation, JESUS pondered these thoughts, "What if SELF exaltation (pride or "sin") broke out among these "christs"? All of the Universe would not be big enough for just one, not to mention, two or more proud "gods" on the prowl. Force and coercion, which does not belong in MY "KINGDOM", would know no bounds. Fear would be rampant and would replace perfect service "Out of LOVE", with imperfect service, "Out of Fear" if "they" did not already destroy "themselves" (Impossibility for a TRUE GOD.) first.

He continued HIS thoughts, "I mean, it would be bad enough if self exaltation (pride, Ezek. 28:13-14, & 17, Daniel 11:36, II Thes. 2:3-12) broke out amongst the Angels, Who have limited powers. At least, then, I could create a place (called Earth) and let pride run its coarse. There I could at least contain the "Destructive Nature" of what happens, when One exalts Himself above others; for the whole Universe to observe and learn from. But pride (selfishness), among two or more "gods" [Another impossibility (opps, there is the "SHUT OFF Switch".)] would bring "Total (Nuclear) Destruction" to "All of Creation" if I don't nip it in the bud on a smaller scale."

"That's it, that is it," JESUS exclaimed, "I will (pardon the expression) kill two birds with one stone. I will show the Universe the deadly effects of pride (sin) and produce other SPIRIT filled CHRISTS all at the same time, and in the same place."

Since the "SPIRIT of LOVE" lives within US and "HE" created everything, then there is no mystery WE can not understand if WE call upon "HIM" to guide US in OUR thinking. Be assured, "GOD" knew this "Sin Sick Situation" would happen before it happened and had a plan standing by before it happened, for when it would happen.

(The fact of the matter is, "LOVE" only had "One Plan" all along and "HE" is doing everything in "HIS POWER" and perfect timing to make that "One Plan" happen. WE are LIVING proof that "One Plan" is right on track for accomplishing "LOVES Divine Purpose" in "HIS" perfect ways.) For this next point, I called upon the "SPIRIT of LOVE" living within ME to explain this plan "HE" had "standing by".

However, this is one of those concepts of understanding I mentioned in "point # 1" of the 5th chapter called "Some of GOD's Standard Operating Procedures." YOU need to know the principles leading up to this concept before YOU can understand this reality. If YOU understand these principles (Some of which I have explained and will try and refresh YOU on as I go along and still others I will just now be introducing to YOU for the first time.), then YOU will see that the way "GOD" plans to achieve all "HIS" objectives with this one shot "PROJECT PLANET EARTH" is nothing short of ingenious from OUR way of thinking. (In case YOU did not know, "LOVE" is very much, a competent GENIUS totally and completely in constant control, always.)

Together, let US tackle this problem logically thinking. This is exactly how this problem is going to be remedied as Isaiah 1:18 states, "Come now, let US reason together," says the "SPIRIT of LOVE" (which is "The BEAUTY" and...) "Though YOUR sins ("the Beast") are like scarlet, (Red with blood.) They shall be white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like (white) wool...." Logically thinking, LET'S move on.

The point I AM trying to introduce here is that everything is turned around, or inverted, from OUR way of thinking. Alice In Wonderland has nothing on US. In other words, during a "Time Dispensation Period", things are not always as they might appear. A couple of examples of this, but only to name a few, are as follows:

1) WE experience everything, through "OUR MIND" (Which processes the "Information", WE take in, from the different sources WE have access to.) totally, in the "SPIRITUAL REALM". On the other hand, WE, ACT "Everything Out" in the "Physical Realm" for OTHERS to observe, in THEIR "OWN MIND" through THEIR OWN "SPIRITUAL REALM", of THEIR existence. This is the part of OURSELVES, WE shall eventually "KNOW" as "I AM known (1 Corinthians 13:12)". Other then that, the two "REALMS" of OUR existence, are totally unrelated.

What WE possess, in the "Physical Realm", has no bearing, whatsoever, upon OUR CHARACTER of "WHO WE ARE", in the "SPIRITUAL REALM". It is, however, "How WE may use, what WE have been given, in the 'Physical Realm', in OUR dealings with OTHERS", that might set US apart, from the rest, to some degree, in the "SPIRITUAL REALM" of other PEOPLES "Thought Process". Those impressions of "HOW WE are preceived" in other PEOPLES "Thought Process" whether GOOD, Bad, or indifferent, is what gets registered, in the "Courts of HEAVEN". WE are all walking video "CAMERAS" for the "Courts of HEAVEN" for each other.

Please do not be alarmed by this statement in and of itself for it is never looked at in and of itself. NOBODY is expected to deal squarely with EVERYBODY, if WE have even deal squarely with ANYBODY, especially where money is concerned, in a "Time Dispensation Period". The "ACE in the Hole" here is, OUR ability to forgive (SPIRITUALLY) those WHO short US, in the "Physical Realm" as WE inadvertently short others in the "Physical Realm". The fact THEY may not forgive US of OUR "Short Comings" against THEM, in the "Physical Realm" has no bearing upon OUR TRUE "CHARACTER Developement" in the "SPIRITUAL REALM" whatsoever. THEIR "Inability to Forgive", affects totally, THEIR own "CHARACTER DEVELOPEMENT" in the "SPIRITUAL REALM", and is one of may reasons why "FORGIVENESS" is so important. Less fuel (harbored "Sin") for the purification (brimstone) "Fire" (caused by MANKIND) should WE chose not to "REPENT (Turn from (Transgressing the LAW.")".

2) The deeper in "Sin" WE think WE are, the more successful WE prove "PROJECT PLANET EARTH" to be. This is done by showing just how boundless "GOD'S LOVE" is for all of "CREATION". This is not a "license to Sin" by any means, but it TRULY is "LOVE without END".

3) The first (proud) shall be last, and the last (humble) shall be first. HE that thinks to save HIS life, shall lose it. HE that Loses HIS life for CHRIST' sake, shall save it. That is referring to OUR (2nd) entrance [1st entrance into "HEAVEN" being the beginning of the "AGE of the AGES" after (MANMADE) Nuclear Holocaust destroyed first Earth, due to "Sins" selfishness. (Rev.15:2-4)] into the "COLOSSAL HEAVEN" yet to be completed. Once WE all get to that point ("ALL in ALL"), WE will all be each OTHERS equal with no class distinction. WE will "ALL" be "WHITE as Snow" from OUR "RIGHTEOUS LIFESTYLE" [OR from the "1st Cleansing Process" of the MANMADE (Nuclear) "Purification Fire", that last to the beginning of the "AGE of the AGES"]. It is not a matter of US getting there but rather, how WE get there (RIGHTEOUS of NUCLEAR), from this point forward, that is the immediate problem before US at this time.

4) That "Which is Hidden" shall be revealed and that "Which is revealed" shall be hidden. Confess and forsake, and the more PEOPLE confessed to, as a "Testimony of JESUS' ability to cleanse", then, the more there is forsaken as well.

5) Planet Earth is not here to show US how good life can be but rather to show US just how poor life really is without being a full fledged "CHRIST". The "Realization of this Point", only takes a very short amount of time here, in this PRE-christ condition, for US to ascertain this information about OUR "PRE-christ Form of Existance" on PLANET EARTH. In other words, it doesn't take very long at all, for US to realized "This world is horrible.", to say the least (and I AM being nice.) in OUR pre-CHRIST "State of BEING".

WE have not even begun "To Live" as of yet and not one of US, LOVINGLY thinking, will ever be totally happy till WE are all there (or out of the Hell WE created) to enjoy the party. Now some of US might say that life has been pretty "GOOD" to THEM thus far and THEY have no complaints. That is fine and well, for THEM, but MY response to THEM is "GOOD" compared to what? WE, as of yet, have nothing to compare this life, too.

Have YOU been to ETERNITY? that YOU can remember? Have YOU met YOUR "MAKER" face to face? in YOUR translated SPIRITUAL BODY? Have YOU conversed with "HIM" rapid fire at the "Speed of LIGHT"? This is where YOU already have the "ANSWER" in YOUR thought process before the question is even completely formulated in YOUR own thinking. The "ANSWER" comes back in the clear consise 'HEAVENLY RYTHMIC LANGUAGE. All this being done, telepathically, without so much as a word being spoken.

6) The more WE expand OUR horizons, the more horizons WE realize there are out there to explore. In other words, the more WE know, the more WE know WE have a lot more to learn or the more WE realize just how much WE really do not know. (This is not a matter of "The more YOU know, the less YOU have to learn", syndrome". Ecc. 1:18)

7) The more WE feel WE need forgiveness and the more WE are forgiven (from "GOD"), the greater OUR LOVE for OUR CREATOR, porportionately, will be.

8) WE need to borrow some material from 1 Corinthians 13 that demonstrates another avenue of the backwardsness of this "Time Dispensation Periods" WE are in. For WE know in part and WE prophecy in part. Now WE see but through a poor reflection, but then shall I know even as also I AM known.

In other words, everything is set up, backwards, so it plays nicely into "GOD'S" "Grand Scheme of Things" for the final outcome in EVERYBODY'S favor. It falls within the "Father forgive THEM, THEY know not what THEY are doing" clause spoken by JESUS as HE hung on the cross. However, this principle is not just used by "GOD" for MANKIND's way of thinking but for the Angel's, as well. Remember, about a 1/3 of the Angels are determined to prove to "GOD", inconclusively, or until it can be resolved, that WE are totally, entirely, and completely incompetent to be worthy of any kind of authority over so much as an "Ant Farm" much less Them and "GOD forbid" this COLOSSAL HEAVEN "HE" keeps ME thinking about.

The Angel's Role

Here is how this part of this "PROJECT" plays into "GOD'S" hand. First off, Exodus 23:20-21 warns US about these so called "Ministering Angels" the LORD JESUS has sent. It reads, "Behold, I send an Angel before thee, to keep thee in the way, and to bring thee into the place (of RIGHTEOUSNESS) which I have prepared (for YOU). Beware of Him, and obey His voice, provoke Him not; for He will not pardon YOUR transgressions: for MY name is in Him."

These Angels, Themselves have a few role reversals, up Their sleeves, in the carrying out of Their "Plans (goals)", also. They simply reverse the "HEAVENLY Principles" and sell the "Plan" lock, stock, and barrel to the HUMANS. Keep in mind, Their only desire is to have each of US, join Them in Their "Lake of the Fire" burning with "Brimstone (Purification Agents) and will stop at nothing to make is so.

Here, for example, are a couple of the things these "Evil Beings" have done.

1) A key "Principle of Heaven" is to concentrate on the "SPIRITUAL Growth" and "GOD" will freely provide the physical substance of everything else. The Angels just reversed that principle to read something like this. "Concentrate on the 'Material Wealth' of the 'Physical Realm' and do not worry about the 'SPIRITUAL Realm' for the 'SPIRITUAL' will take care of itself."

2) They LOVE to claim "Beneficial Traits" of "GOD' as Their own and thrust Their own "Destructive Traits" upon "GOD'S CHARACTER". We (the Angel) are "Kind, Caring, Compassionate, Merciful, Forgiving, and Will never hurt YOU". That is some of Their best lies. When in fact, They will be the vengeful, destructive Group that causes "fire" to come down from the sky, in the site of all MEN.

3) Do YOU really want to know this next TRUTH? Can YOU handle this next TRUTH? They really are "Evil Beings". Nothing is "SACRED" to Them. After all, this is Their "World". They get to approve, or aleast attempt to destroy, in "One way or Another", the "DIVINITY" of everything that is released to US in this, Their "World" and this does include the [terribly mistranslated (anything but)] HOLY (until YOU figure it out) BIBLE. The "dead word of god", is only "HOLY" to one group of Beings and Their "Use of the word HOLY" is used to decribe its "Contents" by "Them" only because it hides "Their" deceptive practices so well within its pages.

HOWEVER, more then ever, this BOOK is "HOLY" to ME but only because I "have learned" how to recongize and differentiate between the "Spirit of LOVE" verses the "Spirit of Satan" throughout ITS pages. Without this ability to be able to differentiate between the TWO (2) "SPIRITS (LORDS)", WE will have PEOPLE running around (just this Planet) killing other PEOPLE (Temples of "GOD") saying the "lord (Satan)" told them to do so. That is none other then the (wanna-be) "lord Satan", that the Bible hides so well, within ITS "CONTEXT". Unless YOU know what to look for in order to determine, "Which "LORD" is speaking?" YOU will be (CURRENTLY ARE) deceived.

Don't worry, THOSE that are deceived, will be found, standing upon the "Sea of Glass (Aftermath of "Multiple Nuclear Warheads" melting everything.)" singing the "Song of MOSES (WE should have kept those 10 COMMANDMENTS.)" and having the "Tesimony of JESUS [Great and marvellous are thy works....Thou 'King of Saints'. Who shall not (Now that WE experienced 10,000 degrees days on end.) fear and GLORIFY Thy NAME? JESUS! (Rev. 15:2-4)]". Missioned accomplished (Rev. 14:12) for now "ALL" keep the "COMMANDMENTS and have the TESTIMONY of JESUS".

I will help YOU out here, however. In a nut shell, if the "SPIRIT" BLESSES, CREATES, is LOVING, talks gently, or does GOOD Miracles (to name but a few HEAVENLY Traits), it is of "GOD". If on the other hand the "Spirit" curses, hates, destroys, lies, or tells another BEING to 'kill another BEING', it is of the "Spirit of Satan". This same "Spirit" will be (is) telling "ALL" that are deceived, in this area, "YOU are doing "god (lower case)" a favor, by eliminating this said group of "INDIVIDUALS" in these "LATTER DAYS".

The (Original Language) Bibles (Greek, Hebrew, Aramaic) are a "History Lesson" and MY "Road Map" for what the future holds. However, the REAL "WORD of GOD" is LIVING within MY SOUL bearing witness To ME, daily. "HE" is as ALIVE "talking to ME", "SPIRITUALLY" just as much as each and everyone of YOU are, WHO are reading these writings. Just be it known, the Bible is a collection of the once "LIVE", "WORDS of GOD" recorded for OUR benefit, some of which still have to be fullfilled. If YOU depend upon those English BIBLES, in their present, terribly mistranslated "State of Being" (and all the "Sister Bibles equally terribly mistranslated), they will fail YOU.

YOUR lamps will be half full and YOU will miss the "Marriage Supper" of the LAMB. YOU will be left outside "biting YOUR own arms" in an attempt to relieve the extended pain of a "10,000 degree Multiple Warhead MANMADE FIRE" that will not quit. For all this needless "Pain and Suffering", YOU have again, the "Demonic Angels Realm" to thank. The hidden agenda, when the Bible was then being translated, was to make sure the "lies (from YOU know Who)", within the then "established church", stay firmly welded in place in even the English Versions of the then (anything but) holy (until YOU figure it out) bible. Thank You, OUR "Demonic Angelic Friends". I tell YOU, "They" are not very nice and it is but a "lie" if "They" otherwise, try and tell YOU "They" are. "They want YOU in that "Fiery Grave" with "Them" and will stop at nothing, even misrepresenting the "WORD of GOD", to make it so, for YOU to join Them.

In Dealing With # 3 above
Now the GOOD News

In all fairness, before I get into the main thrust of the focus of this "Chapter", I will first share with YOU how to cover OUR own SOUL and keep US "BOTH" out of trouble with the OUR demonic "Angelic Friends". YOU would be in trouble for not knowing, and I would be in trouble for not telling. It is not all bad news. There is some "GO(O)D" News. Here WE go:

Point # 1) JESUS is counting upon MANKIND to prove "Satan's Claims" to be "Totally Unfounded" and "Absolutely" and "Positively" FALSE. The "REWARDS" ("POWERS of CHRISTHOOD" of which, the use of any of these "Satanic Ways", renders these "POWERS", as presently is the case, "Null and Void".) and the "PROOF" WE will have achieved (CHRISTHOOD) long before WE get "there". (There being, "JUDGMENT DAY". A point in "Time" located HERE on "Planet Earth", somewhere in the not to distant future.) These "CHRISTHOOD" abilities, will more then offset the "Trouble" WE went through to get to this "LEVEL (CHRISTHOOD) " of OUR development. ("Trouble? What Trouble? No Trouble at all", LORD JESUS, "Glad WE could help! Call on US anytime YOU need OUR help, JESUS.")

In a "nut shell", this "ACHIEVEMENT (CHRISTHOOD)" is only possible if WE (1) humble OURSELVES (no pride) and receive JESUS as OUR [2 (Part "A")] LORD (KINGSHIP which is POLITICAL and/or SECULAR POWERS.) and OUR [2 (Part "B")] SAVIOR (PRIESTHOOD which is SPIRITUAL and/or SACRED POWERS). Listen, I know JESUS drives a hard bargan, but with "HIM", it is either "ALL" or "None at ALL". "HE" knows WE are only hurting OURSELVES as having "HIM" as "one", either one. but not the "other" in OUR lives.

These are 2 "AREAS" of OUR crucial "Overall Development" in both the "PHYSICAL" and "SPIRITUAL" realms of OUR existence. ONE, without the OTHER, forces US be fully functional but just upon a "2 Dimentional" playing field. "Up and down" in the "PHYSICAL" realm, or "back and forth" in the "SPIRITUAL" realm, but not both. In the "physical" realm only, WE are dead and but a "rock", but WE are a fully functional "rock". WE would do everything a "rock" can do. In the "SPIRITUAL" realm, WE would be but a "Vapor" in a deep dark void with no external input from outside sources, [OUR 5 (as MANKIND calls it) basic senses], whatsoever.

JESUS "HIMSELF" has always been the "PHYSICAL" extension of the "SPIRIT of LOVE" in the "PHYSICAL Realm" and will allow nothing less of "Each of US" to be that same "PHYSICAL" extension of the "SPIRIT of LOVE" in the "PHYSICAL Realm". If "HE" wanted more "rocks", "HE" would have created more "rocks".

I assure YOU, WE need them both in order to live up to the fullest potential "GOD" has planned for OUR lives. "HE", therefore, because "HE" deeply LOVES US, will not let US sell OURSELVES short in any ONE of these TWO "AREAS" of OUR "SPIRITUAL" or "PHYSICAL" development, anyway, anyhow.

WE are not finished with this one yet. By not having JESUS as YOUR "LORD and SAVIOR" WE, are more prone to invite within OUR "SOUL" another more "Troubling Problem". This "Problem" (though easily remedied) "In and of Itself (if not remedied)", will have to be dealt with on "JUDGMENT DAY". That "Problem Being", while YOU were under "Satan's Influence", what wickedness, against YOUR fellow BEINGS, did YOU allow to transpire through the "VESSEL" YOU had control over. What "Sins Against HUMANITIES (Kept "Record of" from start of "Conception of a human LIFE".)", on an individual bases, were perpetrated upon YOUR fellow MANKIND, MALE and FEMALE, at YOUR hands?

Now the "Remedy (Point # 2)" to this "Problem" follows, but is rather pointless without first following "Point # 1 (Having JESUS as LORD and SAVIOR.)". It is like trying to "Out Run the POLICE" on a tricycle using "hand signals" to signal YOUR every intent, every step of the way. I do not see any benefit, whatsoever, to putting the "Cart (Point # 2)" before the "Horse (Point # 1)" in this instant.

Point # 2) This involves confessing OUR faults. It is just a matter of "Removing the Accusations Satan has against US, on His slate", and putting them on "JESUS' slate". (Matthew 10:26 says, "Fear them not therefore: for there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; and hid, that shall not be known.") That way, Satan has no record on YOU and can not bring those "Accusations" against JESUS. If however, Satan does happen to bring that "Accusation" against YOU, JESUS can say, "That fault has already been confessed because I have record of it, on MY slate." [Rumor has it, Jesus just erases it off Satan's slate so He can not make the "Accusation" against YOU in the first place and JESUS simply remembers it no more (Psalms 103:11-12). This can be done in the strictest confidence between YOU and the "SPIRIT of LOVE", but it is best if shared with others as a "Testimonial for JESUS", thereby showing all of Creation, YOU are no longer ashamed, to have "JESUS as YOUR FRIEND", and that Satan has no claims against YOU.

I feel obligated to let YOU know that if YOU do gain the victory over a certain "AREA" in YOUR life, YOU will be tempted (tested) in probably YOUR weakest moment to reinforce the fact that YOU did gain the VICTORY. (Resist the Devil and He will flee YOU. James 4:7)

Now it is no big deal if YOU choose to go with JESUS as just YOUR "SAVIOR", but it does tend to defeat a major, and I do mean one GIGANTIC portion of the "SPIRIT of LOVE'S" work which has to deal with keeping US out of His, the Angelic Realms, "PLAN B of Operations". This "PLAN B of Operation", is supposedly reserved for the "Devil and His Demonic Friends (Matthew 25:41)" but, the "End Result" is all the same for the "5 Foolish Virgins with THEIR LAMPS (BODY) 1/2 full". With the (MANMADE) "Lake of Fire", it is the equivalent of pushing the "Reset Button" on the computer when it goes awry. Revelations 15:2-4 tells US of this GROUP standing upon the finally "Cooled Down 'Sea of Glass (Melted elements blended together into giant flat "Sea resembling Glass".)'". Now THEY suddenly decide it is a "GOOD IDEA" if THEY "Keep the "COMMANDMENTS of GOD (Song of MOSES)" and have the "Testimony of JESUS (Just and True are THY ways, thou King of Saints.)". Mission Accomplished.


For this next aspect, I have borrowed a few pieces from some of MY other writings dealing more so with the Angels in the "SPIRITUAL Realm", to help ME out concerning the Angelic dealings with US.

For the Angels to be able to do anything to US, at all, They must first have a "Claim upon OUR LIVES". JOB was proud of being humble (and maybe, proud of HIS self-righteousness) in HIS service to others (Job 27-31:40) and JOB thought HE was, therefore, indispensable to the LORD for the caring out the "SPIRIT of LOVE'S" overall mission, during HIS "Time and Space" on Planet Earth. The LORD'S answer (Job 38 and on) more or less was, "If YOU are so important, JOB, then where were YOU when I laid the foundations of the Earth? if thou ha....."

The only way They can have a "Claim upon OUR LIVES" is if They have US deceived in some "trivial" area of OUR "LIVES (Space in Time)", which the CREATOR gave US (OUR brief moment of "Time in Space") in the first place. All that means is that there is some area in OUR lives where "PRIDE (excessive self-opinion)" comes between [casts a shadow (LOVERS of Darkness)] US and the "SPIRIT of LIGHT". I will do with MY "Time" as I please, in this (these) area(s) of MY "LIFE", which YOU gave ME in the first place. This "Mountain of Sin (House of Cards)" blocking the "LIGHT of GOD" was contructed within the confines of the "SPIRITUAL Realm", by the, more then eager to oblige, Demonic Angelic Realm at OUR direction, unbeknownst to US with OUR "Carnal Eyes". However, since the Angels live in the "SPIRITUAL Realm", They know of, and can easily see, plain as day, these "Obstructions" They constructed in the first place, that block OUR way (shadows US from) to the "LIGHT of GOD".

YOU better believe these "Angels" get more then just a "little antsy" when they see these "Mountains (House of Cards)" in the "SPIRITUAL Realm" instantly disappearing, thereby bathing Their otherwise captive INDIVIDUAL in HIS "SAVING LIGHT". This to Them, is the sign of a repentant "SINNER". Sound the Alarm. Quick, gather around that BEING, cast shadows upon THEM, before HE gets any closer to that LIGHT. Move that "Lesser Mountain" closer to the INDIVIDUAL, so it casts an even greater shadow.

The problem comes in OUR stubbornness in refusing to deal with these issues in this LIFE, which HE gave US. This eventually leads US to death, or cold storage, from "Time". Then, when the TRUTH is known, WE will be RESURRECTED where WE will LOVINGLY deal with these issues in another more direct LOVING way. (Given the answers to the test, as WE take the test.) That is, in less of course, WE (Little SISTER) are still "ALIVE", when the "Answers to LIFES Questions" are given, sometime shortly before the "2nd coming of JESUS" in which the "SPIRIT of LOVE" will allow US to know what is going on without the benefit of death which "HE" is doing "Right Here and Now" with these writings.

In other words, because of this pseudo-standard WE are setting OUR course by, "GOD" knows WE are going to eventually "die" or "run aground". This brings "GOD" into the picture because "HE" knows that "HE" is the best thing for OURSELVES but "Mountains of Pride" blocks "HIS LIGHT" from getting to US. "HE" knows that if "HIS LIGHT" can not get to US, WE are simply going to "physically" die.

That is also where OUR Angelic Friends come into play. Their position, greatly over simplified, is as follows as WE peek in on HEAVEN'S COMBAT Information Center (CIC) and listen in on the conversation going on:

WE can clearly see that accusations are pouring into the "Courts of HEAVEN", at an alarming rate, of the destruction of MAN against MAN, all to the Glory of Satan. Satan is laughing in JESUS' face and egging JESUS on to destroy this world or at least, let Him (Satan) destroy this world. Satan is telling JESUS, "All have sinned and have gone astray. THEIR thoughts are evil continuously. JESUS, give up. Throw in the towel. I won, JESUS. KILL THEM, or Let Me KILL THEM, JESUS, and say YOU did it, for THEY all hate YOU, JESUS."

Therefore, it is also the HOUR of "GOD'S GREATEST NEED", too. "HE" has to justify "HIS" longstanding faith in the HUMAN Race. "GOD" is taking a lot of heat from Satan, Satan's demons, and even from the Angels upon "HIS" side. They want "HIM" to write "PROJECT PLANET EARTH" off as a lost cause.

Practically all of the Angels are thinking, if not saying, "YOU were wrong, JESUS, for coming to MAN's rescue at THEIR darkest hour on Calvary. Even though, it proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that YOU will never hurt THEM, that YOU are always looking out for THEIR best interest no matter what the cost is to YOU. Even though, it cost YOU, YOUR LIFE, JESUS. THEY will never repay YOU the favor, JESUS. Satan was more powerful then YOU, JESUS. Just look at all these "Mountains of Hatred" standing between "YOUR LIGHT of LOVE" and MANKIND. YOU can not see so much as one of THEIR faces. Evil has prevailed over GOOD. Lies were more prevalent then TRUTH. My wickedness is greater then "ALL YOUR RIGHTEOUSNESS".

I win! I win! I win! Vacate this "Kingdom of HEAVEN" JESUS, and I never want to see YOUR sorry scares in My face, as long as both of US shall live.

YOU are asking too much, JESUS. It is one thing to be created RIGHTEOUS and then to fall, but it is a whole different story to be created "evil (This is a lie)" and expect MANKIND to become "righteous". Satan was right. "YOUR NAME, YOUR CHARACTER, YOUR LAW, and YOUR GOVERNMENT" are all impossible to live by. Destroy the World JESUS. Stop MANKINDS pain and suffering. Cause THEM to be but a memory We can not forget fast enough. We, the Angles and Demons, will serve YOU out of "Fear and Trembling", instead of out of "LOVE for YOU", wondering when it is Our turn because We don't want YOU to kill Us like YOU murdered those HUMANS. Like the dinosaurs, We (Angelic Realm) destroyed, THEY would never know what hit THEM."

JESUS' Response

Angels, (JESUS answers Them, no "..." marks) That is where You are wrong MY Angelic Friends. THEIR RIGHTEOUSNESS never came into question. Is that all YOU think this is? A question about THEIR RIGHTEOUSNESS? If I caused destruction to come upon a BEING or a "GROUP of INDIVIDUALS" because of that particular "GROUPS" unrighteousness, YOU Angels would have been long gone. It is not a quesstion about THEIR RIGHTEOUSNESS as You perceive to be represented by these "Mountains of Pride" or "lack of SELF-righteousness" blocking MY "LOVE LIGHT" from reaching THEM. NO that is not it at all.

THEY were not created RIGHTEOUS. THEY, as a whole, are RIGHTEOUS and THEIR RIGHTEOUSNESS has never and will never be an issue. What is at issue here, is THEIR "Knowing GOOD from EVIL" and the fact that THEY will always choose "GOOD" even against overwhelming odds once THEY realize "What REALLY is at stake, here." The tree and the test were called the "Tree of Knowledge of GOOD and EVIL" and not the "Tree of RIGHTEOUSNESS verses 'wickedness'". EVE saw right through that smokescreen of Satan and saw there was nothing "evil" about this "tree" in the "Garden of Eden" and choose the GOOD that Tree represented.

As soon as MANKIND realizes what is at stake, THEY will denounce the "evil" THEY do against each other under Your guildance and direction Satan, and will "GO FOR THE GOOD" under MY guildance and direction. Therefore, Angelic Realm, be ready to tear down those "House of Cards" strongholds which YOU have erected in THEIR thinking in order to block MY LOVE, as the INDIVIDUALS realizes THEIR bondage to them."

The Angels, not willing to lose conquered ground respond by saying, "If We tear down THEIR "pride and joy", THEY will curse YOU to YOUR face. (Job 1:11 and 2:5)"

JESUS assures Them that HE created the HUMANs and knows THEM better then the Angels do and persuades Them to tear down one stronghold at a time as time marches on, at the INDIVIDUALS request.

Much to the Angels surprise, the HUMAN does not curse "GOD" but rather openly thanks "HIM" for HIS new found freedom and less fear of "GOD's LOVE" for THEM.

The Angels remark are, "Well....that was just a small stronghold WE had upon that totally unworthy (Genesis 3:19) INDIVIDUAL. Let Us take this even bigger one (Which may or may not be a smaller Mountain, then the first stronghold. WE tend to give up the things closest to OUR hearts, last.) down and the INDIVIDUAL will curse YOU to YOUR face and die."

JESUS again gives HIS blessing upon Their endeavors and.... well....YOU know the rest of the story. WE have US a very thankful freed HUMAN individual.... OURSELVES. As long as WE do not harden OUR heart (Which I did for better then 12 years of MY life.) to the point, that OUR victory is ruled incurable in OUR present state of being and so....WE die.

Also, WE have to take the initiative, in OUR thinking, to some degree, as WE ponder life's problems and ask life's questions. It is the difference between "Taking the initiative and reading the Book (These BOOKS are a great start for taking YOU Behind The Scenes, and exposing Satan wily ways to YOU first.)" or waiting for the "Movie to come out". Time will tell whether most of US opt for waiting for the "Movie to come out". The "worst of both worlds" is to just read the "book of life" and then see "the movie" which I think most of US will have done anyway.

Take heart. It is just a matter of YOUR thinking playing catch up to the "SPIRIT of LOVE'S" thinking which is all "HIS" problem, to be resolved in "HIS" own "GOOD Timing", and none of YOUR own. The bulk of Revelations centers aroung a "Real Estate Transaction (Rev. 5:1-14)" concerning "Planet Earth" that ADAM gave over to Satan, moreso then anything else. From Revelations 5:14, everything else deal with the systematic "Step by Step Process" of turning control of "Planet Earth" back over to JESUS.

After "JESUS RETURNS" and this piece of "Real Estate" in recreated a new (no thanks to MANKIND'S Nuclear War Heads), WE then have the "AGE of AGES (the point to which everything burns for however long, up to)" to become acquainted with "GOD" and "HIS" strange ways (to OUR OUR ways of thinking) concerning "LOVING" each other. Just be it known, having been there, MY "False Concepts" of "god", placed there by Satan, caused ME to harden MY heart against GOD'S "LOVING WAYS" which I simply did not understand at the time.

In other words, letting the Angels address OUR areas of pride which They deceived US about in the first place, is not always an assured success, in this life. WE can, due to OUR ignorance of not knowing what lies ahead (Lack of faith, not letting JESUS be both LORD and SAVIOR), cling to that stronghold and continue to imbed OURSELVES into that particular captivity. In that case, the Angels have failed and the "LOVE of GOD" takes over in "PHASE II of PLAN A" called death. Here again, WE are "RESURRECTED and given the answers to "LIFE'S QUESTIONS", as WE take the test due to OUR ignorance because the information and resources were, at the time of OUR living (no thanks to the restrictive nature of the Demonic Angelic Realm), not readily available to US.

This is still not "PLAN B". "PLAN B" again, has a 100% success rate but, I repeat, is to be reserved for OUR "fallen" Angels Who can not die. They can not die simply because the higher AUTHORITY (SPIRIT of LOVE) these Angels answer directly to, DOES NOT KILL. It is just a matter of unmasking "Satan posing to be GOD" here (Try starting at Genesis 2:8).

Either way, OUR modesty is restored and OUR shame and guilt is far removed in and by HIS mighty POWER of LOVE. At this most impeccable "Timing", "HE" invokes "HIS Strange Act (breaking Covenants Isa. 28:15-23)" and breaks OUR "Covenant with Death (Isa. 28:18)" by giving US OUR tarnished but "TRANSLATED" Bodies (1 Corin. 15:51), in time for OUR "SPIRITUAl" cleansing (brimstone = sulfur, a cleansing agent) "Baptism by Fire (Isa. 28:18-19)". We will triumph at last and glorify "HIS NAME, HIS CHARACTER, HIS LAW, and HIS GOVERNMENT (Rev.15:2-4)". This shatters all of Satan's claims before the whole universe, in this great fish bowl called "Planet Earth". All the UNIVERSE will see and praise the triumph of "GOD'S LOVE" for all ETERNITY.

There is a one, two punch to this "Sin' problem that must be addressed and dealt with which I touched upon briefly in that last section. They are the "Elimination of PRIDE" in OUR lives and the "Restoration of OUR CONFIDENCE". WE can be humbled by the experience but without the elimination of shame and guilt, WE are still unable to put to work the POWER that comes with knowing how to use the TRUTH WE now know. WE must not be afraid of being OURSELVES with all the GLORY GOD created in US to be display in every and all aspects of OUR lives. Do not worry because both are taken care of by knowing the TRUTH about the "SPIRIT of LOVE". For now, I just want YOU to be aware of these two separate and distinct parts of the "sin" problem.

Remember.....Inverted and Backwards

Now this conglomeration of information in this division, is all fine and well but it is not the main point of this chapter. The main point of this chapter is to see how the "FATHER", who is the invisible "SPIRIT of LOVE", uses each of OUR strengths that WE are trying to oppose "HIM" with, to "HIS" advantage, all along. (Romans 7:15-25 is Paul's version of what is going on. Please, feel free to keep reading the rest of Romans after YOU complete these writings.)

If this chapter seemed a little confusing, to YOU, it was meant to be just that as life tends to be. Even at OUR worst, WE are still proving "HIS" concepts to be not only TRUE, but absolutely TRUE. Leave it to the "Spirit of LOVE" to find PEACE, ORDER and TRANQUILITY, in this chaotic confusion WE call "Day to Day Living" in the annals of a "Time Dispensation Period". When YOU least expect it, and YOU think YOU'VE gulped YOUR last breath and are submerging below the ocean of "Sin and Suffering" for the final time; an Island and palm tree suddenly appear right under YOUR feet to whisk YOU away to YOUR place in the sun for that long awaited, much needed, short period of rest and relaxation.

Here is YOUR rest and relaxation after reading this chapter. YOU do not have to understand what is going on "Behind the Scenes" in this chapter. There will be no quiz over the material presented in this chapter. It is strictly, nice to know information and there is not enough paper or ink out there to record it all down if I really wanted to go into all the details that would have to be covered in order for US all to understand what WE really do not truly need to fully understand, in this life. Just be it known it is however, against MY religion to not be able to inform "ALL" of "GOD'S CREATION" of "ALL" of "GOD'S LOVING WAYS" 24/7/365 days a year via any means necessary, [especially the Internet (Mark 13:10)] from where ever, "LIFE" may find ME. (Judges have this on file concerning ME and MY religious requirements as so does now, the whole Universe.)

This is "HIS INGENUITY (not OURS)" written into "HIS PLAN (not OURS)" that guarantees the overall success of the carrying out and meeting of "HIS GOALS (not OURS)". Thus, the title, "GOD'S Trade Secrets (not OURS) for Actuating GOD'S Filled with LOVE" of which, I have yet but scratched the surface of. I assure YOU, it is best if WE do not follow "Satan's Lead" and actively preform "wickedness" on OUR fellow human BEINGS, at His every command, but none the less, the deeper in debt WE feel WE are to "HIM", the more MERCY "HE" has to show US which only makes OUR LOVE for "HIM" that much greater.

There is no end to that LOVE and MERCY but there is an end to just how "Deep in debt" WE can get to "HIM". It is not like WE are destroying the whole Universe, just everything WE lay OUR hands on in OUR present "State of BEING". WE are quite limited to what WE can lay OUR hands upon, presently. All OUR "Sins" combined is but a "Speck of Dust" compared to the vast "UNIVERSE of HIS LOVE and MERCY". That same "Speck of Dust" quickly burns up when it gets to close to one of HIS SONS and/or DAUGHTERS (which is all of US) never to be remembered.....again. This is all YOU need to know concerning this chapter and YOU can take that to YOUR SPIRITUAL bank and make a healthy deposit. The next chapter (as is this whole book) is still a respite, as well.

Page 40

Chapter Seven: One Small, Insignificant, Problem

JESUS and the "SPIRIT of LOVE" are having a conversation in ETERNITY, before any other BEING has been created.

"Wow! What a grand idea GOD! Having vessels of YOUR LOVE that can think, seeing to the needs of YOUR other created BEINGS on an individualized bases. After all, I can only be in so many places at one time. OUR created BEINGS already have to stand in line to see ME and THEY are not even created yet. Can YOU imagine, what it would be like with hundreds, thousands, millions, dare I say, even billions of created "GODS" filled with YOUR "SPIRIT of LOVE", in YOUR finally established "COLOSAL KINGDOM OF HEAVEN".

Then again, doesn't that thought scare YOU just a little bit? Think about it for just a minute GOD. What would WE do with even one (or more) created thinking renegade "gods" on OUR hands? Wouldn't it be safer to just create a robot YOU could program to do anything YOU want; OR better yet, a thinking computer that YOU can just unplug if things get out of hand? It would be bad enough if one or more of YOUR Angels developed a bad case of pride and became hostile toward YOUR LOVING ways. That alone, would have far reaching eternal repercussions. I mean, it is nothing WE couldn't deal with, with a 100% success rate, but a bad case of pride in a thinking GOD, it's unthinkable of the destruction THEY could cause.

Can YOU imagine what would happen if just one of the created thinking "gods" became hostile, not to mention, a multitude of the created "gods", forgetting YOUR HUMBLE ways?" Would there be a Heaven left? The whole universe, wouldn't be big enough, with those awesome powers at "their" command. Would anything be safe?

YOU remember when WE looked ahead to that scene in that animated movie, "Disney's The Sword in the Stone", of the two wizards having it out? I don't even want to think about what would happen if two, or more, of the created "gods" got into a slug fest! Needless to say, I think WE are going to have to plan far enough ahead to see that this never happens.

JESUS, JESUS, JESUS, relax, it has all been taken care of. It will never happen. I have got it all under control. THEY don't call ME "GOD" for nothing, YOU know. Are there any other concerns YOU might have?

YOU'RE sure there will never be a war to the finish by two, or more, created "gods"? I mean, THEY could be creating and exploding suns all over the universe, just for starters, if THEY had access to YOUR "POWERS". WE could not hide the inhabitants of the worlds anywhere, for any length of time, before WE would have to instantaneously evacuate THEM to another part of the universe to avoid the shock wave of another exploding sun. Not to mention the fact, that THEY would have the power to cause any number of a multitude of suns to explode like popcorn. I know the BEINGS would be in THEIR SPIRITUAL bodies totally immune to any form of destructive forces, but still, what kind of a life is that to live in "Heaven" no less? I mean, if that is "Heaven", I would sure hate to see what Hell is like? YOU get my drift FATHER?

Trust ME JESUS, it does not work that way. For YOUR own information, I have searched the record for all of ETERNITY and it never happens because of anger. There might be a few practical jokesters in that bunch of created thinking "gods" but, that's about as far as it goes. They are quite a fun loving, comical group once THEY have finally figured out what is REALLY "Going Down" on Planet Earth.

Besides, it is impossible for that to take place because of a multitude of built in safety, fail-safe check valves automatically in place. Simply stated, these "POWERS" are not for profit nor can "THEY" be used for selfish desires. In other words, if THEIR motives are for selfish desires, or for other then pure and holy reasons, the "POWERS" will automatically not be available to THEM (As is presently, WE are finding out, the case is.). I, believe it or not, have no control over that part of this aspect of the "POWER of LOVE". If all the requirements are satisfied, "LOVE" flows, uncontrollably. There is no stopping "IT". A lot of people, WHO don't know what THEIR BODIES are capable of doing, have accidentally access these "POWERS" simply because, unknown to THEM, "All the Requirements" were met.

This is where the other side of the coin comes into play as well. Why would I stop THEM from "LOVING" each other anyway, even if I could? It would take a "Diabolical Scheme" concocted by a truly, wicked Being to have, already in place, a system solely designed to thwart the "POWERS of LOVE" from freely flowing. All this being done, to what end? Why would any Being want to stop the "POWERS of LOVE" from freely flowing? That would be the equivalent of living LIFE in a total and complete "Void of LOVE". I can not even comprehend the meaning behind such insanity. That is a whole different topic WE will deal with when WE get there.

Not to change the subject, but a group of THEM even got over this "Fear of Death" thanks to YOUR humble servant, Melchizedek! (Remind ME JESUS, to Name something after that BEING, for what HE did, first chance WE get.) It took MANKIND long enough, though. It covered a span of "Time" of almost six thousand years.

Excuse ME GOD, but YOU lost ME. What is this thing called "Time"?

Let ME assure YOU, JESUS, YOU don't want to know. YOU will know it when it gets here and YOU will think that it will last forever and ever. But, I will tell YOU this JESUS, about "Time". Let US just say, "Time" is MY workshop and "It" only lasts until its task for which I opened "It" is completed to MY exacting specifications for "ALL PARTIES" involved. However, when "It" does end, what I created in that particular "Period of Time" is then permanently transposed into "ETERNITY" to be corrupted no more. "Time", unlike "ETERNITY", has a "Beginning" and an "End". JONAH will be in the fish's belly forever and ever, which only means HE will be in the fish's belly till HE gets out. It will seem like forever and ever, especially in the (SPIRITUAL) darkness without a "FOCAL Reference POINT".

Let US take for example, this (MANMADE Nuclear) "Lake of Fire". It will not burn "forever and ever". It only seems like it is going to last "forever and ever" especially if a BEING is in the "Middle of It" in THEIR tarnished but translated "SPIRITUAL BODY". Let ME tell YOU JESUS, this "Lake of Fire" is so called because of the intense heat that first vaporized the elements. Eventually these same elements cool enough to cause the different elements to finally pool into a "Boiling Molten Liquid Fire", which eventually turns into a "Sea of Glass" as it cool still more.

Putting "forever and ever" in the Bible was a major translation error. The TRANSLATORS should have brought it across in the English, from its original Greek form, which would have told the PEOPLE that THEY would only burn until the beginning of the "AGE of the AGES". This translation error is only "Allowed to Happen" because I gave MY "WORD" to THEM as a "GIFT". A "GIFT" to do with as THEY pleased just as I also, gave "MY Only Begotten SON" to THEM to do with as THEY pleased, with "HIM".

Once I give a "GIFT", I can not take "IT" back. It is like a bank giving a person a calendar, or a pen, with some advertisement on it. Is the bank going to hold YOU accountable for what YOU do with that calendar, or pen they gave YOU? No. Once they give it away, they have no control over what YOU do with it. They would hope YOU put it in a highly visible place, so YOU can see it when YOU need to call them, and others can see it as well, but they will not hold YOU accountable if YOU through it away.

JESUS, I AM not going to tell YOU what THEY do to YOU right now until WE get a little closer to that "Period". Does that answer YOUR question to some degree?


May I continue?

Oh Yes MY GOOD ABBA, please do, Tell ME more about this "Fear of Death thing. "Death" especially is foreign to OUR thought process."

Boy howdy, did that other Lord (Satan) ever hold the "Fear of Death" over THEIR heads. There was "Death" everywhere, and in all kinds of forms. I won't go into much detail, but He held the "Threat of Death" over THEIR heads like a plague and He drew it like a machine gun. It all started in the second chapter of Genesis (2:4 especially verse 8), in the "Garden of Eden". First He restricted THEIR total freedom that YOU had already given THEM in Genesis 1:29 by pretending (LYING) He was YOU, JESUS, in looks and sound.

Stop! Whoa! Hold everything! YOU have got to be kidding! I thought He (Satan) saved that till the last book called Revelations where He impersonates US there also. YOU mean He is all throughout the "Old Testament" promenading around as US doing His "Destructive Acts of Wonders" all in OUR NAME?

YES, a thousand times YES! He (Satan) was hidden all throughout the Bible, especially the "Old Testament" and that is what caused MANKIND so many problems. THEY did not know what to believe because THEY did not know how to differentiate between the "SPIRITS" till...Well...I'll tell YOU later. It's just that YOU will not believe how deceived He (Satan) had THEM (MANKIND). I mean, YOU will have to see it with YOUR own eyes, JESUS, and even then, YOU still will not believe it. I can not even tell YOU the stories He had THEM believing just about MY CHARACTER alone. It's that bad and I mean...IT'S THAT BAD.

Now, if I may continue.

Please, by all means. Don't let ME stop YOU.

All right, so here the Devil is parading around the "Garden of Eden" impersonating YOU, JESUS. Talk about YOUR evil Twin scenario. He then tells ADAM and EVE that THEY, all of the sudden as if I (GOD) changed, could not eat of a certain fruit bearing tree that YOU had already told THEM earlier, THEY could eat of in GENISES 1:29. This is also before YOU put OUR blessing upon all of CREATION in GENESIS 1:31 calling everything WE had made "Very GOOD."

Pardon ME, GOD. But...

Hold on JESUS. Please, don't interrupt ME now. YOU have not heard the best of it, yet. Wait till YOU meet the female BEING which ADAM calls WOMAN. I saved HER (THEM) for last and I really out did MYSELF when I created HER (THEM). I stamped MY very BEING (KIND, CARING, LOVING, COMPASSIONATE, TENDER, GENTLE, but to name a few.) right into HER PERSONALITY (CHARACTER). SHE is (THEY are) beautiful with "Intuitive Thinking" to no end. SHE (THEY) will LOVE the socks off YOU to no end in every aspect of THEIR "LIFE (if THEY stay TRUE to THEIR innate CHARACTER)".

Well, needless to say, EVE, being a WOMAN, didn't like the restrictions Satan put on HER one bit and was wise to the "Deception" immediately. SHE never trusted that other Lord (Satan) from day one and was always looking for an excuse to oppose Him. It was like putting a WOMAN in a shopping mall with a payment free, tax free, interest free, charge card with no preset limit on it and telling HER, SHE couldn't use it. I told Him (Satan) that would not work with HER, but do YOU think He would listen to ME? He quit listening to ME when He developed that bad "Case of Pride".

That's the thing about Pride, THEY get so bull headed and selfish. THEY (Angels and MANKIND) refuse to LOVE anybody else but THEMSELVES, which is so contrary to what causes lasting JOY, anyway. PEACE, LOVE, AND JOY come from having YOUR Faith founded in "GOOD" and being of service to OTHERS. That is why He left "HEAVEN" in the first place. There was no war in "HEAVEN"; He was LOVED out of "HEAVEN". The kindness the other Angels were showing Him, heaped coals upon His head and He had to get out of "HEAVEN" and could not get out of "HEAVEN" fast enough. That is when He spied OUR laboratory, "Planet Earth" and demanded "His Inheritance" and He and His Followers, be able to live there away from all those other lovey dovey Angels. (Jude 6)

GOD knows I tried to reason with Them. They just won't listen to reason. They, try as They might, could not ignore Their burning hearts, and had to get away, out of "OUR PRESENCE". A condition caused exclusively by rejecting MY LOVE for Them. It literally burns Them up from the inside out because of how hardened Their hearts get. When the "Sin" has run its course, I then have to come in and recreate in Them a pure and holy HEART (Psalms 51:10), once again. They never are really the same again after that. It just causes Them to be forever made aware of MY unquenchable great LOVE for Them as if it is some kind of a pleasurable torment for them.

It wasn't until some two thousand years after YOUR brief 33 and 1/2-year appearance, that MELCHIZEDEK cracked the code and unlocked the "REAL TRUTHS" that made the BIBLE HOLY like it had never been Holy before. HE (MELCHIZEDEK) was a rebel from the very start. HE would wear a tee-shirt saying REBEL on it, to church, as HE offered communion service to the people HE LOVED. HIS instinct told HIM to doubt anything They (the Angels) called "HOLY" on that anything but holy planet Earth. Yes sirry, HE knew the only reason anybody would call anything "Holy" on that unholy planet Earth was because They were trying to hide something...."like Their REAL identity.

HE would ask HIMSELF, why would the "Lord of this World" want this "book" to be known as the "HOLY" Bible? Ah ha, it must keep His TRUE "Identity" hidden. HE would ask HIMSELF, What about this "Lord" that kills PEOPLE and goes around threatening death? JESUS didn't do that in "LIGHT of the CROSS". GOD, HIMSELF says, I change not. Could that "Lord of death and destruction" be none other then Satan Himself parading around as "jesus" (lower case)? Has Satan ever lied and claimed to be "jesus" before? Will He lie and claim to be "jesus" again? How does the "World end"? By Satan claiming to be "jesus"! How does the "World begin"? By Satan claiming to be...WOW, HOLY COW, MAN ALIVE, I DON'T BELIEVE IT. Satan is claiming to be "jesus" right there is chapter two of Genesis.

The REAL "JESUS" hardly got the words out of HIS mouth, and I know the ink wasn't dry, before Satan put restriction upon this, otherwise beautiful Planet Earth.

Do YOU know what He called Satan's Holy Bible in which was amplified the false Leviticus Order. There were thousands of texts on the Leviticus Order, which YOU (JESUS) had to go to Earth and make shambles of, causing THEM to do away with Their false practices. HE called it the (anything but) HOLY (until you crack the code) BIBLE. Of coarse, HE wouldn't take any credit for HIS work, and gave all the credit to the prophets (some of which are still living) that came before HIM, but none the less, HE tied it all together for the majority of creation that was alive at the time, to behold. In honor of HIM and HIS great works, I think I will name OUR ORDER after HIM from which WE will direct all operations from out of HEAVEN. Yes, that is exactly what I will do. WE will call it the MELCHIZEDEK ORDER.

Wow, FATHER, that is beautiful. Please, tell ME more.

Oh how different planet Earth would have been had ADAM and EVE called the other Lord's bluff instead of succumbing to His tactics of shame, guilt, and fear. "Fear of Death", that is. THEY could have walked right through that flaming sword in THEIR spiritual bodies, or THEIR natural bodies and partaken of the "Tree of Life". To bad THEY knuckled under at the "Threat of Death". The other Lord had no authority to kill THEM and He wasn't about to kill THEM at that time. What I mean is if one or both of ADAM and EVE would have died without having any children; if EVE would have died before SHE had HER first girl; I would have had to show THEM WHO really had the POWER over "Death" a lot sooner then I did. That would have blown Satan's cover and exposed Him as the liar He really was from the heart.

The only "Sin" ADAM did in HIS logical thinking manner, was "In HIS Believing the Lie" that the other Lord told HIM about HIM surely dying. Had HE eaten the fruit "In GOOD Faith" as EVE did, HE would have to miss out on the "Feelings of Shame and Guilt" as EVE did, and would have seen right through Satan's deception. With HIS confidence still intact, HE could have taken on the Devil and put HIM in His proper place and this whole matter could have been avoided. Their "POWER and DOMINION" would have come through unscathed and WE all would be eating still, "Silver Tuna" tonight. But, THEY have to live and learn and no schoolbook teaches experience.

Jesus, YOU know "Death" is not of OUR government. It has no place in OUR thinking. I thought for sure EVE would have straightened ADAM out. It was to bad YOU had to appear [in order to avoid confusion, which WE are not the author of; (since the other Lord had already materialized look and sounding just like YOU as YOU did in Chapter one of Genesis)], as the SERPENT in the "Tree of Knowledge of GOOD and Evil" proving beyond a shadow of a doubt, that SHE did not die just for touching the fruit. YOU simply re-enforced the TRUTH that YOU, JESUS, had already told THEM earlier in Chapter one of Genesis. YOU told THEM THEY could eat of every fruit-bearing tree. The fact that He was able to keep THEM from the "Tree of LIFE", till He could cause it to be buried with the flood, is what caused THEIR deaths. Do YOU understand all this, MY BELOVED SON, JESUS?


Do YOU have any other questions or concerns pertaining to US being better able to LOVE OUR created BEINGS by producing more thinking GODS for ME, the "SPIRIT of LOVE", to dwell within?

As a matter of fact, before I forget, there is just one other small, insignificant problem with the whole incident. I really doubt "YOU" will have to pay any attention to it, and I really don't see any need for "YOU" to concern "YOURSELF" with this matter. I AM really hesitant about even bringing the idea up. Please, forgive ME if I AM wrong but, aren't "YOU" forgetting to take into consideration MANKIND'S feelings, in this whole "ORDEAL"? I mean, what if, mankind (lower case) does not want to become a "GOD" and know "LIFE" to the fullest as "YOU" have allowed ME to experience for all of ETERNITY?

I mean, there is, of coarse, no way this could happen. They would just have to get one small, meager, trivial, insignificant, unimportant, petty, diminutive, puny little taste of "YOUR GLORY", and THEY would all be beating down the doors to become GOD'S, just like "YOU". I mean "WE", together, couldn't create a wall high enough, fast enough, thick enough to keep THEM far enough away from "YOUR LOVE", "FATHER".

After all, to know "YOU" is to LOVE "YOU", and to LOVE "YOU" is to serve "YOU". Any BODY, in their right mind, would not want to know all THEY can about YOUR TRUE CHARACTER....

JESUS, why are YOU bringing this up for ME for MY consideration?

Why I AM bringing this up? Because, just thinking about it causes ME to have a piercing pain, in MY heart. It feels like SOMEBODY shoved a spear up under MY rib cage and pierced MY heart. It just breaks MY "HEART", to no end, to think THEY would choose to refuse to know "YOU". I would shed enough tears to fill all the oceans of the world; if I was to find out THEY didn't know YOU. (Ever wonder why the oceans are so salty?)

I would sweat blood if I found out THEY didn't even want, to know "YOU". I mean, just how bad can this "Sin Problem" be anyway, "FATHER"? I AM afraid "SPIRIT of LOVE", I don't want to ever be away from "YOUR" side. "YOU" see "ABBA", I LOVE "YOU" and there is nothing I would not do for "YOU" even if I have to shed MY OWN LIFE for "YOUR" cause. THEY could pierce MY hands and MY feet and hang ME out to dry, and even with all that pain, it would not compare to the pain, of the thought, of being away from YOU and YOUR LOVE for just one second. Please ABBA, in "YOUR" infinite wisdom, don't let this happen. None the less, though, "YOU" ARE the BOSS, and please don't let MY will take precedence over "THY WILL". I trust "YOU", to the ends of this Universe, and that will never change. Plus, again, "YOU" know there is nothing I would not do for "YOU".

JESUS, thank YOU for YOUR "WORDS" of support. YOUR concern has been noted and taken into consideration. I do have a multitude of options, to chose from, which I have been considering, but, there really, is only one "PLAN", that will work out, the best, for all parties involved. I was however, waiting for crucial input, on YOUR part, which, YOU just gave ME, before I could go ahead with this particular "PLAN".

Again, I can not thank YOU enough for YOUR support. I could not do this without YOU. I assure YOU, YOU won't regret YOUR decision. There will be no surprises, from OUR vantage point. Everything, and I mean EVERYTHING, has been taken into consideration.

To show YOU "ALL" the bases have been covered, before one BEING is ever created, WE will run this through, on the big screen, as many times, as YOU want, from any perspective, YOU want, and I do mean, ANY perspective YOU want to see it from, to familiarize YOURSELF with the smallest of details that went into the "Planning of this operation".

If I may make a suggestion, YOU will really enjoy looking at it, a time or two, from each of MANKIND'S individual way of thinking. From each of THEIR own particular individual "Ways of Thinking" with each of THEIR own particular "SPIN" on the "Sequence of Events" surrounding each of THEIR own individual "LIVES" THEY each will be given. It's almost funny, if it were not such a serious issue, WE are dealing with here. It shows how MANKIND, from the very "Origin of This PLAN", thinks WE royally miscalculated something fierce, when WE decide to create THEM. It will prove just how overall successful, "The PLAN" really is. I AM not saying, this "PLAN" doesn't have its short comings. After all, WE are dealing with EVERYBODY being a totally "Free Moral Agent" [Snicker, snicker (In a "Time Dispensation Period") rot(fr)lm(hd)o.], including MANKIND, able to choose THEIR own Destiny (roped and hog tied, in a bath tub, wearing a straight jacket). However, this will more then calm YOUR fears and assure YOU that not one created BEING will ever be lost, ever. Trust ME, JESUS. Would I lie to YOU, or ANYBODY else for that matter?

No! "YOU" can not lie. I mean, what ever "YOU" say instantaneously, takes place, from "ETERNITY'S (Absence of Time) Vantage Point". Even if "YOU" could lie, it would still take place, so how can "YOU" lie. "YOU" just have to speak the "WORD" and it instantly exists in "ETERNITY".

Program note: It is much more complicated then that. "Time Dispensations" have to be set up, props (if needed) need to be put in place, of which, each have to be made, in there own "Time Dispensation Periods" and stored until they are needed. This particular "Series of Time Dispensation Periods (AGES)", not counting the previous additional prep work, used to create this "ENTITY (MANKIND)" now in "ETERNITY", took 7,000 Years (7 days or 1 HEAVENLY Week) to run its course. However, WE still instantaneously appeared like it had always been there, in "ETERNITY".

"YOU" know I trust "YOU" and LOVE "YOU" so very much, SPIRIT of LOVE.

Great JESUS! Now here's the plan. First WE'RE going to create....

Needless to say, "GOD" and JESUS have put a lot of "Time" and effort into this "PLAN", in order to make it work. THEY were there, looking forward, trying to figure out what THEY were going to do. It is a whole lot easier for US. Here WE are, looking at what "THEY" did, trying to figure out why "THEY" did what "THEY" are now doing.

The "Solution to these problems again, may be as simple as examining the evidence, that is before US, a little more closely. However, this time, there is a lot more evidence, covering many different aspects of the problem, that WE need to examine in a particular way, if WE want to come to any kind of a reasonable conclusion, as to why "GOD"; chose Planet Earth, in the condition it is in, as a "Boot Camp Training Ground For GODS".

There is more to the "CREATION Of" another "GOD of LOVE", by THEE "TRUE GOD of LOVE", then WE care to imagine. For the god's WE create, in our mind, it would be a "Piece of Cake". An impossibility, from Their point of view, but still, none the less, a "Piece of Cake". From OUR way of thinking, why would OUR selfish god want any additional competition for OUR already fragile loyalty as it is? Aside from that "Line of Reasoning", OUR God (Satan) would do everything in His power, to cause US to not even want think in these terms of "mass producing" the "god" He portrays the "SPIRIT of LOVE" as being. WHO in THEIR right mind, would want two or more (billions) of Satan to deal with? But in the real (lower case) World, experience can not be taught, and instinct, for a God (Satan) who (now) has to "Call the Shots" as the events unfold [Genesis 3:22 Gee, (As God, 2nd in Command, under JESUS, in "HEAVEN") We never had that happen before. What should We (Other Angel "2nd in Command" on Earth, under Satan.) do now?], is useless.

The next chapter goes into greater depth as to what it takes for US to be JESUS' GREATEST JOY. Every MAN, WOMAN, and CHILD is already, more then qualified, to do what WE enjoy doing best. Please read on to see, but aother portion of, how really great, "GOD TRULY IS" (and YOU thought WE were deceived).

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Dearest Little Sister,

I need to explain, before I begin this session, that I AM going to be unraveling still more "Great Mysteries [This is part, though a very small part, of MY job description (Rev. 10:7).]" to an extreme depth with out trying to tie up all the loose ends I may leave unraveled. Please, do not let these details alarm YOU. Rest assured, they are all figured into the "Master PLAN" and will be dealt with by the "MASTER PLANNER" in "HIS" own "Perfect Timing".

Revelations 3:15-(17)-22 tells US that the "Church of Laodicea" has no (physical) needs. It is not that the "Church of Laodicea" does not have any needs but rather that THEY do not know what THEIR real (SPIRITUAL) needs are. This is no fault of OUR own because the proper INFORMATION WE needed to make the proper decisions was simply stifled or subdued by the Angelic Realm due to Them lording Their self appointed authority over US. After all, this is Their "World" and They keep everything that is physically out there in check so as to keep US from finding out the TRUTH. By the number of PEOPLE still dying, I'd say They are still doing a pretty good job of keeping US in the dark. They have only been at this "GAME" with MANKIND the past 6.000 years and by now have gotten pretty good at it.

Therefore, getting the proper "INFORMATION that is out there in the proper Order" is the "Order of the Day" and that is mainly what this Chapter is concerned with. This is certainly a rewarding task, but by no means, an easy task for ME, for I have to attempt to package these self evident TRUTHS up in a delectable, mouth-watering form to present to H.Q. Public. Sometimes it is better that I convey the idea behind the TRUTHS and other times, it is better I convey the TRUTH of the matter as best I can. As best I can is the thrust of this paragraph. There is no comparison between the language of "HEAVEN" and OUR languages.

However, there is a right way and a wrong way to walk through what is going to be revealed in this Chapter. The right way has already been, and is going to, again, be explained in great detail, step by step, as WE go along. However, again, most of this Chapter is "Nice to Know INFORMATION" to help US better understand the overall bigger "PICTURE". That bigger "PICTURE" is teaching YOU everything YOU need to know so YOU are NOT honored GUESTS (Rev. 15:2-4) at Satan's Baptism by MANMADE Nuclear FIRE".

Please remember, if I have not told YOU this before, this is a numbers "GAME". More of MANKIND is now alive, especially at the rate OUR population is growing, then ever before by far, in the history of MANKIND. Secondly, the "LIVING" are the "SPIRIT of LOVE'S audience. WE (the "LIVING") will have to learn of these things while still "LIVING" unlike Moses, one of the few, WHO had these things explained to HIM after HE died (Jude 9). Therefore, MELCHIZEDEK is to the New Testament "LIVING" what MOSES was to the Old Testament. What MOSES did to start "This Process Up", MELCHIZEDEK is doing to wind "This Process Down".

Do YOU think "HE" forgot about YOU? NEVER!!! In fact "CHURCH of LAODICIA" YOU are the most important CHURCH by far, not only due to YOUR sheer numbers, but because of YOUR place in "Time" with the "GRAND SCHEME" of things being what they are. YOU are the PEOPLE that bring about the "Kingdom of HEAVEN" in the "Physicaol Realm"! YOU are the "CULMINATION" of what this "ALL" has been leading up to. PEOPLE, it happens upon YOUR "WATCH", in YOUR "LIFETIME". YOU are the ONES. "GOD" chose each and every ONE of YOU to bring this "Kingdom of HEAVEN" into being. What more can I say"? Please, therefore, rivet YOUR "Confidence in GOOD" and constantly let JOY be the "FRUIT" YOUR mind is bubbling over with. The other alternative is to having YOUR faith flip flop back to evil which causes the "Fruit of OUR Thinking" to be fear and worry. Having said that, enjoy this, another "Eye Opener" of a Chapter, especially for, the "Laodicean Church" in need of "SPIRITUAL EYESALVE that THOU mayest see (Rev. 3:18).

If it will help YOU out, then be it known, Old Nick (the Devil) is going to have to answer to the SPIRIT of LOVE (FATHER), JESUS, MOSES, ELIJAH, the 24 Elders, and MELCHIZEDEK, among many others, for taking any BEING captive in THEIR present "pre-CHRIST (Lack of KNOWLEDGE of the TRUTH) Condition". That is worse then taking Candy from a BABY. These PATRIARCHS (Part of the very "ELECT") LIFESTYLE'S (RIGHTEOUSNESS, which does "the Trick" when dealing with Satan.) is OUR WORD and OUR BOND of which WE are all ONE with each other. (This includes YOU, ME, and LOVE.)

From ONE who is Answering GOD'S Prayers in the AUTHORITY of LOVE,


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Chapter Eight: LOVE'S R.E.L.I.G.I.O.N

Welcome to Real Enthusiastic Living In Genuine Interest of Other's Needs (R.E.L.I.G.I.O.N.). Finally, a R.E.L.I.G.I.O.N. or LIFESTYLE that is not deceived. YOU know the "TRUTH" if YOU have the "POWER" to lay down YOUR life and take it up again. (If the society in which YOU are presently functioning in has to take time out for a funeral now and again, then, it is "Misinformed" and sooner or later, that funeral is going to be YOURS. Do not be alarmed. This is not new "News" to YOU. It is just that WE always thought "Death" was a natural event from OUR perspective which it is, but not from GOD'S perspective. This is the acid test of any function out there in the "Physical Realm". (More later. Please let ME explain.)

WE do all OUR functioning in the "SPIRITUAL Realm". OUR brain informs US of everything that is going on around US in the "SPIRITUAL Realm". All OUR possessions are exterior and physical. What makes up who WE are is internal and SPIRITUAL. There is nothing, except maybe what was created in the "Garden of Eden" (and even that is misconstrued to the Devil's likings, and for His benefit), that is outside of US that did not first have to be approved by the "Prince of this World, Satan". For reasons of simplifications I AM saying, "If it is out there in the "Physical Realm", it has been okayed by Satan to be there for His benefit." As I said before, even the "Bible" has been tampered with (mistranslated) so as to meet Satan's "Standards" for being allowed to be on display in the "Physical Realm".

In other words, the deck is stacked against US "Physically" and WE will be deceived if WE look to the "Physical World" for SPIRITUAL answers. WE were never meant to succeed SPIRITUALLY by "Physical Means" and "Physical Death" only goes to show that WE are indeed, deceived "Physically". WE just lose the ability to exist in the "Physical Realm" and that is what those, whom WE leave behind (in "Time"), call "Death".

[Program Note: The different primative "Characteristics of Time" verses the superior "Characteristics of ETERNITY", not elaborated upon in the Bible with regards to US, does come into play here. It is possible to spend "Time" in "ETERNITY" with zero "Time" lost, is all MELCHIZEDEK is going to say about this topic with regard to some "Church" policies concerning "death". TRUTH frees US from death and only a MIRACLE from "CHRIST' (BEINGS that know the TRUTH)" brings the already "Deceived DEAD" back to LIFE. The "deceived" are not going to learn anything concerning how to reactivate THEIR own corpse, from "ETERNITY" of which the "SPIRIT" returns to, from whence it came.]

It is not okay, but it is all figured into "GOD'S Master Plan" with not one "Deceived" BEING ever to be lost and WE exist in the SPIRITUAL Realm, anyway. From GOD'S perspective, WE are still with HIM. Now if a "CHRIST (BEING that knows the TRUTH)" were to die, that is a whole different "Set of Circumstances" and would send shock waves throughout the "Kingdom". Especially if there was only ONE CHRIST at the "Time". Had that ONE CHRIST not been resurrected, the "Kingdom of HEAVEN" itself, would be no more. CHRIST is the "Physical IMBODIMENT" of the "SPIRIT of LOVE" of which, without, nothing would get done. (Here is some help for YOU. John 11:25-26, plus Romans 8:38 and 14:8. Lets move on now with more insight.)

The criteria He (Lucifer, Satan, the Devil, Old Nick) is looking for before He, or His administration, approves of anything, in the "Physical Realm" goes as follows:

A.) Does it tell MANKIND how to reach their "ETERNAL Destiny"? If it does, it does not get approved, and every trace of even the "Thought of that Idea" is totally destroyed, defused, or discredited as best as He (and His colleagues) can to "Keep the TRUTH From Being Known". "Come on JESUS, YOU can not tell THEM that." Satan pleads, "It would be 'Game Over, Case closed" without acheiving the desired results (CHRISTHOOD for MANKIND via JESUS or Satans methods)."

I hate to break this to YOU but, those "66 Manuscripts" do not therefore tell US everything, by any means. However, if WE know how to properly decipher, "What THEY Do Tell US", it is "More then Plenty" for this "Stage" of OUR "Development in 'Time'".

B.) Does it help maintain the "Status Quo" of the picture Satan paints of the "god (lower case)" He would have US believe exists? (Vengeful, blood thirsty, apathetic, "tyrant" who is never appeased.) If it does, then it does get "First Hand" approval. This is usually found in the "Religious Realm" or on OUR own individual levels. The "Mistranslated Bible" is an "Asset" to Satan, in championing this cause, as it "Diguises Him, so Well, as This Very Being". WE tend to behave as WE perceive OUR "god", to be. This "god" being one WE may have been "Lead Into Believing Exists", or one WE may have actually "Created, and Breathed Life Into (Rev. 13:15)".

C.) Will "This Knowledge" perpetuate HIS "Deceptive Lies"? Will "This Knowledge" keep US "On a Tangent Away From The TRUTH"? Are WE "Studing Everything" but the "REAL TRUTH"? If "This Knowledge" does meet one or both of those requirements, "It Does Get Approved". This takes place in the business, political, and social realms of society.

YOU see, the Devil (whom I prefer to call Old Nick), knows WE are GOOD, very GOOD (Genesis 1:31), because the GOOD GOD (SPIRIT of LOVE) lives within US. Old Nick knows that He does not have to tell US anything and WE will, given the "Time", figure out what is going on and what OUR correct response to the situation should be because of how GOOD WE are created.

He (the Devil) not only, is not going to tell US what is "Going On", but He is also going to make sure He has an onslaught of "False Diversionary Tactics" set up to make sure WE do not venture down this particular "Road to Discovery" in the first place. Therefore, everything that is out there in the "Physical Realm" is simply "A Diversion" from the "REAL TRUTH". Now, this may come as a shock to YOU, but (Praise the LORD) "WE Are Deceive". Thank YOU JESUS for allowing US to come up in this "Type of Environment". "Death" all around US, even for the "Best of US", was MY first clue.

OUR Feature Presentation

The SPIRIT of LOVE'S (and MELCHIZEDEK'S) Top Priority

From GOD'S perspective (which is still the same for HE does not change), HIS "Idealism" is still the same, and does not change. (Have I made MYSELF clear, here, that GOD does not change.) HE still says, "It is not right that any BEING should be in bondage to anything, much less, other BEINGS."

Please bear with ME. There is some rough terrain to go over here. That is all it is. Everything is set up totally as it should be. Just keep in MIND, "Freedom is the POWER to do "What Is Right" in any given situation that confronts US". Nothing more and nothing less. Most of US, with OUR minds already "Seared" (speaking from experience) do not have the luxury of being able to think in this capacity, from the onset. In other word, "Freedom" has nothing to do, whatsoever, with having the ability to spend OUR "Time" as WE want.

It is when OUR stronger "Physical Nature" is out of harmony with OUR weaker "SPIRITUAL Nature" that WE do not have this "power" to do "That Which Is Right". If that be the case, then, what WE are in bondage to "Is Inconsequential". I AM not condemning ANYBODY for anything. It is this "Deeper Issue" that needs to be revealed here "For YOUR Information Only", in order that I can develope this idea in greater detail, for all to behold. That is the sole reason I bring this topic to the surface.

What has changed is how the "Self-appointed Angelic Order" keeps MANKIND in bondage to Them (through OUR enslavement to "Sin") and to each other. However it is to a lesser degree, WE are in bondage to each other in the "HUMAN Orders of Authority", which is still (at the time of these writings) for the most part, under the Angelic Realm. The de-humanizing goals are still achieved by the Angelic Order with the only difference being, "In the Way They Have Camouflaged the Same Slave Trade Racket They Had Going in MOSES' Day".

Now WE have our "freedoms" (and I use that term very loosely) in that WE can choose not only to buy OUR own clothes but also what clothes to buy, what food WE eat, what type of shelter WE choose to live in, where WE are going to live, and WE can even choose whom WE are under bondage to. How about that, WE can even trade "Slave Masters" if WE choose to but it is still the same "de-humanizing system [Satan talking (Genesis 3:19) "YOU are dirt!")" for all involved who think THEY have to earn a paycheck "To Stay Alive (It is just a "Means to an 'End' but not an 'End in itself.)".

The "Flaw in this Whole System" is it is a "Fear Based Theology" anchored in the "Evil Side" of the "Tree (EVE partook of) of Knowledge of GOOD and Evil". "Fear of Dying" to be exact, and it is flawed in that reasoning because there is "No Trade Off". Everything in the "Physical Domain" is one big deception because it still "all" leads to "Death". For example, let US suppose that even if WE do keep the "Law" the Angels gave US, "To the Letter", WE still die. In other words, it is as if They do not care what WE set OUR mind to, just so long it is not the TRUTH. (More later about the "Angelic Order of Authority of Today" and its "Improved Version" for tomorrow.)

Also, YOU must remember, as far as the "fallen" Angels thinking goes, it is either "US or THEM". For some reason, They do not want to acknowledge, or can not see, or do not want to see or just plain, do not want to believe what They (and WE) call the "HIDDEN AGENDA" from GOD'S perspective. Simply put, the "HIDDEN AGENDA (That They keep hidden from US.)" is to prove, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that the "CHARACTER of GOD" will never destroy any BEING EVER. No matter what, for what ever THEY (MANKIND and Angels) may do, whether THEY (both GROUPS of US) have the full knowledge about what THEY are doing or not, GOD will not destroy THEM. (Sorry PEOPLE, I hate to break it to YOU this way, but all this death and destruction, has been at OUR own, or the Demonic Angelic Realms, hands.)

Why is this the "HIDDEN AGENDA" YOU ask? Simply because, one of the "fallen (term used lightly) ANGELS" main objectives (in a nut shell within several nut shells), is to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt, that GOD will utterly "Destroy US All", once WE cross that "Invisible Threshold", to the limits "Of HIS LOVE", that still "Does Not Exist [and GOD always flip-flops (changes) back and forth, right?] {[(WRONG)]}".

I want to re-emphasis this "Very Important Point" as WE look at what the Angels are doing from, what might be, Their point of view. If THEY (MANKIND and Angels) should succeed in proving Their point.......and GOD does retaliate by destroy "All of US".....what has been gained? Sure, WE proved "god (lower case) is a killer", but the Group that proved that theory is now "dead". What is to stop this same "god (That changes not.)" from creating another group, and destroying all of them, should they someday cross that line (That does not exist.) again?

Nothing. "Not One Thing" can stop that "Scenerio" from happening again. In fact, the whole idea "Behind What They Are Trying To Prove" is totally "Absurd, Insane, Crazy, Pointless, Ludicrous, not to mention, Pure Suicidal". I mean, They are not only looking a gift HORSE in the mouth (LIFE), but They are trying to pull HIS teeth out as well, with HIM fully aware of the situation (no pain killer) just to see what kind of a reaction They get from that HORSE. In this scenario, WE can just about imagine what that HORSE is going to do to Them.

On the other hand, what could They possibly gain (death), that could, in any way, be compared to what They have to loose (LIFE), should They not be able to prove Their claim (GOD destroys), beyond a shadow of a doubt, to be true? What could possibly compare to "Total Non-existence (death)" that would possibly justify this "Type of RisK"? Especially if YOU are not the "GROUP (of PEOPLE)" actually pushing those "Buttons" and pulling those "Triggers"?

"Sorry GOD, it was not Us (Angels), who 'Destroyed YOUR Planet'. For once YOU have got the wrong 'GROUP of BEINGS' here. (snicker snicker)", as Their "halos" vaporize in a "Puff of Smoke."

Come on OUR "Angelic Friends". WE (HUMANS) sympathize (Shared Experience of Emotion.) for You (Angels). Surely existing in "Fear of YOUR LIFE" is better then total "Non-existing at All"? It is not so bad, "At Least, YOU are Still ALIVE." So what if YOU can not fully "Enjoy YOUR LIFE". Why, Just look at US HUMANS. Wait a minute, just look at us humans (lower case)! If any BODY is just existing, it has got to be US. WE enjoy it, "sometimes", don't WE.

What if the question to be answered is not "LIFE verses Death" but rather, "just existing" verses "TOTAL AND COMPLETE (lack of fear) EXISTENCE!!!" Is a new understanding of just how much "TOTAL FREEDOM They (WE) REALLY DO HAVE" worth what They had to risk (mere existence) to find this "LIBERATING INFORMATION" out. Again, I say a thousand times "YES, YES, YES, and YES." "Total non-existence" verses "TOTAL FREEDOM to EXIST" sounds like a pretty fair trade off to ME. It is not enough to know that YOU are "free", but rather it is more important to know "Just How FREE YOU Really Are". "Personal FREEDOM" is that important. "How Many a War" have been fought, and "How Many a Lives" have been lost "Believing In This Concept". It is that important.

The bottom line for the Angels and MANKIND is the fact, it is not enough to know "WE Are free", but rather, it is more important that WE all know, "Just How FREE WE TRULY really are to do GOOD?" After all, it is the "TREE of Knowledge of GOOD and "evil"" and these past 6,000 years has taught us all about where "Living in fear (Characteristic of "Evil based Theology".)" leads to.

(Take a breather. Pinch YOURSELF. See if YOU are still alive. Clap YOUR hands, stomp YOUR feet, sing a song, dance a jig, PRAISE THE LORD. WE ARE FREE, TOTALLY FREE to "Live in JOY (Characteristic of a "GOOD based Theology")". Now re-read "This Section" again, and continue on.

Earmarks of Angelic Orders of Authority

So YOU know, before I get into this next part, Solution # 1 To The LATTER RAINS saves US (MANKIND) from the "Mark of the Beast, which starts the whole ball rolling. Miss this one step, and no BODY is going to be left out in the cold (Rev. 16:10 For those of US who like darkness better then LIGHT.) for very long. Solution # 2 To The LATTER RAINS saves US from the "Plagues" which is pretty much useless for those of US who already have the "Mark of the Beast". Solution # 3 To The LATTER RAINS saves MANKIND from the "Wrath of GOD" which is none other then those of US, having missed Solution # 1 To The LATTER RAINS, launching everything WE have at JESUS [If WE (MANKIND as a whole) do not repent.].

At which time, while these Missiles are inbound, there is a ton of activities going on here. For one, HE gives US our tarnished but TRANSLATED BODIES (Isaiah 24:15, 22, 28:18-19, Jeremiah 4:10, 13b, 19, Daniel 12:2) to ride the storm out with. The "Demonic Angels" during this same interim, have been given liberty to take the "Wicked MEN and WOMEN" in for a closer look where the heat is more intense, for a longer period of "Time". This is so the "Cleansing Nature" of Brimstone (Sulfur) can do its job more thoroughly at 10,500 degrees. This is also the final destination of those of US "Secretly" Raptured away. This number does not include the "5 Follish Virgins". THEY remain where THEY are at a sustained 9,500 degree tempature though I seriously doubt, THEY would appreciate this 1000 degrees difference.

Luke 13:18 & 20 tells US from JESUS own WORDS that Satan has been so sucessfull, in subduing the Earth, that there is nothing in this "World" to compare the "Kingdom of HEAVEN" to. YOU will quickly see what JESUS ment by this statement. I will first describe (Matthew 13:52 This simply tells ME I have to show it from the New and Old Testament.) how the "Kingdom of HEAVEN" is set up and then compare it to the "Angelic Order of Authority" and YOU will plainly see how everything is patterned after the pseudo "Angelic Order of Authority" to OUR detriment. This detriment I AM talking about is a "Multible Warhead Hydrogen Bomb Type Nuclear Detriment" where WE languishing in extreme pain for days on end with out rest (Rev. 14:10-11) after the "Plagues" no less. This is what I AM here to prevent from happening if at all possible, for all parties involved. Allow WE to elaborate upon what WE could be missing out on, should these instructions be followed by the human RACE.

At which time the elements turn into their "Gaseous State of Matter" as WE endure the pain. As they cool, the elements turn into their "Liquid State of Matter" still plenty hot, as WE still endure the pain. Finally the elements turn back into their "Solid State of Matter" as WE still endure the pain. Finally, WE emerge victorious singing the "Song of MOSES (10 Commandments)" and having the "Testimony of JESUS" (Rev. 15:2-4). Mission accomplished, at the direction of Satan, and WE did not even have to repent, so "All is not lost". WE still have our SOULS plucket out of the "Fire". The object here, in ME telling YOU this concerns MY "PRAYERS" in keeping YOU each from this MANMADE destruction reserved strictly for the "Demonic Angelic Realm", and for no other reasons.

First and foremost, the biggest difference I, King and Priest Melchizedek, of the "MELCHIZEDEK ORDER" (SPIRITUALLY) see, is in the different "Calendars" these two places have in effect. (See also Calendars, FAQ, DECREES, and especially Sol # 1. For those of YOU who had a FRIEND print this off for YOU, all this additional information is found at "". See also Tabel 1 below.)

In the "Kingdom of HEAVEN" the "Work Week" starts on the "1st Day of the Week" which YOU call Sunday, and ends on the "5th Day of the Week" which YOU call Thursday. Then WE have "Preparation Day Off", the "6th Day", which YOU call Friday, to prepare for the BLESSED and HOLY "7th Day Sabbath" which WE also have off (No buying and selling.), to spend with OUR CREATOR. Most of YOUR languages call this "7th Day" a dirivative of the word "SABBATH". In the English language however, it is call Saturday and it starts at sunset on the 6th Day and continues till sunset on the BLESSED and HOLY "7th Day Sabbath". This Sabbath is OUR ambulance CREATED ahead of "Time" for the "Time of Trouble" HE knew would coming upon US.

In comparison, Satan's "Kingdoms of Earth [Rev. 11:15 (Nations) "kingdoms of this world"]" start the "Work Week" with the "2nd Work Day" known as Monday. His (Satan's) "Weekends" start on the "BLESSED and HOLY 7th Day Sabbath". Then He has YOU attending some form of foreign "worship service" on the "1st Day of the Week"? How odd. JESUS did not do that, as demonstrated by HIS actions, of which many of HIS healing took place on the BLESSED and HOLY "7th Day Sabbath". The "1st Day of the Week" is referred to as "sunday" named after a "star" that does not even have a name? How even more paculiar?

See Illistrations Below to Better Grasp Concepts

Characteristics of
Satan's "Kingdoms of Earth"

"Mark of the Beast"

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
1st Day 2nd Day 3rd Day 4th Day 5th Day 6th Day TRUE 7th Day Sabbath
Day of
2nd Day 3rd Day 4th Day 5th Day TRUE Preparation Day
buried in Work Week
Used for Preparation Day
for false 1st Day Worship
False 2nd
Day of
1st Work
2nd Work
3rd Work
4th Work
5th Work
Beginning to

Characteristics of
JESUS' "Kingdoms of HEAVEN"


On "9 October 2000" The Name Monday Was Stricken From Calendar For That Day Only

See DECREES, and Calendars for visual confirmation.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
1st Day 2nd Day 3rd Day 4th Day 5th Day 6th Day TRUE 7th Day Sabbath
1st Day of
Work Week
2nd Day 3rd Day 4th Day 5th Day TRUE Preparation
Day off at
Begining of Weekend
Allows for keeping
7th Day Sabbath
1st Work
2nd Work
3rd Work
4th Work
5th Work
TRUE Beginning to
2nd Day of

Now listen PEOPLE, this will just never do. It is not the "2nd Coming of JESUS" that WE have to be concerned about. HE is not what WE have to worry about. By the time JESUS "Gets Here", the mold "Will Have Already Been Cast". OUR path will have already been determined by the decisions WE make TODAY concerning this "BLESSED EVENT, without regards to the "Return of JESUS". The fact is, JESUS is quite harmless (Hebrews 7:26). Everything else will have already been "Said and Done". HE returns after the "Mark of the Beast", and after the "Plagues" have already begun. None of this need WE worry OURSELVES about for it will be to late to do anything about it then.

What WE need presently, to concern OURSELVES about is for the "OUT POURING and "RECEIVING" of the "BLESSINGS" of the "2nd Coming of CHRIST (HOOD)". That is the "BIG EVENT that is "Coming Again". Hopefully a short "Time" before "JESUS' PEACEFUL (King of PEACE I AM) Return" and a long "Time" before "Judgment Day" of which I hope to keep these TWO "MAJOR EVENTS", which is in the best interest of all PARTIES involved, "AGES" apart.

I just happen to have brought with ME, "The INFORMATION Concerning", the "How To's" of attaining this "Status of CHRISTHOOD" from the "Courts of HEAVEN", to be poured out upon "ALL of MANKIND", whosoever will (Acts 2:21). These BLESSINGS are what is presently "Ready And Waiting To Be Unfurrowed" upon "ALL of MANKIND", as WE speak.

This is the "Mustard Seed" of Matthew 13:31-32, Mark 4:30-32 and Luke 13:18-19 that JESUS made a parable about. This is the "Leaven" of Matthew 13:33 and Luke 13:20-21 JESUS did also tell US about in direct relationship to the "Kingdom of HEAVEN" some 2000 Years ago. This "Kingdom of HEAVEN" that "Grows and Spreads" providing "Shelter and Shade" and "Leavens" the whole batch (Earth).

It is the being a "CHRIST" that is the only "Pearl of Great Price (Matthew 13:45-46)" WE are after right "Here and Now". See Matthew 13:44 concerning the "Kingdom of HEAVEN" being a "Treasure in the Field". Of course, WE can not leave out the rest of Matthew 13:1-30 concerning the "WHEAT and the Tares" and "WHY" JESUS spoke in parables. That is another difference between JESUS and I. HE spoke in "Parables". I give it to YOU straight up undiluted. Here it is straight up. Try Matthew 13:47-53. I AM trying to keep each of YOU out of that MANMADE Nuclear "Furnace of Fire" that last days on end. Notice the Angels separate US out. There is YOUR "Secret Rapture" of Luke 17:37. The fact there is this sustained "Gnashing of Teeth" tells YOU something has changed with this "Fire". This I will address in this next part.

Now let ME fulfill more Bible Prophecy (Matthew 13:52-53) concerning the "Kingdom of HEAVEN" from the Old Testament. I would hate to leave any BODY out in the cold. Please turn with ME to Isaiah 24:1. Here, once again WE have GOD (because HE repented not that HE CREATED US) claiming full responsibility for MANKINDS Nuclear holocaust. In verse 2, nobody is excluded. In verse 3-4, the land and the earth is utterly emptied and utterly spoiled. Verse 5 tells US it happens because WE "Transgress the Law". Verse 6 tells US the "inhabitants of the earth is burned with few men (probably bodies) left. Veres 7-12 tell US there is no wine and no reason to celebrate with great destruction.

Concerning the "Remnant" praising GOD, WE have verse 12-16. Do not envy this "GROUP" crying from the "sea [of (molten) glass]". Wishing THEY were righteous from "Within the Fire". There is even a part in there about the universal dishonesty of the day that lead them astray. Verse 17 tells US the trap has tripped catching its inhabitants. Verse 18-20 concerns the very foundation of the Earth is shaking. It is dissolved. Reeling to and fro like a drunkard. (I've seen the "Dirt Boil" more violently then any "Pot of Water".) Verse 21-23 includes the "kings of the earth" being gathered in the pit to be visited after many days (Rev. 20:10b) after the "Nuclear" heat finally cools down. The ash is blocking the sun and the moon from shining through.

PEOPLE, Chapter 25 of Isaiah has more of the same, except now there is a "Glimmer of Hope". In keeping with ME, concerning the bringing out the "Kingdom of HEAVEN" in the "Old Testament", two thing happen in Isaiah 25. They are; (1) the "Vail Is Removed", which again is part of MY job description concerning the "Mystery of GODLINESS" in 25:7 & Rev. 10:7; and (2) "Death is swallowed up in Victory" in verse 8, of which I will have much more concerning after I finish up with Isaiah Chapter 25.

As to why this is happening, at MANKIND'S own hand. It is found in Isaiah 25 verse 11 concerning OUR "pride" and the "spoils (Nuclear Armament) of OUR hands". Now WE can go to Isaiah 28:14-22 for more concerning the "Kingdom of HEAVEN" in the Old Testament.

Before WE do, did I tell YOU, JESUS "Dying on the Cross" accomplished a multitude of unfinished tasks before HIM. HIS "RESURRECTION" had just as much, if not more, to do with a "Real Estate Transaction (Rev. 5:1-14)" as it had to do with OUR "Sins". As ADAM turned Earth over to Satan rather easily; JESUS, with HIS "DEATH on the Cross" bought Planet Earth back, rather handily, as well.

WE, 100% of US, are part of that "Package Deal" concerning this "Transaction of Planet Earth". Sorry, I have to break this to YOU, but WE are "ALL" a part of that "Kingdom (The MELCHIZEDEK ORDER)" whether WE "LIVE or WE die", here on "Planet Earth", WE are the LORD'S (Romans 14:8). WE are bought (back) and "Paid For" by the "Blood of JESUS", long before any BANKER ever got THEIR hands upon US, whether WE are privy to this TRANSACTION or not. It is a done deal. JESUS just has first option on getting US cleaned up via the "HOLY SPIRIT" during the "AGE of GRACE". The baptism by "Fire" is reserved stictly for those of US who "DO NOT" want to take advantage of JESUS' method. [With JESUS, WE would actually have to Repent of "Transgressing the Law" and having the "Testimony (CHRISTHOOD) of JESUS".]

For those of US, [5 Foolish Virgins (Present estimates, I AM trying to bring drastically down in numbers, puts OUR totals at over 5 billion gallons of blood, or 2/3 of OUR present POPULATION.] WHO would rather, experience this "Terrible Atrocity" first hand, and wait for the "Movie To Come Out", WE have Satan's method before US. In the "Book of Daniel at 12:2 WE have "some to shame and everlasting (age lasting) contempt." This is talking about an "Event (the Big EVENT)" taking place during a "Time Dispensation Period". "ETERNITY" does not come into play here WHATSOEVER because WE still have the "AGE of AGES" ahead of US. Everything actually burns to the point of the beginning of this "AGE". Towards the end of the "AGE of the AGES", so called because JESUS rules as "KING of KINGS" and "LORD of LORDS", WE become "ALL in ALL" when "ETERNITY" is finally then "Transposed Painlessly Down" on top of US. After which the NOW Colossal "KINGDOM OF HEAVEN (MANKIND in rightful place.)" is turned back over, having accomplished the mission, to once again, the SPIRIT of LOVE (ABBA FATHER). Real estate transaction has now been completed.

Having set this up, WE can now return back to Isaiah 28:14-22. YOU see, the LORD JESUS picks the most inopportune "time" to return and suddenly do HIS "Strange Act". It is indeed a "Strange Act" for HIM to "Break a Covenant" with MAN. That is exactly what the "Courts of HEAVEN" are going to do. THEY are going to break OUR "Covenant with Death".

Ah! JESUS, could YOU come back later GOD? WE seem to have these in bound "Multible Warhead Nuclear Hydrogen Bomb Missiles" coming at US. [YOU see, I (Melchizedek) told YOU WE can not depend upon HIM. JESUS would wait till the last minute to show up when WE are already set in OUR ways (Concerning "Which Day WE Are Going To Worship On.")] In Isaiah 28:18-20 the "5 Foolish Virgins" ride out THEIR fate in THEIR tarnished but, none the less, translated "BODIES". Do YOU want to see it in Jeremiah? Jeremiah 4:10, 13, 18-20, 31. Jeremiah 4:21 asks. "How long shall I see the standard and here the sound of the Trumpet?" which leads US back to the New Testament, once again.

Notice Paul tells US in 1 Corinthians 15:51-52 that "ALL Shall Be Changes At The Last Trump: For The Trumpet Shall Sound". Notice how this ties into the 7th Angel with the 7th Trumpet sounding after the other 6 Trumpets already sounded. HE, the 7th Angel, began to sound in Revelations 10:7 at which time, the "Little Book (of Daniel)" was opened "Around the World" in the late 1700's. This Trumpet (Rev. 11:15-17) announces the changing of the "Kingdoms of this World" to "Kingdoms of OUR LORD (JESUS) and HIS CHRIST'; and HE shall reign forever and ever. Thou has take to thee, THY great POWER (which includes raising the dead) and Hast Reigned."

Now I assure YOU, there is more to the setting up of the "Kingdom of HEAVEN" then just changing of a "Little Old Calendar". The rest of the requirements, are immaterial compared to "This Factor" which is considered the biggest difference, by far. With the dropping of the name Monday, on October, 09th, 2000, and advancing each name of each day, and the activities associated with the "names" of each day, ahead by one day, almost everything has stayed the same. YOU still go to "Church" on Sunday which is now the "07th Day Sabbath" and YOU still go to the same "Church" on Sunday. WE still go to work on Monday through Friday, and work YOUR overtime and mow YOUR lawns on Saturday which is now the "6th Day of the Week" as it should be. College Football is still played on Saturday, and everything is hunky-dory.

Did I tell YOU, October 09th of the Year 2000 was a very "Special Day"? It was the "1st Day of Atonement of JESUS' Millennium or the "SABBATICAL MILLENNIUM" for this "Series of AGES". It started at sundown on the 05th of April, 2000. Can I direct YOUR attention to Matthew 24:42-47. WE might not know the "HOUR" JESUS is "Coming In", but WE can sure know what "Watch (4 hours Time Period)" HE is "Coming In". I AM the WATCHMAN of Ezekiel 3:17-21 and 33:2-20. This is MY "WATCH" in which "JESUS is Returning" within. I demanded YOUR "BLOOD" be upon MY hands (even if I did warned YOU in "Time"), before I ever accepted this "JIG".

Notice also, YOU have been weened from "Milk (Pauls Writings 1 Cor. 3:2)" to "MEAT. (I AM KING and PRIEST MELCHIZEDEK'S of the MELCHIZEDEK ORDER'S. These are MY WRITINGS, from the "Kingdom of HEAVEN" which will save each and everyone of YOU from Nuclear Holocaust, should this "MEAT" be properely digested by each of YOU.) Let ME again, save YOU some guess work. JESUS is going to "RETURN" in MY "WATCH" and only the "wicked" are going to be "raptured away" for a close look at the already intense "Fire" when HE does come again.

This is the "Series of AGES" in which "GOD" is recreating HIMSELF in the "Physical Realm". A far cry away from "Dinosaurs" roaming the Earth. Then the Moon was its own "Sun" equal to OUR "Sun" today and the "Sun" was 7 times hotter then it is today. It was perfect weather (70 degrees pole to pole) all day everyday and so shall it be that way again (Isaiah 30:26). Did I tell YOU, I, KING and PRIEST MELCHIZEDEK, of the MOST HIGH GOD, whom I refer to as THEE "SPIRIT of LOVE (and LIGHT)", sometimes get MY ORDERS from HIM directly "FACE to FACE" in MY TRANSLATED BODY, in the "Courts of HEAVEN" no less, with zero "Time" lost in MY absence, on "Planet Earth".

Last but not least, in this the "Changing of the Calendars", let ME put it to YOU this way. Satan can only touch YOU, if HE has a claim upon YOUR life, "Knowingly", and especially "Unknowingly". If YOU cancel the "Mark of the Beast" in YOUR life, YOU cancel the "Plagues" as well which in turn cancels YOUR participation in the "Lake of Fire". YOU in turn receive the "Seal of GOD" of which YOU are well on YOUR way to "Activating the POWERS of CHRIST that already dwell within YOU.

PERSONALLY, I could careless how YOU get to this place on Earth call the "Kingdom of HEAVEN". MY concern is upon the lines, "Just So YOU Get There." Chances are, the more adversity YOU have to go through to get there, the better BEING YOU will be because of the path YOU chose. However, it really gives OUR "CREATOR" a black eye, which I will not tolerate, if YOU are not there. YOU see, HE has already "Counted the Cost, before one brick for this foundation was ever laid". HE has already "Considered the ODDS before going to war against Satan". HE has already "Found and rescued that One lost Sheep, Planet Earth". HE has already found the "Lost Coin". HE has already done everything that needs to have been done to guarantee "Safe Passage" to this yet to be CREATED "Colossal KINGDOM of HEAVEN" in the "Physical Realm". This is were MANKIND assumes THEIR rightful role as "CHRISTS" in the now greatly expanded "Kingdom of HEAVEN". (Still lower case because WE are not "ALL IN ALL" locked in "ETERNITY" till after the "AGE of the AGES".

In Luke 22:24-30 JESUS tells US not to be like one of the rulers of this world but rather that WE should be HUMBLE and serve others. Let's cut to the chase here by saying, "In GOD'S eyes, WE are all equal." There will be no class differences or "Officers Club" in the "Kingdom of HEAVEN". GOD is a sovereign GOD and HE will humble all HE chooses to HUMBLE one way or another so WE are all standing upon equal footing with each other. WE even get equal rewards which are "Eternal Life, total freedom, unlimited power to provide for the needs of all of OUR Heavenly Friends, and around the clock access to the party room, on a moments notice, with all the trimmings included", just to name a few.

So picture a group of humble Christ's magically enjoying each others company as THEY lovingly take care of each others needs. Let's contrast that to the "Angelic Order of Authority". Here WE have a whole different set of rules to go by. Competition is the "Order of the Day" here. I've got to be the best. The top dog is the place to be. Work YOURSELF up from the bottom. Step on or be stepped on. Conquer or be conquered.

What WE have is a "Pyramid System of Authority" with big brother supposedly on top looking out for those under His "authority." Kind of like an "Eye on Top of a Pyramid" type System. (Say, where have I seen that symbol before?) Now do not be alarmed. This System came from the "Courts of Heaven", but I AM not sure how much responsibility GOD is actually responsible for even though HE claims full responsibility simply because HE created US all. In a nut shell, this is how HEAVEN may have initially operated with JESUS being the only physical HUMAN passing down the orders from the "SPIRIT of LOVE" to the Angels. It was not perfect and it did not have to be because the "COLOSSAL HEAVEN" GOD had envisioned was still under construction and the Angels understood this to some degree.

The only difference between "How It Was In The Past" verses "How It Will Be In The Future" is very minimal. In the past The "SPIRIT of LOVE" talked to "A MAN Named JESUS", through the SPIRIT. JESUS in turn talked "To A Few Angels" and They in turn "Talked To A Few More Angels" right down the line until "All The Angels" got the message. The ORDER of AUTHORITY was the "SPIRIT of LOVE", "JESUS In The Form of MAN", and then "The Angels". Today, for the most part, the ORDER of AUTHORITY is; "The 'SPIRIT of LOVE'", "JESUS In The Form of MAN", "The Angels", and "non-christlike MANKIND".

When MANKIND matures and assumes HIS rightful place in this COLOSSAL "KINGDOM OF HEAVEN", the ORDER of AUTHORITY will once again be the "SPIRIT of LOVE", MANKIND equal with JESUS as CHRIST', and the Angels. The only major difference is "There will be a lot more of these CHRIST' in place." This way, the FATHER ["SPIRIT OF LOVE (and LIGHT)"] will send out one "memo" to all the CHRIST', or a hundred thousand different "memos" all at once, or in a certain order, to all of HIS SONS and DAUGHTERS and all of MANKIND will relay the synchronized message(s), if need be, to the Angels all at once, or however the messages need to be relayed. This way is much more efficient all around and GOD'S Goal of having a much more Individualized Personal Relationship with all of HIS created BEINGS is completed.

As YOU recall, I told YOU how They had to stand in line to talk to the "SPIRIT of LOVE" though JESUS. Now there are many more CHRIST' in place. It just maybe a CHRIST' to an Angel ratio of 1:1 totally eliminating the big brother pyramid system of dog eat dog authority. As far as how the Angels got Their information, nothing has changed. They have always been used to talking to MANKIND all along and this time around, there is just a few more HUMANS, MALE and FEMALE, to talk to. However, a FEMALE in HEAVEN might take a little getting used to, though. (Revelation 12:1. Just kidding LADIES but there is an awful lot to be said about the introduction of the MALE/FEMALE relationships into this COLOSSAL HEAVEN. It's a whole separate subject in a whole different book yet to be written.)

Problems Stemming From the Pyramids

It is this pyramid "System of Authority" that is a dead, and I do mean literally A dead give away as to Who's system WE are presently under. Being (1) humble, (2) confident (faith, believe), and (3) compassionate BEINGS are the key factors in US becoming the GLORY GOD created US to be. As long as WE buy into Lucifer's lies about US being more worthy then OUR neighbors, WE can not succeed and WE continue to remain destined for death. Everywhere YOU look, this "System" is in place. In business, in politics, in churches, at home, and especially in the military to name but a few examples. No wonder JESUS said, "With what shall I compare the Heavenly System of Authority to?" (Luke 13:18 & 20 paraphrased Melchizedek style)

The first and greatest problem is that it goes against OUR very SPIRITUAL nature. Here WE have the humble "SPIRIT of LOVE" living within US and the "Pyramid System of Authority" encouraging US to step on OUR fellow human BEINGS to get ahead or else ignore THEM completely because THEY have no bearing upon OUR success of failure in this type of society. This is simply because this type of society tends to set THEIR standards by a sub-standard measuring stick that is wrong from the start.

That "Sub-Standard Measuring Stick" is what WE call money. It causes US to ask OURSELVES, "How much will it cost ME?", or "What is in it for ME?" If the cost is to great, or there is no great benefit for ME to be gained from the situation, WE tend to overlook that particular chance happening and "Discrimination" is born. Discrimination is "The Buying And Selling Of LOVE Based Upon Physical Differences." Since money has let US determine it is now all right to discriminate in this small area, then it must be all right to discriminate in this larger area and the flood gates of destruction are thrown wide open. There are no "Lines To Be Drawn In The Sand", because the standard by which WE base OUR information upon is faulty from the start.

A multitude of monstrosities are brought upon society simply because this "Sub-Standard Measuring Stick" is in place. If WE insist upon using this "Sub-Standard", then theoretically, WE can never ask OURSELVES, "How Much Is It Going To Cost?" WE set the "Pseudo Standard In Place" and WE must "Bear The Responsibility Of Having It In Place." However, that is not the way it is and WE let this "Idol (money)" dictate to its "creator (MAN)" how WE are to react to any given situation simply based upon how much it is going to cost US. This is but "One of the Ropes" by which WE hang OURSELVES.

This leads US to another serious dilemma WE face in OUR everyday lives. It introduces and encourages "pride" which has no place in OUR "Humble Abode" and it comes straight down from the Angelic Realm. We are taken in by "pride" as WE play OUR little games of "Office Politics" with OUR co-workers, Church groups, family, and friends at OUR attempt to exalt OURSELVES over THEM to gain what ever there is to be gained. These PEOPLE are often OUR best friends that WE see walking around with another knife stuck in THEIR back.

WE are not being TRUE to OURSELVES which makes it the serious problem it really is. It is part of the de-moralizing scheme that is built into the "Pyramid System" of "Dog eat Dog" and WE are falling for it hook, line and sinker without realizing what WE are doing and why WE are doing it.

Hypocrisy is simply the difference between what GOD "Created US To Be", and what WE "Actually Are" when WE meet the individual WE don't know, which is OUR 'SPIRITUALLY TRUE SELF" as viewed in the eyes of OUR co-workers, Church groups, family, and friends. WE sell OURSELVES short every time WE do not consider OURSELVES equal with OUR fellow beings. This short fall plays right into the Angelic Realm's hand as WE experience feelings of guilt, shame, low self-esteem which deals directly with OUR confidence level.

The overall success of the Angel's program is dependent upon Them, and US, keeping OUR own self worth down in the dump as reflected in Genesis Chapter 3, "I am YOUR benefactor and You are dirt." WE are playing Their own "Game of Life" by Their rules. As long as WE continue to play Their own "Game of Life" by Their own rules, WE are dead. WE need to play OUR own "Game of Life", which WE were created to play, by GOD'S rules of LOVE written within OUR own heart. That understanding goes something like this: Well, GOD created that BEING, therefore, GOD has a purpose for that BEING to fulfill with the way HE created that BEING. Since the "SPIRIT of LOVE" LIVES in that BEING, I think I will get to know that BEING and maybe I can help THEM to find and achieve the purpose which GOD created THEM to fulfill.

As YOU can see, the Angelic self-appointed "Pyramid System of Authority" is not the way GOD intended for US to be. WE are equal with JESUS and WE will far surpass the things JESUS did (John 14:12). As a CHRIST, as JESUS clearly demonstrated, Satan's "Rules of Engagement" are "Null and Void" even to OUR thought process [Luke 9:55 (KJV) JESUS is harmless. (Hebrews 7:26)]. It is the finding of this, "The Proper Way To Attain The ETERNAL GLORY GOD Has Always Meant For US To Have", that is the problem that lies before US. In a moment, WE will address that problem.

Before we get into the "MEAT" of this problem, I need to define a few concepts. The first being "WHO These Letters" are addressed to. WE are "The LIVING" at the time of "Second Coming of CHRIST" and at the time of the "Return of JESUS" known as the "Little Sister With No Breasts [To Young to MARRY (Die to Be with JESUS) (Song of Solomon 8:8)].". WE are to be dealt with differently simply because the majority of US will not have death to contend with for it is at this very moment, being dismantled.

Second off, the main reasons something is taken from OUR presence, including JESUS, is because WE fail to keep that SOMETHING in proper perspective, within OUR thinking. If something comes between US and the "SPIRIT of LOVE", it will be dealt with and put in the proper perspective, one way or another. WE are to follow "JESUS Example" but not to worship another HUMAN being, including JESUS. Worship (obey) the "SPIRIT of LOVE", only (John 4:23-24, 14:17, 15:26). JESUS can be here tomorrow, PEACEFULLY if WE but only put HIM in HIS proper place in accordance with OUR thinking. This point will be explained in two parts of the next section.

Without further delay, the proper way to become a member, in GOOD standing, of the "MELCHIZEDEK (LOVE'S) ORDER of AUTHORITY". Seeing this take place is in each of OUR HEARTS on an INDIVIDUAL basis, is "JESUS' GREATEST JOY".

Leading off, there are some deadly combinations WE need to be made aware of that are already keeping US out of the "MELCHIZEDEK ORDER of AUTHORITY".

Let US first take a second to review what YOU do need, so WE can better contast and do away with the "Deadly" combinations that are already in place. The bare minimum "GOOD" Requirements are:

1.) "COMPASSION (LOVE)" which is already standard equipment.

2.) "CONFIDENCE" (Faith, Believe) Tons of which is also already built into OUR "System of Thinking".

3.) A "Humble SPIRIT [not "Proud" (Matthew 5:3)]". This is the "CHILDLIKE" quality that needs to be preserved, in OUR "Thought Process", that things pertaining to the "Kingdom of HEAVEN" may be revealled to each and every one of YOU (Luke 10:21).

4.) A bare minimal "Knowledge of TRUTH". WE can always build upon what WE do "Know To Be TRUTH" as WE progress from OUR "Rubber Band" powered ENGINE to OUR "Solar (Meaning SON of GOD)" POWERED ENGINE. Such as this nugget of TRUTH: JESUS is HARMLESS (Luke 9:55-56, 10:3, Hebrews 7:26). This is the "Mystery of GOD (Rev. 10:7)" to be cleared up "Here and Now" already being finished.

5.) To know WE are all "Equal Before GOD (There is no discrimination on HIS part.)".

:to be a member of the "MELCHIZEDEK ORDER of AUTHORITY".

Of the five requirements mentioned above, three are already, to some degree, supplied, and one is simply a default setting WE either know "As a Matter of Fact" or "WE Don't Know" and WE act accordingly. Also, two of the five are "Interrelated" where YOU can not have "The One" without "The Other", but if YOU have "The Other" then YOU have "Them Both". They are "TRUTH with Confidence" and the fact "YOU can not discriminate if YOU do not have any Pride harbored within YOURSELF, or "Are Humble (As A Little CHILD.)". "LOVE or COMPASSION" is written "Into OUR Heart" so WE do not have to worry about that one, too much. Where WE direct that "LOVE", might be a problem, but it is still built into OUR "Thought Process", just the same. In other words, it is very easy to attain and retain these requirements.

WE have CONFIDENCE (better known as Faith or "to believe") and lots of IT, in something. It is just a matter of what WE truly have OUR "ASSURANCE" in. WE either put OUR Faith (which can oscillate back and forth) in Evil", in which "Fear" is a byproduct, and WE do what ever WE have to do in order to delay the inevitable, death; or WE put OUR "TRUST" in "GOOD" or the "Spirit of LOVE", of which "JOY" is a byproduct, in that no matter what happens, HE will take care of US. (Whether WE live or die, WE are in the CREATORS care. Romans 14:8)

The deadly combination in this instance, is that most of US have a "Fearful Trust" in GOD which, these together, are totally WE die. This only happens because WE assume that death is a natural phenomenon that must happen. It is not a natural phenomenon and it was never intended to take place.

YOU are either free and alive believing in "GOOD" or fearful and dead believing in "Evil". There is no middle ground here. Just a "Lever" in OUR "Thought Process" that "Oscillates Back and Forth" between "JOY" and "Fear". The "TRICK" is locking this "Lever" in place on the "JOY" side of OUR "Thought Process". OUR "CONFIDENCE" is either totally trusting "WE Can TRULY Be OURSELF Without Fear of Retaliation From GOD (WHO does not kill.) in HEAVEN", or WE are "Fearfully Living, Believing in Evil, Afraid of Retaliation For OUR Actions (Which is the way WE are.) After Death". This "World", even with all this evidence of GOD, all around US, screaming at US, throught CREATION, still tells US to do the latter, and WE die just the same.

The Bible tells US, "This is ETERNAL LIFE, that THEY may know THEE, THEE only TRUE GOD." That means, simply put, "Know That HE (GOD) Will Never Kill or Destroy YOU No Matter What YOU Do With The LIFE HE Gave YOU." (By the way, in case YOU did not know, HE (GOOD) will never kill or destroy YOU.) Okay, so HE "Translates OUR BODIES At HIS Impeccable Timing" so WE can survive the "Nuclear Holocaust (Baptism By Fire)" but HE neither "Delivered US into the hands of the 'Evil Ones'" nor "Pushed Any Buttons or Turned Any Keys". WE unfortunately, because HE did not "REPENT That HE CREATED US", did these two items, all on OUR own, against HIS strong urgings, because WE were to "Proud" to listen to what HE was telling US for OUR own "Safety and Protection".

The third requirement is the only one WE really have to take a close look at. Hell, in its purest sense (As it strips at fervent heat, everything WE thought WE owned or possessed away.), teaches US that WE have nothing to be proud of. There is only one commandment that Lucifer will never tell you. In fact, everything in the physical realm, seems to point to its opposite counter part which is "Pride". In the Devil's file this is above "TOP SECRET" for a classification. [This is not even in the "Original Greek" Bible of the New Testament. It is that "Secretive". If YOU (JESUS) want to put that in the "bible", YOU are going to have to reword it, so THEY (MANKIND) can not figure it out, or I (Satan) will not approve it (the bible) being release to the general POPULACE, ever! It will make it way too easy for MANKIND, and it will not be a fair and accurate "Test" of THEIR abilities YOU (GOD) endowed THEM with from CREATION.]

The "only" Commandment which allows US to be of "Service to 1st GOD (1st 4 Commandments) and 2ndly, MANKIND (Last 6 Commandments)" is :


Blessed are the "POOR in SPIRIT" (Matt. 5:3) is the "First Beatitude" from the "WORD (JESUS)". That is it! That is all there is to this life! The "GLORY of GOD" can not be revealed in a proud BEING. Pride causes US to exalt OURSELVES above someone, or something, else. Whatever WE are "Proud of" stands between US and the "SPIRIT of LOVE". HE is a jealous GOD and it will be removed if it is not put in its proper perspective. In other words, if WE are to "Proud to be Humble [Poor in SPIRIT (what ever that means)]" then Lucifer has a claim upon US. It is this "Claim" that is leading US down the "Path of Destruction" until "The Claim" Satan has against US is put in its proper perspective, one way or another.

WE can identify what WE are proud of by noticing what "Makes US Angry (Check and balance System of the GOD given "RIGHTS" WE have not put in subjection to JESUS' Will for OUR LIVES)." when WE see others doing this "detestable" thing within the confines of OUR own thinking. WE can even be "Proud of Being Humble" by ringing OUR own bell when WE perceive that "GOD is Working Through US" or by outdoing the other person in humility and letting others know about it. "What YOU do in secret, the FATHER will reward YOU for" (MATTHEW 6:4). In other words, don't spend YOUR inheritance from Heaven before YOU get it. Be YOURSELF "In Church" and "Out" and let that be the bases for starting on YOUR road to humility. NO ACTING CLASSES TODAY.

The fourth and fifth requirements are not a problem for the humble "SONS and DAUGHTERS of GOD" because THEY do not exalt THEMSELF above others and THEY considers everybody equal as THERE "BROTHER" or THEIR "SISTER" and everybody THEY meet, as THEIR "NEIGHBOR". In other words, YOU have to be proud to be prejudice or a bigot. Notice the description of the BEINGS in the "Lake of the Fire". "Proud, Arrogant, Boastful, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. HE is a sovereign GOD and HE "Will Humble Whom Ever HE Chooses" and with HIM "All Things Are Possible", therefore, none shall be lost but all shall be saved, one way or another.

There is "Additional Information" that could be aired here but it falls under the "Catagory of TRUTH" which just gives US a more "POWERFUL ENGINE, that needs to be properly developed over "Time" for optimum preformance. JESUS started out with "Turning Water Into Wine" before HE moved up the "Resurrecting the Dead". Therefore, enough has been said about the "Requirements of the 'Kingdom of Heaven'". Now, let US put them into practice.

Rule 1. GOD does not kill, destroy, mane in anyway, shape, or form. HE is LOVE with the ability to CREATE. [It is the advisory Satan who uses death and destruction to force His ways upon US. He, being the "Father of Lies", claims the "TRAITS of GOD (Kind, Caring, Compassionate)" as His own while thrusting His own "Traits (Death and Destruction)" upon the "CHARACTER OF GOD". (Job 1:12, 2:6, Luke 9:55) GOD claims total and complete responsibility (Not repenting that HE created US.) but that is as far as it goes. 1 Sam 31:4-5, 1 Chron 10:4-5, 13 & 14.] The SPIRITUAL "Laws of LOVE", of which WE (presently) have very little understanding of, are at OUR command. WE, being of the "Kingdom of HEAVEN", in order to access these "POWERS", operate "ONLY" upon the SPIRITUAL "Laws of LOVE" upon which the "Constitution of the MELCHIZEDEK ORDER" is founded upon.

Rule 2. BE YOURSELF. Hypocrisy is the difference you demonstrate of what YOU are "At Church" verses what YOU are "Any Other Time Of The Day". There is no right or wrong answers but rather a process of maturation. Mature CHILDREN is what the "Kingdom of HEAVEN" is all about. Again, save YOUR "Acting" for Hollywood and the Movies. How WE are is "GOD'S Problem" and HE will clean US up should WE decide to "Confess and Forsake (Repent)" OUR short comings, including OUR short comings when it come to "Keeping HIS Sabbaths." I actually had to take MY Bible and Hide, so PEOPLE could not find ME to ask ME to work on the "7th Day Sabbath".

Again, there is a right way and a wrong way to achieve these objectives. Society, as a whole, has been stalemated, with disastrous results, each and every time WE have set out to enact and enforce physical laws enforcing "SPIRITUAL Principles". LOVE can not be regulated and neither can it be forced upon other people either. The "Heavenly Principle" that WE run smack dab into that shoots OUR best efforts down every time, usually with devastating effects, is one GOD HIMSELF will not violate.

That "Principle" is OUR GOD given right to total "Freedom of Choice" (snicker, snicker, snicker) in a "Time Dispensation Period" on this "Planet Earth". (Let ME ask YOU this question. "Would ANYBODY in their right 'Frame of Mind', "Choose to come here? under these adverse conditions? at any point in 'Time' upon "Earth's Planitory Time Line"? from OUR 'Limited Understanding', as things being what they presently are?"") Yet because of Old Nick's (Satan's) "Freedom of Choice", WE are in the middle of this "Great Controversy" between GOOD and EVIL, in the first place. WE have fought many a wars, and lost many of OUR most SPIRIT filled individuals, simply because THEY got between this "Principle" and "Society" in trying to "Regulate (enforce) This Principle".

THEY might have had everything THEY needed including "truth" (lower case), but the "POWER" that comes along with knowing the "TRUTH" is also "Knowing How To Use The TRUTH". Even in the "COLOSSAL KINGDOM OF HEAVEN", this principle will still be totally in effect except with two major differences. WE will be totally TRUSTWORTHY (Having experienced, first hand, where, making the wrong "Choices", leads.) with the "FREEDOM" to make the "Right Choices", and secondly, WE will be in ETERNITY, instead of a "Time Dispensation Period".

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Chapter Nine: Life Goes On and On and On

This books details how each of US can access the very "POWERS" made use of by JESUS during HIS Ministry here on planet EARTH. These "POWERS" are Automatic to ANYONE and EVERYONE when "The Condition Are Met", knowingly or unknowingly, and causes YOU, through YOUR works, to GLORIFY the "SPIRIT of LOVE" which lives within each of US. JESUS' GREATEST JOY is seeing others join HIM in this GLORIFICATION of the "SPIRIT of LOVE".

I AM continuously adding to these copulations and this is by no means, the finished product. There is still a lot of work ahead of US as WE attempt to prove "These Theories" and get the bugs worked out. Things are going to have to be tried and analyzed as to why the procedure did, or did not work. I AM sure some major and minor overhauls are going to have to be performed along the way and then fine tuned to an infinite degree until the procedure is perfected to always work for EVERYBODY, continuously.

The old adage, "If and at first YOU don't succeed; try, try again." certainly applies in this instance. Einstein was allotted a "Period of Time To Prove HIS Theories", of which some still have yet to be proved, and I AM just asking for the same consideration. Now please allow ME the time to tie this all together as I open up to YOU exactly what WE have discovered and just what this type of complete "LIFESTYLE Of LOVING (LIVING) Plans To Accomplish.

A "Free Wandering" Look Ahead

I have already started MY next supplemental set of writings originally called "Dismanting Death" which I later had to revise the title, many times over. This being done in keeping with MY "Upbeat Positive Nature" concerning MY writings. At one time it was slated to be called "Establishing Live Eternal". This view looks at what DIVINE purpose the "SPIRIT of LOVE" hopes to accomplish (if any), "Through Death" which I have already touched upon to some degree, in these writings. It then re-introduces alternative ways to achieve these same "Overall Objectives" thus, again, making death.......obsolete. JESUS, among others (Enoch, Elijah) have proved it is possible to do just this.

These two or more writings are basically the same books simply inverted. To put it another way, I AM addressing the same "Woes Of This World" from still another, of many angles, I have to choose from. This I will "forever (as used in the bible)" continue to do as long as one BEING is not in this yet to be established "COLOSSAL KINGDOM OF HEAVEN", thereby giving "Death a Victory". In theory, that one BEING, is thereby keeping ME, and EVERYONE else, as well, from enjoying OUR "Long Awaited ETERNAL JUBILATION". Plain and simple, if the "SPIRIT of LOVE" is not HAPPY; WE are not HAPPY. The "SPIRIT of LOVE" will not be HAPPY till "Death is SOUNDLY Defeated". This is demonstrated by the FATHER not staying at the party (Luke 15:28), in the parable of "The Prodigal SON". [Did the Prodigal SON (MANKIND) even notice the FATHER was out in the FIELD trying to coax (SAVE) the Older Brother (Angels) to join the celebration?] The writings of "Behind The Scenes" further brings out how the "Concepts Of The Way OUR Society Is Set Up" (under the self appointed Angelic Order), keep causing US to "Mass Produce The Traits That Cause US To Continue The Long Drawn Out Process Of death" to OUR own very BEINGS.

To put it another way, the "SPIRIT of LOVE" is assuring the Angels that WE (MANKIND), are going to come through this mess (Which, by the way, WE are GOING to DO) in full blown blazing Colors. The Angels, in turn, are saying to US (Via Their Pseudo "Order of Authority" They Think They have over OUR heads), "Prove OURSELVES worthy of 'The Calling' and 'Just DO IT'. However, do not expect any help from Us along the way for it 'Will Not Be There'. We will oppose YOU (MANKIND) every step of the way because 'We Know GOD' and 'WE Know The CHARACTER of GOD' but 'We Do Not Know What Character MANKIND Represents' and therefore 'We (the Angels) Will Not Trust YOU Until YOU do fully represent the 'Fullness Of HIS LOVE' (Col. 1:19 & 2:9) HE (GOD) says you all will someday, represent."

In other words, "Use the 'SPIRITUAL POWERS of LOVE' dwelling within YOU and take care of Us Angels for real. YOU, up and to this time, have been just practicing to be god's (lower case) with YOUR CHILDREN by the "SPIRIT of LOVE" living within YOU. WE want a more individualized personal relationship with the "SPIRIT of LOVE" which HE promised We would have with each of YOU in YOUR rightful place in this "COLOSSAL KINGDOM of HEAVEN" yet to be established. For the sake of this KINGDOM, "Assume YOUR Rightful Positions So WE Can ALL Get On With LIFE."

I AM happy to report that the research has already been completed for these manuscripts. They have already been put together detailing the reasons WE are still dying and what WE can do to "Circumvent The Problem Eternally".)

In other words, WE not only have the information available to US to stop death, dead in its tracks, altogether both physically and SPIRITUALLY, but WE also have the information available to US to totally reverse the death that has already taken place. It is just a matter of putting "The Principles Into Practice" which would turn the PEOPLE into the CHRIST's THEY have always been destine to be. (This is the overview to "JESUS' GREATEST JOY" and the "Solutions To The LATTER RAINS" as well.

Then it is just as simple as having the CHRIST' "Resurrect The DEAD". After the DEAD are "Resurrected ("Phase II of PLAN A")" WE can teach THEM the TRUTHS "WE Now Know" and that THEY "Never Had Access To Before", while living, as WE now freely have access to these TRUTHS today. I seriously doubt WE will have to teach THEM much if anything at all, for THEY will have been dead and are now ALIVE. More than likely, THEY will fill in the blanks for US. As CHRIST', WE would have the POWER to lay down OUR lives as JESUS did and to be able to take THEM up again, just as JESUS did.

"Phase II of PLAN A" is still on the back burner because OUR top priority is still OUR "Dealing With The Living At The Time Of JESUS' 2ND COMING (Phase I of PLAN A)". Hopefully, however, this can and will be "All Over And Done With (Second Coming of CHRISTHOOD for MANKIND)" before the so called "Great and Dreadful" day of the Lord thus sparing all of MANKIND from the so called "Lake of Fire" reserved strictly for OUR Angelic Hosts.

I refer to the "Lake of Fire" as "Plan B" for there are always a few around that are "To Proud To Be Humble" leaving THEM no other choice but to go through with "Plan B." After which WE still have the "AGE Of The AGES", where JESUS Reins as "KING of KINGS" and "LORD of LORDS", whereby WE know, at least HE (and at least 144,000 of US) can "Resurrect the DEAD" once again even from the "Second Death". "Phase I of PLAN A" simply put, is making each of US receptive to the receiving of "CHRISTHOOD" within each of OUR own BEINGS. "Phase II of PLAN A" is the actual "ACTIVATING of POWERS" that have always dwelt within each of OUR very BEINGS.

In concluding this portion of this supplemental handbook, I will end it with a parable which will assure YOU that everything can be simply kept in check by referring back to this short parable and quickly making the necessary adjustments as YOU are cruising along. I do have some more information to share with YOU at this time, as I lead into this parable. This, I hope, will give YOU an even greater understanding as to what this Handbook really has to say to all of US. This will prepare US for OUR final "Boarding Preparations" on OUR flight to Heaven as WE await the arrival of the "PILOT Of This Ship, JESUS", to return and navigate US home, even if it is just "NEW JERUSALEM".

There is just one small insignificant detail I may have, or I may not have, left out depending upon how well WE are at reading between the lines. What I mean is this. Anyone can tell ME what a books says, but WE can only tell OURSELVES what the books WE are reading is actually saying to OURSELVES, personally. WE all hear the same music but WE all walk away with a different interpretation of the same piece of music. This book is no different and I, as the composer, AM merely trying to channel YOUR thoughts to the same conclusion as that of the AUTHOR's, as best I can. This is being done with the limited means I have available to work with such as OUR (MANKIND's) written and spoken word. The Heavenly Language is far superior.

If I fulfilled MY purpose for sharing this information with YOU properly, then this next and final point would merely be a indicator gage which WE can refer back to time and time again, to tell US everything is properly lined up in accordance with LOVE's planned purpose for OUR lives which HE gave US. Just a quick glance at this gage, as a pilot would quickly glance at HIS instrument panel to see if HIS wings are level, is all it would take. If the gage showed HIS wings to be dipping a bit, HE would make the necessary adjustment and quickly be back on coarse, which is exactly what this indicator gage would be telling US to do.

However, if I totally failed at MY objective, then this chapter would be nothing short of a "Crash Course", while in the air behind the wheel, of how to fly an airplane by the "Instrument Panel" alone. It is "Kind Of Like WE Are In A Do Or Die Situation", if YOU know what I mean. Needless to say, it is not a good idea to start reading this manual from this chapter.

Let US hope I AM somewhere in the middle between these two extremes as I explain the "Various Gages" on YOUR "Instrument Panel", as WE begin this parable. I assure YOU, the more "Flying Hours" YOU log up, the more comfortable YOU will feel and more YOU will trust in just checking upon this "ONE Indicator", periodically. That is, unless, of course, YOU want to do a little "Barnstorming Flying Acrobatics" in which YOU might want to keep an eye on the other indicators, as well.

By the way, if it is any comfort to YOU, WE are already "In The Air" flying, with a inexhaustible "Tank of LOVE". At the present time, WE are in a "self-destruct Type Autopilot Mode" which simply put, means WE are on a collision course with Planet Earth. Plain and simple, the "Steward (Satan) Behind the Stick" was never intended to "Fly THIS Plane". WE, therefore, must take control of the PLANE and make the necessary adjustments or else WE are going to destroy this PLANE but just this PLANE, for the PILOT and the Stewards are immortal, from GOD'S vantage point.

Also, if it is any comfort to YOU, this particular MODEL does not come with any "Landing Gear" so WE can just skip that lesson. They kind of got left back there on the runway somewhere after takeoff. WE were never designed to experience a stoppage in OUR forward progress, or growth, so the ability to "Land This PLANE" was never "Figured Into The Design". It is out of OUR power to "Start This Process" and it is therefore, also out of OUR control to "Stop This Process".

It is totally inconceivable, by the ENGINEER, as to why ANYONE would even entertain the thought of bringing this plane to a halt, even momentarily, except "Out Of THEIR Own Ignorance". With that being the case, which it is, then THEY are "Totally Excused of THEIR Actions", due to THEIR "Lack of Knowledge or Understanding". This "State of Ignorance" is simply cured by supplying the INDIVIDUALS with "The Proper Information, At The Proper Time", thereby eliminating the problem altogether.

Again, WE do not, have not, nor ever will have at OUR disposal, the power to bring this process "To A Screeching Halt" for even one iota of a second. WE might have the ability to implement a more "Drastic Quite PAINFUL Stage Of OUR Overal Development" but not the ability to "Stop OUR Overal Development". Neither does any other Being that would choose to use that power, should They have that power in Their possession. If They say They have that power and threaten to use that power, They are simply lying to YOU on both accounts. (1) Having that power and (2) Using that power. The human BEINGS are the only BEINGS that have that power in HIS possession. IF GOD had that POWER of mass destruction, HE would never opt to use that power for it is impossible for HIM to do so as YOU will clearly see why very shortly.

Getting back to the unique design of this PLANE, however, it does come with many other features that WE have not yet even dreamed of comprehending, that more then make up for OUR inability to stop the foreword progress of growth. These will be revealed to US after OUR ascension to CHRIST status.

Let US, at this time, peek in on one more stark reality WE must wake up to in order to regain the control of this PLANE and pull it out of this "steep dive" collision coarse WE seem to be locked into with the pay dirt of planet Earth. (Funerals are expensive and they do seem to leave US imbedded in planet Earth about six feet under when ever WE do collide with planet Earth.)

To put this in perspective, WE are going to have to take control of this PLANE simply and completely by the built in instrument panel (OUR BRAIN), alone. If WE look out the windows (Carnal Eyesigt) for directions, WE will find "Signs and Lying Wonders" that will deceive US into doing something foolish with this PLANE like "Trying To Land It (Crash and burn)". The PILOT does not know HE does not have landing gear unless HE is told by an outside source (Demonic Angels) that the landing gear, (HE does not have), is down. WE will not be able to trust OUR very own senses. The SPIRIT and the SPIRIT alone is going to see US through this "Time of Jacob's Trouble." (Not by power, nor by might, but by SPIRIT. Zechariah 4:6)

HIS "CREATIVE and LOVING ADVICE" which continuously, grants US freedoms, is OUR "CONTROL TOWER". WE must put OUR "FAITH (TRUST)" in the goodness of GOD, ALONE. If the signal WE are receiving is wicked, destructive, and restrictive in nature, then WE must change the frequency and tune in another "CONTROL TOWER". There are only two main frequencies but the false one has many side bands WE need to be made aware of. (That is as easy as it sound and I will explain how it is done as WE go along.) I have solicited the help of one of MY ("SPIRIT of LOVE'S") research departments to help answer this dilemma which I have already touched upon earlier.

How to Stay on Top in Judgement and Jacob's Trouble


In nature, fear and joy have two different frequencies. Once OUR hearts are tuned to the pure goodness of GOD, natural electronics puts the righteous and the wicked on two entirely different separate channels. Kimberly P. Silver

"But the fearful and the timid shall have THEIR part in the "Lake of Fire" which burneth with fire and brimstone: this is the second death" Rev. 21:8


It isn't. WE have faith automatically--scads of it. The real quandary is, "Why do WE have so much faith in evil instead of GOOD?

Fear is faith--powerful faith--in evil. Here is the secret to switching YOUR default setting from faith in evil (fear) to faith in GOOD (JOY). I will use another example by Kimberly P. Silver to illustrate this point.

In the 1870's, a mighty clipper was busy cat-skinning a storm while rounding the horn of South America. Passengers bound from Boston to San Francisco were terrified until ONE of THEM struggled up to the wheel house and saw the exhilarated looks on the faces of the MEN wrestling the big wheels. "WE're breaking all speed records!", THEY shouted back to the passenger. HE went back to the others, not frightened, but thrilled. The situation was not only under control but it was GOOD as well as under control and THEY slept well that night. Planet Earth is not just under control but the insight WE take away from this experience is GOOD as well for WE will never repeat these hard earned lesson again.

The struggle to have faith in GOOD goes back as far as MANKIND itself and beyond to OUR Angelic friends. Again, the Angels struggle is not about having faith in GOOD, but rather, just how much faith can They have in GOOD, or how much JOY can They truly experience? That JOY unspeakable is, as LOVE also is, just as boundless as They and WE are finding out. (Again, back to MY good friend, Kim.)

WE can't seem to observe that faith in GOD is invariably killed by its opposite, fear. WE want the absurd luxury of "Trusting and Fearing GOD" at the same time! Since the beginning of sin, BELIEVERS have failed to notice that "Trust and Fear" are a "Y" in the road. WE don't want to be afraid, but WE insist GOD be partly fearsome! WE want to love GOD completely, but have never allowed for a completely "Lovable GOD", and still don't. OUR faith problem is nothing more then a history-long demand to combine two opposites.

A young woman is taking a shower at a resort when she hears a man rifling through the kitchen drawers. Her terror vanishes immediately, and completely when a familiar voice calls out: "It's just Me, Honey. Your Daddy! I forgot those plyers for that fishing trip."

Why? Peace came the instant the man's "GOODNESS Became Clear". Not one instant earlier. This explains why WE can not have faith in GOD, or even trust HIM. Real faith and LOVE will not be seen until WE fully grasp the "WONDERFULNESS of GOD".

This type of faith that gives peace and love comes only from goodness. There are no exceptions. Goodness was the issue and the problem when Adam and Eve hid from God in the Garden of Eden. THEY believed in Him enough to run and WE have been running every since. THEY just did not believe in HIS goodness. THEIR lack of faith in the GOD's goodness was the beginning of all sin. It was THEIR fall and OUR fall ever since. WE will remain fallen, and there will be no faith in GOOD until WE finally understand that GOD is not merely GOOD.......but......


HE is a "SPIRIT", the "SPIRIT of LOVE". Talking about the "LOVE of GOD" is talking about the "LOVE of LOVE." Talking about the "GOODNESS of GOD" is talking about the "GOODNESS of GOODNESS". WE keep trying to make GOD and GOODNESS two separate things; WE keep trying to make LOVE something GOD has access to, remaining forever dead-centered (literally) in the damning question of just how much LOVE and GOODNESS does GOD "have" access to? GOD does not have limited access to LOVE and GOODNESS; HE IS LOVE AND GOODNESS and NOTHING but LOVE and GOODNESS. This perfect singularity is what makes GOD holy (wholly) and is also the source of HIS infinite POWER.

(Sit up and take notice. This next part is why WE have to fly this PLANE strictly by instrumentation (THE SPIRIT) rather then by sight, sound, and feelings. Take it away, Kimberly P. Silver of The Human Destiny Foundation.)

Faith and fear are "Heart Things" and the Heart can not be changed without being won. The heart can not simply relax until it is convinced that GOD is purely GOOD. In the same breath, a GOD who is anything less than PURE GOODNESS, can never win OUR Hearts from faith in evil (fear) to faith in GOOD (JOY). The intellect, by comparison, feels no such need to change, and will be happy forever chasing any kind of god except a LOVABLE one. The problem goes on (according to OUR terms of understanding), "forever" (which is not GOD's terms of reasoning, thank GOD. "YOUR welcome!")

I'll start over. The problem goes on "forever" because the mind recognizes no special problem with a GOD that is very much a problem to OUR Heart or "SPIRIT". The mind serves the ego (There's that PRIDE again. Be YE HUMBLE!) and does its job by defending GOD in terms of OUR present moral state. No ONE has ever loved a god like that "with all ONE's heart, mind, soul, and strength". Without that kind of LOVE, however, WE are fallen, and will remain so until WE find out why and do something about it.

Many thanks to the research of Human Destiny Foundation.

In closing, this built in INSTRUMENT PANEL, know as the "SPIRIT of LOVE", has one standard operating directive WE need to be made aware of. If WE can learn to recognize the SOURCE of LOVE caring out this mandate in OUR very BEING, then WE can fully know WE will never be lead astray by this, the TRUE, "AIR TRAFFIC CONTROLLER". WE can also alleviate some problems WE are having with HIM, due to OUR lack of understanding of HIS great LOVE for US, and even help HIM in the caring out of HIS standing ORDER, in its implications upon OUR live.

The one command the "SPIRIT of LOVE" always sees to, goes something like this. HE is always looking out for other individuals ultimate well being. YOU can bet YOUR bottom DOLLAR that no matter what the "SPIRIT of LOVE" is up to concerning YOU, HE has YOUR best interest at heart. HE wants YOU to be the best YOU can be which is equal with HIM and HE will never stop LOVING YOU even after YOU are just that.

This process is automatic on HIS part and can cause US some hardships if WE do not understand this standard operating procedure. However, if WE do understand it, then WE can welcome the experience in OUR life for WE know HE LOVES US and it is ultimately for OUR own GOOD. Here is just a few examples of how WE can help HIM out in OUR own development.

GOD lives within US and the BEING WE do not know is none other then the PERSONIFIED GOD living within US. The indicator WE need to check periodically is simply asking OURSELVES if WE are truly being TRUE to OURSELVES in OUR dealings with other INDIVIDUALS. IF not, let US make the necessary adjustment and get back on course. It is called doing everything with full confidence. If there is any doubt, deal with it and short circuit the doubt to ground. What ever YOU decide to do, do it whole heartily with all the red lights changed to green. If they can not be changed to green then move on to easier prey, and come back to it later.

Be it known, none of US are going to be totally happy until everyone of US is out of Hell. It is impossible to enjoy a feast with plenty of food while others are outside tapping on the windows starving to death. The FATHER in the parable of the Prodigal Son left the celebration to try and coax the "Older Brother" to join the celebration. If YOU have got "Box Seats" already purchased to the "Lake of Fire" so YOU can watch YOUR enemies burn, then that same Individual (Satan), who sold YOU those "Box Seats", has probably got some ocean view property for sale in Arizona, as well. I can also assure YOU that those "Box Seats" are going to be a little closer to the heat then YOU would really care to be. The "SPIRIT of LOVE" is standing in line right behind YOUR worst enemy whom YOU can see and have the ability to "LOVE" right here on planet Earth.

WE are only delaying EVERYBODY'S ultimate happiness by putting off OUR own house cleaning for a later date. YOU know, I AM not telling YOU this to be mean, but rather because sooner or later, it is going to be completed and in this instance, sooner (NOW) is better by far then later.

If it were a question of being as good as WE perceive OUR god to be, then WE would have no problem with this requirement. Where the problem comes into play is the fact "WE Are not The Best GOD Created US To Be When WE Sell OURSELVES Short". HIS LOVE for US is so great that WE are only hurting OURSELVES by not measuring UP to the standard HE IS and has set for US to attain. HE does not want any second class citizens in HIS COLOSSAL HEAVEN and will not permit US to sell OURSELVES short in becoming all HE has meant for US to be. Until this state of "perfection" is achieved, none of US will totally be in the "COLOSSAL HEAVEN" that does not exist until WE can all be there, together, enjoying it......together.

Let US all do OUR best to finish this Work so WE can all enjoy Heaven, COLOSSAL HEAVEN, that much sooner. WE ARE ALL GOING TO HAVE A GREAT TIME THERE FOR ALL ETERNITY. SEE YOU ALL THERE.......SOON. REAL SOON.

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