(from CREATOR'S Perspective)
Ultimate (Primary) Goal
(updated 02-21-2006)
Resolve Conflict [through a "Series of AGES (Time Dispensation
Periods)] between the "SPIRIT of LOVE"
and a
"Renagade Angelic
Faction" [that took up residency on Planet Earth (GOD'S future
HOME)] with the "CREATION of an unfathomable number of additional
words, resolve this stifled access to "LOVE"
(That in times past, was restricted to ONE BEING, WE otherwise know as
JESUS. with the intervention of MANKIND,
as CHRIST' in the physical
Secondary Goal
"Live and Learn (How bad sin really is.)". Why do
WE (the Civilized World)
have to learn the hard way [Nuke JESUS (The
Baptism by "FIRE" is not
"GOD'S Perfect will.) when HE returns.] how bad sin
Sin ultimately and completely painfully
destroys everything it touches.
Before now it has simply been innocent but, none the less,
deceived MANKIND bringing atrocities upon other groups of just as
innocent, but just as deceived, INDIVIDUALS. Of which both groups of
INDIVIDUALS were simply, before this time, not fully aware
of JESUS' HOLY WAYS. A short lived problem
this "WEB Site" is here by
dedicated to resolving.
Let US see how WE stack up against the other philosophies of
the World:
THEY supposedly make cheap chemical and biological "Weapons of
Mass Destruction". WE make expensive land mass altering "Weapons of Mass
Destruction." I see no difference here.
WE say THEY worship a false "god"; whereas WE in turn, either
worship no god, or WE, in vain, worship a "god" after the pseudo teachings
(traditions) of MAN. I see no difference here.
Some Philosophies keep Friday the "6th Day" as THEIR Sabbath
with no Biblical bases for doing so. WE (CHRISTIANS) keep Sunday, the
"1st Day" as OUR Sabbath with no Biblical bases for doing so either.
I see no difference as to why one group is more blessed then the other
group as well here either.
THEY think THEY are blessed if THEY do a great work for
their (pseudo) "god". WE think WE are visibly (pseudo) blessed by OUR
material "gods (What ever form they may take on.)" which WE created as WE
magically depend upon some of these material possessions to do OUR
They keep THEIR PEOPLE in the dark and treat THEIR PEOPLE as
2nd Class Citizens concerning what "really" is going on around THEM. I ask
YOU, have YOU tried appling "Constitution Law" to a "(2nd Class) Statutory
Citizens" in a (kangaroo) "Court of Law" recently? Let US just say WE are
not as "FREE" as WE would like to think WE are. Of which these "FREEDOMS"
are being further encroached upon each passing day with each "LAW" passed.
I see no difference here MY deceive fellow human BEINGS.
THEY have to result to the use of "FORCE" to acheive THEIR
objective. The "TRUE" ideology does not use any of those Satanic ploys in
THEIR bag of tricks. In fact, the "TRUE FAITH" does not even have a bag
of tricks. Enough said concerning both side with regards to this issue.
I see no difference here either.
Need I go on? The only common ground WE have to share with OUR fellow
MANKIND is the fact WE are each equally deceived. WE have to let that be
a starting point for building a new and lasting relationship between OUR
different cultures before WE totally destroy each other.
The "GOOD NEWS" is WE know longer have to "Live and Learn" firsthand how
bad sin is. "There is a BETTER WAY." WE can desolve OUR political and
religious boundries completely by becoming, in GOOD standing, 1st Class
involves "Repenting of Trangressing" the 3 groups of "Laws (Civil,
Dietary, and Moral)" that were not done away by the "CROSS" and then
appling, once and for all, the Sacrificial LAW ("BLOOD of JESUS") to OUR
sins of the past. In case YOU are wondering, it was the "Sacrificial LAWS"
no longer needed to day, because of the "Resurrection of JESUS" that was
the only 'LAW" nailed to the "CROSS'.
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- Establish the 'Kingdom of Heaven' in physical realm.
[Repentant (Righteous) undeceived (John 8:32) MANKIND
taking the
"7th Angel Sounded and there were great voices in Heaven saying
"The kingdoms of this world are become the 'Kingdoms of OUR LORD and of
his CHRIST (Kingdoms of Heaven)'; and HE shall reign for ever and ever."
Physical Characteristics of "Kingdom of Heaven" are as
:Work Week starts on 1st
Day of the week. (Tisk, tisk, tisk-presently Monday, the 2nd day of the
week. Characteristic of Demonic Angelic ran "Kingdoms of Earth".)
:Weekend starts with preparation day which is the 6th
Day of the week. (Tisk, tisk, tisk-presently Sabbath, the 7th day of the
week. Another characteristic of Demonic Angelic controled "Kingdoms of
:Weekend ends with
7th Day
Sabbath. (Tisk, tisk, tisk-presently Sunday, the 1st day of the
week. Still another characteristic of the tyranny of Demonic Angelic
"Kingdoms of Earth".)
This Goal is accomplished once and for ALL by dropping
the Name Monday, on October 09th 2000 (Day of Atonement) thus allowing
Tuesday and all consecutive Names of the Days of the week to slip over by
one day. The next week around, Monday is now the TRUE
1st day of the week,
Saturday will now be the 6th day of the week, and Sunday will now be the
7th Day Sabbath for now and into Eternity. (Rev.
11:15-17 is completed
when this is accomplished. See Royal DECREES,
and "Solution # 1 To the LATTER
RAINS".) This is not accomplished by just slipping Sunday
(Presently still the 1st day.) in at the end of the week as some
calendars would have US to believe.
Totally dispelling the use of "FORCE". (See Jude 6, and Luke 9:54-57 KJV)
This is totally of the Demonic Angelic Realm, or followers thereof, (See
Job Chapters 1 and 2) and is going to be done away
with, in OUR transfigured BODIES. WE are
compelled by LOVE, to comply in the
Kingdom of HEAVEN, and the use of "force" is only used to cause US to
follow "false" doctrine of some sort, in the various aspects of OUR LIVES.
Try putting handcuffs on a transfigured BODY. So YOU know, this (the use of "Force"
against this BODY.) is totally against this non-violent
BEING'S 1st Amendment Rights.
There is also the "
SPIRITUAL" aspects of the "Kingdom of HEAVEN".
This is where WE teach every BODY the concepts of the "Fullness of
the Godhead" bodily (being CHRISTS), hopefully before JESUS Comes Again.
(Activation of the "SPIRIT of LOVE" that
richly dwells in each of US.) To
help US with this WE have "JESUS' Greatest Joy (US being like
greatest JOY!!!)", "Solution # 1"; "Solution #
2"; and "Solution # 3....To the LATTER RAINS", plus the input
of the very ELECT, as WE go along. For those of US that refuse to repent,
WE do still have the "AGE of the AGES" yet ahead of US, should JESUS
return before WE reach "ALL" of MANKIND.
After the "Ten Commandments", the harvest YOU are a part of (Joel
1:11) [BARLEY (ELECT), Wheat (Sleeping Virgins or 144,000), or Grape
(General)] depends purely upon YOUR level of understanding of
matters. It is impossible for the BARLEY COMPANY to come back
down to the level of the WHEAT COMPANY'S understanding, but it is quite
possible to bring the WHEAT HARVEST up to the understanding of the BARLEY.
In other words, the 144,000 are activated only because THEY learn the ways
of the BARLEY COMPANY. (Tip of the Iceburg. Much more as Time allows.)
Bring about PEACEFUL return of JESUS
This is accomplished by mankind (Intentional lower case, NOT
our finest moment.) NOT launching everything we have at our
disposal, at HIM. The weakening of Earth's thin
outer crust with the release of this much Energy all at once will
implode OUR planet. (Jeremiah 4:23)
Rid the "World" of weapons of mass destruction. (Ha Ha
- Get PEOPLE out of the path of destruction if point "# 1" is
unobtainable. Thus Solution # 1 To The LATTER RAINS which can
give "ALL" of MANKIND the "SEAL Of GOD"
thereby completely canceling the "Mark of the Beast". I mean it totally
buries it never to be seen
again and this is on a National Level. Think about it. YOU are still
going to
YOUR same church on the same Sunday, but now it is the
TRUE 7th day
Sabbath. After all, it is the acceptance of this otherwise false
identifying "Mark" which starts this whole process rolling.
Then there is Solution # 2 To The
LATTER RAINS which cancels the Plagues. Whole communities can do
this one. The Plagues did not touch the community of GOD'S
Hebrew Slaves and nor will they touch JESUS'
OWN either. With this "Solution To The LATTER RAINS"
YOU can know for sure, in a LOVING way if YOU are ONE of HIS
very own and what YOU can do to correct that problem in a LOVING
way, should YOU find that YOU are not.
Finally, there is Solution # 3 To The
if followed, actually makes YOU individually righteous. I AM sorry PEOPLE
but with this ONE, YOU might actually have to repent of trangressing
"ALL 10 of the LAWS of JESUS"
there is no need for a manmade nuclear purification "Baptism by Fire" on
- Transpose Eternity upon physical universe
the "Spirit of Love"
uses "Time Dispensation
Periods (Ages)" to create items (and entities) of permanence in Eternity.
WE are in a "Series of Ages" presently.
- Explain differences of Time and Eternity.
- Lock Paradise in place permantly (All in
- Clarify our perception of God - Is it
God or Satan?
Cancel condemnation associated with not knowing
what is going on. Teach true concepts of our CREATOR. (Yes, with deceived mankind
and the demonic angels in charge, is it any wonder the
physical realm (only on Planet Earth) is in shambles.)
In JESUS and for HIS cause,
King and Priest Melchizedek