"Behind the Scenes"
by GOD'S most
king and priest melchizedek
Most of MY work is done, for OUR "Mutual Benefit", "Behind the
Scenes". Thus the Title of these 3 Solutions To The LATTER
RAINS when all 3 are "combined together". That being the case, most
of US, from OUR limited vantage point, will not be able to fully
comprehend or even appreciate just what is being done "Behind the
Scenes" for OUR "Mutual Benefit", due to the limited ability of OUR
comprehension, again, from OUR limited vantage point. (More
later as WE go along. Especially See "Introduction" and refer back
often to the "Introduction" if need be, as WE go along.) As long as
YOU understand this, and give ME a wide berthing in OUR thought process,
WE will get along just fine. Secondly, I AM not here to win any popularity
contests (nor THERE) and most of what I do have to say (and do), cuts
across party lines here (and THERE). To understand the "How and Why" of
the things I do, YOU may have to hold YOUR "Condemnation of ME" till
ALL the evidence is laid out in front of YOU. That
"Presentation of Evidence" may not take place until the "Courts of HEAVEN"
is convened, which maybe sooner then WE "ALL" would like.
Success on MY part, "Here and Now", delays JUDGMENT
DAY quite indefinitely, and would make JUDGMENT DAY totally unrelated to
"JESUS' PEACEFULL 2nd Coming". JESUS' "2nd COMING' is
going to happen when it happens despite anything I say or do. It is the
non-peaceful return of JESUS CHRIST that puts these two MAJOR
EVENTS ["2nd Coming" and "JUDGMENT Day" (more later)] back to back with
the Biblical rendition (OUCH) being played out. YOU know, this
(MANMADE) "Nuclear Version (Mistakenly referred to as "Wrath of GOD".)" of
"JESUS' RETURN" is no joke. Secondly, it does not have to be except,
MANKIND thinks WE have to live and learn (the hard way) not to listen to
"Spiritual Wickedness in High Places" (Eph. 6:12). I have repeatedly
wrestled GOD (SPIRIT of LOVE) to the floor concerning MANKIND'S stubborn
streak (Deut.9:6, 13 NASB) time and time again, and thus the reason "I AM Here" once
Just be it known, I do come to the "THRONE" rather boldly, and I
AM a SPIRITUAL SCRAPPER (with GOD only) every step of the way and will
take the "SPIRIT of LOVE" the distance pinning HIM to the mat looking out
for YOUR best vested interest. The bad news concerning these problems I
had with HIM is the fact, I was the BEING in the wrong due to MY
inability to fully comprehend the scope of what is TRULY
going on here before OUR very own (SPIRITUAL) eyes. Now if MANKIND wants
to scrap with ME, "Hey!", YOU win hands down. I will sit at YOUR feet, as I
did with JESUS, and learn from YOU. I AM however, on a rather tight
schedule and that does tend to take away from MY "Time" spent at MY
"SPIRITUAL" computations, if YOU know what I mean? I do not want to waste
what little precious "Time" I do have here to share with each of YOU
what I do know, thus keeping each of US from these otherwise
unnecessary terrible atrocities.
This "Kingdom of the MELCHIZEDEK ORDER" means nothing to
ME if any one of YOU is not in it for so much as one iota of a
second. If YOU are not there, I AM not there by YOUR side, smoking those
cigars, sucking down those beers and collecting that unemployment. I make
sure HE does have to take into account the depth of the muck and mire HE
put YOU here with. That includes but is not limited to the different
habits that were adapted by each of YOU just to be able to cope with ALL
the day to day garbage, thrown YOUR way, no fault of YOUR own. Okay, so
maybe some of it was YOUR fault. Do not worry, I will still take YOUR case
As far as the EVOLUTIONIST [Capitalized to bring honor to
the "SPIRIT of LOVE (GOD)" WHO dwells in THEM too.] go, I (having been
there, having conversed with, and even having seen the "BRIGHT WHITE
SPIRIT of LOVE") AM right there with YOU. YOU and I certainly are free too
at least to try and pull the wool over HIS eyes but I AM not quite sure to
what end that will get YOU. Have YOU ever slowed down YOUR car and tried
letting a dog actually think he caught YOUR car, just to see what the dog
does do with YOUR car? It seems, this would be along those same lines of
thinking, but hey, I'M game just to see what, if anything shakes loose.
More importantly, I AM here because I did not, and will not shuck
MY responsibility to YOU first MANKIND as a whole, and on an INDIVIDUAL
basis. I too have a responsibility to OUR CREATOR, but HE first CALLED ME.
I did everything but go looking for HIM. I AM now a commissioned ADMIRAL
the "MELCHIZEDEK ORDER" in the "Sea of TIME" but only on an ETERNAL
conditional basis. These conditions depend totally upon MY CREATORS
actions with regards to how HE first deals with MANKIND and secondly,
with the Demonic Angels.
(Listen MANKIND, the heavenly gossip is: These Demonic Angels are
presently doing MANKIND a very huge favor though WE may not see it now. I
will tell YOU this however; "How GOD handles these Demonic Angels will
ETERNALLY have YOU wondering, through YOUR beady mistrusting eyes, when
OUR turn (for ETERNAL annihilation) is next." Don't believe everything
(that is mistranslated) YOU read.
Okay, so HE MADE (emphasis upon HE
and MADE) me a king. That is
HIS problem. So HE MADE me a priest. That too, is
HIS problem. So HE MADE me king and priest of peace. That
too, is HIS problem.
So HE MADE me king and priest of righteousness. That
too, is HIS problem.
Wow, I am king and priest of peace and righteousness of the moon and I
get all the green cheese I can eat. Wow. Big thrill.
"Whoa, wait a minute. Who said any thing about the moon?" Well,
ahh, YOU are GOD. YOU can do anything YOU want. Oh, pardon me for being
presumptuous. Let me guess, I am king and priest of peace and
righteousness on a "Grain of Sand"? That is more my style and is all
fine and well GOD. I ought to be able to keep the peace there without to
much of a problem, but I will need help. I am not going to do this
alone. Do YOU see where WE are going with this?
On top of all that, it is of the MELCHIZEDEK ORDER no less.
That still, in and of itself, does not make a difference what-so-ever,
except in this instance. It is not just any UNIVERSE. KING
difference just so long as YOU look at it as but a "Grain of Sand" which
is all I, in all actuality should be king and priest over. Whether it is a
"Piece of Sand", or the "UNIVERSE of UNIVERSES", I still AM not going to
do this alone.
That especially, is HIS problem. For YOU see, I too, have no
respect of BEINGS. [The Secret is, WE, YOU and ME, are ALL of ONE ACCORD,
from the same "Mold of Clay", by HIS HAND (Isaiah 29:16, 64:8), as OUR
CREATOR, WHO dwells within each
and every one of US.] MY job is simply to make sure HE never forgets
(and possibly regrets) HE MADE ME a KING, and HE
MADE ME a PRIEST all the days of HIS LIFE. I do this by
holding HIM accountable to the very same HIGH STANDARDS HE expects and
demands of each and everyone of US. I will tell YOU right here and right
now, if that is all I have to do for the rest of ETERNITY, I have a pretty
cushy job, for HE never changes.
That however, is not MY only job and keeping HIM in line, is by
far, the least of MY worries. For YOU see, I AM the least (DIETY, Angels,
then MANKIND) in this yet to be CREATED and established "COLOSSAL KINGDOM
OF HEAVEN". This is when ALL of MANKIND takes THEIR rightful places after
the "AGE of the AGES". This is when the "KINGDOM" is turned back over to
the "SPIRIT of LOVE" and WE ALL become "ALL in ALL" and revert back into
ETERNITY. Then and only then are WE back on autopilot where once again the
whole MELCHIZEDEK ORDER is ALL reunited, except with one big difference. I
having been there and I having done that, decided this go around, there
will be some changes made upon MY AUTHORITY. This time, ALL of MANKIND is
on board as CHRISTS (KINGS and QUEENS, PRIEST and PRIESTESS of the
MELCHIZEDEK ORDER) thus allowing total unlimited individualized (no two
GODS the same) access to the "SPIRIT of LOVE" in the physical realm.
[Then the ORDER will be DEITY, MANKIND, then Angels. (Psalms 8:1; 1 Corin. 6:3;
Heb. 2:6; Rev. 11:15, 12:10)] Before now, this
"DIRECT CONNECTION" with the "SPIRIT of LOVE", was only made possible
through one BEING otherwise known as JESUS. Needless to say, with that
"Set Up", things got a little dicey around here.
Like I said before, "I AM not doing this alone. I do not
care if it is just a "Grain of Sand", or the whole of the "MELCHIZEDEK
Sooner or later, no matter what the size of the "Kingdom", those Angels
eventually, still get bored. WE have been down that road before and WE are
not about to go down that road again, if YOU know what I mean "Planet
The Story Behind the Story
Part 1 (presently being expanded and enlarged) of 3 Acts
These "Solutions To the LATTER RAINS" (3 Parts) are simple to
follow bare minimum "Prerequisites" in order to partake of the
TRUE (Matt. 7:21-23) "LATTER RAINS" which fall upon the
RIGHTEOUS. The rest of the information is to make each of YOU shine
throughout ETERNITY as "Brightly as the Sun's Brilliance" (Dan. 12:3,
Matt. 5:19, Rev. 3:18). Simply put, the "LATTER RAINS" are a
celebration of the HOLY SPIRIT'S "Stories of Success", before HE
(the HOLY SPIRIT) departs in preparation for the "Physical Return of JESUS
Being RIGHTEOUS is not as hard as it looks. The deceptions (non-truths)
before US (Titus 1:1b), which are keeping US from this end GOAL, is but a
"House of Cards" that can be easily toppled if WE just look at it the
right way. The deck has always been stacked in OUR favor if again, WE
would just look at it the right way.
(1st Trump Card) WE first need to be humble enough to
realize WE have these scales upon OUR SPIRITUAL eyes (WE do not have, nor
can even begin to know all the answers), for OUR own protection.
These scales can only be removed by OUR CREATOR with the supplementation
of TRUTH, as WE maturate at HIS discretion in HIS own perfect timing, in
HIS own perfect way, no fault of OUR own. (Exodus 40:3 & 21, Isa. 25:7,
Matt. 27:51, Mark 15:38, John 3:39, 1 Cor. 13:12, 2 Cor. 3:14-18, Rev.
3:17-18) WE are strictly here on HIS dime (clock) for HIS purpose only,
which is always being accomplished, despite OUR best effort.
The 2nd Trump Card goes long with the first. The view WE do have
with this LIFE is but a keyhole view of things going on around US, of
which, WE might ponder for but a moment, before WE move on. This Trump
Card is more of a Blessing in disguise, then WE may ever know, again,
with OUR best interest at HEART.
Thirdly, (3rd Trump Card) WE are in "Time", not ETERNITY. A series of
"Time Dispensation Periods (Ages)" to be exact. "Time" is simply "HEAVENS
Workshop". At best, WE are but in a "play pen" turned upside down for but
a short period of this stuff called "Time". All "Time Periods" (even the
"Age of Grace") have a "Beginning" and they each have an "End" as well.
They can be stacked end to end but they still each have a "Beginning" and
an "End" to contend with. Secondly, it does get better then this. Much
better by far with no comparison what-so-ever. It is so primitive in
"Time". This again, is for OUR protection with the various limitations
that come with a "Time Dispensation Period (T.D.P.)". (Here is but a few
of many verses dealing with this subject. As "Time" permits, I will add
more. Rev. 10:6; 21:4)
WE come into these "T.D.P." without knowing anything with practically
nothing in the resource departments to draw upon except something about
totally depending upon this BEING named JESUS in a most backward form of
existence. WE are asked to blindly believe in this JESUS CHARACTER, of
which, most of US have never physically laid eyes upon. Even this bit of
information WE do know about JESUS has only recently been made known to
US. Even then, it largely depends upon where and when WE are born and
into which family unit WE become a part of. All of which WE had no input
towards in deciding what-so-ever, as far as WE can recollect. This neutral
PAWNS scenario again, is a Trump Card most definitely in OUR favor.
Then there is the most important (4th) TRUMP CARD in this
hand WE have been
dealt. This TRUMP CARD radiates with LIGHT, and is best looked upon with
OUR SPIRITUAL insight. WE refer to HIM as GOD. I know of HIM as the
"SPIRIT of LOVE". JESUS is the fullness of this "SPIRIT of LOVE" in the
BODILY FORM (Col 2:9). MANKIND simply has not yet reached that
Bodily Form) of the "SPIRIT of LOVE" as of the beginning of these writings.
WE are but a GLASS 1/2 full floating in an "OCEAN of LOVE". That
"COMPLETENESS" in "HIS EXISTANCE" (ALL in ALL) is what this "Series of
Ages" is all about (Daniel 12:3) hopefully, without the cleansing
qualities of Brimstone (Sulfur).
This TRUMP CARD alone, beats all other Trump Cards
hands down, without ever having to be played. This TRUMP CARD (JESUS) is
JUDGE (Acts 10:42), ADVOCATE (John 2:1), CREATOR, REDEEMER (Job 19:25) but
to name a few of HIS titles. (See also ISAIAH 9:6)
WE all want closure. This is a backward Trump Card, in that
it is best for US that WE learn first hand what it is not
being like CHRIST before WE actually put on the RIGHTEOUSNESS of CHRIST.
This is the brilliance of GOD in HIS infinite WISDOM (and PATIENCE),
shining through.
I'll Bring The Champagne
for HEAVEN to once again be reunited in perfect PEACE and HARMONY. HE
brought US into activation, fully knowing all along, WE would resolve this
"HEAVENLY Conflict" to a total satisfactory completion for all PARTIES
The HEAVENLY Angelic Realm wants things to
get back to normal as well. They are especially anxious for the
opportunity to have "Total Unlimited Access" to the "SPIRIT of LOVE"
never before believed possible through the new VESSELS otherwise known as
MANKIND. Having a very limited access to the "SPIRIT of LOVE" through one
BEING, otherwise known as JESUS, is a very trying, stressful extended
PERIOD for all INDIVIDUALS involved. Over the course of "Time" it
is enough to rip any "Kingdom" apart, if left unchecked. JESUS (GOD) knew
all along this would become a problem and predestined MANKIND (Rom 8:28
& 29, & Eph 1:4), before
anything was ever CREATED, to resolve this conflict, once and for all, in
HIS own perfect Timing. Let US just hope WE do not need this type of
mandated baby-sitting, for OURSELVES, somewhere down the road.
The Demonic Angelic Realm could have picked any other
planet beside the future home of the "SPIRIT of LOVE" to stage Their
rebellion upon. They did this fully knowing, HE would have to come calling
to save Them from Themselves in HIS own LOVING manner. They, having
gotten to know HIM, in the "Time" (and ETERNITY) They spent exclusive with
HIM, are especially in on this well orchestrated gig, as far as the
"SPIRIT of LOVE" allowed Them to be "in the know". They do have the
greatest vested interest in the ultimate outcome of this chain of events
They unknowingly set into motion fully trusting in Their CREATOR'S ability
to pull it off without so much as a hiccup in the process. (Much more on
this topic, as WE go along.)
Then there is MANKIND. WE are in the nature of the "SPIRIT of LOVE"
because HE dwells within each of US. WE are also blind, not even
knowing WE are in the neutral zone, during an "AGE (T.D.P.)" thinking
this is as good as it gets. WE simply do not know how badly WE also want
this primitive "State of Existence" brought to a complete and
satisfactorily closure, especially for all PARTIES involved, which
includes OUR departed "raised from their graves" LOVED ONES.
(1 Thess. 4:16)
Let US see what WE have going on here.
WE have a stage [This "Footstool" Planet Earth
(Isaiah 66:1)] consisting of a series
of "Time Dispensation Periods" stacked back to back.
WE have a problem that needs to be resolved.
WE have a CAST of CHARACTERS playing various parts,
some as THEMSELVES (DEITY and Angels) and some as purely "ACTORS" and
"ACTRESS" with script names. These pseudo names WE which are given at
birth are again, made, especially for OUR protection. MANKIND was simply thrust
unknowingly upon the "Stage of Live" in a "Time Dispensation Period" in
the far reaches of a Time, Space, and "CHANGE" continuum. OUR SPIRITUAL
NAMES are OUR REAL NAMES where it REALLY counts, in the "COURTS of
Now WE just need is a "Script" with some kind of a
plot to it, and WE have the makings of a Great Story Line. The problem is,
WE got here a little late in the Production and have to pick it up
somewhere towards the tail end. To OUR amazement, WE quickly realize that
"House of Cards" is still standing on a wobbly card table no less. WE
also see and hear a "Slob of a MAN (non-CHRIST state of BEING)"
sleeping in a chair with a multitude of Trump Cards, including thee "TRUMP
CARD", about to fall out of HIS hand with HIS feet up on that same
wobbly card table. It pretty obvious to US, the MAN just has to wake up
and the "House of Cards" will come tumbling down and the Play will be
WE will take this "Story Line" up at the beginning of the
last scene before WE came in, since the backdrop for that scene is still
in place.
This particular scene started when the "7th Angel
began to Sound (His Trumpet)" (Rev. 10:1-7) with the opening
up of the "Little Book" (Book of Daniel) in the late 1700's (Dan 12:9, &
Rom 3:4). Since this
scene already started before WE arrived, it must also be finished (past
tense) (Isaiah 25:7-8 & on; Daniel 11:44 - 12:3;
Revelations 11:15-17 but to name a few.) with the actual "Sounding of
this, the 7th Angels Trumpet". PEOPLE, this is simply "GREAT NEWS" of
the "KINGDOM of HEAVEN" finally being set up in the Physical REALM of
OUR existence. However, this can go two ways. Therefore, do not read
any more into this, than that, here and now.
Forgive US. WE still do not know what WE are doing in OUR
SPIRITUAL blindness. In JESUS' NAME, teach US the TRUTH, the whole TRUTH,
and nothing but the TRUTH, for YOUR NAMESAKE. However, until then, PLEASE
understand, WE still do not know WE are wretched, and miserable, and
SPIRITUALLY poor, and still, so SPIRITUALLY blind, and naked (the "Slob of
a MAN in OUR non-CHRIST state of BEING" Rev. 3:17).
Therefore, once again, "LORD JESUS, Do what YOU need to do so that
these Latter Day charges WE perpetrate upon OUR fellow MANKIND in OUR
blindness be not laid to OUR account (Luke 23:34, Acts 7:60)." If
need be, Let every MAN be a liar (Dan 11:42-43, Rom 3:4), but YOUR
word must prevail. Thank YOU for hearing OUR prayer in this, OUR
great Time of need. In JESUS NAME, WE ask all this and more. AMEN
MY fellow Kings & Queens, Priests & Priestess of the Sovereign
REALM (Rev 1:6; 5:10),
Here is a situation report as to where WE are at and where WE are
going. Presently, WE are but PRESCHOOLERS being asked to pass the bar
exam (Courts of Heaven) while traveling to a distant galaxy (Kingdom of
HEAVEN), while performing intricate pain staking brain surgery
upon OUR CREATOR (seeing what makes HIM tick), the "SPIRIT of LOVE", WHO
is the very core of OUR existence. The mission must be flawless every
step of the way, and the vehicle capable of just getting US to OUR
destination, does not yet exist, what-so-ever. I mean, there are no
plans drawn up to even accomplish such a mission, as of these writings to date.
This scenario is
just about what is expected of US, presently. The good news
is, before now, WE never had the foundation in place, to
accelerate so rapidly, in order to come up to speed, and
accomplish this feat, without so much as a glitch, in OUR
thinking. The past, has mainly dealt with establishing
fundamental foundational principles, among all the muck and
mire WE have to process, in order, to find the REAL gems
scattered about. Secondly, with the technology expanding so
rapidly, these present day TRUTHS can be absorbed by the
MASSES, that much more quickly. This, of course, is all being
done, in OUR CREATORS OWN perfect timing.
Without further delay, King and Priest Melchizedek (of which YOU "ALL"
are also of the MOST HIGH GOD a.k.a. the "SPIRIT of LOVE") of the
MELCHIZEDEK ORDER humbly presents:
Solution # 1
(to the LATTER
SPIRITUAL Deprivation
The bottom line is; WE must be able to be trusted. HE has
to be able to trust US. With things being what they are,
WE can not retaliate, no matter what happens, SPIRITUALLY,
speaking. The days of retaliation are forever behind US.
If WE seek vengeance, of any type, WE shall remain in a
state of SPIRITUAL deprivation, indefinitely. If, on the
other hand, WE seek SPIRITUAL TRUTH, HE will know, HE can
trust US. (More later on this subject.) There are powers
in place, already, to deal with the violent nature of things,
and THEY are doing an admirable job. The good news, with
regard to that, is the more information bestowed upon
MANKIND, as a whole, the less of these violent outbreaks
there will be, and the less these powers, that are already
in place, will be far less needed.
Let US get one thing perfectly clear from the start. I AM
here for each of YOUR own personal benefit [starting with the
RAINS (Romans 11:25-26-33)], and none of this is for MY own
benefit. I choose to do this, on MY own accord, but not
for MANKIND’S benefit. Totally and completely for
HIS NAME sake. To clarify HIS NAME and HIS NAME only (Mat
13:11, Mark 4:11, Luke 8:10) except, without the use of Parables. Therefore,
time is a wasting. Be quiet and listen, or else miss what
needs to be said. I will wait until YOU are ready to hear what
needs to be said. However, the longer I AM quiet, the less
time there is for ME to be heard. "HE who has an ear, let
HIM hear". On the other hand, if YOU know all there is to
know, concerning the "Mystery of GOD (Rev. 10:7)", then why AM I
here?, at this
present time? I AM not a forward observer for the ALL-KNOWING!!! HE is
not in need of a foreword OBSERVER, by any stretch of the imagination as WE
presently, are in need of "forward OBSERVER". By all means, keep
talking, just keep
talking. I'll wait. Do WE have an understanding here? Sure I
AM interested in what YOU have to say, "In order to pad MY THEOLOGICAL
concepts", but just be it known, I AM the TEACHER, YOU are the STUDENT
as this will become more self-evident, if YOU just let ME proceed.
Come boldly to the "THRONE OF GRACE". HEAVEN is not for the
timid. There are no wimps in HEAVEN. This "Time Dispensation
Period" is meant to teach US some responsibility. Be
Responsible. The Justice System is all about assigning
responsibility for what WE are otherwise attempting to avoid,
altogether. Even though it usually assigns responsibility
for OUR negative actions, just the same, it makes US
responsible for OUR actions and dictates a course of action.
Hold YOURSELF responsible for positive (and negative) actions
perpetrated by YOU while WE are but still in this unreal (shadow)
"Time Dispensation Period". (More later on this subject.)
Mind Set of HOLINESS
There is more to this, then what appears on the surface. The
object is to attempt to get in the mind set of HIS HOLINESS.
It is not as hard as YOU think. The trouble being, in the
past, WE have been running 180 degrees away from HIS thinking,
just trying to stay alive, through a continuous, frontier
type, experience of survival. To erase retaliation,
vengeance, hatred, totally from OUR thought process might at
least get US traveling perpendicular to HIS thought process.
This is at least, a start. The goal is to match HIS bearing
and speed, and add OUR sheer numbers to HIS thoughts, thus
amplifying those thoughts, beyond even OUR comprehension.
There is, after all, only ONE of HIM and billions of US. What
an amplification of LOVE that would be. After 6000 years of
barbaric survival, of course OUR thoughts are not HIS
thoughts, nor indeed can they be, from that perspective. It
was all WE could do, just to get to this stage of OUR
Overtake and Surpass Thinking
Opportunities of this magnitude have never presented
themselves to US before now. On a limited bases, many of
OUR survivalist problems, are for a while, solved. Listen,
WE are at a crossroads. This is more then the opportunity of
a lifetime. I AM here to put YOU on the road to HOLINESS. I
AM not only here to show each and every one of YOU the road
to that endeavor, but to point YOU in the right direction and,
to see to it, YOU attain that goal. A lofty goal is to overtake
and surpass the thinking of OUR CREATOR. This is something a
BEING that mainly exists in the SPIRITUAL realm (GOD is LOVE, GOD
is LIGHT, GOD is a
SPIRIT) has a hard time doing, in the physical realm, except through
presently, ONE INDIVIDUAL WE know to be JESUS CHRIST.
This is one of but many reasons why WE
were CREATED, in the first place. WE have the opportunity to
demonstrate the CREATORS ability to LOVE in the "Physical
Realm", through US. WE are the go between for the
LORDS thought process and, the realization of those thoughts in the
Physical Realm on an
unfathomable grand scale basis. So WE fail. So WE crash and burn. Get
up, dust YOURSELF off, and once again, make a fool out of YOURSELF for
LOVES sake. Only
what is done for HIS sake, will last. One of these tries, WE
are going to hit the nail on the head. Then it is just like
riding a bicycle, YOU never forget how.
Religious Revolution
It has to start somewhere, with a simple act of defiance.
That act of defiance is the refusal to comply with human
tradition which has no form of inward adoration for OUR
CREATOR associated with it, whatsoever. WE are only fooling
OURSELVES. WE are not in control except in disastrously delaying
OUR ultimate glorious destiny. If WE insist on being in charge, then the
reason I AM presently here, is in peril. If that be the case, then the
only thing WE truly are in charge of, is indeed, OUR own
immediate peril. If YOU choose, to continue to think, WE are
OUR own task masters, YOU will continue this course of action at
YOUR own destruction. Something of which, I presently AM here,
to prevent from happening.
Accept JESUS as "LORD" (BOSS) and
SAVIOUR allowing HIM to work though YOU, to save YOURSELF. "HE
who saves HIS life shall lose it and HE who loses HIS life, for
JESUS sake, will save it." The whole point being, this is
"JESUS' Millennium". I AM by far, the first (and easiest) to
deal with, concerning these issues. In vain, do YOU attempt to
have an inward adoration for ME (GOD Speaking), after following
traditions of YOUR fathers (Matt. 15:9; Mark 7:7). YOU show
respect for a Being, by
adhering to that Beings inward principles. A cold slap in the
face, is not any type of respect, except for ONESELF. I'm right,
you are wrong, mentality, as demonstrated by, a cold slap in the face.
What is the irony of it all? The irony is it would be one
thing, if one religion, had a "Corner on the Market" of
TRUTH. They could then choose who gets what. As it
presently is, each Religion has but a "Slice of the Pie of
TRUTH" (if even that). Without
that "Corner on the Market" of TRUTH, there is no
exclusiveness to any religion.
"What? There is no TRUE church on Planet Earth for
Melchizedek to call Home?" {For those of US who think otherwise, WE [the
majority (See Isa 28:1, 7, 8 with "Wine representing the Doctrine of Men"
Eze 4:12, 13 with "human dung (again Doctrine of Men)" being fed to
Israel)] have to follow "Solution # 1 To the LATTER RAINS" and
wait for "Solution # 2 To the LATTER RAINS" to be released in order
to activate OUR own personal LIVING "Testimony of JESUS (SPIRIT of
PROPHECY)" within OUR own INDIVIDUAL households. A TRUE
righteous PROPHET in each of OUR own homes would be a great asset
especially in these End Times. This is one big advantage, for those of YOU
"in the know (THEY know WHO THEY are)", for jumping on this bandwagon and
making Revelations 11:15-17 (establishment of Kingdoms of HEAVEN a.k.a.
Solution # 1) a reality as quickly as possible. Of course, if the
INDIVIDUAL is not RIGHTEOUS, then WE will also have to wait for
"Solution # 3 To the LATTER RAINS" to be implemented as well. Then
and only then will WE see just how far WE truly have missed the mark of
what a "TRUE CHURCH" really is.}
"Oh ME oh MY! This causes poor King and Priest Melchizedek, of the
MOST HIGH GOD, to be a SPIRITUAL ORPHAN to the physical religious realm!
This in turn leaves GOD with no other option but to be MY SPIRITUAL ABBA."
Hmmm? This can't be all bad. I guess I will just have to make the best of
this SPIRITUAL INSIGHT that otherwise completely bypasses the Demonic
Angelic Filtration System which is already firmly welded in place.
On top of that, the more WE hoard our religion,
the less religious WE are in actuality. True R.E.L.I.G.I.O.N. is totally
unselfishness. [Real Enthusiastic Living
In Genuine Interest of Others Needs SSPIRITUALLY. (R.E.L.I.G.I.O.N.S.)]
Dreams Without Focus
To give US an idea of how far WE have missed the mark,
WE do not even know what to dream about without a focus on OUR CREATOR.
Not only is OUR CREATOR, out of focus (Isa 28:1, 7, 8), but, HE is not
even in OUR sights.
Without HIM at least "In OUR Sights" WE can not begin to even
know, "What to dream about." It is all tied together. If HE is
but YOUR SAVIOUR and not YOUR "LORD (BOSS)" also, YOU are not even in the
bullpen, warming up. A BABE in CHRIST not weaned (RIGHTEOUS) from the
"Milk of Paul" (Isa 28:9).
Secondly, dreams are the substance from which reality get its
beginning. WE have to imagine it first, before, WE can even
think about making a prototype. Thirdly, if WE can create the
"World" today, without OUR CREATOR as the focal point of
OUR dreams, how much more grander can OUR achievements be with the
"SPIRIT of LOVE" in OUR dreams?
Main Goal:
LOVE'S Ability to Continue
LOVE is LOVE is LOVE is LOVE and YOU can not change that. LOVE is
going to LOVE US despite OURSELVES. 1st Corinthians Chapter 13 does not even
come close to listing even a percentage of these "Attributes of LOVE" WE
are dealing with here. WE are not talking about some watered down deluded
pitiful form of LOVE either. This is full blown, in YOUR face, spare
nothing [not even YOUR own SON named JESUS (John 3:16)], attention to the
most minute of
details type LOVE. HE can not help HIMSELF. It is HIS nature to LOVE and
LOVE unconditionally continuously. If HE did not have this deep emotional
ability to LOVE US, in this presently, what appears to be quite reserved
manner, WE would not have been lead into CHRISTHOOD through total
SPIRITUAL deprivation (the backwards way) first. This in and of
itself is proof enough that HE TRULY does indeed have OUR best
interest at heart.
The trick here is to tap into the TRUE
JESUS clearly demonstrated could be done, especially upon HIS HOLY "7th
Day Sabbath". (JOHN 5:9; 9:14) JESUS' miracles came from this important realization.
Is it that WE must bring honor to OUR CREATOR, or does it go deeper then
that? It is OUR job to identify and put into use these very principles.
OUR survival may very well depend US finding the TRUE KEYS
Angels Presently Not Worried
Satan is not to worried, about the Jewish religion, breaking
this stalemate. The Jewish Hierarchy is not to concerned, about the
Christian religions, breaking this egg wide open and stealing
thunder. [Hint: I AM talking about each Church on an individual
bases, in and of themselves, not having "ALL" the TRUTH, needed,
to break this egg wide open. CHRISTIANITY as a whole, has been
and still is being deceived, in key elements. Acts 20:30 (From
among ourselves will men arise speaking perverse things ...)
has come to pass beyond imagination from within. 1 Corin. 15:12b; 1 Timothy 4:1-3] The bottom line here is;
what's at stake? It's as simple as this: Figure out the puzzle
and the Demonic Angelic realm get to take Their SPIRITUAL "Baptism
by Fire". This Fire starts from within Their own hearts (Ezek.
28:18) and need not MANKIND'S nuclear intervention to kindle this type
of Fire. As I
said, with things being as they are, They are not to worried. OUR
concern is; How many of US, are WE going to allow the Angels to take
with Them, in this process?
Pondering Growing Pains
Here is the real problem. Do you really want to get OUR
Demonic Angelic realm riled up? Do WE really want to subject MANKIND to
LABOR PAINS? Does a MOTHER really enjoy holding her BABY,
considering, what SHE had to go through, to be able to get to that
stage in her BABY'S development? Is this where WE have to STOP and
ponder, what I AM talking about? NOT!!!
Did I mention, WE are not in "ETERNITY" yet? Have
I made it clear enough to YOU that WE presently are in a "Time
Dispensation Period".
This is at best, HEAVEN'S "Construction Zone" full of detours, delays,
short tempered DRIVERS, long tiring work weeks, stressful situations
around ever corner, fines doubled, cost overruns but to name a few of the
problems WE deal with on a day to day basis. It does get better, much
better then this by far. Secondly, there is a veil in place between US and
OUR CREATOR, not allowing US to see things as they really are (Isa. 25:7).
Beyond that, WE at best have limited access to all these vast
amounts of Information even with the best of OUR perceptive abilities. WE
are looking at life through a key hole operating in a void. WE have to
diligently search for every scrap of information WE get,
even then, not knowing whether it is the TRUTH or not.
Do YOU get MY drift? WE really have no choice because WE
are forging ahead. This BABY (US) is in the hopper and wants out. There
is no stopping OUR forward progress. Which side of the fence (after a
mountain of evidence) do YOU choose to be on? This is all that each of US
presently, has to determine. The Hornets nest has long since been shaken
up and They have not even come close to settling down. Being held at bay,
by the HOLY SPIRIT, WHO, after the "LATTER RAINS" is soon going to be history,
is more like it.
Listen, I AM here. MY information has already been
compiled. MANKIND, wins either way. It is just a matter of mathematics
as to how many PEOPLE are on each side of the fence. Are Shadrac,
Ameshec, and Abindigo better people for having gone through the fire?
(Daniel 3:25) Is Daniel a better person because of the lions den?
(Daniel 6:16-23) Who is to say? A crisis only reveals OUR SPIRITUAL
condition and does nothing to change OUR SPIRITUAL condition. A snapshot
of OUR SPIRITUAL condition every once an a while can not be all bad.
Sovereign With Ability to Intercede
Let ME put it to YOU this way. This is the ETERNAL SPIRIT
of KING and PRIEST (Rev. 1:6) Melchizedek speaking in that, the closer YOU
are to YOUR CREATOR, whom dwells within YOU, the more sovereign YOU are to
do HIS "PERFECT WILL" HE has for this LlFE given YOU in the first place.
Therefore, what ever MY surroundings, I AM sovereign, without subjects, in
that I do as I please. It's just that nothing pleases ME more, then to
know and do MY CREATOR’S "PERFECT WILL" for this LlFE which HE gave ME.
Therefore, I AM a KING. [Please note: WE are not sovereign to do HIS
"permissive will (To do as WE please without regard to HIM)" for OUR LlFE
which HE gave US. (Prov. 14:12, 16:25.) ("HE who has and ear, let HIM
hear.") Matthew 11:15; 13:9]
Secondly, I AM PRIEST of the MOST HIGH GOD (the "SPIRIT
of LOVE") because I, as YOU, have the ability to forgive and, I too,
can choose to intercede for other INDIVIDUALS, on THEIR behalf, in more ways
then I care to enumerate, as YOU are quickly finding out. (HE who has and
ear, let HIM hear.") I can do this, not only because, I know where I AM at
and where I AM going, but also because, I know where YOU are at and
where YOU are (not) going. Chances are, YOU only think YOU know where
YOU might appear to be, but do YOU REALLY know? Do YOU REALLY know why YOU
are presently here? and presently now? Daniel 11:41-43 gives US an idea
of the scope of this deception that has already entrenched all but 3
renegade phantom Nations.
Forgive THEM, THEY are operating without SPIRITUAL EYESALVE. Any
action done, due to THEIR lack of SPIRITUAL intelligence; THEY cannot be held
accountable for. I, therefore, knowing how the MELCHIZEDEK ORDER
operates, having been there, and being a REPRESENTITIVE of the MELCHIZEDEK
ORDER, claim total and complete liability for THEIR lack of SPIRITUAL
accountability. I plead with YOU, on THEIR behalf, before the departure of
the HOLY SPIRIT, as MY WITNESS, that YOU lay not these charges to THEIR
account, and please, take ME in THEIR stead, if this, YOU can not do. In
and through the BLOOD of JESUS, I make this request.
King and Priest Saint Nick E. Melchizedek
King & Priest Melchizedek.
Is that how YOU want this scenario to end? Stooped and left in
the dark, with spiritual darkness all around you? Knowing something
happened, but not exactly knowing, just what did happen, and why it did
happened. Is that really the caliber of PEOPLE YOU want HEAVEN filled with?
Retirement Plan In the Bahamas
There is more at stake here then YOUR "1000 Year Retirement Plan
(Millennium)" in the Bahamas YOU should be worrying about. [Don't
worry, They (the Demonic Angelic Realm) lied to YOU about that too. It is
however the "AGE of the AGES" here on Planet Earth which lasts a thousand
Years give or take a day or two (2 Peter 3:8) with 70 degree weather pole
to pole and no rain. It just feels like the Bahamas all the time.]
When the Angelic realm sees MANKIND waking up from OUR 6,000 year nap,
They are going to start worrying and things really start to heat up when
that happens. After all, it is Their roasting, and rousting, WE
will be (literally) attending, possibly, as Their invited GUESTS.
Dearest PEOPLE,
I could write a "Series" the size of a "Set of Encyclopedias" on
just this next subject matter, alone. Please bare with ME as I try and
narrow it down to maybe a few paragraphs.
Keep in mind, WE are dealing with things happening up to the end
of a "Time Dispensation Periods" here, of which, the Bible tells US
practically nothing concerning the characteristics of ETERNITY. Secondly,
They are tired of living out of a suitcase and They too want closure. It
is just They do not want to be short changed with a half baked character
referred to as "god" living within each of US. In a nut shell, They want
total and complete unlimited access to Their CREATOR, the "SPIRIT of LOVE"
through these "VESSLES of HONOR", otherwise known a MANKIND. They will
stop at nothing to make sure a perfect replica of the LORD Their GOD
(Job 36:4, Matt. 5:48, Luke 6:40, 1
Cor. 13:10) comes to pass, should the HOLY SPIRIT fail to accomplish this
same objective. The HOLY SPIRIT simply put, has first crack at this
endeavor of bringing US unto total RIGHTEOUSNESS.
Here is where WE (MANKIND) come into the picture. In order to get
a total and completely PEACEFUL ADVENT of JESUS CHRIST,
it takes a total and complete unified action, on OUR part, to send a
message to the (1st) "Courts of HEAVEN" and (2ndly) to the " Demonic
Angelic Realm" WE really want JESUS to return PEACEFULLY.
I AM talking about a total and completely PEACEFUL
return of JESUS CHRIST, as stated by the ONE who has the AUTHORITY to make
it so, the KING of PEACE [SALEM (Hebrews 7:2)] Melchizedek of the
MELCHIZEDEK ORDER. Simply put, this means; the rest of Revelations is
canceled. The LOGIC here is so simple. The whole rest of
Revelations is only there for THOSE that do not
comply with the establishment of the "Kingdoms of HEAVEN" in the physical
realm. It is enforced by OUR Friends, the "Demonic Angelic Realm" who now
have a claim upon that part of MANKIND, as YOU will soon see. A
unified action on the part of MANKIND, as a whole, means, WE all
receive the "Seal of GOD". This in turn, cancels out the
"Mark of the Beast", the "Plagues" administered by OUR Friends, the
"Demonic Angels", and the (MANMADE) "Lake of the Fire", now that WE
(MANKIND) know WE are not supposed to launch everything WE have at JESUS
(Brightness of HIS COMING 2 Peter 3:10-12) when HE comes again.
(2 Thes. 5:2-6)
Now WE still have "Judgment Day" to contend with. However this is
but a formality that mainly deals with the total and complete vindication
of OUR CREATOR, of any and all wrong doings. (Every knee shall bow, no
hard feelings, WE are ALL better CHRISTS for having been
run through the wringer first, so on and so forth, type of situation.)
Like I said, this is simply a formality, but only, for those of US who
REPENTED of transgressing the LAW (1 John 3:4), and are covered by the
BLOOD of JESUS, before the departure of the HOLY SPIRIT.
The "Plan" is for this whole operation to be completed
(WE ALL REPENT) before the end of the "AGE of GRACE"
("LATTER RAINS" and departure of the HOLY GHOST), of which, the "Blood of
JESUS", which covers a multitude of SINS, is still in effect. (YOU can not
ask JESUS to SPIRITUALLY come into YOUR HEART and LIVE, without the
presence of the HOLY SPIRIT.) In other words, "May YOU all be in the
"Kingdom of HEAVEN" "here on Planet Earth" at least a half hour, before
the Devil knows YOUR gone."
In case YOU did not know, "AFTER (Acts 15:24b &
28-29) the "Time of the Gentiles (Rom 11:25)" comes to a close, WE then
have to stand upon OUR own righteousness against at least 1, if not 3 sets
of the original 4 sets of LAWS [Civil, Dietary, and Moral (ALL 10 of the
10 Commandments) Law] that were not "nailed to the cross". YOU just can
not trust anything those Demonic Angels allow to filter down to YOU
through Them. Where do YOU think HE is going to be gathering HIS
(RIGHTEOUS) Nation, "SPIRITUAL" Israel from?
P.S. (If MANKIND really wants to shine, this is the "Time and
the Place" to be doing so. "Yeah GOD, no problem. WE are right on top of
this. WE will gladly enact YOUR Solutions To The LATTER RAINS
and be ready and waiting for YOU. To bad YOU did not tell US sooner. WE
(MANKIND) as a whole, hit this one right out of the PARK, in YOUR HONOR,
OUR beloved CREATOR.")
Solution # 1, To the LATTER RAINS" deals
mainly with MANKIND having First Option for the "Setting up
of the 'Kingdoms of HEAVEN' in the physical realm". This is a done deal
and I already made the changes before the LATTER RAINS (departure of the
HOLY SPIRIT) as these writings will testify to in MY futile attempts to
keep the Ball in MANKINDS court. (It is especially a done deal, in that
Rev. 11:15-17 speaks in past tense. It started with Rev. 10:1-11 in the
late 1700's of the opening of the "Little Scroll" or the Book of
Daniel simultaneously throughout many Nations. Daniel 12:4) WE now
just have to
make is so in the Physical Realm and WE are presently in a holding pattern,
waiting for the actual "Sounding of the 7th Angels Trumpet" while WE allow
for MANKIND to absorb
the implications of this REALITY. The REALITY being; If WE delay to
long, there is going to be the transposing of the "Kingdom of HEAVEN" upon
the physical realm otherwise known as Planet Earth, "without hands (Daniel
2:44 & 45, 7:14, 18, & 27)". YOU will soon see, how simple this
is for MANKIND to do, with a little guidance from the MELCHIZEDEK ORDER, but
without GOD physically having to do the work, and without so much as missing a
beat in the process.
HEAVENLY Multiple Applications Principles Here As Well
[All this is very important for MANKIND'S Behind the Scenes
protection ("Courts of HEAVEN" maneuverings) as well. Especially
when it concerns the "HOLY SPIRIT" as a WITNESS to these maneuverings, and
the accusations the Accuser (1 Peter 5:8) is going to attempt to bring against, the now
otherwise innocent BRETHREN. (See "underlined and bold part" back in
"Introduction" under Prayer beginning with FATHER.) It
has everything to do with making sure the Angels "only" take part of that
fire reserved strictly for Them. (Nations = Angels being judged. Matt.
25:32 & 41) "Solution # 2 To the LATTER RAINS" sheds more light
upon the HEAVENLY technicalities, in more ways then one.]
Still More Presents Under This Tree
"Solution # 2 To the LATTER RAINS", and "Solution # 3 To
the LATTER RAINS" do not get released to the PUBLIC until "Solution
# 1 To the LATTER RAINS" is implemented, across the board (Politically
and Religiously) in at least two Nations. Revelations 11:15-17 tells US
this will be done in the plural, meaning more then one Nation is going to
comply with the "Courts of HEAVEN'S. Contrasting that with Daniel 2:44-45,
which is "cut out of the Mountain without hands" but is singular in
nature, meaning just one "Kingdom" here being set up by the "HAND of GOD".
That possibly brings the count to at least three "Kingdoms" here on Earth
with at least, the outside "CHARACTERISTICS of the Kingdom of HEAVEN"
being set up. Needless to say, what ever transpires, WE of course would
have more Time to mull over these other Solutions if WE (MANKIND)
would take the initiative and go with this "Plan (Solution # 1)"
already on the table.
Solutions released in this manner. For one, it
keeps this TRUE WATCHMAN, (Eze. 3:17-21; 33:2-20) in the loop because I
only Sounded 1 of the 3 Trumpets at this time. If WE do not wake up with
the first Trumpet, a whole lot of good the other two Trumpets are going to
do US. Remember, I AM the WATCHMAN WHO takes MY post seriously. I demand
YOUR blood be on MY hands, sink or swim, for the other 2/3's of
what YOU presently do not known.
Secondly, it is ultimately for MANKIND own (pseudo) protection where 2/3's
less Brimstone [USA and Russia's Nuclear Arsenal Reduction (fewer stripes
Luke 12:48) plans.] is needed to scrub only 1/3 of the lies and deceptions
away. [This, however, still leaves 1/3 of these TRUTHS YOU
may yet still reject. (2 Thes. 2:10b-12, Isa 28:11-12. I too, would just
once, love to prove this Bible wrong.) 2000 plus missiles per country is
still better then 7,000 plus missiles per country but I doubt if YOU will
notice any difference in tempature. The main difference here will be in
the length of time it takes the "Lake of Fire" to harden and become the
"Sea of Glass". They still have to dismantle them and I will believe that
when I see it, too.
Excuse ME Do YOU Have An Appointment
The "LATTER RAINS" fall, when, and only when the
that is going to be converted to "HIS WAY of HOLINESS",
through the presence of the HOLY SPIRIT being here, steps up to bat. These
"Solution" are by no means intended to hinder a preemptive strike
of the "LATTER RAINS" upon those few of US who just might be RIGHTEOUS,
without the help of these "SOLUTIONS" (Isaiah 1:9). If the Holy
Bible had been followed, as it was designed to be, across the board,
in the first place, there would be no need for these "Solutions"
giving US "step by step" instructions along the way of how to
REPENT, of these key points WE seemed to have conveniently
overlook along the way. The "SPIRIT of LOVE" and HIM alone, will determine
when the "LATTER RAINS" fall.
JESUS is "Coming Again"! The quadrillion dollar question is, are
WE "FOR" or "AGAINST" HIS return? The answer to that question lies in the
fact of whether it is going to be a PEACEFUL return or a
non-peaceful return as outlined by the rest of Revelations. I AM
here to assure YOU, it can be a PEACEFUL return where WE
have the "AGE of the AGES" to workout OUR differences across a Table
instead of across a Battlefield. MANKIND as a whole (Religiously and
Politically), has always had "First Option" to make it a
PEACEFUL return.
This is the "COURTS of HEAVEN" speaking. JESUS patterned HIS
MINISTRY after MY "Bread and Wine" service. I prefer MY middle name be
Elihu (Job 32:1-37:24 who was not reprimanded by GOD. Job 42:7-9), though
I use Elijah also, but STRICTLY for the type of messages I bring, and not
for the work I perform. I work totally and completely for the "Courts
of HEAVEN" (MELCHIZEDEK ORDER) as JESUS was (Luke 9:54-56). More
importantly, I know how to try the spirits to see whether they be of GOD,
or Satan. In Solution #
3 WE go deep within the SPIRITUAL REALM of RIGHTEOUSNESS as I, having
been there, show YOU "step by step" how to climb out of that pit. JESUS,
not having been there, simply brushed the surface, having no first hand
knowledge of this information. Had HE entered this pit, there would have
been no "RESURECTION" of any sort, which is only further proof HE was
GOD in the flesh.
JESUS REALLY is harmless (Job 2:7, Heb. 7:26), and HE REALLY is a nice
GUY through and through. It is just a matter of rolling out the Red Carpet
for HIM. (I AM
talking about a "Welcome Mat", and not a blood stained red carpet.) WE
simply have to, in a unified effort (Religious and Politically), put out
the "Welcome Mat" (Transform "Kingdoms of Earth" into "Kingdoms of
HEAVEN") in the physical realm, simply because WE LOVE JESUS. OUR response
Collectively, and INDIVIDUALLY, will be taken as a SIGN (one
way or another) from Earth to HEAVEN that WE ALL are willing to conform to
the HEAVENLY WAYS for a PEACEFUL return of JESUS with open
DO NOT get so RILED UP PEOPLE!!! It is no big deal. It is very simple
and easy. I AM "simply" going to blow YOUR minds, with the simplicity of
all this. I AM going to unravel this mystery by razzing YOU with
brilliance. Having said that, let US look at a few more
Solution # 2 is worthless, without Solution # 1
being implemented first. So it is on down the line. Solution # 3
is worthless without "# 1" and "# 2" implemented and locked
firmly in place. YOU will see what I AM trying to tell YOU but only after
this "Ice Jam" is broken up allowing the "Living WATER" to freely flow.
The good news is SOLUTION # 1 is the granddaddy of all the
Solutions and will start the ball rolling (See Matt 24:14).
144.000 Either Way
Now, I may have Solution # 1 and Solution #
2 turned around, for both
are equally important, and which ever comes first might not matter.
However, presently both Solution # 1 and Solution
# 2 are being practiced upon a limited basis apart from each other
without the desired results.
Therefore, Solution # 1 stays "# 1" and Solution
# 2 stays "# 2". However, both, "Solutions" if
not all 3 "Solutions" may have to be implemented to
get the 144,000 on board. Do
not get me wrong. Solution # 2 is not "PLAN B" in
case Solution # 1 fails. ["Plan B" is allowing the rest
of Revelations to unfold, at the hands of the "Demonic Angelic
Realm", in which ME (representing the "Courts of HEAVEN") and MY
"Resolutions to this Impasse" will have failed to some degree, or
another. 2 Thes. 2:3-10b-12.] If Solution # 1 does not
accomplish the task, it is because Solution # 2 has to be
implemented. If Solution # 1 and Solution # 2
do not achieve the desired effects, it is because Solution
# 3 has to be implemented, also. So on and so forth.
Solution # 3 (compared to the other Solutions) is just a
matter of sitting back and listening to what is being said. Solution #
3 does have a few important points to ponder, and harmless exercises
to do, but only for those of US in need of this information.
The order of importance is "# 1"=Good, "# 2=Better,
# 3=Best in what each Solution ultimately
saves US from. They save US from the "Mark of the Beast"
(painless), the "Plagues" (not so painless), and the cleansing "Lake of
the Fire" (tremendously painful), in that order, with a "Judgment
Day" to boot, on top of all this excitement. However, if WE miss jumping
threw any one of these hoops, in the "Order They are Presented", WE end up
ringing all the "Demonic Bells". No questions asked. I do not see any way
around it. Once WE have the "Mark of the Beast" which Solution #
1 is trying to prevent from happening on a GRAND Scale, WE are then in
for the long haul.
Let ME put it to YOU another way. WE each have this TRANSLATED
BODY that is illuminated by the BRIGHTNESS of the "SPIRIT of LOVE"
dwelling within. Tarnish (Sin) blocks that LIGHT that shines from within,
and expose OUR shame (nakedness), if not removed, for all ETERNITY. That
BRIGHTNESS WE EMIT is OUR clothing (GLORY) throughout ETERNITY. Therefore,
that tarnish must be scrubbed off with a Sulfuric (Brimstone) cleansing
agent in the quite SPIRITUAL "Baptism by Fire".
PEOPLE, in this day and age, this late in the GAME, Being
saved from these terrible atrocities, is the name of the GAME.
This is what these "Solutions" are all about and especially why WE
need to get through ALL these "Solutions" as quickly as
There is not, in so many words, a Solution # 4 to shield US from
"Judgment Day". There is however, tons of tidbits, of nice to know
information, but not in the format of these Solutions by any means.
This information is actually in the form of a manuscript titled,
Greatest JOY". Whereby each of US doing OUR "FATHERS" "perfect will"
(not permissive will) for this life HE gave US, makes each of US,
in turn, "JESUS' Greatest JOY", also. It too, can now be
downloaded as this manuscript presently is also able to be downloaded at
Of course, all this is but useless information about,
well, about "being RIGHTEOUS" which starts with REPENTANCE.
The bottom line is, let US not be deceived. Know the TRUTH, the whole
TRUTH, and the TRUTH will make YOU free. That is freedom for sin or
unrighteousness, or anything that enslaves YOU. Being Righteous, after the
"Age of Grace" comes to a close enables US to stand in Judgment and
Jacob's Trouble, as well. This
being RIGHTEOUS all depends upon if what WE think to be truth (lower
case), is the
TRUTH indeed. If what WE think to know as truth (lower case) is but a
deception, which WE base OUR actions upon, then WE are unrighteous without
even beginning the race. If TRUE "RIGHTEOUSNESS" is not the end goal
because WE LOVE JESUS, for all HE first did for US, then what
ever I present, to attain that ultimate Goal, is totally and completely
Do not get ME wrong here! I AM not in this for MYSELF. I AM not in
it for MANKIND. I AM not in it for the Angelic Realm's vested interests. I
AM in it for JESUS' sake and JESUS' sake only. If I take MY eyes off that
Goal, for even a moment, WE are all in trouble, more so, then WE are now.
MY goal is not to cause the POWER of OUR CREATOR to be
released in spectacular GLORY through each one of YOU. YES, that would
be nice, but rather, MY goal is to achieve a smooth, PEACEFUL,
transition for the establishment of the "KINGDOM of HEAVEN" here on planet
Earth. There is a BEING much more worthy then ME, for turning the LIGHTS on,
once the "KINGDOM of HEAVEN" does get established. I AM just a
sub-contractor that happens to care about how OUR CREATOR
is perceived, in the minds of "ALL" HIS CONSTITUENTS, in the carrying out,
of this whole endeavor.
Let ME define a few things here. The MOUNTAIN in Isaiah 25:7,
Daniel 2:45, Zechariah 6:1 (to name but a few) is the RIGHTEOUS. THEY are
a HOLY full functional MOUNTAIN that knows the MYSTERY of GODLINESS. THEY
have a form of GODLINESS and THEY do "not" deny the
POWER thereof (2 Timothy 3:5). There is no vale upon this
GROUP wondering what GOD may or may not do in any given situation. THEY,
knowing "HIS CHARACTER" will know exactly what GOD would do in any given
situation, and THEY will also know "Who" it is that is doing otherwise.
MY job is to unvail this MYSTERY of GODLINESS, that HIS TRUE
CHARACTER may be revealled, and YOU too may know, JESUS is
HARMLESS. (Rev. 10:7b) The Two Brass MOUNTAINS of Zechariah 6:1
which WE are between is the "Day of Pentecost" (Acts 2:1) and the "LATTER RAINS" yet to come, where once again, WE will be of ONE ACCORD.
And, Yes, in answer to YOUR question, WE are that
backwards (mixed up). The nice thing about these Solutions is,
the further down the list of Solutions WE get implemented, the more
PEOPLE are on board and the less of MANKIND the Demonic Angels have at
THEIR disposal. That is the good news as to why gratification may be
delayed. (GOD'S WILL: WHO will have all men to be saved, and to come into
the knowledge of the TRUTH. 1 Tim 2:4 KJV Emphasis mine.)
Secondly, no where does it say, King and Priest Melchizedek is a
Prophet. I AM simply presenting MY interpretation of Scripture that is readily
available to each of US. It might appear to be new light
but that is only because of the amount of darkness WE are presently entrenched
within. PEOPLE, I too was thrown the same ROPE (JESUS CHRIST) to be pulled
up out of this muck and mire. I still have not let go of that ROPE, and I
AM by no means at the end of this ROPE. The object is to climb up this
ROPE (getting closer to the SOURCE) rather then sliding down this
still muddy rope at ground level.
Also, the further WE fly upon OUR own faith (confidence), the greater
OUR rewards are at taking HIM at HIS "LIVING" WORD. Secondly, this is a
package deal. WE do not target individual sins to work on one at a time.
That directs OUR focus away from JESUS, and WE find OURSELVES slipping
deeper then ever into the muck and mire of sin. See what I mean.
Slippery Slope Verses Up Hill Struggle
Here is the other side of the coin. The further WE have to go down
the list of these Solutions, the harder these Solutions are
going to be to have implemented with MANKIND, knowingly, as a whole.
They go from physically external attributes to SPIRITUAL
internal attributes rather quickly. Why, eventually, WE may actually have
to get rid of "bigotry" as a whole also. Do not worry, that one is way
down the list of "Solutions" and may be naturally taken care of
along the way. How can bigotry exist if WE are all of the same faith? How
can any prejudice exist if WE are all equal (the same)? Things naturally
have a way of working themselves out.
I AM not GOD
I changed MY mind, once again. Solution # 1 To the LATTER
RAINS is still not being explained yet. I feel it is more important
to explain why Satan, Israel, and Christianity [Who, individually
as Churches, are totally lights OUT. The individual Churches do not have
in and of themselves 100% of the TRUTH needed to survive the Tribulation
Period.] are not too concerned. The object is to cause Satan to have zero
claims (HOLDS, reason YOU are HIS) against YOU. Plain and simple, if
YOU are not buying what Satan is selling, YOU are RIGHTEOUS. Have
I said enough? OKAY, I see why WE do not have to be to concerned about
Satan having to fear MANKIND. We are all (remember, every MAN a liar.
Romans 3:4) His
anyway. WE are all in the thick of it. (See Daniel 11:41-43) He has so
many holds on US [I know of at least 3, which I have "Solutions
for.] it ain’t even funny. It is just a matter of backing OURSELVES out of
the mud hole WE chose to park OURSELVES in. (PS ONE way or
another, when JESUS returns, this mud hole gets dried up, whether WE are
still wallowing in it, or not.)
Are WE In 4 Wheel Drive
That is all these Solutions do. One step at a time, on a
unified front, WE back OURSELVES out of this mud hole, hopefully, while
the HOLY SPIRIT is still around to help US do so. When the HOLY SPIRIT
is withdrawn, HE that is Righteous, let HIM be righteous still. He that
is wicked let HIM be wicked still (Rev. 22:11). Just think about it for
a minute. Sin is only the lack of TRUTH. (Try Job 36:4; Hosea 4:1; 2 Timothy 3:7)
It has practically nothing to do with what YOU say, or how
YOU act. Those actions are based entirely upon what YOU believe. YOU
believe in the TRUTH or YOU are deceived, and act accordingly. Satan job
is to keep YOU from
the "Knowledge of TRUTH" which is next to impossible to find under His
various "Umbrellas of Authorities" here on Planet Earth. It is that
simple. It is that easy. As the song
RIGHT!)? You get enough unrighteousness, that it will take YOU off the playing
field of LIFE, in the physical realm, otherwise known as death. The song
lost its jingle and sounds pretty pathetic. SIN is pathetic.
Non-Legislated Volunteers No SPIRITUAL SLAVES / NO physical Plagues
These Solutions (although they should be written in stone)
are strictly on a voluntary basis. Forced love (rules and regulations
legislated) is not freedom to worship as WE please. Legislated regulations
are forced servitude. Forced servitude, is what the plagues,
are all about eliminating. That is, forced submission, or servitude, or
just plain, outright slavery. (Slavery = "Mark of the Beast" +
Legislation Enforcing "Mark of the Beast") OUR Kingship (Rev. 1:6) is
non-existent if WE are forced to not do as WE please. WE are
therefore, not sovereign under those circumstances, nor indeed can WE be.
These solutions are null and void in civil matters. WE are
welcoming JESUS back, on the SPIRITUAL level. SPIRITUAL purification takes
care of civil improprieties real quickly. (YOU do not pay a sin tax, if
YOU do not use the products.) Secondly, if WE would only police
OURSELVES, there would be no need for CIVIL law, in the first place. That
is, live the "Golden Rule" (and no it is not, he who owns the gold, makes
the rules). Treat OTHERS as YOU, YOURSELF would like to be treated.
Secondly, SPIRITUAL laws are not based upon majority rules,
for presently, majority (restricted to MANKIND) is in the dark, and WE are
forgiven, due to that discrepancy. (Luke 23:34 A discrepancy I hope to
remedy, as WE go
along, making US ALL fully accountable for OUR actions of LOVE, WE knowingly
do towards each other.) It is to OUR detriment, to move these
Solutions, from the SPIRITUAL to the CIVIL especially within the
confines of "Time". SPIRITUAL is SPIRITUAL and CIVIL is CIVIL. To even
attempt to regulate SPIRITUAL principles, is the equivalent of putting the
ALL-ENCOMPASSING "SPIRIT of LOVE" in a bottle. WE are but a "VESSEL of
HONOR" surrounded within HIM. Whether WE allow HIM in to fill this
"VESSEL" to overflowing, in this "Age of Grace (bottle)", is totally, up to
US, but WE are still, totally encompassed by HIS LOVE. If anything, WE
are the ONES, that could be bottled up indefinitely, due to these
endless ? ? ? "Time in a Bottle Dispensation Periods". However,
this is not HIS nature and HIS nature never changes. LOVE is constantly
LOVE. WE will eventually be let out of this "Cage" WE do not presently
know WE are in, revealed sooner then WE might imagine (Rev. 10:6b comes before
Rev. 10:7 which started in the late 1700's.).
SOLUTION # 1 On Deck
Have I emphasized enough, that, the Powers that be, are not to worried about this plan
concerning MANKIND. (Yes They are worried, but only for the other ramifications, all
this entails.) Listen, I already know the outcome, every step of the way, Biblically
speaking, and otherwise. WE have yet, to prove the "SPIRIT of LOVE", the PROPHETS and
JESUS wrong, biblically speaking. (Just so YOU know, I AM here, in hopes, that the
otherwise can, come to pass. After all, the Bible is not written in stone.)
Tell ME Now or Tell ME Later
Also, I know why I AM doing this. It is not for MANKIND'S benefit
either. WE win either way and are (probably) better people, for not missing
the dance. Just put YOURSELF in OUR CREATOR’S shoes. HE has got, a lot of
explaining to do, and the more explaining HE gets done, ahead of time, the
less HE will have to do, afterwards. DO not get ME wrong, HE is not
explaining anything to get HIMSELF out of a jam, whatsoever. It is just
that WE (MANKIND) are that stubborn. (Lead me not to temptation. I will
find it myself.)
Fool Proofing LOT'S Wives?
Let's just say, there are an awful lot of Lot's WIVES out there, and I AM not just
talking to the FEMALE gender. MEN too, hate to leave
the world of SIN behind,
especially, when WE are sorry, WE got caught. With ME, however,
(LOT'S WIFE)" is One "PILLAR of SALT" too many and is totally,
unacceptable. Therefore,
plain and simple, with this "Solution # 1", I have
neutralized the curses of looking
back at the "World of Sin". Miss this "only" step (Which
hopefully, I made impossible to miss in more ways then I AM going to
presently reveal.) in
"Solution # 1", and YOU are going to have, an awful lot of "PILLARS
of SALT" (or should I say, "PILES of ASH"? Malachi 4:3). I AM just
thinking of YOU,
MY fellow MANKIND. WE have catered to Satan for 6,000 years, with
disastrous results. What's wrong with catering to JESUS for 1,000 years.
I have
already taken, all these things into consideration for YOUR sake, MANKIND!
Look all
YOU want, the curse is gone.
The first step is to acknowledge change is needed, and then just
turn from YOUR sinful past. The desire that follows to want to clean YOUR
life up, is not YOUR problem. Again, just keep acknowledging change is
needed, and let the HOLY SPIRIT do HIS job. That is the only reason HE is
still around here. Secondly, by even thinking WE first have to be perfect
before WE repent is already making this process way to complicated. YOU
have nothing to fear. I assure YOU, YOUR CREATOR, in HIS own prefect
timing, will do the rest. Just hang on to the rope (JESUS) as HE pulls YOU
through the car wash. With ME, I felt like I was tethered with a long ROPE
behind the Space Shuttle. I did not dare look back. Today, listening to
ME, just might be a start to that cleansing process, however. Trust ME, I
have been on both sides, of this fence not like JESUS, WHO did not even
straddle this fence. I assure YOU, it is taken care of, and not with
Plagues, or SPIRITUAL damnation, either. (All the bases are covered, just
listen to what I have to say, as WE go along.) I AM doing this for all of
the half hearted PEOPLE out there. I was there and know the fear and
distrust of GOD each of YOU maybe going through. I promise YOU, there
will be no handing out of flowers in airports.
There are other ways to accomplish Solution # 1 but with
each of those other ways, there will be a high number of "PILLARS of
SALT". This includes many dear PEOPLE, close to ME. MANKIND as a whole.
Therefore, after seeing how disastrous, a head on frontal assault
would be, I discovered there are some more ambiguous approaches, that can be
taken, to achieve the same objective. WE are going for maximum conversion
with minimal resistance. In other words, the "COURTS of HEAVEN" are easy, as
long as the objectives are being achieved, within a reasonable amount of
For the sake of discussion, in order to keep all feet in bounds,
casualties to a minimum, this Priesthood in the loop, and YOUR (unrepentant) blood
upon MY hands, and MANKIND out of the (2nd) "Baptism by Fire" reserved
for the fallen Angels, be it known, and PRAISE the LORD:
WE are past deadline
for "Solution # 1"
Thank YOU JESUS, in OUR blind FAITH concerning YOUR HOLY ways.
Therefore, whatever WE do, or do not do, knowingly, or unknowingly
(which is more like it), is now retroactive back to the
DATE which I, King and Priest Melchizedek, of the Most High
GOD, of the MELCHIZEDEK ORDER, received from the "Courts of HEAVEN". This
DATE is most definitely UNCHANGEABLE for YOUR
own personal benefit and ultimate protection. WE are innocent. WE are
totally out of the loop of knowing what is going on (blind FAITH) in
every possible way imaginable. Therefore, keep it that way. Do not even
attempt to make some kind of a pretense WE have any idea whatsoever
concerning what is TRULY going on. Speculate all YOU want,
but that is all it is. Pure speculation, without all the facts, as to what
is going on here.
Let ME describe this DATE to YOU, and maybe YOU can
see its importance too, lest WE be caught sleeping (Matt. 24:42-51). It
is the first "DAY of Atonement" of the LORD JESUS' last 1,000 Years (1
day = 1,000 years, 1,000 years = 1 day. 2 Peter 3:8) of Earth's
History (with reference to "Time", and not ETERNITY) which has to
include the "Age of the AGES". Millennium WE like to call this Period
of Time. The "LORD JESUS' MILLENNIUM" to be more exact. There is more on
this later but that particular DATE happened to fall on
Monday, the 09th of October, the year 6,000 MELCHIZEDEK TIME. This is
6,000 Years after the CREATION of ADAM and EVE, in this, the Earth's
"Sabbatical Millennium" that started at sundown, the 5th of April, 2000.
Listen, if it was up to the Demonic Angels, WE would all be damned
and how, and right now. However, YOUR GLORIOUS ETERNAL DESTINY, is not up
to Them. It is totally and completely up to the "SPIRIT of LOVE", and HE
is doing things in the "Here and Now" to make sure WE do have a GLORIOUS
DESTINY outside the confines of "Time". The problem is, WE do not have
an unlimited amount of "Time" to play with, here. I will just
say, JESUS, the KING of KING'S, get what HE wants. I AM not the KING of
KING’S, for I AM just pitch-hitting for HIM as the need arises, to
also accomplish the "SPIRIT of LOVE'S" many wishes.
However, upon the "SPIRIT of LOVE, and the KING of KING’S authority,
the MELCHIZEDEK ORDER, does operate. Now WHO is named after what? Is MAN
more important then the Entity, or is the Entity, more important then the
MAN. Before YOU answer that, take another look at the HOLY CITY coming
down "as" a bride adorned for HER husband (Rev. 21:2). I assure
YOU, OUR CREATOR is always working to improve HIS "KINGDOM of HEAVEN", but
at no BEINGS expense other then HIS own. Until now, the OCCUPANTS of the
present day "Kingdom of Heaven" have been but treading water. This yet to
be CREATED "COLOSSAL KINGDOM of HEAVEN", would be still utterly
meaningless, without the presence of MANKIND in there PROPERLY CREATED
HEAVENLY POSITIONS. I AM simply doing HIS bidding or, is HE...doing mine?
(Remember? ONE! ONE ACCORD!)
What I bring to the table, is an attempt to cancel all Curses
(Plagues ... Rev. 16:2-12, 17-21, the Lake of Fire ... Rev. 15:2 (YOU need
a lot of heat and a lot of sand to make a "Sea of Glass". Hmmm? Where
could that be located at?); and 19:20; 20:9-10, 14-15, but to name a few)
and get the "LIVES lost" count
down, to an acceptable level. That acceptable level is zero. A dead BEING
is a victory for death, and is totally, unacceptable, even if I AM that one
LAST, unacceptable death. Was this ORDER named, after an ETERNAL PRIEST, in
MY memory? So be it if it is but I don’t think so. Having said that, let’s
roll up OUR sleeves, and get to work.
Solution # 1
(accomplished in one step)
Please Note:
: All dates are according to Planet Earth's non-Jewish
Gregorian Calendar, unless otherwise stated by the initials "(M.T.)" being
present with "(M.T.)" standing for MELCHIZEDEK TIME. For example, 09th of
October, 2000 and 09th October 6,000 (M.T.) are the same day.
: This came from "Courts of HEAVEN" on Monday, August 14, 2000,
before October 2000's "Day of Atonement" after "7 1/2 months" preparation
work with the "HOLY SPIRIT" leading up to this "BLESSED EVENT"
as revealed to ME, KING and PRIEST MELCHIZEDEK through the "HOLY SPIRIT"
(John 16:13).
I need of YOU like I have never had need of YOU before. Guild ME
as to where YOU would have ME to go and with what YOU would have ME to
say. PEOPLES lives are at stake here like never before since the
conception of this, the HUMAN race. HELP ME to take this post, which YOU
have bestowed upon ME to the level above and beyond even YOUR HIGHEST
expectations that I might not sin against THEE. In JESUS' NAME and
through HIS BLOOD. So Be It!
Royal SUBJECTS (MANKIND and Angelic Realm) of the SOVERIEGN REALM (Signs
abound wherever WE look. Matthew 24:42-51) Here is;
of the same SOVEREIGN REALM. I AM humbly honored by being able to be of
service to each and every one of YOU, the TRUE TEMPLES of
the living GOD.
HEAVENLY Angels and Angels of the Demonic Realm, otherwise
confined [chained (Rev. 20:1-3)] to Planet Earth these past +/- 2000
Years (2 Peter 3:8) without YOUR deceptive destructive miracles (Fire from
the sky. Matthew 24:4; Mark 13:22; John 4:48; for the side of GOOD here
is Acts 2:17-26 and on. Getting back to the Angelic Realm there is
2 Thes. 2:9).
As I look out over the Nations, I see things are but a little out
of kilter with regards to "Planet Earth" for the receiving of
the "Kingdom of HEAVEN" upon this MOST GLORIOUS future
fullness of the "GOD HEAD" bodily (Col. 2:9). It is out of
synchronization but a fraction of an inch in the GRAND Scheme of things
that can easily be corrected instantaneously at the stroke of midnight
without so much as a beat missed. It is that simple and nothing
else changes. WE still go to the same church on the same days, with the
same PEOPLE, and WE get to keep everything. OUR Church buildings, OUR
homes, OUR bank accounts, OUR place of employment and even the members of
SOVEREIGN REALM. JESUS is "COMING AGAIN". "Time" eventually, will be no
more. Death, pain, sickness, and suffering will be a thing of the past.
WE will have perfect weather (70+ Degrees ) Pole to Pole. PEACE, LOVE, JOY
and HAPPINESS will abound. Lost LOVED ONES will be resurrected and
reunited. This time HE is "COMING" to dwell with ALL of MANKIND into
all of ETERNITY. It is just that WE have to tidy the place up but such a
little bit to make ready for a PEACEFUL conclusion of this
The "Courts of HEAVEN" will be watching, with this being
the "SIGN" they are looking for showing THEM that WE would
PEACEFULLY Welcome JESUS back whole hearted with open
arms. [Let ME see, what other options do WE have before US? WE also have
before US is a non-peaceful conclusion (rest of Revelations unfolding) to
this otherwise still ROYAL EVENT. The Bible rendition of this "BLESSED
EVENT" does not have to transpire by any means. The whole rest of
Revelations is simply in place to transform the reluctant "Kingdoms of
Earth" at the urgings of the soon to be "loosed on Earth (Rev. 20:7)",
Demonic Angelic Realm. If WE ALL change, the rest of
Revelations is null and void.]
This is the 7th [Meaning HOLY. (One of the few Angelic Messages
that are HOLY in Revelations.)] Angels Trumpet Sounding of Revelations
- Revelations 11:15-17
15.) And the Seventh Angel sounded; and there were great voices in
HEAVEN saying, The "Kingdoms of this World" are become the "Kingdoms of
OUR LORD, and of HIS CHRIST; and HE shall reign for ever and ever.
16.) And the four and twenty ELDERS [Old Testament MARTYRS
resurrected with JESUS (Mat. 27:52, Rev. 20:4-6)], which sat before GOD
on their seats, fell upon their faces, and Worshipped GOD,
17.) Saying, "WE give thanks to YOU, O LORD GOD ALMIGHTY, the ONE
who is and WHO was, because YOU have taken YOUR GREAT POWER, and have
begun to REIGN...."
It is a done deal speaking in past tense with the "Sounding of a
Trumpet" retroactive back to 09th of October, 2000 ["1st Day of Atonement"
in the "Sabbatical Millennium" (6000 MT)]. This date is locked in place for the
mutual benefit of MANKIND, especially for those of US still around after
the departure of the HOLY SPIRIT (LATTER RAINS). However, this 7th Angels
Message actually started with Revelations 10:7-11, with the help of the other
Angel's Message of Revelations 14:6 of which neither had a Trumpet
Sounding. Back in the late 1700's the "Little Book" or the "Book of
Daniel" was opened with the cracking of the "2300 Year for a Date
Prophetic 'Time Line'" which ended in 1844. Before this time, this
"Book" was sealed up to the
"Time of the end: Many shall be running back and forth, and
evil shall increase. [Daniel 12:4 (New Revised Standard)]".
WE also have Daniel 2:44-45, 7:14, 18, and 27
to draw from. Then WE have the "WATCHMAN" (Eze. 3 33) and HIS Trumpet
Sounding in various places throughout the Bible. (Please read the verses
before and after these verses to see that they warn us of this "Time
Period". Isaiah 27:13, Jeremiah 4:5, 19, 21, 6:1,17, 42:14, 51:27, Ezekiel
3:17-21, 7:14, 33:7-20, Hosea 5:8, 8:1, Joel 2:1, 5, Zephaniah 1:6,
Matthew 24:31, and I Corinthians 15:52 to name but a few warning verses
that happen to mention the Trumpet warnings at all. There are many more
that just mention the pending destruction without Trumpet warnings.)
What I AM trying to get across here is there is no stopping this
freight train of the Bible Prophecy's forward progress. WE just have to
decide if WE want to hop on this freight train or if WE want to be rolled
over by this same freight train.
Therefore, in order to bring the "Kingdoms of Earth" into compliance
with the "Kingdom of HEAVEN, as the "Time of the GENTILES"
(Romans 11:25 "Age of GRACE", "Church Age") comes to a close:
Hear YE***Hear Ye***Hear Ye
A Royal Decree from KING and PRIEST
This DECREE is for the whole of the MELCHIZEDEK ORDER
especially concerning the PEOPLE and "Powers of (self appointed)
Authorities" seen or unseen, on Planet Earth. There will be no
exceptions granted this DECREE since WE are past deadline.
It is therefore retroactive back to the "Day of Atonement" which fell
on the 09th of October 2000.
reads as follows:
On 09th of October 2000 (the Day of Atonement), the Name
"Monday" will be stricken from the calendar but the number shall stay the
same advancing Tuesday and each subsequent Day forward by one day.
Tuesday, now becomes the 09th of October, 2000. All activities associated
with certain "Days of the Week" will advance as well. Those of YOU meeting
for Church on Sunday, will continue to meet, as before on Sunday. Those
of YOU who were before meeting on Saturday, which is now Sunday, will now
meet on Sunday, which is now, the "7th Day Sabbath". Any other form of
Religion, holding any other day other then the "7th Day Sabbath" as their
day of worship is expected to comply as well, in keeping the "7th Day
Sabbath" above reproach.
Those going to work on Monday the 09th of October, 2000 will start
this particular work week on Tuesday which has become the 09th of October,
2000, and will begin each subsequent work week on Monday, which is now and
forever, the "First Day of the Week".
All BEINGS of the MELCHIZEDEK ORDER and Orders otherwise under the
MELCHIZEDEK ORDER, which excludes no BEING, are required to comply. This
includes "Calendars" in YOUR "Household", "Place of Worship", "Schools and
Universities", and "Places of Business", and wherever else YOU have
INDIVIDUAL authority over, and "Theocracy" is allowed to thrive.
So it is DECREED, so it is done. Amen and So Be It.
See Illustrations Below to Better Grasp Concepts
Characteristics of "Kingdoms of Earth"
Sunday | Monday | Tuesday |
Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday
1st Day | 2nd Day | 3rd Day | 4th Day
| 5th Day | 6th Day | TRUE 7th Day Sabbath |
False Sabbath | 2nd Day |
3rd Day | 4th Day | 5th Day | TRUE
Preparation Dayburied in Work Week | Used for Preparation Dayfor false 1st Day Worship
2nd Dayof Weekend | 1st
Day | 2nd Work Day | 3rd Work Day
| 4th WorkDay | 5th
WorkDay | False Beginning to Weekend |
Transition of "Kingdoms of Earth" into
"Kingdoms of HEAVEN"
This Past...October 2000 (6000 MT)
Sunday | Monday Tuesday |
Tuesday Wednesday | Wednesday Thursday |
Thursday Friday | Friday Saturday |
Saturday Sunday |
1st Day | 2nd Day |
3rd Day | 4th Day |
5th Day | 6th Day |
TRUE 7th Day Sabbath |
8 | 9
Day of A TONE MENT |
10 | 11 |
12 | 13 |
14 |
15 | 16
17 | 18 |
19 | 20 | 21 |
Mark of the BEAST |
2nd Work Day | 3rd Work Day | 4th Work Day
| 5th WorkDay | 6th
WorkDay | SEAL of GOD |
Characteristics of"Kingdoms of
HEAVEN"(After "9 October
2000" The Name Monday Was Stricken From Calendar
For That Day Only)
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday |
Thursday | Friday | Saturday
| Sunday |
1st Day | 2nd Day | 3rd Day | 4th Day
| 5th Day | 6th Day | TRUE 7th Day Sabbath |
1st Day ofTRUEWork Week
| 2nd Day |
3rd Day | 4th Day | 5th Day | TRUE
PreparationDay off at Beginning of Weekend | Allows for keepingof TRUE7th Day
1st Work Day | 2nd Work Day | 3rd Work Day
| 4th WorkDay | 5th
WorkDay | TRUE Beginning to Weekend | 2nd
Day of Weekend |
Now Let US put a Calendar Month to it and try it on for
November 2000
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday |
Thursday | Friday | Saturday
| Sunday |
1 |
2 | 3 | 4 |
5 | 6 |
7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
11 |
12 | 13
14 | 15 |
16 |
17 | 18 |
19 | 20 | 21
| 22 | 23
| 24 |
25 |
26 | 27
| 28
| 29 | 30
| PreparationDay |
7th DaySabbath |
I wish I could tell YOU that is all there is to this story and the
case is closed, but I can not do that at this point and time. WE have to
take a closer look at Matthew 24:14.
Matthew 24:14 And this Gospel of the "Kingdom" shall be preached
in all the world for a witness unto all Nations: and the end shall come.
I assure YOU, WE have all been working way to hard at trying to convert
the whole World to OUR particular spin on the various Bible doctrines that
are out there. Please allow ME to add MY particular spin to this
particular verse.
And this Gospel of how to establish the
"Kingdom of HEAVEN" in the physical realm, shall be preached
in all the world [via the Internet (Published Mark 13:10)]
for a witness unto all Nations (WE have been aimed at the wrong
BEINGS all along. It is not the PEOPLE but rather the Nations (Matt.
28:19) or "Demonic Angelic Realm" that should be baptized in JESUS and
OUR target for letting Them know WE are on to Their Schemes, and WE are
tired of it.), and then the end will come.
It is that simple and I do not know how I can make it any plainer
than the nose on your face. By the Angelic Realm purposely having the Earthly Kingdoms
misconfigured to Their deceptive ways, GOD only knows how many untold
millions of quadrillions of BLESSINGS WE (MANKIND) have missed out on from
the vast wealth of HEAVENS untapped resources. These Angels are not any
Friends of OURS, and WE are only hurting OURSELVES by delaying longer this action
any longer.
Cancel Those Plagues
Change Those Calendars
Political and Religiously
Across the Board
Look all YOU want Mrs. Lot! With the Calendars changed, and all of US
meeting on the "7th Day Sabbath" for TRUE WORSHIP, the
"Curse" is gone. YOU are standing right on top of it not longing to return
to the "World of Sin", because WE have tread down the
"Wickedness". It is under the "Soles of YOUR feet"
(Micah 7:19 NASB; Malachi 4:2-6). YOU are standing right on top of it.
Hopefully without the use of OUR Nuclear Arsenal. [(Malachi 4:1-6) Did I tell
YOU Elijah, "Choose this day whom YOU will serve!" (Joshua 24:15) type of message, is one of
MY middle names? 1 Kings 18:24]
King and Priest Nick E. Melchizedek
This having been done, Solution Number 1 is history
(completed). Case closed, and H.Q. PUBLIC is ready to implement
Solution # 2 into action. By doing this, Sunday is now the 7th Day
Sabbath. Christendom is at least on the same page as OUR CREATOR, along with the Jewish Faith, the Seventh
Day Baptist, the Seventh Day Adventist, and many others I may not
have mentioned. Of course, these FAITHS, will not have made
the change because these Religions kept the "7th Day Sabbath" once They
realized the importance of this date.
The King of Peace (Hebrews 7:2) has this offer to make with MANKIND of
Planet Earth. [Lucifer, stand fast and be quiet. WE need to see if
THEY want to unlock You from Your cage before JESUS gets here with the
duplicate set of Keys I brought with ME ("Acceptance" or "Rejection" of
"Knowledge of the TRUTH"). Personally, I prefer THEY wait
for JESUS. Either way, Your keys are now in THEIR hands and You will have
Your answer soon enough. The answer is a resounding NO
should THEY all be attending THEIR own churches on "Sunday, the '7th Day
Sabbath'". If that be the case, You (Satan) will just have to wait for
JESUS, when HE deems reasonable, to give You Your "Powers of Lying
Wonders (Fire from the Sky. Rev 13:15-15)" back.]
If this is implemented across the board, Religious and
Politically (Two Horns of Revelations 13:11), no questions asked (from GOD
concerning YOUR past behavior), the rest of Revelations WOULD BE TOTALLY
return of JESUS. WE would have a whole "AGE" with JESUS to
work the bugs out, PEACEFULLY, across a table instead of
across a battle field. The (terribly mistranslated) Bible needs to be
re-written anyway and this PRIESTHOOD will be more then happy to
That is the deal PEOPLE. There will be no "Mark of the Beast"
(Keeping of the first day of the week holy.), no "Plagues" (Retribution
for claims Satan has upon his people that refuse to become CHRISTS.), and
especially NO "Lake of the Fire" (MANKIND'S suicidal retribution for
knowingly taking the wrong road.). (To see how this can be accomplished,
please, just read on.)
YOU might think, JESUS would never allow this to happen. The
problem here is, WE are not dealing with JESUS anymore. The "BLOOD" of
JESUS is worthless "without repentance" and especially after
the "Close of the Age of GRACE" (Time of the GENTILES). HE
will be leaving when the "HOLY SPIRIT" departs after the "LATTER RAINS"
which "MARKS a Point In History" when all that are going to repent,
have repented. Those that did not repent threw HIM out by THEIR collective
insubordination to HIS AUTHORITY. When that happens, those non-repentant
will be dealing directly with Satan (Old Nick) and his host of Angels,
verses these writings (Daniel 12:44) of King and Priest Melchizedek (St.
Nick). It is simply MY job to make sure YOU understand who is conducting
this transaction [Not "GOD"] and when [After the "LATTER
RAINS"]. Therefore, knock YOURSELVES out but let US get on with LIFE, so
WE can get out of this "Time Dispensation Period" and back into ETERNITY
where WE all belong. Things are better there.
King and Priest Melchizedek has spoken, so let it be.
OUR Jewish FRIENDS might raise a few eyebrows, but OUR Demonic
Angelic Friends, would be furious (Rev. 11:18). PEOPLE, They are already
MAD! and always have been. It is just that the HOLY SPIRIT (JESUS
working ahead of US in the future of "Time") has been around keeping the
Demonic Angelic Realm in check. This can not last forever, JESUS wants to
get back here working with US in the present, face to face. I assure YOU,
it is because of this fury, the Demonic Angelic Realm feels for US, that
it would be most advantageous, for US to implement Solution # 2 To
The LATTER RAINS that, much more quickly.
Now, that WE are at least, on the same page, as OUR CREATOR, wouldn't
it, be nice, if WE were reading and understanding the same language, as
OUR CREATOR. Solution # 2 deals with teaching US all the same
language, as OUR CREATOR, in an instant, just as it was taken away from
US (Genesis 11:5-9) by the lord Satan, the "Father of Confusion" (1 Corin. 14:33). WE
might be on the same page but little good does it do if WE still do not
speak (or read) the same language.
However, by now, small miracles should be happening in a few of the
smaller Denominations that already make Solutions # 2 a part of THEIR
regular "Worship Service". That would make, the implication of Solution
# 2, that much more self-evident, if all Denominations, as a whole,
after hearing of, if not seeing first hand, these miracles, made the same,
necessary changes, at least, in the united States. The Red Carpet
(Welcome Mat) is on the tarmac, but, it is not rolled out yet.
Sorry Solution # 1 must be completed before Solution #
2 is revealed. One step at a time. (Read YOUR Bible. It, at least, tells
YOU that, anyway. "Lamp before MY feet." Psalm 119:105)
So Solution # 1 inconveniences US a tidbit. What, with new
calendars being printed, computer programs changed, a few up grades ordered,
a few appointments changed. Possibly one four day work week. Television
programming changed, "Court Cases" having to have continuances filed so
the "Names and the Dates" line up. One Nuclear Holocaust having
to be canceled. Nothing that does not have to be done, any other given day
of the week. This is just, on a grander scale. I assure YOU, Y2K, was
but a prelude, to what actually could transpire, should WE not take this
scenario, just as serious, if not more serious.
Once again, I AM "not" here to see that these items are
out to the minutest, of details. YOU are in a "Time Dispensation Period"
where, [Until "ETERNITY" is transposed literally on top
of this Great Planet (and "Change" is no more) where WE become "ALL in
ALL".] nothing is REAL. If YOU want to start over from
scratch under "Prehistoric Conditions" by "blowing" everything YOU do have
"Here and Now", to "SMITHEREENS", including YOUR BABIES, that is "not MY
problem". It might make ME out to be "GOD'S most 'UNPROFITABLE SERVANT'
by telling YOU just how bad PRIDE (sin 2 Timothy 3:2-9) is but it is still "not MY
I told YOU:
:"What is going to happen." (The "brightness" of JESUS' "2nd
Coming" is nothing more then MANMADE Nuclear Holocaust.)
:"When it is going to happen." (WE, MANKIND, unload everything WE
have upon JESUS, at the "Return of JESUS".)
:"How it is going to happen." (By deceived MANKIND turning Keys
and pushing buttons at Satan's command.)
:"Why it is going to happen." [WHO is this LORD that I (Pharaoh, A
Nation) should obey HIS voice....(Exodus 5:2 before the Plagues and loss
of FIRSTBORN) to let (SPIRITUAL) ISRAEL go so THEY can keep the
"Commandments of GOD" which includes keeping the TRUE
:"How to prevent it from happening." (Repent from the
"Transgression of the Law" (1 John 3:4) before the "Age of the GENTILES" comes to a
close. This is when, "Probation for the GENTILES" closes as well.)
Yet, according to the Bible (That is but a "Book", that still has
yet to unfold, that needs desparately to be rewritten, which this MELCHIZEDEK
PRIESTHOOD will gladly do, and have already started.), YOU still let all this
happen. What more can I do? What more can I say?
[Yeah, I confess, as a King and Priest of the MELCHIZEDEK ORDER, that is
part of MY (YOUR) KINGDOM too.] I AM just here, to keep HIS HOLY NAME, out
of all this muck and mire, being stooped upon each of US, knowingly, and
possibly, unknowingly, on a daily basis, in JESUS' NAME no less. [Human
dung GOD'S CHILDREN (SPIRITUAL ISREAL) are having slammed down their
throats in the name of religion from the pulpit no less. (Isa 28:7, Ezek.
4:12-13, & Acts 20:30)] I AM just here, with
"MEAT" to eat (Matthew 24:45), so that each of YOU, know "WHY", what ever
happens, is happening. Also, so YOU know, by Whom these destructive acts
are being caused (by MANKIND and Satan) to unfold this way. I have to
explain all this before it transpires, or else, I have an insurmountable
amount of damage control, I will have to deal with if I wait till after,
it all takes place. More work for ME now means a whole lot less work for
ME later. It is that simple.
There Was a War in EDEN?
Here is the bottom line. Presently, MANKIND, is doing, as WE please.
The battle, for superiority, is still raging from the "Garden of Eden".
However, the Lord (notice: lower case) Who, is in contention for
dominance, is not JESUS, but rather Satan. WE have been played the
fool, all along, and WE cannot figure out Who, keeps putting the knife
in OUR back.
[Listen, I usually do not do this, but presently, there is no
denomination, that teaches this principle, that I know of (because they
want to keep YOU in bondage to themselves), so, here I go: A Bible study with
Take notice: In Genesis, Chapter one, OUR CREATOR, gave US, every
tree to eat, and no boundaries (garden). (Genesis 1:28 & 29). This
is OUR CREATOR’S rendition, of Creation Week, with Chapter 2 of Genesis
starting before, the creation of the Sabbath, instead of, after the 7th
Day Sabbath. (In MELCHIZEDEK’S BIBLE Chapter 2 starts at Genesis
From Genesis 2:4-25 is the rendition of Creation Week from a
Being (Satan) that manifests Himself looking like JESUS and sounding like
JESUS, but is not JESUS. (Continued after [ brackets.]) [Key: (Try the
SPIRITS whether They be of GOD) Whoa, in the beginning of GENESIS WE
already have an impostor god. WHOA!!! There’s a Revelation, right out of
the "Book of Revelations". Now, if this is supposed to happen, at
the end
of one of those AGES Revelations talks about, why couldn’t it have
already happened, at the beginning of MANKIND’S physical
existence, as well? Very Good!!! Read on.]
Is Genesis 2, the character of a kind, caring, compassionate, tender,
loving creator type god? I don’t think so! ! ! WE have the beginning,
of a 6000 year long Tyranny of Demonic Angels.
Eat, Drink and Do What?
Having said that, let's review what WE know. OUR CREATOR, in Genesis
Chapter 1 basically gave US total run of the planet. WE were told there
were no restrictions upon the fruit bearing trees for food (Gen. 1:28 &
29), and to have intercourse (Mutual involvement SPIRITUALLY, mentally, physically, and verbally) with each
other (Husband Adam and Wife Eve). After all, WE were, at this point,
EVE Had a Credit Card? SHE Did What?
With "Act 2" comes the impostor god. (Notice it goes from GOD
(Genesis 1:1-2:4) to LORD God (Genesis 2:4-3:23) and then to just LORD
(Genesis 4:4) He looks and sounds like the CREATOR except He comes with an
attitude and He has a few tricks up His sleeve. Mainly, WE are now, locked
in a cage (garden) because of Satan, with a small test, to see if WE are on
OUR toes. JESUS, already had given EVE a limitless, payment free, credit card
when, some "Being" tried to take it away. BIG MISTAKE Satan. Guess what MEN;
EVE passed the test. Thank JESUS, SHE, came back and got ADAM.
Can YOU imagine, WOMAN, with Satan, in HER back pocket. (Yes, I
AM sure, that is not the case, presently.) For a brief period of time, it
was that way. SHE beat Satan at His own game (not ashamed), until SHE
thought SHE had to bring ADAM in on the deal. What was
SHE thinking? EVE took the CREATOR'S WORD over Satan's, but
it was short lived, when it came to converting ADAM, to HER re-established
freedoms. (Freedom = Not the right to do what WE want, but rather, "the
POWER to do what WE OUGHT". Institute in Basic YOUTH Conflicts
A seared conscience no longer has the ability to differentiate between
"Right and Wrong". In other words, The seared conscience no longer has
the "Freedom to Choose that which WE ought". A seared conscience thinks a
"Single Celled Ameba" created all this beauty and wonder.)
There are many tangents here to consider, but only one scenario
transpired. Where would WE, be if just ADAM had to wear the fig leaf? If
EVE would still be walking around with HER pit bull dog, Satan. Which SEX
has made the other SEX'S life, a living hell? Where would WE be, had EVE,
actually converted ADAM? The possibilities are endless, but again, only one
scenario transpired. That, is the only one, WE need be concerned with.
However, not at this time. I can more easily run through this "Bible
Study" a lot better verbally, then with pen and ink, any given day.
- However, I will give YOU some of the key points here. They
1.) It was the "Tree of Knowledge" of "GOOD and Evil". WE did not
die from touching this fruit, or from even eating this fruit, but from
being arbitrarily cut off from the "Tree of LIFE". The punishment
was not, "If YOU eat this fruit, YOU will be cut off, from the "Tree
of LIFE". The two events were totally unrelated to each other.
EVE caught Satan in a lie. His authority (over US) was challenged and
found to be false. Satan therefore had to find another way to re-establish
His "pseudo authority" over US. He somehow, someway, had to destroy US,
indirectly. To murder US outright would have ended the "Game" way to
soon with nothing proved either way. The medium He found was death by
forcefully separating US from the "Tree of LIFE".
2.) JESUS, not being the author of confusion, had to, come back in a
form, other then another human BEING, to reiterate, what OUR CREATOR,
originally told THEM, in the first place. I, MELCHIZEDEK, AM here,
presently, to clear up this confusion as a human BEING, and also, to
reiterate, what OUR CREATOR, originally told THEM, in the first
3.) EVE ate the fruit in full Confidence (of GOOD), knowing it
was GOOD (There is nothing wrong with this fruit.), filled with JOY, and it,
had no effect upon HER, what-so-ever. ADAM, on the other hand, ate it
(Not having the "Knowledge of TRUTH") out of confidence in
Evil, full of fear, and MANKIND has not stopped running every
4.) This may have been the first time a SERPENT was raised off
the ground to save a race of PEOPLE but, it was not the last. (See
Numbers 21:8-9)
5.) Satan sacrificed the first animals for skins for ADAM and EVE
to wear, in order to hide, THEIR shame. This in turn, started the
false "Animal Sacrificial System" (Isaiah 1:11-12) which ultimately cost
JESUS HIS LIFE. Secondly, shame, is a trait of the Demonic Angelic's thought
process, and not of, the "Courts of HEAVEN". Along those same lines, keep this
in mind. The LIGHT WE reflect, for what WE did for OUR
CREATOR’S sake in "Time" is OUR GLORY, that hides OUR shame, in
the "Courts of HEAVEN". GLORY is the opposite of shame!
6.) Satan, does not think much of MANKIND as gathered from His
conversation with US in Genesis Chapter 3:8-24. Is this the attitude of a Kind,
Caring, Tender, Compassionate "CREATOR"? I assure YOU, JESUS and Satan are
in contrast, 180 degrees out of sync with each other.
- X-ray Vision
There are just all kinds of fruit yet to be gathered from properly
studying OUR Bibles. I will leave YOU with some "Bible X-ray Vision"
Glasses to wear when reading the Bible before WE move on. They are:
1.)If the miracle is creative, blessing, life giving, and of a truthful
nature, the LORD, is JESUS.
2.)If on the other hand, a curse is being pronounced, destruction is
taking place, a lie is being told, death is involved, then that Lord, is
of the "Demonic Angelic Realm". For example, in Exodus 12:23, the Lord
JESUS stood in front of the door and blocked the destroyer (Satan) from
coming into the house. See also Exodus 19:16-24 and see if YOU can pick
out the two lords in those verses. (Hint, JESUS is on top of the
mountain, not producing the fireworks, Who is already there.) More
often then not, in the Old Testament, the Lord being spoken of, is
usually Satan. Lot’s WIFE, WHO looked back, had SHE lived, would have
blown the destroying "Angels (Satan)" cover way to early, and the game
would have been over, without achieving desired objective. Try the SPIRITS,
see whether they are of the "SPIRIT of LOVE"? For practice, try and locate
the double AGENTS, of the Old Testament, using this technique. What
percentage of THEIR work, was for each side?
YOU Call That TRUTH?
TRUTH is quite strange indeed. It is simply a
matter of how deep YOU want to delve. I assure YOU, I have not even
scratched the surface of TRUTH yet. That is not MY intention
what-so-ever. Whether YOU believe MY rendition of TRUTH, or not,
is irrelevant. There is a bigger issue, at stake here. It is how WE fair
with the bigger issue at hand, that is still only MY Secondary
concern. MY Secondary concern is keeping MANKIND, as a whole, out of the
grasp of Satan and His host of Angels.
MY Primary concern, is still intact, as long as YOU trust, in
OUR CREATOR, in that [which ever way WE force HIM to take US (despite
what happens to US)], HE still has OUR best interest at HEART, no matter
what happens. If that is the case, then all is fine and well with MY
Primary concern. There is more at stake here, by far, then just keeping
a silly 24 hour "Period of Time" (that starts at sunset on the 6th day)
HOLY. Also, Solution # 1 is but an appetizer. The Solutions
order is; GOOD, BETTER, and BEST. However, MY best works were written in
times past, which, I will share with YOU along the way. That is not to say,
Solution # 2, and Solution # 3, have anything lacking. YOU
need, all I have to offer, to get the whole picture. (PEOPLE, read on. It was
planned this way, as YOU will be able to ascertain, but only as YOU
continue, to read on.)
Do the Math
Stop. Halt. Wait a minute. Let's do the math. According to MY
FRIEND, E.W. Bullinger, and "Appendix 50" of HIS COMPANION Bible,
ADAM was created 4004 BC without a zero year between BC and AD. With
JESUS being baptized in the beginning of HIS 30 year, or 27 A.D., that
makes, the year 2000, actually the "6 thousandth year" for MANKIND’S
existence, in the physical realm. Happy "Six thousandth" Birthday
MANKIND, but more importantly:
WELCOME To Earth's Sabbatical
better known as
I, KING and PRIEST Melchizedek, the "FATHER of CIVILIZATION"....
Okay, let ME take a "Time Out" here to explain this a little better.
YOU see, I Blessed Abram before HE (Abraham) was the
"Father of many Nations". CIVILIZATION is simply living together as a
NATION, in "Peace and Righteousness" (HARMONY) with ONE another. It works
best if WE "ALL" thought of each of YOUR NEIGHBORS as if THEY were
JESUS. However, without a "Standardized Version of Righteousness" WE would
have what WE determine to be various acceptable, "degrees" of "Crime and
Corruption" to contend with, based upon how much money WE thought each of
OUR different neighbors might have. Each, of which, these various
"degrees", would disrupt OUR "PEACE and Tranquillity" till it can no
longer be tolerated. Then, the vicious cycle would start all over again
where a new set of "Rules and Regulations" are once again, put into place.
The bottom line being, I AM simply here to get just ONE
NATION up and running. With that NATION being the
be CREATED) KINGDOM of HEAVEN" in the physical realm.
This "KINGDOM (ALL CAPS) comes complete with Angels and MANKIND
(new KID on the block) coexisting PEACEFULLY side by side
each other. PEOPLE, WE are going to PEACEFULLY coexist with
OUR "Angelic Counterparts" but only if WE are MAN enough to put the "Angelic
Realm" in Their place with "PEACE and
RIGHTEOUSNESS" as OUR weapons of "LOVE".
Simply put, They have no claims upon US and therefore can not
touch US if WE are RIGHTEOUS, but only if WE quite
YOU do not have to take MY WORD for this. It is repeatedly taught over and
over again by "first hand" experience in this pre-CHRIST "State of
Existence" in a series of "Time Dispensation Periods", brought about by
"GOD'S Infinite Wisdom". The only thing WE can do is "Learn from the
Experience" and 1). Quit "TRANSGRESSING the LAW" or 2).
"Not Learn from the Experience" and continue to Take it to a higher level
on this physical "Playing Field" where the consequences simply get more sever.
Did I tell YOU, JESUS, patterned "HIS" Ministry after MY Ministry?
Needless to say, I AM back, alive and well. Having said that, I AM
still only back here, to show YOU how to roll out the WELCOME MAT for
JESUS, the CHRIST, of WHOM, I AM not worthy to so much as lace and tie HIS
shoes. HE TRULY is the KING of KINGS and
LORD of LORDS. One way or another, HE is coming back. So
MANKIND, are YOU ready to listen? WE have some work to do, and a short
time to do it in.
Who's the Boss?
Before WE begin, I have just a few questions for each of YOU. The first
"Who is in charge? JESUS, Satan, or MANKIND?"
"I can not hear YOU! MANKIND."
"I AM sorry, MANKIND, that was a trick question. I did not
specify whether I was referring to the 'Kingdom of HEAVEN', or 'Planet
Earth'. Let ME ask YOU again, WHO is in charge of 'HEAVEN'?"
"Thank YOU, my fellow MANKIND, and in that, YOU are right.
Let ME rephrase the question concerning 'Planet Earth'. WHO is not
in charge of this Tyrant run, 'Planet Earth'?"
"JESUS, YOUR ROYAL PRIESTHOOD, SIR, is not in charge of
this Tyrant run, 'Planet Earth'!"
YOU Don't Say?
"Thank YOU again, MANKIND. Once again, YOU are right. JESUS is not in
charge, of 'Planet Earth'."
"Next question, MY fellow, MANKIND. Tell ME, do YOU want
JESUS in charge, of 'Planet Earth', as 'KING of KINGS', AND 'LORD of
"Thank YOU, MY fellow MANKIND. However, I can not hear YOU!
I will ask YOU, once again, 'Do YOU want JESUS, in charge, of YOUR LIFE'?"
Deathly Silence.
(GOD, JESUS, YOU ARE such a hard sell.) "Okay MANKIND, I
AM going to make this real simple, for each of YOU, once again. WE have
already established JESUS, is in charge of 'HEAVEN'. That HE is. Now let
US establish, WHO is in charge of the other realms, of OUR existence.
Those other realms are, 'Planet Earth', and OUR 'Very OWN LIFE', which OUR
CREATOR, gave US both. Now let ME ask YOU, 'Who, by default, is in charge,
of Planet Earth'?"
The choices are still the same. "JESUS, Satan, or
"Yes, Satan, by default, is directly, in charge, of the
happenings here on 'Planet Earth', as much as He can be. However, Satan
has a few guidelines He has to abide by, if He does not want the CREATOR to
intercede, revealing HIMSELF, in the process. For example, killing certain
PEOPLE, so HE has to raise certain PEOPLE, from the dead. But, for the most
part, Satan, rules this 'Planet'."
De-Throne WHO?
The next question, asks, "Who is in charge of the
decisions YOU make? Who is in charge of 'YOUR LIFE'?" (Do not answer till
YOU have heard this.)
Individually, that might be a split decision, with reference to where
YOU are at with YOUR particular faith. Again, I AM going to make this simple,
for each of YOU, to correctly answer. First off though, can JESUS be in
charge, of "HEAVEN", "Earth", and "YOU"? collectively? The answer is YES,
and until that happens, HE is not "KING of KINGS" or "LORD
of LORDS". When SOMEONE else asserts THEIR own authority over so much as
THEMSELVES; above HIS AUTHORITY, THEY in turn, make THEMSELVES, their own
"lord", dethroning JESUS in that area of responsibility.
Along those same lines, if YOU have a "Landlord", and like
the place YOU are renting from that "Landlord", YOU pretty much have to do
as YOUR "Landlord" tells YOU, or YOU will be finding YOURSELF a new
"Landlord". If YOU do not obey YOUR "Landlord's" requests (by appropriate
actions), YOU will soon be out on the street looking for, a new
"Landlord", by, once again, YOUR actions. Remember, WE cast OUR vote, by OUR
actions. Now.... knowing.... in order for JESUS, to be, OUR "LORD"; WE
first have to hear what HE says ("If YOU LOVE ME, 'Keep MY
COMMANDMENTS'"), and then, obey HIM, "By OUR actions ('Which includes but
is not limited to, "Keeping the 7th Day Sabbath".')". Therefore, "As
Determined by OUR Actions", WHO is not presently, in
charge of YOUR "LIFE"? Sure, there may be a few of US, WHO can still
answer "Based upon OUR 'Actions', Satan is not (JESUS is) presently in
charge of MY LIFE.", but for the most of US, that narrows the field down,
Look Through This Keyhole
Granted, for the most of US, JESUS is presently, probably,
not in charge of OUR "Actions", but, that still leaves 2 choices. There
is still OURSELVES, and Satan. Let ME bring out another point, I touched
upon earlier. MANKIND is neutral in this scenario, in the fact, WE are not
ALL-KNOWING, EVER-PRESENT, and have a very limited access, to the
"SPIRITUAL" realm. That, says nothing about the fact, WE are looking at
the physical realm, through a keyhole, at best. In fact, the best education,
can only
teach US where all the resources are, and the best way, to access them
quickly and proficiently. The sooner WE realize, "The more WE know, the
more WE do not know.", the more, WE will get out of, the limited education, WE
have access to. Therefore, with MANKIND’S limited access to REAL information,
are WE REALLY a viable CANDIDATE for maneuvering "this BODY", through the
annals of "Time"?
Think about it! I assure YOU, WE only have access to,
practically useless information, concerning US, actually navigating
OURSELVES, through ETERNITY. The one bit, of useful information, WE have,
dealing with OUR
ETERNAL destiny, is to totally depend upon some BEING called JESUS.
Trust JESUS. Have faith
in JESUS. There are no instructions, what-so-ever, concerning US, piloting OUR
own Body, WE simply inhabit, through the annals of "Time", much less
"ETERNITY". Therefore, is MANKIND, WHO does not know anything, a VIABLE
contender, for LORDSHIP of this magnificent VEHICLE, which WE, simply,
inhabit, but did not build.
As much as WE would like to think WE are, "WE are not in
contention in this race for that position at this point in Time." The
choices therefore are narrowed down between JESUS and SATAN, for
simplicity sake. At best, MANKIND, can chose between the two, and not
choosing, puts US with the default setting, of Satan. Now, once again, as
determined "By YOUR Actions", Who, is most likely, presently, in charge of
YOUR life?
Do I have YOUR attention yet? Have YOU figured OUT, why,
I AM here, presently. I assure YOU, everything, is totally taken care of.
Listen, the "KINGSHIP", and "KINGDOM of JESUS", the CHRIST, is more then
ever, at hand. We are not, talking about something, in the future. It has
always been "Here and Now", with JESUS, even before HIS Ascension. It is
here, and simply, OURS to claim. Let’s get back to Solution # 1, now
that WE know, what it is, and what it entails (7th Day Sabbath
Keeping with its "TRUE" Preparation Day) . It is all
about, WHO, WE are going to listen to, and support, "By OUR Appropriate
Let ME tell YOU what YOU do not want to do. It is a far
better choice, to collectively give a "Demented Angel", a cold slap in the
face, then to give OUR REDEEMER that same, cold slap in the face. Presently,
those of YOU proclaiming a "pseudo faith", might at best, cause the
"SPIRIT of LOVE", to wink at US, during this the "Age of Grace". The
downside, of having a winking CREATOR, is that every time HE winks, OUR
children, are being terrorized, by other CHILDREN in the schools WE
kicked GOD out of. DO WE, really want, OUR CREATOR, going around with
HIS eyes closed, even momentarily? I assure YOU the "Ink is flying" and HE
is not winking at OUR blatant disregard for HIS "Code of Ethics".
Another Oxymoron
To MY "Fundamentalist FRIENDS", I write. Let US make sure WE
get off on the right foot here together. I operate very deeply in the
"World of SPIRITUAL Knowledge". There is not enough "Time" to tell YOU
even a small percentage of the intricate details of everything that goes
on "Behind the Scenes". Each paragraph I write would be as long as
an encyclopedia, and about as interesting as a phone book. Besides,
"TRUTH Expansion" has little if anything to do with the
reasons I AM here presently (See "Menu Item" GOALS; JESUS PEACEFUL
Return, Point # 2). TRUTH has little if any meaning to a
"Concrete MIND" (all mixed up and permanently set) as WE close up ranks
and hunker down for the "One Sided" battle (2 Thes. 2:10b) that
Secondly, I do not argue "SPIRITUAL TRUTH
what-so-ever. Therefore, I have one stipulation in meeting with PEOPLE.
YOU need an open mind, willing to learn. If I sense a closed mind, the
Bible Study is over. If on the other hand YOU walk beside ME to strengthen MY
hand, that's a whole different story. MY hunger for SPIRITUAL food is
unquenchable. Do YOU know of anything else that is unquenchable, that I,
"Here and Now", AM trying to keep YOU from? MY "Fundamentalist FRIENDS"? (Matt 3:12;
Luke 3:17)
Bear in mind, I AM presently here for each and
EVERYONE'S mutual benefit. Secondly, there are a multitude of
relic souvenir "Denominations" scattered about the "Reformation Road",
plus various "Foundations", and even INDIVIDUALS that are experts in
THEIR fields, YOU will have to knock down and roll over, before YOU can
even begin to get SPIRITUALLY close to ME. MY "Time" (and Privacy) is
quite precious to ME, especially, if MY "FAMILY" is not with ME.
Therefore, if there is a "Faith" teaching a "Doctrine I know to be
TRUTH" as one of their "Pillars of Faith" which YOU think
YOU might want MY opinion on, "Be prepared, to seek out that 'Denomination'
first." I might not know all the answers, but I probably know where
to look for those answers. I just know of the various Church's different
"Doctrines" (false or otherwise) which they can better explain then I
ever could any day.
As far as MY time being precious goes, I AM not talking,
in monetary value, either. The "Kingdom of HEAVEN" has ME in shackles
and I go where ever it leads ME as well. However, exuberant amounts of
money will be spent by ME to keep ME within a (+/-) 60 mile radius of MY
FAMILY. (THEY are around this MINISTRY 24/7/365 as it is and are not
required to attend any of MY functions.) THEY do however enjoy seeing the
sights, keeping a low profile out of the spotlight, while I do MY thing
and if that can not be accomplished, I will not be there.
What the CREATOR bestows upon ME, is not mine for "Capital Gain"
in a "Time Dispensation Period". I own nothing (literally) that has not
already been sold "without hesitation, repeatedly" for the purchase of
that "Pearl of GREAT Price (Matthew 13:44-46)". That "Pearl of GREAT
Price" is "TRUTH". More importantly what I AM getting at is,
little good does it do
the "SPIRIT of LOVE" to have YOUR best interest at HEART; Little good does
it do for "JESUS" to have YOUR best interest at HEART; and little good
does it do for ME to also have YOUR best interest at HEART, if YOU do not
at least have a sense of some type of a "VESTED INTEREST" in YOUR own
"Best Interest" as well, concerning what is being said and done here. I
assure YOU, Satan does have His "Best Interest" at heart always, and YOU
are not His primary concern.
putting another BEINGS honor above YOUR own to the point of actually being
willing to die for those BEINGS. A RIGHTEOUS "JESUS" broke the mold. The
"CURSE" has been satisfied. With one MAN sin entered the WORLD and with
one RIGHTEOUS MAN "that died", the REQUIREMENT for the "SOUL" that sinned
was satisfied. (Romans 5:14-17) OUR "Covenant with death" has been annulled
totally and completely by this one Act. (Isaiah 28:14-22) GOD'S strange act is the
Act of "Breaking a COVENANT", but, not just any "COVENANT", however, HE
is breaking OUR "COVENANT" WE had ("It is Finished." John 19:30) with "death". PEOPLE
this is a done deal.
I'll Take the GOATS
Here is the problem PEOPLE. JESUS got the unrighteous that
became "RIGHTEOUS" and THEY [Because THEY CREATE food for each other's
benefit (Let's not get selfish here.) having a form of GODLINESS and
NOT denying the POWER thereof.(2 Timothy 3:5)
Remember, WE
could care less what happens to OURSELVES. CHIVALRY] will not suffer from
the "Mark of the Beast", the "Plagues", or the "Lake of the Fire".
However, WE still have the "unrighteous" that because of THEIR deception
(which is a GODSEND), stay unrighteous. That is where I come into the
picture [and probably why the MELCHIZEDEK ORDER is called the MELCHIZEDEK
ORDER. (I do not have the foggiest idea.) HE does not tell ME everything
either!]. I simply ask "What are WE to do about the non-REPENTANT
As "Solution # 3 To The LATTER RAINS" tells YOU
(if WE get that far): "PEOPLE" are MY "TREASURES" in this yet to be manned
(literally) "COLOSSAL KINGDOM of HEAVEN". I will stop at
nothing making sure "ALL" are present and accounted for
(Done) insuring "Death does not have a Victory". The next step is for
each of these "BEINGS" to be "Brightly Shining" as the
"SON JESUS" from the "GLORY" that dwells
within US which hides OUR shame (Matt. 5:19). (There are no clothes in
ETERNITY. Daniel 12:3) The object here is to RADIATE as much of the
"GLORY (SPIRIT of LOVE/LIGHT) that dwells within US as WE
possibly can. This is accomplished "ONE" of two ways. Through the working
of the "HOLY SPIRIT" [Matt. 5:19b (preferred way)] or WE can subject
OURSELVES to the "Scrubbing Action" of the "Brimstone (Sulfur)" in
the (MANMADE NUCLEAR) "Lake of the Fire" to remove that tarnish (SIN) that
blocks the LIGHT that so richly dwells within each of US
(Matt. 5:19a).
The problem being, I do not have "Confirmation from ABOVE"
that the "BRIMSTONE" method is 100% successful. After all, WE only
have so many "Nuclear Warheads" and there is a tremendous amount
of tarnish to clean up. There is a limit to how much "SIN" each "Nuclear
Warhead" can clean up. Just be it known, MY fundamentalist FRIENDS, "If
WE end up on the receiving end of the Nuclear Holocaust", somewhere in
"Times" past, WE listened to and followed the "Council of a false Prophet"
(Jere. 5:31; 6:13; 8:10; 14:14-18; Matt. 7:15; 24:11; 24:24; Mark 13:22
but to name a few.)
who did not have OUR "Best Interests" at heart.
Relax PEOPLE! WE are NOT talking about the "End of
the World" here, by any means "What-so-ever". Can YOU jump between
consecutive running "Time Dispensation Periods" freely at will? Did YOU
even know they existed? Can YOU see beyond "Space"? Can YOU altar GOD'S
PLANS for so much as a "Grain of Sand" to become a piece of glass? Can YOU
shut down "ETERNITY"? All this (Presently, because HE can not TRUST US!)
is beyond the scope of OUR abilities. WE are simply here to actually
bringing about the establishment of the "Kingdom of HEAVEN" in the
physical realm, one step at a time. For starters, EARTH is
going to be "COMMAND CENTRAL" to PEACEFULLY run "ALL" these
different OPERATIONS from, at the same time, no less, in this yet to be
established "COLOSSAL KINGDOM OF HEAVEN" for all the rest of ETERNITY.
There is a big difference between these two extremes. The deal is, this
"World", as WE know it, does not even have to end, at the
hands of MANKIND. Remember, I AM simply here trying to prevent MANKIND
from experiencing (to participate in PERSONALLY) the "Biblical Rendition"
of what is "simply" (thus far) predicted to transpire. (See Revelations 13:2-18; 14:9b-18:3; 18:6-23.)
Busy Busy Busy
YOU will know MY "WORK" on the "Internet" is completed when all
MY Web "| TRAYS |" on MY "Home Page" are filled. Here are but a few
of the "Items" I have yet to finish up:
: Finish polishing up Solution # 1 To The LATTER
RAINS (Completed January 2001).
Stop.... MY (compilation) work is done "Here and Now". MANKIND "As a Whole"
just has to continue, as WE presently are via the "Nations of this World",
telling JESUS (by OUR actions) "WE DO NOT really LOVE HIM.
WE will NOT keep HIS silly 'Old Commandments' complete
with the "Preparation Day", as a "SIGN (SEAL of GOD)" between US and GOD
of this LOVE WE TRULY do NOT have for
HIM." (See 1 John 2:3-5; 3:22-24; 5:2-3; 2 John 1:6)
However, some of US do continuously still tell JESUS
WE TRULY do LOVE HIM, as demonstrated by OUR actions and the
"Keeping of HIS 10 Commandments". This requirement is simply a
prerequisite (Repent) in preparation for the other 2 Solutions To
The LATTER RAINS which fall upon the RIGHTEOUS. Therefore, for
those of US that do keep HIS Commandments, I must forge onward
and upward, with the rest of this INFORMATION, for those
BEINGS which do keep the "Commandments of GOD". It is just that it now
has to be on a National Level somewhere to move this process to the next
highter plain of OUR existence. YOU know, turning rocks into bread,
walking on water, raising the dead, telepathic communications and
transportation, so on and so forth.
: Reconfigure the Calendar reflecting the "MELCHIZEDEK
ORDER" to be downloaded and printed out, for posting on EVERYBODY'S
refrigerator, in time for New Years Day (Done Mid December 2000).
: Release freely JESUS' GREATEST JOY via the
Internet (Done February 04, 2001).
: For ME to finish polishing up Solution # 2 To The LATTER
RAINS, currently under "PASWORD" protection. This will be done, while
I AM waiting for Solution # 1 To The LATTER RAINS to be implemented
[Rev. 11:15-17 (in at least 2 Nations)] which too, is a done deal
(Done February 07th, 2001, Just without the password(s) removed.) Two States or
Nations with reconfigured Calendars will get the Password(s) Removed. (I
AM not talking about the false "cut and paste" European Calendar either.)
: Construct and release freely (Book by Book, as Time permits)
"MELCHIZEDEK'S Bible" via the Internet. This is a very low priority
considering WE were CREATED that GOOD and will succeed despite Satan's
best efforts to derail US. The damage has already been done and it
will probably make better "CHRISTS" out of US, not having access to
soon to this additional Information.
: Fill up | Beware of Snares | tray.
: Transferring Solution # 3 To The LATTER RAINS to
the Internet being "PASSWORD" protected, so I just have to remove the
"PASSWORD". Once Solution # 1 To The LATTER RAINS is adopted. Then
# 2 and # 3 are "Snapshot Fired" pretty much together, "at
lightning speed".
In other WORDS, once this is done, and I decide to go public there
will not be as much "time" (literally), as I presently have, to put this
Information, that is already compiled, into the "SYSTEM" (Rev. 22:12).
That is why the "INFORMATION" is presently being shoved into the "Hopper"
while I still presently have, "All the 'Time' in the World", to get this
work done.
Write It Down, Seal It UP
To the media PERSONNEL, I have a few statements to make. Tread
lightly. I have a good memory and keep in mind, I AM (if possible) taking
YOUR place in whatever "Hell", YOU think, may have been concocted (to
create for the first time). I AM "nobody" and I have repeatedly attempted
to "Resigned MY Commission" without hesitation for each of YOUR own
INDIVIDUAL'S honor. A quality rarely seen in the "Life of a Reporter".
Translated: I AM the last ONE out of whatever "Hell (Meaning hidden as
"in a grave".) there may be, and I will not forget to shut the lights off in
this particular Hell, permanently, for I know what other "HELL'S" lie ahead. However,
this SUBSTITUTION, as JESUS did for the one Hell (Grave), might not be of
much help to many of US, concerning the other HELL'S that lie ahead.
Keep in mind, YOU only feel guilty when YOUR "Radar Detector" goes off if
YOU are "Speeding" in the first place. (More Later.)
Secondly, remember, HE who is without sin, let HIM/HER throw the
first "Stone". (John 8:7) YOU have to understand, YOU are totally forgiven for YOUR
lack of understanding, in YOUR non-Christ "State of BEING". That does not
mean, there are not consequences, for YOUR (evil) actions. Also, so YOU know,
questions that the Media may want answered, will be submitted to ME, via,
sealed envelope. As Time permits, I will read them, and I may, or may not,
answer them, as I determine their pertinence to the goals I have set.
These answers will be given without acknowledgment to the PERSON
submitting the Comment, Question, or Concern.
WHO'S Heaven Is This Anyway?
Along those same lines, the same courtesy, is to be extended to MY
FAMILY (all MEMBERS) as well. I AM a quiet BEING and a deep Thinker and
Questions addressed to ME are best answered by Ink and Paper as time permits.
Just, so YOU know, there will be no response to shouted out questions, and
"Disturbing the Peace" charges may follow. Press conferences, concerning
secular issues, have no place in MY thinking. After all, everything is
experienced and processed in OUR mind upon a "SPIRITUAL" level of OUR
existence. If the media polices itself, WE will have, few problems. The
"Golden Rule" especially, applies here. Think about YOUR FAMILY (MANKIND
as a whole) and YOUR own privacy. Half of this Ministry is totally
conditional. HIS (GOD’S) action is MY, reaction. If MY CREATOR pulls one
wrong move, I AM out of here. GOING it alone. If I demand this of MY
CREATOR, what do YOU think, I demand of reporters?
Trust ME, I AM where I AM, because I walked away from MY
CREATOR simply because WE did not see things MY way. This happened
upon two occasions concerning two totally different topics. I was in
the wrong both times and repented. However, the first is where I got
MY KINGDOM and PRIESTHOOD, and the second, is where I got MY PEOPLE. I,
again, AM, the last ONE out of HELL, and I will remember to shut the lights
off for all of HIS CREATED BEINGS. That includes OUR "Demonic Angelic
Friends", and all of MANKIND, as well. In a "Time DISPENSATION PERIOD", WE
are all but Actors, and Actresses on a stage set with cameras rolling.
When the "Movie Production" is over, WE all go back home, into ETERNITY.
I assure YOU, media MEMBERS, the TRUTH is, stranger then fiction
concerning major, and minor, events in (and out of) the Bible. Therefore
media, the better, I AM treated, the more press releases, YOU might receive.
Trust ME, many of them, are already, in the hopper. Which ones get press
release, and which ones, go book form, or via other means, is yet to be
determined. Any questions? Write them down!
Getting back to Solution #1.
The bottom line is a bit more complicated then just permanently
trying to ignore a "Tree" WE are locked in a cage (garden) with,
until WE "Go bonkers with boredom (A "SPIRITUAL" deficiency condition.)".
It was a test WE were (and still are) required to pass with flying colors.
It is all about WHO WE are going to believe. OUR "CREATOR", or a
"Paranoid Demonic Angel" afraid of losing His prestigious position with a
"SPIRIT of LOVE". Satan can neither see, nor touch, this "SPIRIT of LOVE" except
through JESUS, the (first) CHRIST, WHOM, by HIMSELF, is rather busy.
In a nut shell, here is the problem. Satan knows the "SPIRIT of
LOVE". Satan knows JESUS, the embodiment of the "SPIRIT of LOVE".
The problem is Satan does not know US, MANKIND, created in GOD'S IMAGE. YOU
see, WE sound like HIM, WE even look like HIM, but WE certainly do not act
like HIM. WE do not have the CREATORS "CHARACTER", which Lucifer, and a
whole host of other, LOVE sick, LOVE deprived Angels, are looking for.
Listen, OUR "CREATOR" promised OUR Angelic Friends "SOMETHING".
going to deliver that promise, on schedule. HE said to the Angels, give
ME 7,000 years [7 Days From GOD'S Vantage Point (2 Peter 3:8). Not to
take anything away from this point being made here but rather to clarify
things a bit, "Do YOU know of anything else that took only 6 Days to
CREATE?", with a "Day of Rest" thrown in for good measure?] and You will
with ME. The "SPIRIT of LOVE" re-created, in the physical REALM.
The Angelic Realms response was "Yaaahhh aaaahhhh fine
GOD, aaahhh, just do it! We are fed up, with this love affair with air.
Aaahhh, By the way, what’s a YEAR anyway?" "Whoa JESUS, that’s a mighty long
time. How about 7,000 seconds?"
"Well, I would but, I think You want a bit more then just a
blow up rubber doll to play with! Don't You have enough dolls to play with
as it is anyway, already?"
There's a Movie Coming Out?
Have YOU got the picture yet, MANKIND? Listen, there is two ways
for this to transpire. The high road, or the low road. The hard way, or the
easy path. WE can read the book, or wait for the MOVIE (MANMADE Nuclear
Inferno) to come out as WE watch it in OUR tarnished but "TRANSLATED
BODIES". Listen, the mission is complete, when "ALL in ALL" is achieved,
and ETERNITY (1000 Years down the road) is ushered in on Planet Earth.
In ETERNITY, WE are sealed, and nothing can change. Change, is a part of
What the "King James bible" [and its "sister bibles" (ask the
TRANSLATORS that are still alive) through translation errors (outright
fraud) concerning Tradition over Translation.] fails to point out is that,
after the "Time of Tribulation (whatever YOU want to call it)" ends, the
"AGE of the AGES" is ushered in. (Check it out in the
Original Greek through Greek/English Interlinear Bibles. More
Importantly, "Why do YOU suppose Satan did not want US to know about this
AGE?") The "AGE of the AGES", is a most
of KINGS", and "LORD of LORDS" (OUR BOSS) in the physical REALM, for a
whole AGE (without end). In a nut shell, throughout the last
"Time Dispensation Period", called the "AGE of the AGES", WE
become, like the very image of OUR "CREATOR" until, as the Bible calls it,
WE become, "ALL in ALL". The "AGE of the AGES" ends when "ETERNITY",
or the "Absence of Time", is ushered in on Planet Earth, and Change
(decay) "Is No More". The chain of command will then be:
(1) : The "SPIRIT of LOVE".
(2) : ALL of "MANKIND" as CHRISTS.
(3) : And below MANKIND, OUR "Angelic Friends". Need I go on
as why this most GLORIOUS AGE is considered "Taboo" for
egotistical MANKIND?
OUR CREATORS promise to the Angels will be fulfilled through
the "Vehicle of MANKIND". There is an added bonus. OUR CREATORS vision, of
what HEAVEN was meant to be, "Will only be fulfilled when MANKIND as
CHRIST, assumes THEIR rightful role." In case YOU have not figured it out
YET, the CREATORS goal, for this particular "Series of the Ages", has been
nothing short of RE-CREATING HIMSELF in the PHYSICAL realm, on the GRANDEST of
scales. WE are talking about probably, in excess of 12 to possibly 20
billion CHRIST', counting "all" that are presently in the grave now.
(1 Timothy 2:4 WHO among YOU can thwart the WILL of GOD? 1 Timothy 4:10)
Let US have a big round of applause for OUR CREATOR, the "SPIRIT
of LOVE", in advance, for this, overwhelming accomplishment, as WE
reflect upon the immensity of this achievement.
The "SEAL" of GOD
Let US get beyond this. In the "AGE of the AGES";
WE will keep the "Seventh Day Sabbath" and it will be a delight, beyond
expression, to US. The least WE can do, right here and right now, is to
show HIM how much WE really do LOVE JESUS by making it easy for US to keep
HIS SABBATHS as a sign to HIM in this, the present "Age". That is where
Solution #1 comes into play. If MONDAY is not made, to be the
"First day of the Week", which is presently SUNDAY, the transition, will
not be made, and the majority of Lot’s Wives (MANKIND as a whole) will be
longing to return, if not outright, lost to the cause. JESUS could careless
what WE call the "7th Day SABBATH", just so long as WE keep the Seventh
Day Holy.
However, "sun worship" is still idolatry, and it carries with it, in
this "Day and Age" after the "LATTER RAINS", a much stiffer penalty then
committing adultery ever could with YOUR living Wife, or Husband.
None the less, how long would YOUR SPOUSE put up with that type of "Visual
Behavior" of not casting YOUR vote for THEM? (A Personal note: I would
rather call Sabbath the "Sabbath" and let Saturday be "Preparation Day",
which would be the "Sixth day of the Week", thereby disassociating
OURSELVES from any form of Idolatry associated with Sun Worship,
WHOSE Turn To Deal?
Moving right along, there are, bigger fish to fry. Listen, I AM going
to cut YOU some slack here. Break a few rules, if YOU will. YOU see, I AM the
easiest BEING here, by far, to deal with. Following ME, YOU have to deal
1.) The extraction of the "HOLY SPIRIT". Sayonara, Hasta
La Vista, Adios, Shalom, Bye Bye "forever". It boggles MY mind to even
attempt to think of a reason JESUS would ever have to appear once again to
US, in the "Future of TIME" as HE is now via the "HOLY SPIRIT". It is like
talking to GOD on a telephone rather the seeing HIM in PERSON.
2.) The disappointed 5 foolish VIRGINS (more later).
3.) Anti-Christ' abound. THEY have been and are
already here for the past 2000 years too numerous to even begin to number.
(Acts 20:30) That is any false doctrine (Doctrine of men = wine. See
Isa 28:1-8) or any BEING (Including the placement of OURSELVES as "lord"
of OUR lives.) that teaches anything [Human feces (Ezekiel 4:12-13) that
WE spiritually eat (believe) being fed to US from the Religious Realm.]
that is to be substituted "In Place of JESUS and / or HIS
TEACHINGS". (Rev. 18:4)
Stop, stop. Settle down! Go back to the Introduction. It is all taken care
of. I AM here for YOU. Just relax. Take it easy. Go; re-read the
INTRODUCTION as far as YOU think YOU need to. It is all taken care of!
I'll wait for YOU. By the way, anytime YOU have a problem with what
YOU are reading, always feel free to go back to Introduction and re-read
4.) The Mark of the Beast (Revere by YOUR hand "that
does the Work" or YOUR brain "that does the thinking", the (pseudo) "1st
Day of the Work Week" as the TRUE 7th Day Sabbath. Think
about it. Are YOU attending church on Monday (Melchizedek Time) the "First
Day of the Work Week"?)
5.) Some Being, playing pseudo god, with all kinds of signs
and lying wonders. (See 1 John 4:3 to only name one.)
6.) Some nasty plagues.
7.) The return of the big MAN on campus HIMSELF, JESUS,
the (first) CHRIST.
8.) The wicked "Secretly? Raptured" to a Vultures/Eagles
feeding frenzy. Are YOU sure YOU want to be in that GROUP? (More
9.) A MANMADE purification fire, that really is an
unquenchable "Lake of the Fire" here on Earth.
10.) Not to mention, if this isn't bad enough, WE still
have a "Judgment Day" to boot, after this whole mess is said and
So, WHO do YOU want to deal with here? I, Lowly Melchizedek, or
the rest of those Yahoo's (Demonic Angels) that have a totally different
agenda (Mainly, their Own best interest.) to contend with?
One Way To Prove Bible Wrong
I too, have, YOUR best interest at heart. Hear ME out. I AM the
ungodly BEINGS, best hope. The word is REPENT (TURN FROM SIN) and be baptized
by immersion, every ONE of YOU, in the NAME of JESUS CHRIST, for the
remission of SIN, and YOU shall, receive the "HOLY SPIRIT" (Acts 2:38).
That is, if HE has not already packed HIS bags and departed, yet.
By the way, MY "Secret Rapture" theorist FRIENDS, only, the wicked
are taken away, to a vulture feeding frenzy, with blood, for who knows, how
many miles (+/- 200 miles), about five feet deep. (Job. 39:30; Ezekiel
39:4, Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43, 47-50, 24:28, Luke 17:37) Considering, WE
each only, have 5 quarts of
blood in US, that’s a lot of wicked people. Trust ME, I AM trying to cut
this number down. If YOU really, want to prove the Bible wrong, this is a
good place to start. Zero wicked PEOPLE produce, zero drops of blood.
Simply put, REPENT means, listening to JESUS. JESUS and HIS WORD
are/is inseparable. That means, plain and simple, keeping HIS Day of Rest.
The Seventh Day Sabbath. I assure YOU, if YOU were stuck on an island,
with no outside influence, and all YOU had was a calendar, and a BIBLE,
YOU would be keeping, the Seventh Day Sabbath. Listen, I enjoy a little
excitement, as much as the next GUY, but let US not take it to extremes. I
have to draw the line long before it comes to boils and the gnashing of
teeth. Place YOUR bet on JESUS. HE and only HE is a sure WINNER.
Not a Good Combination
It is all about WHO are YOU going to believe (Put YOUR faith in).
JESUS and HIS 144,000 CHRISTS, WHO are able to CREATE the food YOU
will need to eat, or Satan, who enslaves YOU, in the system of slave labor,
forcing YOU to buy and sell, for YOUR daily substance. Listen, I may be the
easiest to deal with by far but, I do not have a good poker face, and MY hand,
is rather weak. "FATHER, forgive THEM, THEY know not what THEY do", will only
get YOU so far.
Scratch That One From YOUR List
If YOU are not speeding when YOUR radar detector lights up, YOU
feel no guilt. That "Guilt" has a lot to do with how much effect YOU
will feel dealing with any purification fire. WE all go through that
fiery SPIRITUAL baptism by JESUS, but, if YOU are guilt free there will be no
effect, on that particular BEING. I can plead to take YOUR place "Due to
YOUR lack of understanding", all I want, but a lot of good that will do YOU,
if YOU have pride (vs. humble), or a guilt complex, that needs to be dealt
with first. Also, because of what YOU now know about the Sabbath, since I told YOU,
WE are no longer guilt free, concerning this topic. (Keep reading.)
Talk About a Lopsided Game
Listen, GOD does not give this job to chimps. I simply took a
gamble for lives "already lost" in order to lessen the causalities.
10,000/1 odds (if even that high) is a totally unacceptable
ratio. Twenty-four BILLION possibly up to Forty BILLION to ZERO, is MY
only acceptable
ratio. That is, Angels and MANKIND combined. I was not born yesterday. I
have been around the block a time or two. I have already done, and will
continue to do, everything "In MY POWER", Behind the Scenes (and
otherwise) to save
YOUR "BODY and SOUL" on an INDIVIDUALIZED basis. This is all being done
because I AM "nobody" and each of YOU TRULY are
I have done nothing "What-So-Ever" that deserves ME the position
of this HONOR GOD has bestowed upon ME. Therefore, that includes, but is
not limited to ME resigning, in YOUR (MANKIND'S) HONOR, MY Commission to
the MELCHIZEDEK ORDER of AUTHORITY. This in turn would cause this
ORDER to be but a "Deflated Memorial" (of little meaning)
for the
try and imagine a "Memorial" in HEAVEN, to begin with. That "thought"
(You failed god, and there is the "Memorial" to prove it.) ALONE, has
"Kingdom Shaking" consequences. OUR CREATOR'S very CHARACTER is at stake
here and "All I AM doing", is holding HIM accountable to HIS OWN
standards. (The same standards HE demands of each of US, and WE demand
of HIM.) If HE does not keep up HIS end of the deal, HE is going to have
HIS HEAVEN but, HE is going to have it "Without Melchizedek". For I AM,
the "FLY in the Ointment ("Here's YOUR Sign".....god.)".
HE Has Competent EVIDENCE to Present?
I assure YOU, nothing can shake the "COURTS of HEAVEN" (including
JESUS' "Death with No Resurrection"), like a win, by default, for Satan,
concerning the "CHARACTER of OUR CREATOR", the "SPIRIT of
LOVE". (Rah Rah Satan, YOU if any created Being can topple this "CIRCUS", YOU can
do it. Try attaching 20 more Elephants to that cable attached to
the main mast over center ring.) Do YOU think HE (GOD) went to all this
expanse simply to forfeit "ALL" of HEAVEN" to Satan, over an
unsubstantiated claim presented by Satan, in the first place? I don't
think so. HE is going to establish, by overwhelming proof, with competent
EVIDENCE, that Satan’s claim(s), is/are totally false.
Would YOU care to venture a guess from which group of PEOPLE that
overwhelming EVIDENCE, is going, to come from? Every knee shall bow type
I will give YOU a hint. This GROUP looks like HIM.
THEY even sound like HIM, but THEY are totally oblivious to what
is "REALLY" going on around THEM in the REAL WORLD. (PEOPLE; This is
only a "Time Dispensation Period" which presently is totally messed up. This is not
the "REAL WORLD". Nothing is REAL here. Well, I might be REAL. YOU might
be REAL. They might even be REAL, but that is about as far as it goes, for
what is REAL "Here in Time", before ETERNITY is transposed down upon US.)
MY question is, "Do WE really have to destroy it all by OUR Nuclear means
before it too is translated into ETERNITY? Tongue-in-cheek, I AM
telling YOU, YOU can not trust this JESUS CHARACTER. HE will use every
opportunity HE can to remind US constantly how really bad "Sin" is. Nothing
brings that across better then a totally demolished world at the hands of mankind, constantly
being desplayed before OUR eyes. The nail scars in JESUS' hands do a
fairly good job of reminding US of how bad "Sin" is but WE at least first
have to seek JESUS out, to be visibly reminded of HIS nail pierced hands. (John 20:25)
Bottom line: WE really do not know what JESUS is going to allow
US to bring back (remanufacture) after HE gets here and has to recreate the world a new,
once again. Just getting through that "Sea of Glass" to once again find the Minerals
to rebuild OUR skyscrapers, might be a problem in and of itself.
One Less GOD To Worry About
In case YOU do not know it, one of the main reasons WE are here,
as WE are (if not the main reason), is to find a flaw, in OUR CREATOR’S
CHARACTER. Now, should such a flaw exist, with "LOVE", it, would be suicidal,
for US all, probably, somewhere, down the line. But, on the other hand,
should no "CHARACTER FLAW" be found, by the same reasoning, it,
PS. How long are YOU willing to hold a grudge (not forgive) against
a group of Beings (OUR Demonic Angelic Friends) that were willing to accept
this endeavor, to find out this "Vital Piece of Information"?
This "Vital Piece of Information" tells US, just how free WE
TRULY are, for all ETERNITY, "Without Fear" of any type of
retaliation, ever, whatsoever, from "GOD".
Do YOU see why HE has to be able to trust US? It is a two way street,
and it does go both ways. Along those same lines, I know this CREATOR'S
"CHARACTER", and, there are no flaws in HIM, what-so-ever, but in the same
breath, HE is not bluffing either. When HE SPEAKS, a "Time Dispensation
Period" opens up, and makes it so. From "ETERNITY'S" vantage point, it
takes place in an instant. HIS WORD does not return back to HIM VOID. How
many PEOPLE do YOU know, who can do that?
I really have quite an easy job dealing with the "SPIRIT of LOVE".
It is MANKIND that thinks WE have to push the envelope for all WE are
worth. After WE come to the "Knowledge of TRUTH", and reject it, WE
will then have been very "bad" Boys and Girls. WE are then going to get
spanked by OUR OWN hand (Nuclear Arsenal) in OUR "tarnished TRANSLATED
BODY" for an extended period of Time at 10,000 degrees, but that better be
all that happens. After that, everything else should fall in OUR favor.
The bottom line is, "I want YOU 'ALL' on board with ME in this
GLORIOUS yet to be created "Colossal KINGDOM of
HEAVEN". There is nothing I will not do to see that each and
everyone of YOU are there. In fact, I AM pulling out all the stops to see
that this (YOU being there) will happen.
Therefore, I will even give YOU this one, too. Just look at the
evidence. Try and tell ME I AM not right with what I AM
telling YOU here!
YOU know, WE think JESUS came to die for OUR sins. WE think
it is the "BLOOD" that saves US. WE also think JESUS wants US to worship
HIM. All of these statements, are not TRUE. WE receive the
"POWER of GODLINESS" when WE bring "GLORY to OUR CREATOR", the
"FATHER", the "SPIRIT of LOVE". WE are supposed to follow HIS (JESUS')
lead, and that does not include "Falling down and worshiping HIM
(JESUS)". Not so much as even ONE, of the 144,000, are going to have any POWER,
what-so-ever until, THEY realize, "THEY are supposed to emulate [equal or
exceed (John 14:12)] JESUS", instead of worship HIM.
"HIS BLOOD" any redeeming value, what-so-ever. Had HE sinned, "HIS BLOOD"
would have been just a worthless as "Pigs Blood" upon the altar. WE are to
honor JESUS (by doing what HE tells US to do.) while having an inward
adoration for (WORSHIP) the "SPIRIT of LOVE, S-ABBA-th, FATHER", which
is "What WE are doing" when, WE follow JESUS' lead. The proof is in the
doing of the works, that are presently (Having a form of godliness),
not being done (but denying the power thereof).
Concerning the first statement, JESUS HIMSELF proved earlier, there
is forgiveness "Without the shedding of blood". Did He (Satan) ever have
US stooped here? WE (MANKIND as a whole) are talking about, maybe, some 2000,
if not 4000, to 6000 years of powerless stagnation here, in OUR SPIRITUAL
So Much For Administrative Procedures
Let US pick this one apart a bit more. (Please bear with ME as WE
see it through to the end.) JESUS actually died more so, for the "Animal's
Sake" in ORDER to do away with "A False System of Religion (imperfect)".
Can YOU believe this? They sacrificed animals for forgiveness?
(Isaiah 1:10-12; 66:3) More
importantly, can YOU imagine where WE would be today, had JESUS stuck around
for 6 years, 26 years, or even 66 years? I AM sure, "The False Animal
Sacrificial System" could have been taken care of by "Administrative
Procedures", eventually. The "False Animal Sacrificial Service" was set
up by the "pseudo God" in the "Garden [jail Satan also made] of Eden", when
an "Innocent Animal's" blood was shed for it's hide. This being done in
order to clothe ADAM and EVE for their shame.
Then there is the matter of a Real Estate Transaction
of which was also sealed by the death of the RIGHTEOUS LIFESTYLE JESUS
LIVED. This is found in Revelation Chapter 5. As with One Man
(Adam) sin entered the World and with One RIGHTEOUS LIFE that paid the
ultimate sacrifice, Sin was eradicated. PEOPLE; This was a done deal
whether WE accept that sacrifice as OUR own or not. Secondly, OUR dead
corps is still a part of that same Real Estate Transaction. The Bible
does not tell US everything. It might tell US of a second death, but what
about a second resurrection? That is the nice thing about being a
CHRIST. YOU can resurrect a BODY as many times as YOU like.
"ALL" does mean "ALL" in the Bible.
Truth goes very deep. Keep in mind, "JESUS Blesses" and "Satan
Curses". How deep do YOU want to delve, in the "Ocean of Truth?
I have not even begun, to play hard ball. I use the "Book of EZEKIEL"
as a teething ring. WE just need but a glimmer of the CHARACTER OF
GOD, and WE are HIS for LIFE. HE is that GREAT, of which I have not
even begun to elaborate upon those aspects of HIS CHARACTER. It is
for HIS SAKE and HIS SAKE only I AM sharing any of this information
with YOU at all.
MANKIND, the deck has never been stacked in OUR favor, in the
"Physical Realm". WE lose without even getting up to bat. Follow MY lead.
The first "Day of Atonement (Monday October 9th, 2000)" in the "LORD
JESUS' Millennium (Which began at Sundown 05th April 2000.)" had been set
before "CREATION" to "Reconfigure the Earthly Calendars". That is what has
to be done "Behind The Scenes". That is so all the LOT's of the
World, and all the LOT's WIVES of the World, do not become a "PILLAR of
SALT", or in OUR case, a "PILE of ASH". (Malachi 4:3) It is that simple.
Show JESUS WE hear HIS pleadings and WE want HIM as both OUR LORD and
SAVIOR. WE will no longer trample HIS "HOLY Space of TIME"
HE set apart to BE with US.
YOU tell ME. What do YOU think needs to be done here in order to
take OUR planet back from Satan? That is, in order to prevent this atrocious
deed from happening, by OUR own hand! The "Consequences" are pretty
severe here. Sustained 10,000 degrees exposure while things cool off for
starters. WE lose everything. [Literally (Cities, skyscrapers, computers,
electricity, phones, OUR cash stash, records, manufacturing,
transportation, but to name a few.) and WE still have to be plucked out of
the Fire OURSELVES.] "Overselling this Idea", by far, is preferred
in this instance, as to not going far enough. But, what can I say? After
all, it is YOU and YOUR flocks barbecue (Matt. 23:1-14-33, Mark 12:38-40,
Luke 20:46-47) WE are planning here which does not have to transpire this
way. Don't forget, before now, because of YOUR "Areas of Deception", I was
to be the "Guest of HONOR", in YOUR presence. I think I cleared up a
few of the major "Areas of Deception" in YOUR thinking.
Also, along those same lines, I'd like to think, the "E" in MY
middle name stands for "Elihu" of Job:36 and 37, WHO's counsel, was not
criticized by GOD. However, concerning "E" for Elijah; that is another Bible
study (as Time permits) of which some Religions (few and far between) do
teach the TRUE concepts concerning this turncoat Elijah
CHARACTER. Nonetheless, if GOD, HIMSELF, does not criticize MY counsel, as
I try and save YOUR lives from becoming a "PILE of ASH", WHO are YOU, to
do otherwise? I AM easy though. Once this information is out, I will be
still, at the cost of YOUR own demise. After all, Shadrack, Meshach, and
Abednego became "Overnight HERO'S" for doing what THEY Biblically thought
to be "RIGHT" and are better PEOPLE because of THEIR deliverance. (Rev.
15:2 More Later)
YOU'RE Leaving Without ME?
Listen, MY fellow BEINGS. JESUS is willing to cut YOU some slack
here (blink) but, once the "HOLY SPIRIT" pulls out of here (so JESUS can
return), WE are on OUR own. HE that is RIGHTEOUS, let HIM be righteous
still. HE that is wicked...YOU know the rest (Rev. 22:11). Now I have
quite an imagination but I just can not come up with any other analogy for
the "Parable of the "Five Foolish Virgins" WHO think it is alright
to have JESUS as THEIR SAVIOR, but not THEIR lord (lower case). I AM not
so sure I'd even want to know how OUR hard core "Rapture Theorists" deal with
this one. Don't worry about filling ME in on this one. I have resources
available to ME if I so desire to look into it. (More real soon.)
WHO'S That Under the Hood (of Time)
Secondly, I assure YOU it is impossible for JESUS and the "HOLY
SPIRIT" to be in the same place at the same time. JESUS is either
there in the FLESH, or the "HOLY SPIRIT" is there "SPIRITUALLY" but THEY
can not both be in the same place, at the same time. In a nut shell, here is
how it works. In a "Time Dispensation Period", WE have the future
(prophecy), and the past (which WE refer to as history). Now the "Courts
of HEAVEN" are in ETERNITY and a total different set of rules are in place
concerning the dealings that go on with ETERNITY. From ETERNITY, JESUS has
total access to any and all points in any given number of "Time
Dispensation Periods" that maybe running, at the same time. (Each "Hair"
on YOUR head may have its own "Time Period" running, not to mention each
"blade of grass".) Therefore, HE can go into the "Future (ahead of Time)",
of any given "Time Period" and make adjustments. However, when the
becomes the "Here and Now", WE simply sense HIS PRESENCE and know "JESUS had
been there doing something". The "HOLY SPIRIT" is the presence which WE
had sensed that JESUS was there. See? The "HOLY SPIRIT" is only JESUS working
ahead of US, in the "Future of Time". When that point, some "Time in the
Future", becomes the "Here and Now", JESUS is somewhere else working "In
the Future", and there is OUR "HOLY SPIRIT". Therefore, YOU are either
physically with JESUS, in the "Here and Now", or YOU sense HIS presence was
there, through the "HOLY GHOST" but not both in the same "Place and Time".
Satanic Toe Tags In The Morgue
In a nut shell, No "BODY (carcass)" is going anywhere - MY five
foolish VIRGINS. It is "ALL" going to happen "HERE", within slingshot
range of "Planet Earth". WE will "ALL" be in one of two places. Either,
"In the Air" (while HE RECREATES the destroyed Earth "Made New" while WE
watch) or as honored "GUESTS" at a "Bird Feeding Sanctuary". Nonetheless,
WE are not going anywhere except as the "Guest of Honor" to a bird feast
where, WE are the "Main Course" and the "Birds" are inbound "Nuclear
Missiles". Chances are, there will be a "Portable Throne (Eze
1:4-28, 10:1-22, Rev. 4:2-11)" in the Clouds, in the Air, floating over
"Planet Earth", this Time as well, somewhere in the midst, of all this.
That is, if these attempts to halt the "Bible Rendition of these
"Proceedings", fail.
Let's review for a moment. The reason "curses" happens to any
"BODY" is because OUR Best Friend Satan (Who ain't no Friend of YOURS) "Has a
claim against those BEINGS (and possibly on a grander scale then imagined)".
Now, why ANYONE would give Satan a claim against THEMSELVES is beyond
ME. A little excitement is nice but, let's not go overboard here.
How Satan has the vast majority stooped in
His deception is precisely "What I AM here to deal with" in the "HERE
and NOW". Presently "100% of the Organizations are Deceived (Daniel
11:40-43 )" in one (or more) major points of their "theology (lower
case). (There is a reason there had to be "3 Solutions To The
LATTER Rains".) There "PRESENTLY" is no Religious or Political
Party's (Demonic Run Nations) teaching (much less putting into practice)
the "POWERS UNLOCKING TRUTHS" of the "Kingdom of HEAVEN "
in this World today. (When and if YOU get to "Solution # 2 To The
LATTER RAINS" and YOU will "CLEARLY" see what I mean.)
I MYSELF AM helpless to "Activate These POWERS" without "FIRST"
having a Physical Nation on "Planet Earth" set up on "MELCHIZEDEK TIME" in
order for "SOLUTION # 2 To The LATTER RAINS" to have a "Remote
Chance" of working. Now whether MANKIND, or GOD (Daniel 2:44-45) sets
that "Kingdom" up, is almost totally out of MY hands. (There are certain
things I choose not to "Request in Prayer" for the sake of MANKIND having
"Time to Repent".) The proof is in the fact, as I stated earlier,
"SOLUTION # 2 To The LATTER RAINS" is already being practiced
throughout the World without the desired results.
The down side of ME being here is that now, WE are "Without
Excuse" concerning "HOW" WE are deceived and by Whom, the "Father of Lies
(Satan)". Now granted, it would be nice if WE, "Once Convicted, would
change OUR ways (repent)", but that is not MY main concern. That is the job
of the "HOLY SPIRIT" and I stay off HIS turf, and HE helps ME out as much
as HE can. It is "SIMPLY" MY job to make sure WE understand it is Satan
that is "Drawing back the bow and releasing the Arrow" that pierce US to
the very heart thus "physically killing US". Not the CREATOR GOD.....WHO
tried everything to save YOU from this calamity in the First place and is
totally and completely blameless and harmless, throughout this whole
This is totally why, SPIRIT lead, I have devised Solution # 1 in this
manner. Once WE get on the road to "RIGHTEOUSNESS", YOU would be surprised
how fast everything else falls into place. It is just a matter of getting
everything in the "Proper Perspective". The "Proper Perspective"
: There is a GOD.
: HE LOVES EACH and EVERYONE of YOU very dearly.
If that were not so, do YOU think I would be here now? telling YOU
these things that will shortly come to pass? [Don't worry. I would still
be here. After all, HE still has to get it right (the first time) or deal
with ME.] IF HE did not love YOU, WE would have "instant gods", kind of
like "instant grits", "instant potatoes", "instant milk", so on and so
forth. Don't worry, from "ETERNITY'S" vantage point (where "Time" does not
exist) WE are spoken into existence, instantaneously.
Thank "god" For Plan B
Listen. WE (meaning the "Courts of HEAVEN") have NO "Plan B" in
place. WE just have a Series of Solutions To The LATTER RAINS to be
implemented One at a Time via which WE obtain OUR protection from
Satan. Therefore, WE do not need a "Plan B". That is not to say, there is not
a "Plan B" ready to be implemented, at a moments notice, by the ">U>Lower
Courts (of Satan)". (Keep in mind, I AM here in hopes of keeping "This
Scenario" from happening as prescribed by the Bible.) The Standing ORDER, as issued
at the close of the "Time of the GENTILES" probation, IS:
WE, the "Courts of HEAVEN", have reached all that have allowed US
to work within THEIR LIVES. As a result, the "Seal of GOD (TRUE
Sabbath Keeping) has been administered. The rest of MANKIND WE can not
reach by "Heavenly Means (without the use of "Force")". Therefore,
Satan, it is now
Your turn to have Your way with Your much coveted "loyal SUBJECTS". By
this time, the 'LATTER Rains' have fallen and the "HOLY SPIRIT" has departed.
You are "Freed from Your Prison" by the very act of the departure of the
"HOLY SPIRIT" (Rev. 20:7 fulfilled. This YOU will just have to watch and see if
YOU choose not to believe this is happening a "1000 years ahead of
schedule".). Satan, YOU are freed to implement Your 'Plan B'".
"Guess what? There is no "Plan C", if "Plan B" fails. The Good
news is, "Plan B", with (little wanna-be god) Satan at the Helm here on planet
Earth, does not fail. He is the best, by far, at dealing with rejected LOVE.
If any Being can show YOU how it is done, He is the One.
I AM Not Talking About Phoenix, Arizona
Like I said before, I AM just here to reduce His (little god)
numbers going into "Plan B". That is: Significantly reduce those
numbers, going into "Plan B". Listen, MY fellow MANKIND, I have put
everything on the line, for YOUR sake! I have argued, tooth and claw, for
each of YOU. HE has stripped ME of everything. Whatever, might have been
dear to ME, is gone. They were but "gods" before HIM. I have no FAMILY,
that is not totally taken care of, one way or another. I have no career,
that is not totally taken care of, ONE way or the other. I have no house,
that is not temporarily being borrowed for the time being. HE even
took MY name, and replaced it with a far more superior one. All this for what?
For YOU MY beloved BROTHERS and SISTERS. All this is for YOU and YOU alone.
For the past 6,000 years, WE have had OUR fun but now, it is time to roll up
OUR sleeves and get to work for HIS cause. HE is depending upon YOU and
YOU will prevail, one way or another, even if, HE has to raise YOU up,
from the ashes, and start from scratch. Death has a victory as long
as so much as ONE BEING is still in the grave. Death, the last enemy to
be defeated, is alive and well, as long as some BODY, is still in the grave.
I assure YOU, rocks "DO" sing praise to HIS NAME. The only difference this
Time is, JESUS will be YOUR KING of KINGS, and LORD of LORDS, throughout the
"AGE of AGES".
(Companion Bible App. 151; II; a; ii; 9. Greek says; "eis tous
aionas ton anonon" or "To the Age of the Ages". Found in Greek Bible(s)
at Gal. 1:5; Phil. 4:20; 1 Tim. 1:17; 2 Tim. 4:18; Heb. 13:21; 1 Pet. 4:11,
5:11; Rev. 1:6; 4:9-10; 5:13-14; 7:12; 10:6; 11:15; 14:11 (no Articles);
15:7; 19:3; 20:10; 22:5) That is 18 or more times the "Age of the Ages"
is mentioned in the Original Greek Manuscripts.
This thing called "Death" is highly overrated. It is not
"eternal damnation in Hell Fire ", otherwise JESUS, "WHO 'Paid in Full'
the WAGES of SIN by only dying" would have to
be "eternally tormented" at 10,000 degrees day and night for all of
eternity. Secondly, HE "Broke the Mold By Dying" because HE was without
"SIN" whether WE accept HIS death as OUR own or not, especially outside of
the "Age of Grace" which is about to come to an abrupt end. The
"Institution of Death" has lost its significance now that the "Mold" has
been broken. There is nothing WE can do about that minor overlooked detail.
GOD'S "Strange Act" is breaking a "Covenant". HE is going (and already
has) to break OUR (MANKIND'S) "Covenant" WE have with death. It is a
"Strange Act" indeed when GOD "Breaks a Promise".
It is all a matter of putting things in the proper perspective.
Just ask ME. I've achieved MY goals, with tears of joy, for each unfocused
dream I had. This being done only to see them laid aside or completely
done away with. These accomplishments were but vain idols standing between
ME and MY CREATOR. Guess what! I, at HIS urging, finally made HIM the
center of MY focus for MY dreams. Having done that, I discovered a few of HIS
problems. In discussing those problems with JESUS, I got MY authority. Let's
tap in on that phone conversation already in progress.
"Wait a minute JESUS, I can't do that!"
"Yes YOU can. I will make YOU a KING and a PRIEST and give YOU
all the authority YOU need. YOU are MELCHIZEDEK."
Another Idol? MELCHIZEDEK!
Sometime down the road, "Aah JESUS. One of YOUR major problems
is, uhhmm, this aahh, well, YOUR mistranslated WORD. The bible, in key
areas! "I mean it is ....."
"Very GOOD MELCHIZEDEK. What are YOU telling ME for? YOUR a KING,
YOUR a PRIEST, YOU have got the AUTHORITY. "Just fix it."
"Aahhh, well, aahh, whoa! Are WE talking about rewriting
the Holy Bible here? Don't YOU know, that's a sacred cow? WE can't touch
"Sacred to Who? Don't tell ME MELCHIZEDEK, there is another idol in
YOUR life. I AM hurt. Does this mean YOU don't....."
"Sorry JESUS. Simmer down. Nothing has changed, concerning
YOU and ME! But, WOW! What a revelation! That book is only sacred to Satan.
It hides His true intent, not to mention, His true identity so well. Fine,
as Time permits, I will rewrite that (anything but) Holy (until YOU figure
it out) Bible. However, the damage has already been done that Revelation
Chapter 22 talks about. Yes, a correct translation is what is needed but,
YOUR mistranslated WORD is the least of OUR worries.
Can't YOU see JESUS? MANKIND is headed for destruction! What can I do
about that? A correctly translated Bible will not head that 'Rocket
sled on rails' off in the short amount of "Time" WE have remaining!"
I Don't See That On The Map
After pondering this problem for some considerable amount of
"Well JESUS, its been nice knowing YOU. I'M out of here."
"Whoa, whoa, whoa! What do YOU mean, YOU are out of here? Where
can YOU possibly go? YOU have the whole Universe (in 7 dimensions), and
YOU are out of here? I don't think so. Where do YOU think YOU can possibly
go, that WE can’t find YOU?"
"To hell SIR. I AM going to hell, to live with all those other
created BEINGS condemned to such a form of existence."
"MELCHIZEDEK stop! YOU know that is not true! YOU are being
"I know it is not true. YOU know it is not true, but, do THEY know
it is not true? WHO is being ridiculous here? YOU put THEM there, under a
Tyranny from hell, and YOU are not going to do something about it?"
"Yaahh, I know what YOU are going to do about it? YOU are going to
allow Satan's "Plan B" to go into effect. That is what YOU are going to do
it. Well guess what? 'Plan B' is totally unacceptable. Don't YOU care what
THEY think about YOU? YOUR NAME SAKE will be slaughtered, and I am not
talking about YOUR chosen few. I am talking about YOUR very NAME. YOUR
very BEING, is on the line. Does that not mean anything to YOU, 'SPIRIT of
LOVE'? If I put YOU up to this, for that, I AM sorry, but I will be damned,
if YOU think I AM going to stand idly by, and watch YOU go down in flames,
never, to be able to fully recover from this misguided venture."
"Are YOU done?"
"No! I AM not done! I want to know what YOU are going to do about
this totally unacceptable situation?"
"Do YOU think YOU can do any better?"
"I certainly cannot do any worse CAPTAIN..... MY CAPTAIN. YOU have to
give ME a shot at it."
"Give ME a minute."
"Excuse ME LORD, but a minute to YOU is 40 or 50 years. WE do not
have 40 or 50 years to play with here. I AM going it alone, minus MY
crown, scepter, breast plate, robe, and fanfare."
"Just a minute MELCHIZEDEK, WE already tried it that way with very
limited success. What did THEY expect? How is it THEY never picked up on
this one? How is it THEY never saw this coming?"
"Do YOU really want to go down that road "SPIRIT of LOVE", right
now? I assure YOU, THEY know about it. I will explain it when I get there."
"Fine, YOU can go. Just tell ME what YOU want on this trip, this
How'd HE Do That?
The Greek word for sorcery is along the lines of pharmacist. A
pharmacist is one who mixes up concoctions. There will be no sorcery, or
magic potions concocted here. That is not to say there is not any magic
being performed. That is if YOU call the miracles JESUS did, magic? Being
RIGHTEOUS is but one part of that formula for CHRISTHOOD. Though a
major part in the formula, it is still but one part of at least a seven
part formula. Second: the Heavenly miracles are the work of the 144,000
also known as the WHEAT HARVEST. The pharaohs magicians used sorcery and
magic. MOSES performed miracles. JESUS performed miracles. The 144,000
will perform miracles. The downside of bringing out the miracles is the
fact that Satan has His "Lying Wonders" (2 Thess. 2:9) He is more than anxious to get His
hands on as well. This is found in 2 Thessalonians 2:11-12 and
Revelation 13:13-17.
Attach Those To YOUR Ears
I MYSELF plan on dispersing information. However, from that
information, WE will learn how to access the POWER from up on HIGH. These
POWERS have always been available for OUR use except, certain conditions must
be met in order for THEM to freely flow through US. Every time a
Solution is implemented, it is the equivalent of attempting to jump
start this VEHICLE WE inhabit which has always been meant to soar
with the Eagles. I AM KING and I get what I want simply because HE WHO
dwells within each of US is SOVERIEGN. Therefore, when I see Solution
# 1 being implemented, Politically and Religiously across the board, WE
will move on to Solution # 2.
Listen, Solution # 1 is not implemented by EVERYBODY flocking
to Churches that already meet on the "7th Day Sabbath. The "LATTER RAINS"
have not already been here because there is no "Church" that presently has
a "Corner on the Market of TRUTH". Although, that might be
a start (if YOUR church refuses to cooperate), it will not solve the
problem. PEOPLE are loyal to their "Nation" and bring honor to their
"Country" when THEY do "Great Things" for their "Country". When the
Nations change, the "Churches" change and it is not the other way
around. The Churches can change all they want but that will not
effect the way a nation is one iota. Then they both have to be in
unison (Church and State) and of "One Accord" with each other in
TRUTH for this "EGG of CHRISTHOOD" to hatch. Be it known, I
have just as much respect for the present "7th Day Sabbath KEEPERS", as I
do for the "First Day of the Week KEEPERS". The Nation sets the tone of
what will be tolerated and WE are "ALL" in this together.
That's A Neat Trick
YOU see, PRIEST MELCHIZEDEK has no true place to attend church
presently because, there is no true "CHURCH of GOD". However, if the
various Church(es) independently pick up and move their buildings
totally, to "Sabbath Keeping complete with Preparation Day", and their
Calendar reflects the change, then, it is just a matter of seeing
which CHURCH I attend and, why, I attend such a CHURCH. Just mail YOUR
SENATOR, a newly configured "Church Calendar", showing the changes made.
That is with Monday being the first day of the week, but the numbers
staying the same, to reflect the changes made. Since, WE do vote by OUR
actions, I will know about any changes made. Remember, this is called
MELCHIZEDEK Time (after the ORDER of MELCHIZEDEK) and yes, WE can do
this. If YOU want, the address is on MY web site as well.
Don't YOU know, there are whole States (Nations), that do not
observe "Daylight Savings Time" every year. Secondly, this is protected by
OUR "First Amendment Rights". Why do YOU think this is set up this way this
particular go around with this particular "CONSTITUTION"? MY RELIGION is
all about being able to express MYSELF to OTHERS concerning HIS LOVING
ways. Interfere with that, and YOU are interfering with the ability of the
"Courts of HEAVENS" to communicate, with MANKIND, as a whole.
There is a JUDGE that already knows it is against MY "First
Amendment Right" to not have a fully functional "State of the Art"
computer fully provided for and hooked up to the Internet in MY jail cell,
with this not-for-profit "Web site" should that come to pass. This
includes the ability to operate it upon GOD'S schedule when HE wants to
share information with ME. Information gets lost if I do not have the
ability to instantly "record it" some way shape or form, around the clock.
There is a reason, this "ORDER is ETERNAL", without end. YOU can not
stifle MY ability to communicate with MY CREATOR, or with MY ability to
pass on what HE shares with ME to the MEMBERS of HIS "Kingdom of Heaven".
To even attempt to do so, in any way shape or form, would be utter
foolishness on the part of the BEING(S) attempting to do so. (By the way,
SHE (Feminine Side lost in Translation Process.) is a genius....well, at
least one of US is, anyway.)
A "REAL" Work Week
Also EMPLOYERS, the same principle apply to each of YOU, as it
does to PASTORS (Matt. 23:2-on, Mark 12:40, Luke 20:46-47). It involves
PERSON in authority teaching OTHERS which THEY have a direct influence over,
just, or unjust principles. Tread lightly here, very lightly. YOU above all,
have the most to gain, if not, the most to lose, with this situation WE have
before US. A GODLY MAN with GODLY principles, I would think it would be more of
an asset to YOUR investment then, an ungodly EMPLOYEE. It seems to ME that I
would do everything in MY power to encourage THEM, as much as I could, for
THEM to develop more in this area of THEIR lives. On the other hand, how do
YOU think that is going to look in the "COURTS of HEAVEN", when an EMPLOYEE
of YOURS points a finger at each of YOU, especially concerning the
imporper keeping of the "7th Day Sabbath" and the "Preparation Day" to
make ready for the proper "Keeping of the Sabbath"? Periodically, take a
straw pole each week, just to see how many EMPLOYEES want to start
the REAL work week on the "FIRST day of the WEEK". As momentum builds,
for this movement, so will the votes, to will the changes.
Is That All?
WE need to get used to this, and rather quickly. This, is how it is,
in the "Kingdoms of HEAVEN", and especially the "AGE of AGES". As
Congress receives more post cards announcing the PEOPLE'S switch back to
MELCHIZEDEK TIME, then the laws of the land, may catch up, with the
wishes, of the PEOPLE. However, "Sabbath Keeping, on a limited basis, is
still better, by far, then apostasy is, on a grand scale, as it now appears
to be. For 10 righteous PEOPLE Sodom and Gomorra would have been
spared. (Gen. 18:16-32)
10-4 WE Copy That
Solution # 1 might be enough to jump start the 144,000 but,
I do not think so because Solution # 2 carries just as much weight,
but is easier to implement. Presently, there are only 3 Solutions
with each being of equal importance. Especially, if the first 2
Solutions do not achieve the intended results. As an added benefit,
the implication of these Solutions will send the clearest message
of a "Repentant Planet", ready to receive OUR LORD and SAVIOR as OUR LORD
of LORDS, and KING of KINGS. In this way, it will be a smooth transition.
During the interim between Solutions on Sabbaths, I could be giving
out other, nice to know, tidbits of information, in order to quickly bring US
up to speed, after 6000 years of SPIRITUAL depravity. I assure YOU, WE have
a lot of catching up to do.
No Can Do
When it comes to SPIRITUAL truth, there is no compromise. Compromise
has death written all over it. It is not a natural thing for US to die.
WE are CREATED to LOVE one another unconditionally, continuously. My present
ultimate goal is to re-establish the Brass (bronze) mountain of
Zechariah 6:1. Then MY soul will be satisfied for WE will once again be
back onauto-pilot in the cruise control mode. In case YOU do not know it, the first
mountain was the "Day of Pentecost". This presently (here and now) is
what WE get when TRUTH gets compromised. Stuck in muck and mire not even
trying to back out of this mud hole.
White DOVE In Eagles Clothing
Let ME give YOU some background information. I AM on "MELCHIZEDEK
Time". In this particular "Time Dispensation Period", I came into being on
July 4th. This date "the POWERS that be (all included)" made sure, was
chosen, upon which the United States celebrates their "Independence Day".
I lead from one spot outward in all directions, further extending MY
boundaries. That one spot is this Christian (and I use that term lightly)
Nation, called the United States of America. The deal is, WE have to bury this
"False First Day of Rest", or it, is going to come back and bite US, and bite
US hard. When WE are bit (Plagues) by this "Image of the Beast" then WE
will be forced to bury it, along with the "BEING" associated with this
"False First Day of Rest".
It does not have to transpire the latter way. If WE bury the
"False Day of Rest", "First" in the United States and WE prosper (meaning,
receive POWER from upon HIGH) for doing so, the rest of the WORLD will follow
"Suit" in "Peace and Harmony". So it takes a few Solutions,
administered one at a time, to accomplish this task. (Thus, the reason
for the divisions of the 3 Solutions.) This is still no big deal.
There is after all quite a bit here to digest, especially in Solution #
3 To The LATTER RAINS". Even so, even after all three Solutions
are passed, WE still, may have to wait a week, or two, as THEY did, in
Noah's Ark. (If for no other reason, all of HEAVEN by then, will have fainted
and some BODY, will have to revive THEM, with a ice cold bucket of water.)
Do not misunderstand ME here in any way shape or form. I want
JESUS back here as bad as the next GUY but, the longer WE can cruise by
OURSELVES on Autopilot (without JESUS having to take the Controls) the
more prepared as "CHRIST'" WE will be when HE does decide to return.
Translated it means, there will be more of US and WE will get much
"Greater Rewards". (A little more than just a "Harp and a Crown". Choir
MEMBERS do not need Top Level Security Clearance to do their job in the
"Courts of HEAVEN".) These "Rewards" HE will be bringing with HIM.
Remember, I too, have YOUR best interest still at heart.
In case YOU forgot, I AM also known as, the KING of PEACE. PEACE is
MY middle name (spelled Entente, with an "E", if YOU must). What do YOU
think I AM trying to do "Here and Now"? I AM, in case YOU do not
know, negotiating a PEACEFUL agreement between the "Courts
of HEAVEN" and "Planet Earth" for JESUS’ PEACEFUL return.
It is just that, there are a few items, totally out of whack, that are
totally, unacceptable, for JESUS’ PEACEFUL return. I AM
printing these "Unacceptable Conditions" out in this form, for YOU, so
they can be corrected, in "Their Order of Importance", to assure a soon,
PEACEFUL return of OUR (first) CHRIST, JESUS.
Mayday Mayday
Now, if YOU PEOPLE do not want to cooperate, that is not MY problem.
YOU can not say, I did not try to loosen the death grip Satan has upon
MANKIND'S throat. That puts US back to square ONE. Live and learn (the hard
way.) Well I guess, I'll go to Israel and try and teach THEM about THEIR
beloved Savior, JESUS. "I probably have a better chance of doing "that" over
there, then I have over here, of doing "this". Like I said earlier, as
long as MANKIND thinks, "WE are in control", the Demonic Angels have no cause
for alarm, and, in a sense, WE are totally in control by OUR own mind set, but only, of OUR own
"Ah, Roger that GOD, Yeah! This is MELCHIZEDEK. Say, is MY Holy City,
New Jerusalem, ready and waiting? Over."
"Ah, Roger that GOD, but, let US hold off on bringing it down, just
yet. These PEOPLE here, are not quite ready yet. Say, I have a small favor
to ask. Over."
"Ah, Roger that GOD. YOU know that it is always appreciated,
especially, from MY perspective. Thank you. About that small favor, GOD!
Is, aahh, 'Plan B' still ready, to be implemented, at a moments notice? Or
did Satan give up and scrap 'Plan B'?"
"Ah, Roger that GOD. Aaahh Yeah. WE may be needing it, to soften
THEM up a bit. THEY are a tough bunch to crack down here, YOU know. I
can’t even get them to have a few "Crackers and Grape Juice" with ME. What,
in the blazes (pun intended), have THEY been through? If THEY treat ME with such
hostilities, I can not imagine what kind of a reception THEY are going to have
waiting for YOU when YOU finally show up."
Elijah Could Not Make It
I assure YOU PEOPLE, "Sabbath Keeping", is but a volley of warning
shots, over the bow, if, WE do not take to heart, what I AM saying here, and
act accordingly. YOU then have the "Mark of the Beast", the "Plagues",
and the "Lake of the Fire" to deal with. What do YOU expect from ME? A
MAN of GOD! I too, AM standing upon the shoulders of the PROPHETS of
GOD, that came before ME (Isaiah 8:20). Anyone of THEM, could have
been resurrected or come back (MOSES, ELIJAH to name a few.) and done
this job for ME with even more disastrous results. (Fewer PEOPLE
converted in the long haul.)
I at least have the authority to make the necessary changes for
all parties involved "Behind the Scenes" (Jeremiah 4:27, 5:18).
This being done ahead of what is about to unfold that most of YOU do not
know of in hopes of softening the blow on Judgment Day, which
unfortunately comes after the Nuclear Holocaust (Rev. 20:11). If YOU
still want to experience first hand 10,000 degrees where there is "gnawing
of teeth [Meaning for some reason YOU do not die. (I Corinthians 15:51
There is that word "All" again. Isaiah 28:18) Jeremiah 4:5-6:29 describes
this Nuclear Holocaust in progress.]", that is not MY problem. See Isaiah
24:13, (21-22) thru 28:8 as well. This situation has been sugar coated, and
painted, anything but the truth, for as long as any of YOU have been around.
Is this really what YOU want it to come down to? There are a million
things I have not even begun to touch upon. Do YOU have any idea why?
It is pointless. If YOU are not listening to ME, in the major causes for
concern, why should I waste MY Time with YOU, concerning the minor,
Sure, there might have been some confusion about how JESUS was
supposed to appear, the first time HE came, within the rank and file of
the JEWISH religion but, I guarantee, there is no confusion about how HE
is coming this second time. Knowing that, are YOU sure, YOU want to
miss, this BOAT? The "HOLY SPIRIT" is out of here. HE is going to be gone
itinerary. WE are then going to be left to face JESUS on OUR own, all by
OURSELVES, face to face, in OUR own RIGHTEOUSNESS. I AM, the King
of RIGHTEOUSNESS, because GOD first LOVED YOU, simply giving YOU a few
pointers, on the best way to deal with this situation. The faster
Solution # 1 gets implemented, the more pointers YOU get from ME,
and the better off WE all will be when confronted with that situation.
Again, it is that simple. This is the decision of YOUR LIFE. For
how YOU decide today, will effect YOU for the rest of YOUR life, throughout
all of ETERNITY. It is that important.
Glory On YOU
It is GLORIOUS, on the RIGHTEOUS road, with GLORY being, the
opposite of shame. (YOU have to be lead into that "Field of Dreams", the right
way, too.) I have not mentioned anything about the looming problems WE are
wrestling with that a CHRIST, or two, could clear up, right now. I just
need two Nations even in Africa to "Change Their Calendars" in
order to fulfill Bible Prophecy (Matthew 13:31-33, Mark 4:30-32, Luke
13:18-21) and bring some of these problems to an end for those Countries
and the rest of the World as well, PEACEFULLY. Nuclear
annihilation will solve a lot of those problems as well but with much pain
and suffering Satanic Style. This latter method I AM preesently here
trying to prevent. How many ways, to SABBATH worship, can I say this? It
is to OUR advantage, to implement these Solutions to OUR known,
(and unknown) problems, as soon as possible, and the sooner, the better,
on a Grand Scale across the board. Just having two Nations "Change Their
Calendars" leaves the rest of US exposed to the unfolding of the rest of
Revelations of which I AM also fully aware. (Matthew 13:47-50)
I'M All Ears
No, I am not going to be beamed up because, WE do have intelligent
life, down here. Every other field of study is growing leaps, and bounds,
except, stagnant religion. Well, that too, does not have to be so. The best
advice I can tell YOU in that department is to pray for these Solutions
. They contain, "Meat in due Season" (Psalms 104:27; 145:15;
Matt. 24:45; Luke 12:42) concerning the answers to the "Questions of
(ETERNAL) LIFE" YOU presently need to know, and I AM living proof
attesting to that. Do not stand there and argue with ME. It would be a one
sided argument, because YOU are "all knowing" (lower case), and I AM all ears
seeking YOUR wisdom. Who, do you think, would remain on the losing end of that
argument? After all MANKIND, it is OUR funeral I AM trying to prevent
here, and I will not be sending any flowers (They will all be burnt up.)
or even attending, if I have any say so in the matter.
That's On The ("SPIRITUAL") Level
Listen, these "Solutions" come to YOU {All the PEOPLE
living under YOUR form of [pseudo (anti-"Kingdom of Heaven")] Government.}
"One at a Time", and are to some degree {as determined by the Nations
[Angels (Spiritual Wickedness in High Places) Ephes. 6:12]}, "Voluntary and
Non-Binding". They are only "Non-Binding" to the extent, the Nations
(Angels) that do not adopt these "Solutions To The |