Frequently Asked Questions

(Sections updated 02/23/2006)

Summary of Questions

How do WE Transform the "Kingdoms of Earth" into the "Kingdoms of HEAVEN" as described in Revelation 11:15-17?

What Bible verses do YOU use claiming the "Brightness of JESUS' 2nd Coming" is a manmade "Nuclear Holocaust"?

Where do I get my authority from to proclaim to be King and Priest Melchizedek?

What about the Tithe?


How do WE Transform the "Kingdoms of Earth" into the "Kingdoms of HEAVEN" as described in Revelation 11:15-17?

Answer: (updated 09/16/2003)

This has to be done on TWO Levels for optimum benefit. (To get Fully Functional CHRIST'.) That is, in the "PHYSICAL" as well as the "SPIRITUAL" Levels of OUR overal development. There are many pseudo "innuendos" ascribing "Kingdoms of Earth" having already ben tranformed into the "Kingdoms of HEAVEN" in the "SPIRITUAL Realm" without taking into account the "Physical Nature" of the "Kingdom of HEAVEN", as well. This is not all bad because it does show the "Maturation of the Human RACE in the SPIRITUAL Realm", ... but, it is after all, the "Physical Nature" of the "Kingdom of Heaven" that first must be addressed in order for a fully functional "Kingdom of HEAVEN" to even begin to have a remote possibility of taking place. (See Revelation 11:15b & 17b.) This "childish mistake" could only have happened because WE (MANKIND), (Having never seen a Fully Functional "Kingdom of HEAVEN" in operation first hand.) at best, can only guess what it may be like MINUS a few of the MAJOR details otherwise needed to make the "Kingdom of HEAVEN Operational on Planet Earth in the Physical Realm" so.

However, Revelation 11:15-17 is refering to the "Physical Change (Solution # 1 To The LATTER RAINS)" that can actually be seen happening with the proper "Changing of the Calendars" on the National Levels by a majority vote of the percentage of MANKIND actually voting in the "Political Arena". For right now, see DECREES (complete with illustrations on 2nd page) for the "Right Way" to physically transform "Kingdoms of Earth" into "Kingdoms of HEAVEN" with the total burial of the "Mark of the Beast" and the "Plague" with "CHRISTHOOD" for MANKIND being the "REWARD" for going this way.

Be forewarned, there is a "Wrong Way" that does not acheive this same effect, but which yeilds quite the opposite results. In a nut shell, to simply "Cut and Paste Sunday on at the End of the Weekly Cycle" and force US to pay homage to this otherwise still "secular day" brings on the "Mark of the Beast" of which follows those dreaded "Plagues".

Huh, "Plagues" ... "CHRISTHOOD". Ahh ... "Plagues" ... "CHRISTHOOD. DO WE HAVE TO THINK ABOUT IT ? ? ? This is OUR destiny. This is what WE were CREATED for.

Solution # 2 and # 3 To The LATTER RAINS deal in great depth with the "SPIRITUAL" side of these minor details, along with JESUS' Greatest Joy. As Time allows, and priorities dictate, I will (micro) explain this process better and post it here.


What Bible verses do YOU use claiming the "Brightness of JESUS' 2nd Coming" is a manmade "Nuclear Holocaust"?

Answer: (updated 04/27/2001)

[More added as Time allows ME to do so. This is a very low priority on MY list of trying to prevent this from happening, in the first place. I'd rather work on the "Prevention Side" of things, then the "Declaration Side" of these prophecies. The publication of this information (Giving MANKIND a "Road Map" to destruction.) brings no joy to ME and MY cause. I would much rather WE save what WE got and negotiate PEACEFULLY with JESUS across a table then to loose everything (WE worked so hard to attain.), and let JESUS dictate what WE might get to re-manufacture, if anything, on the other side of this Nuclear Holocaust. It is pretty hard to dig through a "Sea of Glass" to get to the minerals WE need, to manufacture much of anything, with OUR bare hands.]

This goes a lot deeper then this. It goes along with knowing of HIS CHARACTER as well. It is not in HIS CHARACTER and neither in deed can it be. Heaven is not Heaven if there is so much as one iota of "Fear" looming in the "Courts of HEAVEN" with regards to the question, "WHEN is HE (god) going to destroy US as HE destroyed Satan and His host of Angels? HE (GOD) will never destroy Satan. Destruction is totally and completely the "Work of Satan" and the deceived PAWNS (MANKIND) still under His control turning those keys and pushing those buttons that launch OUR missiles. Sin is what ultimately destroys Satan, as OUR CREATOR continuously advised Satan not to go down that road.

However, since YOU asked, "If YOU know what to look for, these Bible Verses jump out at YOU like popcorn with the lid off. I classify them in three Groups. They are the "Evidence of the Aftermath", the "Big Gun Bible Verses" that are easy to find, and the "Little Known Mystery Verse" that scream out at YOU when YOU know what to look for."

I will start with the "Evidence of the Aftermath" dealt with in the Bible.

Rev. 4:6 tells US of a "Sea of Glass" in relationship to the "Portable Throne" of Ezekiel 1:4-28 and 10:1-22. The question is; Where did that "Sea of Glass" come from?

WE run across the "Sea of Glass" again in Revelations 15:2. Here WE have the "Fire Tried (non-repentant 5 Foolish VIRGIN) CHRISTIANS" emerging from the still rather hot (Mingled with fire) "Sea of Glass" all of the sudden, singing the "Song of MOSES", the "LAW GIVER", concerning the "Keeping of the 10 Commandments". This is after THEY saw Satan bringing all this destruction upon the POPULATION of MANKIND who did not keep the "COMMANDMENTS of GOD", or have the "Testimony of JESUS CHRIST". Both these points are there in Rev. 15:3-4.

Again I ask, "Where did all this "Glass" come from?" May I suggest WE are looking at the "Aftermath" of a series of "Hydrogen Bomb Explosions". I do have other sources, along these same lines, that are factual, but not Biblical. The one of which deals with the taking of a blow-torch to dirt. YOU get a green "Glass" type byproduct after it cools, depending upon the type of dirt YOUR using and how long it is kept in the molten "state of being" where the dross floats to the top. The other I will share with YOU as I get better acclimatized with MANKIND.

Let US tie a few things together here. WE have the problem of keeping the "Water Vapor" that was vaporized from the "Nuclear Explosions" suspended in the atmosphere (Genesis 1:6-8) from raining back down upon US for another "40 Days and 40 Nights (No more Seas)". Then there is the matter of the "Second Death" after "Judgment Day", concerning another "Lake of Fire". Lastly, there is the whole matter of the "Recreating of Planet Earth", due to the destruction caused by MANKIND following Satan's directions in the first place. WE are talking clear back to the "Garden of Eden" here where WE had perfect weather (70 degrees) form pole to pole.

All these problems can be answered by Isaiah 30:26. Those of US that worship the "sun" will love this stroke of genius. The Moon will be as hot as OUR present day sun (as it was before the flood) and the heat of our present day sun will be turned up 7 times hotter then it is now. All this being done "in the day that the LORD binds up the breach of HIS people and heals the stroke of their wound. This is how the "Dew watered all the Land, before the great flood. Even then the "Wickedness of the Majority" willed the "Controlling Hand of GOD" away until the "Righteous Majority (8 Righteous PEOPLE on an Ark)" now willed HIM back.

Secondly, I will go with the "Little Known Mystery Verses". (Two PEOPLE can follow along better then ONE. ONE finds and reads the Bible verses while the other ONE follows along on the computer screen.) Comments will be made where needed.

Isaiah 1:7-9, 28-31, 2:10-21, 5:5b, 24-30, 6:11-13, 9:13-21, 10:3-4, 16-19, 22, 25, 13:4-13, 14:16-20, 29, 31, 16:4, 19:1b, 5-7, 24:1, 6, 18-23, 25:2,4b-5, 12, 26:5 (see also 6-10), 11b, 28:22b, 29:5-6, 20, 30:25-27, 30, 33, 31:2-3, 9, 32:19, 33:11-12, 14, 34:2-4, 9-10, 40:3-8, 24, 41:15, 42:15-16, 24-25, 43:2-3, 47:9, 14, 48:10, 49:26, 50:10-11, 6, 54:10, 64:1-3, 10, 11, 65:5, 66:16-17,24.

Please note:
These verses describe:

(5:24b) : This is happening because they have rejected the "LAW of GOD" and rejected the "WORD" of the "HOLY ONE of ISRAEL". Satan is not holy.

(5:25b-27) : Anger not turned back. (Can not stop the inbound Nuclear Missiles. Hand is stretched out still. [Plug for Total Reconciliation. Repent while Missiles are inbound. (Rev. 15:2-4 Now THEY keep the "Commandments of GOD" and have "Testimony of JESUS", after THEIR spanking.)]

(5:28-30) : Describes the Missile. Pierce (sharp) to the heart, Lots of them launched (All bows bent; look like arrows); Sparks out of tail (flint), Spinning exhaust behind them (whirlwind). Roar like a jet engine (Lots of roaring). Will not miss target (lay hold of prey). Blindness and deep sorrow (PEOPLE who look at explosion are blinded); Nuclear dust and mushroom clouds blocks the sunlight.

(9:14-21) : Describes the fate of the pseudo Political and false Religious LEADERS in one day. Leaders cause THEM to err, where THOSE (H.Q. Public) who are led by THEM are destroyed. PEOPLE shall be fuel for the fire. Eat flesh of own arm in attempt to subside the pain. (more later)

(25:4) :The heat and the blast from WHOM even.

[25:4 (cont.)] : "A shadow from the heat, when the blast of "Terrible Ones" (ONES launching weapons of mass destruction) ...",

(25:5) :The noise of strangers (United States was unknown land at time of Bible writings), the heat and the mushroom cloud, and total destruction.

[Verse 5 (cont.)] "noise of strangers {It helps knowing the major role the United States [pseudo sabbath (1st Day of Work Week) worshipping Country] plays [Rev. 13:11b - (2 horns = Church & State) - 17, & 14:10-11] in this scenario especially when teamed up with the Anti-Christ [in place of TRUE CHRIST (JESUS)], and having Nuclear Missile capabilities}"= "thunder of missiles from strange land", the dry heat... heat with shadow of a cloud (mushroom cloud): branch of terrible one (that sent missiles) brought low (Destroyed; WE launch, THEY launch scenario still presently in place.).

Slight "Change of Topic" but still, all related as YOU will soon see. Continued after [...]'s.

"GOD'S Strange Act"
HE Breaks a Covenant
(That MAN Has....With DEATH)

[Notice 13b, 18, 19a how it reaches to the heart. This could be the cleansing process of Brimstone =Sulfur in this "Lake of Fire" especially if WE ALL (1 Corinthians 15:51-56) experience this in OUR unclean but TRANSLATED BODIES.

Isaiah 28:14-21 is in context with this scenario. First off, Baal-perazim (2 Samuel 5:20) translates +/- "Plain of Breaches" or in other word, the "LORD'S Strange Act" is HE breaches (breaks) OUR Covenant with DEATH!!! The "LORDS Strange Act" is HE breaks a promise. The promise HE breaks, is not between US and HIM though. It is between US and Death! Praise the LORD JESUS!!!

The LORDS Strange Act: In order to protect US, WE are All (1 Cor. 15:51) TRANSLATED (promise broken), which, however, at the same time, may cause excruciating pain at OUR own hands. See also Isaiah 29:4-6 where some are turned to dust causing death to have a victory, if it ends there for those PEOPLE? What, and have them miss Judgment Day? Woe (deep sorrow) unto US for WE are soiled (Jer. 4:13b).]


Jeremiah 4:1-4 (Repentance = NO "Mark (Sign of pseudo authority) of the Beast" [Keeping of false (1st Day of Work Week) Sabbath], NO "Plagues", which would ultimately lead to NO "Unquenchable Fire"), 5 (has this Trumpet warnings), 6, 7 [out of missile silo, missiles on there way, weapon of the Gentiles (America made first bombs and is a Gentile Nation) to make land thy land desolate; cities laid waste, without inhabitant.], 8 (Missiles can not be turned back.), 9 [center of body - hearts of kings and princes perish (vaporized maybe)], 10 (Peace, peace, and utter destruction in Jerusalem. 1 Thes. 5:3), 11 (dry wind), 12 [even a full wind, (huge blast maybe)], 13 [clouds with whirlwind under them (mushroom clouds) swifter then eagles (the speed of its destruction, fast as light).

To continue from Jeremiah 4:20 (Massive destruction, in but a moment), 21 (ignored Trumpet warning), 23 (Earth without form and void, light of sun blocked by massive dust storm), 24 (10,000 degrees with massive shock waves cause mountains to tremble), 25 (no man or birds left), 26 (massive wilderness of fruitful places, all cities broken down at JESUS claiming responsibility for having not repented of OUR CREATION.), 27 (whole land desolate but not to this end.), 28 (skies blackened, no turning missiles back), 29 (great noise, missiles resemble arrows from bowmen, no men dwell therein. 30 (Soiled condition of harlet Church that deceived Lovers that bought her lies and deceptions.)

Jeremiah 5:14 (People wood and missile shall devour them), 7:20 (Burn and not be quenched), 33 (meat for fouls of heaven. These could be another name for Nuclear Missiles that consume US like vultures.) 9:7 (melt them), 10 (burned up cattle, fowls of the air) 11 (desolate without inhabitants). Jeremiah 9:10-26 is as far as I got.

More as "Time" allows. PEOPLE this destruction is terribly horrendous and so easily avoidable. Satan want you in that "Lake of Fire" with Him and only has to have "ONE" claim upon YOU for it to be so. (See ISAIAH 46:12. MY salvation shall not linger. Pain so bad YOU each attempt to gnaw YOUR OWN arm off after the "gnashing of teeth (How many do YOU want? Matt. 8:12; 13:42, 50; 22:13; 24:51; 25:30; Luke 13:28, Rev. 16:10)" bring YOU no relief.

Secondly, this is slow going for it is not easy to read, much less trying to write about. This is exactly what I AM here to prevent by teaching each of YOU to "Keep the Commandments of GOD" and having the "Testimony of JESUS CHRIST" and presently there is no Church that has an active "SPIRIT of PROPHECY" as of these writings. If they speak not according to the "LAW (10 Commandments)" and have the "TESTIMONY of JESUS CHRIST (GOD, OUR "CREATOR" DOES not Kill, never has, never will, JESUS is HARMLESSS and RIGHTEOUS and "Did Rise from the Dead)" there is no light in them, whatsoever. They are "blind as a bat" and leading YOU down that same road of massive, painful destruction at the hand of Satan.

Here are the "Big Guns" for YOUR consideration as well.
(Presently, just thrown out for all to see, without being qualified with necessary comments. No value intended at this point and time).

Zechariah 14:12.

2 Peter 3:10-12.

Revelations 16:17-21, (Hail could be pieces of mountains falling back down to earth.) 19:17-21, 20:7-10, 14 & 15, 21:8.

More as, once again, Time allows.


Where do I get my authority from to proclaim to be King and Priest Melchizedek?

Answer: (updated 03/12/2002)

This is a complicated Question to answer. The Answer could engulf the whole of the MELCHIZEDEK ORDER in both "Time (Past, Present, and Future.)", and "ETERNITY". On top of that, it also has to be answered upon a multitude of Levels. Those different Levels being:

: From GOD (The "SPIRIT of LOVE"), from JESUS (The fullness of the "SPIRIT OF LOVE" in "BODILY FORM"), and through the HOLY SPIRIT (JESUS working ahead of US in what WE refer to as the "Future of Time").

: From The Holy Scriptures.

: From the (TRUE) Modern Day Prophets. I AM found in THEIR writtings, if YOU know what to look for, as well.

: From the Information I have access to from the "Courts of HEAVEN" found within MY own writings.

: and Many more sources to numerous to list.

Therefore, for the sake of Simplicity, I AM going to restrict MY answer to simply MY present live here in this Physical World with regards to the "Here and Now" and to each of the above mentions areas dealing with where I receive MY authority to proclaim to be King and Priest Melchizedek of the Most High GOD.

From GOD:

: This is by far the most important area that I need to establish MY own credentials from within MY own very BEING, as to actually being King and Priest Melchizedek of the Most High GOD. All other areas I will show YOU simply reinforce this from MY own "Point of View". Be it know, before I continue, WE are all called to be Kings and Queens, Priests and Priestess of the Most High GOD, and I will not stop till "ALL" INDIVIDUALS have reached that "Pinicle" of that status in THEIR existance. There will be no "2nd Class CITIZENS" in the "KINGDOM OF HEAVEN" and there is no Higher Calling beyond that.

Be it known, in this live I was born (As JESUS too was born of a WOMAN.) on 04th of July 1959. I became of age (40 Years Old) before the "Sabbatical Millennium" was ushered in. I was first called at Age 4, by the HOLY SPIRIT, of which I was to proud to accept. 7 (+/-) long years later of living without JESUS, I became "Born Again" and JESUS is MY SAVIOUR, most unfortunately (HE had to die.), as well.

In Late February or early March of 1979, I was called once again. The LOVING way I was then called, I will have to share with each of YOU in person should the need-to-know of this particular method arise.

In April of 1979, after a 2nd calling (once again) within a week of the previous calling with this method, JESUS finally became the "LORD of this LIFE which HE gave ME".

This has been a strange "Calling" for in MY walk with JESUS. I was not "Called" to isolate MYSELF with any one individual denomination. Despite MY ever growing assets in the "Knowledge of TRUTH", I was repeatedly told to "Wait upon the LORD" as the overall picture grew ever bigger and bigger.

In the fall of 1992, the prospect of what the "SPIRIT of LOVE" had for ME to do finally overwhelmed this (by now) pure and simple mortal man. No way GOD! I can not do that for YOU. I do not have that kind of Authority. Find someone else more qualified then MYSELF to carry out this mission. Although I was hard pressed to know where, on Planet Earth (Isa.28:1-8), HE was to find such a BEING. I, MYSELF, even went over the qualifications that BEING would need to get the job done, but came short of naming any given individual to meet the billet. It was then MY given name was changed to Melchizedek. At which time in MY futile attempts to please HIM, I put together "JESUS' Greatest JOY" while I continued to "Ponder" the situation before ME.

As the time passed; "NO JESUS, I AM not going to fight a WAR for YOU or anybody else for that matter, I can not win." It was then I began to list the "Obsticles" before ME that made this a WAR I could not win. One by One, these obsticle were taken out of MY path to the point I finally could see a glimer of LIGHT at the end of the tunnel where this WAR might have a chance of actually being WON. (P.S. The WAR has long since been WON hands down by the 'DEATH" of an INNOCENT MAN named JESUS for "ALL of CREATION".)

Okay GOD, here is the deal. YOU gave ME MY authority. "YOU are Melchizedek". YOU gave ME MY Kingdom. "The MELCHIZEDEK ORDER". Now give ME MY PEOPLE. WIN, LOSE or DRAW, "TOTAL RECONCILIATION" of MANKIND and the Angelic Realm. I can not do this if I can not present YOU as a totally and completely "COMPETENT GOD". This whole thing centers around YOU and YOUR CHARACTER. If YOU are not "COMPETENT" enough to pull this whole thing off without so much as a single hitch the whole deal is off. It is "ALL" or none. Death can not have so much as "ONE" victory or the whole "GIG" will go sour.

The answer from MY GOD, the "SPIRIT OF LOVE", OUR "CREATOR" was "DONE". HE even asked ME, of all PEOPLE, to give HIM "TIME" to show ME how HE was going to accomplish this "DONE DEAL" which HE has since, allowed ME to see. Having seen that, there are now no "Obstacles" in MY path as to moving forward with the rest of this "OPERATION" from this point forward. The "GOOD NEWS BEING" WE still do not have to attempt to blow JESUS out of the sky with OUR MANMADE Nuclear Arsenal when HE comes again if WE just first, as "SOLUTION # 1 To The LATTER RAINS directs US to do so, bury the "Mark of the Beast", that WE "ALL" may receive the greater "SEAL of GOD".

From the Bible:

This is not as easy as it looks to just pull text out of the Holy Word and paste them here for all to behold. Many things have to be taken into concideration including where YOU are at with regards to YOUR "SPIRITUAL GROWTH". For example if YOU are not aware of WHO "SPIRITUAL" ISRAEL is today, some of these text will be irrelevant. At the other end of the scale are the text that even the best of THEOLOGIANS will not be able to attribute to King and Priest Melchizedek on the best of days, till after the fact.

Then there is the different PERSONS of the Bible speaking "by INSPIRATION" concerning MY actions unbeknownst to THEM that THEY were referring to a "Latter Day Appearance" of King and Priest Melchizedek. Had that been foretold by THEM, WE, today, would be further confused (if that is possible), by millions of "pseudo melchizedek's".

Now I could take the easy way out here and deal only with the middle of ther road text here that are easy to understand but being of the MELCHIZEDEK ORDER, that just does not seem right. Therefore, I will start from the easy to understand texts and work MY way out to the more complicated texts as WE go along. As soon as YOU have YOUR fill that I AM whom I say I AM, YOU can move on to other more profitable sections of this Web Site.

"Kingdom of Heaven" verses from JESUS:

Luke 13:18-21, Mark 4:30-32, Matthew 13:11-12, 24-33, 44-511.

"Watchfull Servant (Beginning introduction of "The Watchman" of Ezekiel 3:17-21 & 33:2-20)" verses from JESUS:

Matthew 13:8, 12, 23, 43, 52, 24:42-25:30, Mark 13:34, Luke 12:35-40, 42-13:8.

"Unfaithful Steward" verses from JESUS:

Luke 16:1-19. MY dear (worldly) FRIENDS. WE are "ALL" Sinners but more importantly, WE are also "ALL" deceived by Satan. (Drunk by the "Doctrine of MEN. Isaiah 28:1, 3, 7-8) The object here is to cut YOUR debt (to Satan) in half (Remove the deception.) and let the "BLOOD of JESUS" take care of the rest (Past Sins). Everything is pretty much inverted to OUR thought process (1 Cor. 13:9, 11-12) so it really is not to difficulty to accomplish this task. WE are after all only lying to OURSELVES if WE refuse to allow JESUS to be "LORD (of the Sabbath)" and "SAVIOUR (both are required)" of this "Time" and these LIVES which HE first gave US. The "Testimony of JESUS" involves not only having the "SPIRIT of PROPHECY" within YOUR own BEING but also includes "Healing the Sick" and "Raising the Dead" to name but a few.

That is only the half of this story. (See Luke 16:8) This parable also separates the "Business World" from the "Religious Realm". The "Business World" has the most to lose and the least to gain. They are therefore willing to make a deal [Change Their "Work Week" to better reflect the "Kingdom of HEAVEN" thus staying their Execution. (Cancelling the "Mark of the Beast" that starts the whole process off.) This is GOD'S "Prefect Will" that NONE should perish. 2 Peter 3:9] to cut their losses [Everything save their Soul plucked from the Manmade Nuclear Fire (1 Corin 3:12-15).] which would otherwise, be devastating to them. Whereas the RELIGIOUS Realm would rather suffer the horrendous Nuclear Baptism by Fire (Not GOD'S Will, but MAN'S own demise.), for their various pseudo reasons, then possibly "Change for the Better".

Then there is Luke 16:9 in case YOU are wondering WHO your REAL FRIENDS are. THEY are the ONES there telling YOU how best to prepare YOURSELVES in hopes of totally preventing part if not "ALL" of these atrocities from happening in the first place. Maybe it is time to figure out what really matters the most here and now as WE round the final turn here coming down the homestrech. The records are in place knowing WHO did what to WHOM when, where and why, for GOOD, bad, or indifferent.

"Unprofitable Servant" verses by JESUS:

Luke 17:7-10. Just doing what is asked of ME. Blowing the trumpets (warnings) one at a time warning the PEOPLE of the impending conflicts about to unfold. These TRUMPETS are the Pre-advent Kingdom(s) of HEAVEN being set up, the "Ressurrection of the Dead", the "LATTER RAINS" falling upon the RIGHTEOUS, the "Seal of GOD", the "Mark of the Beast", the "Plagues", the "Wicked being raptured to hottest spots for more stripes" after THEY push the buttons and turn the keys, the "Nuclear Missiles in route", the "2nd Coming of JESUS", the "JUDGEMENT DAY", the "TRANSLATION of ALL [RIGHTEOUS and TARNISHED (OUCH)] BODIES", the "Baptism by Fire", the "Lake of the Fire", Second death, but to name a few of the Trumpets (warnings) yet to be blown. It would be nice if I could separate the "Secret Rapture of the Wicked (by the demonic Angels)" and "Judgement Day" by a thousand Years but both those events depend upon the itchy trigger fingers of wicked MANKIND in the first place as it is.


What about the Tithe?

Answer: (updated 02/23/2006)

I do not mean to step on any denominations toes here, but if the TRUTH be known, Biblically speaking, if I AM stepping upon their toes, I AM about to shoot myself in the foot. Nobody wants to get this right about Tithe because to do so, is to serously happer their monitary intake. Therefore, let US just take it to the Bible and see what the Bible says about paying Tithe.

Malachi 3:8 Will a man rob God? Yet you have robbed me. But you say "Wherein have we robbed thee?" In Tithes and offerings.

Do YOU see that? There are two "Items" mentioned in the above passage. (1) Tithes, and (2) Offerings. (More real soon.)

The thing WE want to do now, is a word search on the word Tithe. (I AM just going to give YOU the verses. You will have to look them up.) Pay particular attention to "Whom" is required to pay "Tithe" and upon what are they "Tithing".

Genesis 14:18 - 20; Leviticus 27:30 - 32; Numbers 18: 24 - 26, 28; Deuteronomy 12: 6, 11,17, 14: 22 - 23, 28, 26: 12.

2 Chronicles 31:5 - 6, 12, Nehemiah 10: 37 - 38, 12: 44, 13: 5, 12.

Amos 4: 4.

Matthew 23: 23, Luke 11: 42, 18:12.

Hebrews 7: 5 - 6, 8 - 9.

The Points I AM bringing out here is the (1) Farmers, of which most PEOPLE were, until quite resently, paid Tithe (2) upon the increase. Secondly, tithe is paid upon the increase. Not the "Gross". If you buy a house for $50,000.00 and sell it for $100,000.00, the increase is only $50,000.00. Now you can still pay 10 % of $100,000.00 or $10,000.00 but only $5,000.00 is tithe, and the rest is known as an offering.

The next point I want to make is that "Slaves" were not required to pay tithe. They, if they wanted to, could pay what ever they wanted to, but it was still an "Offering". See Mark 12: 42- 44 and Luke 21: 2 - 4 concerning the "Poor Widow and her 2 Mites". With Slaves, trading "Time for Money" (If they got paid at all.), were is the Increase? Abraham paid on the Spoils (increse) of his victory, and the increse of his farming, and livestock operations.

Also the giving of YOUR "Time" in Service to YOUR Church or Community is of equal, if not greater value, then YOUR monitary contributions whether it be "Tithe" or an "Offering', or a mixture of both.

Now I have to mention this as well. There is nothing wrong with gettin a tax credit, if YOU owe "Taxes", but is it really a "Tithe" if YOU get a percentage back, and furthermore, how can that be accurately calculated, for those that figure "Tithe" to the "Mite"? All this is irrelevent, unless WE are determining what WE contribute to just because it is a tax "write-off". There are many "Not for Profit" but not "Tax Exempt" worthwhile Entities out there that are doing just as much "GOOD" if not more "GOOD" that need OUR "Tithes (if applicable)" and "Offerings".

There are just a few more point here, that need to be made. The only reason I mention this "Subject Matter" at all is to put (Keep) things in there "Proper Perspective". I brought out the difference between an "Offering" which can be any amount, and a True "Tithe" which is "10%". An even greater "Commandment" comes into play. That is "Though shalt not Lie." It would be better to pay "An Excess of Tithe" and call it an "Offering" then to not pay the full "Tithe" but still call it a "Tithe".

That is to say nothing of the non-Biblical, "Kingdom's of Earth" debt based monitary system in place. Again, where is the "Increase"? Better yet, how do YOU compute the "Increase"? This is especially why I AM telling YOU to call it an "Offering" among this "Muck and Mire". In the "Kingdom of HEAVEN" everything is "FREE" but it is not, by any means, "CHEAP". Has JESUS sent YOU a bill for HIS "Oranges, Apples, or Peaches" off the tree? Can YOU put a price on the Life of JESUS?

With the farmer, it used to be they held back some of their crop for next years planting, but now as it is, they have to pretty much buy new seed each year. Genetically engineered seed that will not "reproduce itself" in large quanity. Imagine that. With all the added expenses, gas, equipment, upkeep, fertilizer, but to name a few, where again is the increase? Am I saying, WE do not have to "Pay" tithe? Not at all. Not in the least. There are blessings that go along with paying "Tithe" and "Offering" that I would not want to deprive any BEING of. Its importance can not be emphasised enough, especially concerning OUR return on the investment. Christhood, Eternal Life, Walls of GOLD, Emeralds as Gates, YOU can not see the top of because WE are standing to close to the City, but to name a few.

The other side of the coin is, "Why do WE pay Tithe?", which brings US full circle to Malachi 3: 10; "That there may be Meat in MINE house."

What are they feeding YOU? Shucks, husks, Human dung (Ezekiel 4: 12 - 15)? Are YOU growing (Maturating)? Are they feeding YOU the "Meat in due Season?" That is what YOU have to ask? What type of "Food" AM I getting in exchange for these expensive monitary blessing JESUS has bestowed upon each of US. Not too long ago, those monitary blessing were "Silver and Gold".

This is but the "Tip of the Iceeburg" More later as "Time" allows ME to do so..

Notes to eventually be erased.

This is not as easy as it looks to just pull text out of the Holy Word and paste them here for all to behold. Many things have to be taken into concideration including where YOU are at with regards to YOUR "SPIRITUAL GROWTH". For example if YOU are not aware of WHO "SPIRITUAL" ISRAEL is today, some of these text will be irrelevant. At the other end of the scale are the text that even the best of THEOLOGIANS will not be able to attribute to King and Priest Melchizedek on the best of days, till after the fact.

Then there is the different PERSONS of the Bible speaking "by INSPIRATION" concerning MY actions unbeknownst to THEM that THEY were referring to a "Latter Day Appearance" of King and Priest Melchizedek. Had that been foretold by THEM, WE, today, would be further confused (if that is possible), by millions of "pseudo melchizedek's".

Now I could take the easy way out here and deal only with the middle of ther road text here that are easy to understand but being of the MELCHIZEDEK ORDER, that just does not seem right. Therefore, I will start from the easy to understand texts and work MY way out to the more complicated texts as WE go along. As soon as YOU have YOUR fill that I AM whom I say I AM, YOU can move on to other more profitable sections of this Web Site.

: From the (TRUE) Modern Day Prophets. I AM found in THEIR writtings, if YOU know what to look for, as well.

: From the Information I have access to from the "Courts of HEAVEN" found within MY own writings.

: and Many more sources to numerous to list.

Not finished by any means. More later as Time permits.

[meaning Politically Active (Not Tax Deductible)]
and a PRIESTHOOD [meaning Ability to Intercede
(I Corin. 9:9-14, I Timothy 5:18) and "Not for Profit".] of the
"Courts of HEAVEN".
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