Points To
The Mystery of GOD (Rev. 10:7) Revealed
A Summary (Updated 11/24/2002)
Let's not make this any harder then it has to be. Being
does not discriminate against any BEING. The rains (Water from the
Sky.) fall on the Righteous as well as the Wicked. Whatever TRUTH I have, I share with everybody equally.
I will quickly introduce each Point in summary form and expanded upon each
of them later in greater detail, as "Time" permits.
Notice the "Order of Events" in Revelation 11:15-17. First the
"Kingdom of the World" (physically) become reconfigured to the "Kingdoms
OUR LORD JESUS" and then HE has taken HIS GREAT (LOVING) POWER and has
begun to REIGN. Keep in mind, Israel, in JESUS' Day had Preparation Day
off to prepare for the proper keeping of the 7th Day Sabbath. It this
will help YOU, think about it in these terms. I go to church on SONDAY,
the 7th Day Sabbath, which presently still falls upon Saturday. MY Monday,
the 1st Day of the Week, is the "Kingdoms of Earth's" Sunday.
Warning: There are false miracles. Just putting Sunday at the
end of the present weekly cycle, as is done with some business calendars
still leaves Monday as the "2nd official workday". The name of one day has to
be scratched off the "Weekly Cycle", just once, allowing for the other
names of the Week days to permanately slide over and fill in the void, to
totally and completely cancel the "Mark of the Beast, the "Plagues" and a
whole host of other negative factors. Just because YOU might be preforming
miracles, is by no means the "Acid Test" of escaping the "Lake of Fire".
Have YOU repented or not of "Keeping ALL the 10 Commandments of GOD" with
JESUS as YOUR SAVIOUR is the TRUE "Acid Test".
GOD is LOVE. If this were not so WE
would not be here as WE presently are (In "Time" confined to just ONE
planet as non-CHRISTS.) learning
the "Ropes" from within the "PITS of Sin" first. There is nothing worse
then a "Spoiled Little Rich Christ" simply spoken into existence. A
problem the "SPIRIT of LOVE" is trying to avoid at
all costs, first and foremost.
There is "Time" and then there is
"ETERNITY". Two totally
different separate "Entities" not to be confused with each other. "Time
(With a beginning and an end.)" is the "Workshop of ETERNITY (Which is
the "Absence of Time".)". That is enough said for these
"Summaries" concerning "Time" verses "ETERNITY".
There is but "ONE GOD". Because WE are
in a
"Time Dispensation Period" it would appear this but ONE GOD manifest
HIMSELF in three forms. This is but an illusion. GOD is a "SPIRIT" and
the fullness of this "SPIRIT of LOVE" dwells within JESUS. This same
JESUS working ahead of US in the "Future of Time" is none other then the
"HOLY SPIRIT" when the "Future of Time" becomes the "Here and Now". This
same "SPIRIT of LOVE" working within the confines of OUR physical BODY is
what allows US to access this same "POWER of LOVE" thereby enabling each
of US to become CHRIST' as well. By the way, for all practical purposes,
concerning this "ONE GOD", HIS NAME is
There is TRUTH and then there
is everything else which is "not Truth". The "Workers of Iniquity
(Lawlessness)" that
are asked to depart from "JESUS' Presence" into the "Fire" prepared for
the Devil and His Company, are the BEINGS that never got to know
the "TRUE CHARACTER of GOD". The "SPIRIT of LOVE" does not kill, main, or destroy in any
way shape or form. Any BEING that thinks HE (GOD) does kill, and that it
is alright for Themselves to follow suit of doing this wickedness, to
their fellow MANKIND, is of their Father, the Devil.
There are "TWO (2) Lords" of the Old (and new)
Testament. The ONE Blesses, LOVES, CREATES and HEALS (JESUS) while
other Curses, Kills, Mains, Destroys, Lies (Satan) but to name but
a few of each of THEIR different traits. YOU will be able to identify
them by each of THEIR different SPIRIT.
Be YE Humble. (Blessed are the Poor in SPIRIT.
(Matt. 5:3) Pride has no place in the "Heart of a CHRIST" and is the
fastest way to short circuit these "POWERS" revealled in US to
Have "Confidence in GOOD"! Have Faith, Believe
in GOOD. Death is having OUR Faith in evil. Joy, Peace, Happiness, LOVE
are the byproducts of having "Confidence in GOOD". Have no "Fear". Fear
is the byproduct of having OUR "Confidence based in Evil". It was the
"TREE of Knowledge of Knowing GOOD from Evil". Go for the GOOD. It helps
if WE have a "SIDEKICK" boosting up OUR "Confidence" and visa versa as
well. Come on JOHN, YOU can heal that MAN'S broken arm.
Total Reconciliation (1 Tim. 4:10b). It is
the Wickedness that is painfully burned out of the BEINGS by the Brimstone
(Sulfuric Cleansing Agent) in the Manmade Nuclear "Lake of Fire". See also
Isaiah 24:14-23 and Revelation 15:2-4 of the GROUP emerging from this
"Lake of Fire" that finally cooled down enough to walk upon. Now this same
"Lake of the Fire" has become the "Sea of Glass". GOD does not
Never has, never will ... and is doing everything short of violating OUR
"freedom of Choice" to keep US from this terrible autrocity.
of Mind" rather then a "Code of Conduct". It is quite possible to not
transgress (break) the LAW. [A dead Body keeps 8 if not 9 (Not working on
Sabbath.) of the "10 Commandments". It is kind of hard to "Remember the
Sabbath, keeping it HOLY..." and "Honor the MOTHER & FATHER..." if YOU do
not know anything (Which WE don't.) from the Grave.] Satan, for the
part, has to result to "Lies and Deception" in order to trick US into
thinking WE are keeping the LAW,
when, in all actuality, WE are keeping His pseudo law. By hook or by
crook, Satan's job is
accomplished when WE are found knowingly and especially
unknowingly, breaking this LAW. Once those "Lies and
Deception" are
stripped away, WE naturally tend towards RIGHTEOUSNESS. The Death and
Resurrection of JESUS is simply to cover for those times in the past while
WE were deceived.
LOVE is a SPIRIT and WE (MANKIND) are the TRUE
TEMPLES that the "SPIRIT of LOVE" dwells within. WE therefore must
WORSHIP (Have an inward adoration for.) GOD (The "SPIRIT of LOVE".) in
"SPIRIT and in TRUTH". This is reflected in how WE treat OUR
fellow human BEINGS which WE can see. Standing right there in
line behind OUR worst enemy, YOU will find JESUS. HE is not in line ahead
of OUR best FRIEND as some of US would like to think. If YOU want to show
respect for "GOD", YOU first must show respect for the least of OUR fellow
human BEINGS.
As WE forgive, WE shall be forgiven. This
ability to forgive needs to encompass every aspect of OUR LIVES.
Everything with regards to the "Kingdom of HEAVEN"
is free but it is not cheap. There is nothing in this World that even
comes close to the GLORY that is to be revealed in US throughout ETERNITY
in the "Kingdom of HEAVEN".
Again, the physical frame work of the "Kingdom of
HEAVEN (The Weekend consists of having Preparation Day off as well a the
TRUE 7th Day Sabbath.)" is essential for optimum MIRICLES (CHRIST'
Reigning Forever and Ever.) to be taking place in rapid fire succession.
More to be added as "Time" permits. In summary: In the perfect
weekly cycle (Preparation Day and Sabbath off), demonstrate essessive JOY
with unwavering confidence (JOY is the biproduct that tells YOU your
confidence is in GOOD) and just go out and Heal some BEING of THEIR woes.
I would start on the Sabbath, using JESUS NAME, and try and try again.
Use YOUR imagination. The sky is the limit and YOU will be surprised at
the different types of Miricle YOU can perform. E-mail ME and tell ME all
about it.
To build confidence have a FRIEND tell YOU "Come on (Joe, Mary,
WHOEVER), YOU can do it. Then with the same confidence level, after YOU
performed a few MIRACLES, try it without using JESUS NAME. After all, it
is the "SPIRIT of LOVE" working through YOU as WE were "CREATED to BE".